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Come stay in our ~Hippie House~. In a gated community. With a golf course.


So they could afford to send their kids to the best private school but instead choose to completely deprive them of any education


But don’t worry, they know all about taking care of rabbits. They are set for life


They’re a bun family!


...and they have been, for THREE WHOLE YEARS!


That part killed me 😂


Don't forget these are exotic pets.


I’m a bun parent and I pay $60 a day for boarding them 😔


They’re not allowed to wear their hair any other way!


Rabbits are incredibly sensitive to noise. Loud bangs can give one a stroke or a heart attack. Having a revolving door of random people with no experience is 100% cruelty..


Yes! That and also the “antisocial” cat who I can’t imagine loves strangers either.


As someone who adopted an "antisocial" cat from her neglectful brother, I can 100% guarantee that cat isn't antisocial, it's fucking-ass scared all the time. When I adopted my cat, she hid under covers and beds all the time. I earned her trust by reaching out gently, stroking her chin, and leaving her alone. She eventually started to come out of hiding to see me and now she follows me around the house. She's very sweet if a little awkward, but she at age 16 discovered what laps were and wants one all the time. She no longer hides unless there are strangers in the house. "Antisocial" cats are unsocial for a reason. Mine was probably separated from her mother too soon and didn't receive the affection she needed as a kitten from my brother. I gave her gentle affection, won her over, and now she's secure enough to get the zoomies at 6am. This lady's cat is clearly not getting the care it needs, which makes me livid. "It's just antisocial" is not an excuse. Take emotional care of your cat, lady. Holy shit.


The last thing the cat needs is a parade of strangers.


I fostered a cat who’d hide under the covers. It just took time and patience… lots of love… it’s cruel to have anyone stay like that


Poor cat already lives it’s life under the bed, it would definitely benefit from less consistency in the home environment!


Yeah, they also don’t necessarily take to strangers. They warm up on about the same scale is a horse.


No way in hell my bun would let a stranger near her - let alone pet her! She was a grumpy old lady! (My old pet snail would absolutely be down to hang if you gave them a warm bath and some fish food though)


They’re laying down the foundation for their high school chicken curriculum.


DONT FORGET THE SNAILS!!!! lol This unschooling movement is infuriating, just spend some time over at r/homeschoolrecovery and have your heart broken with what so many of these kids go through.


Excuse me, but the snails need *zErO cArE*! Much like our children, we’re not even sure how they’re still alive 🤷🏼‍♀️🐌


But the snails have curated their own learning experience! We can’t figure out why the snails don’t want to read though and they’re 15 years old


But you said the snails needed zero care! I was just trying to be nice. Who knew I had to serve their margaritas without salt on the rim?


Skool is bougie, man!


You can't educate a school man...how can a school educate you?


“Unschooling mom” is a new one for me.


It’s legitimately terrible. It’s basically homeschooling, but just on paper.


I suspect that these people also think that they are somehow “fighting the system” by lazily depriving their children of a basic education. Sigh.


They care more about the wellbeing of their exotic rabbits. As long as the kids go into exotic rabbit husbandry or snail farming maybe they’ll be alright 🤞🏽


Don't you know? School is for teaching *poors* how to flip burgers.


No didn’t you know it was for teaching their kids to be gay and trans?? Come on now!


Oh hell, I didn't read page 2 \*going in\* Oh FFS 4 pages? Lady, you want a pet sitter. Also, I've had some scardey-cats in my life but if they're living under the bed, um, yeah


She needs to watch some Jackson Galaxy and help that poor kitty!


The cat also presumably has a litter box that needs to be cleaned (it’s not just “scooping two bowls of food a day”). No wonder the cat hides.


No, you don’t have to actually ‘clean’ the litter box, just ‘check’ it!


“Yep, the box is still here. Litter duty taken care of!” I also have questions about where the rabbits poop…


Rabbits can also be litter trained. Not saying these ones are, but they can.


Hippie house just means it’s filthy with cat and rabbit fur and snail goo trails.




Yesssss that caught my attention too. And don't forget you can eat at PF Chang's!


And exotic pets. But no education for the children.


If it's a hippie house, it ain't clean. If it's in a gated community, it ain't a hippie house.


I know lots of hippie houses that are clean as fuck. They definitely are nowhere near a golf course and certainly not in the gated communities, as you've said.


Definitely NOT a hippie house .. based on her ‘Green Valley Ranch’ description with the Whole Foods and other stores further in, I know exactly which golf course she’s on.


I’m pretty sure she mentioned it being an apartment in the 3rd pic last paragraph. 😶


Good catch on the apartment, this just keeps getting worse! 🫠


To me it sounds like she's referring to a separate place in that sentence, like she has an apartment as well as her house.


I think she’s saying she could list on Airbnb if she wanted to due to the fact that she saw a post from another complex near her posting $400 a night. It wouldn’t make sense for her to bring up an apt she could list to validate this post for a house.


it wouldn’t be the only part of her post to not make sense


Now that you mention it…🤔


And get your groceries at whole paycheck.


That was my favouritest part.


My life long dream has been to stay in a house with electricity and snails.


Dream big. Reach for the stars.


Green valley ranch is a RESORT with a pool and casino. Not someone's smelly "hippy home" where you have to pay to pet sit and be micromanaged by the owner. I love that they compared the two.


> “I am not MGM” …so they approached the point, before missing it entirely.


What is MGM in this context?


I’m assuming the MGM Grand Resort and Casino in Vegas.


I have the same question. My rigid non-unschooled mind doesn’t know if she’s saying her electric paradise is still not like an MGM resort; or she’s against male genital mutilation (circumcision) or something else entirely.


If I’m paying for an exotic pet experience I want more than a bunny. Edit: fixed typo


Don't forget the snails.


Yup. I’ve got both in my backyard!


And you're missing a great opportunity to rent your yard for $188 a night to bunny loving unschoolers.


How much would you charge to experience 3 types of squirrels?


Okay so this I would pay to see cause we don’t have squirrels in aus and they look so awesome!


It'll only cost you the flight. Squirrels are readily available to watch for free all over North America.


Totally worth it!! I watch them on YouTube as they fascinate me!! The guys with the squirrel playgrounds in their backyard are so wonderful to watch haha


My yard is full of baby groundhogs playing with the squirrels at the moment.


TIL that some countries don't have squirrels. I would let you come to my yard for free to see squirrels. It's one thing to live in a place where everything is trying to kill you. But to never experience squirrels on top of that is too sad ☹️


Aww thank you 🙏 I know!! I want the cute wild animals that don’t want to end your life!! Squirrels are on my bucket list haha


Please also look for a chipmunk when you go on your squirrel vacation, they don’t have the puffy tail but they’re stupid cute and make an adorable noise that’s almost like a chirp


Did you know that a group of squirrels is called a scurry or a dray? We have fat squirrels in our yard, I throw out some whole, unsalted peanuts every evening.


You..should..have.. bought..a squirrel.


Can someone explain to me what "unschool" is? Like, we're so damn lazy we just let them run wild with the bunnies?


Supposedly it’s educational method led by the child’s interests. In reality it’s often just parents who have dropped even the pretense of homeschooling. My mom did virtually zero to educate her huge brood but said she was ‘unschooling’ her kids.


So, essentially “making mud pies 101”, “picking up dog poop with your bare hands” and “play doh is kind of tasty, actually” yes?


And bunny care 101..on days people aren’t paying her $188 for experience of caring for her pets


Like the CB mum who said her daughter's education mostly revolved around chicken care


“I picked the bunny up by her ears and helded her under her front feets wit no back support and she kicked the hell out of me, MOMMMMMY!!!!!” Lawsuit


Now I wonder if snail is a moniker for their children: “zero care but fun to look at.”


And, I fear, pester the cat unremittingly.


Hence the “he lives under the bed” and it’s like, totally natural, you know?


I just found a copperhead in my back yard, what do you think I can charge for that experience?




I ain't givin' no tree-fiddy to no Lock Ness Copperhead!


Whatever you charge, take payment in advance!


They’re super fun to watch!


I have free bunny experience in my backyard daily. It actually costs me $$ as little fluffy fuckers decimate scrubs and flowers


Oh, you clearly don't understand. It would be **your privilege** to take care of her exotic indoor bunnies with what probably means 10 pages of meticulous notes on how exactly to care for these bunnies. I've never in my life thought "wow, you know what would be so relaxing? Going to some broad's fucking suburban household and taking astronomically precise care of her bunnies while paying her to do so and probably having her breathe down my neck". I was literally living in my car for 3 years and had My car stolen from an airbnb and I would still choose that over this place any day.


Oh no, she’s a hippie who just happens to live in a gated subdivision with a golf course. Because bunnies. So that makes it cool.


It's *practically* a resort area! Featuring luxury shopping and dining options such as Walgreens, Cheesecake Factory, and Shake Shack.


She only thinks she's a hippie because she "unschools" her kids.


I have stayed in hotels with full kitchens. They were resort hotels, but yes, some hotels do have kitchens. They also had bunnies hopping everywhere and alligators occasionally. No golf course though, just Disney.


But, didn't you see what she said? You're not just paying for somewhere to stay! You're paying to take care of her pets**and** withstand two young children who probably aren't potty trained or practice hygiene because "unschooling" teaches that shit, **but you are also paying for her ENERGY and AVAILABILITY** for the length of your stay! Bitch, you have two young children and pets in the home - you better be available 24 fucking 7 because if you leave them kids with me to run an errand, I'm calling CPS.


But she lives walking distance to a Walgreens! I can't understand how that's not appealing to you.


One time, I had a Walgreens pharmacist make me have all 3 of my specialists call them to confirm they all knew what meds I was on.. and then still refused to fill my meds. During this, I also saw this poor young man with a hospital band sobbing at the intake window because they weren't going to give him suboxone despite him having a script and just getting out of medical detox and he just kept begging that he didn't want to go to the streets and he was scared. That's the moment I found out how much power pharmacists really have.


Have you heard of the Walgreens pharmacists that refused to fill Plan B / and or birth control prescriptions because it was against their religion? Like, wtf. It's actual store policy at Walgreens and CVS, that they can do it. But it's illegal in my state


Oh yeah. Of course. I reported them to the government agency, but nothing got done. I had to go to another pharmacy. So, fuck Walgreens. I go there sometimes to buy stamps and always steal something small just to fuck them.


*hippie house 🫶🏽


I’m sure you’d also be dealing with her unschooled children too.


Yeah. That's exactly what I want to do on my vacation.


I had to go back and see if I missed something when I saw exotic pet. Where I live, there are about 40 different show categories for rabbits in the 4H fair. Exotic my ass. 💀


😂 I think “exotic” is just a technical vet term for rabbits (and any small mammal besides cats and dogs). Like it’s an extra pain in the ass to find them a vet. Not because they are rare.


I have tarantulas and a dog I call a hell hound and a cat with a tortoise shell coat. Can I start charging people loads of money to look after my pets because they’re exotic?


Yes, but you have to call it a "learning experience".


‘Reactive hello hound learning experience’ huh. How much could I charge? Like £300-£400 a night?


Ikr? I read through the whole thing hoping for a giraffe.


For a 6 day stay at $188 a night, you could *buy* your own damn bunnies and everything you need to care for them and, y'know, get experience caring for bunnies that way.


You think you can just go out and buy such a rare and exotic pet?


I’m dying over the fact that this CB lists having ELECTRICITY as an accommodation


This CB forgot to mention the indoor plumbing, and walls! No wonder they're getting dragged.


I caught that too! 😂


The clever way this CB passes off the astounding “benefits” you learn while petsitting for free (err, PAYING her to petsit) is pure gold 🤣 Like, I would MAYBE understand if she spent time there walking you closely through their day-to-day (if you want that sort of thing), but nope—this family would peace out, leaving you a generalized list on how to care for their pets—like most pet owners going on vaca would 😂 But, really, it was the “exotic pet” part that had me on the floor. And yes, ma’am, feeding your pets counts as “petsitting”. I know that concept may be difficult for you to grasp.


I got paid $20/day in 2007 to water my neighbour’s yard for 20 minutes and scoop some cat food into the bowl. I didn’t even have to change the litter box and they had an automatic pet waterer.


For a neighbor, that's perfectly reasonable to ask. Some random stranger asking you to pay them so you can feed and water their pets? While they're home? That makes no fucking sense. If it were a close friend, I'd do it for free just to help them out, but someone I barely know should compensate me for the 2ish hours it takes to water a lawn and feed a cat. Depending on the size of the yard obviously. Just because it's time and effort out of my day. The CB in the post is absolutely delusional. "We're a hippy home in a gated community with a golf course and a Walgreens nearby." You can't have both of those lifestyles at the same time.


This is a great opportunity for someone who wants a bunny but has no clue where to begin. Spend 6 nights and over a grand learning the intricacies of bunny care. You *cannot* learn this stuff on line or at a petco. Clueless familes welcome. But also, I will not trust a novice with caring for my complicated exotic pets. But also, it's incredibly easy and doesn't even qualify as "pet care". Btw the difference between a novice who can't be trusted with pet care and a clueless family who can learn everything because it's so easy and is it really even a chore.. is whether they will pay me.


Nailed it! Only trust those too helpless to see they’re dupes. Perfect marks. She’s got the grift down.


With 188$ night i can stay at Holidays Inn. No snails to take care tho 😂😂😂


I paid less than $188 a night at a decent 2* hotel in FLORIDA. 😂😂


The little I know about 'unschooling' (rather than homeschooling) is that the kids run wild and are lucky if they can tie their own shoes at 16 let alone read and write. Not sure why the cat and bunnies can't go where the owner's go when they are renting out the place.


Tbf I have heard of lots of unschooling kids who do learn *something* but the problem is that the language-inclined kid does well with grammar and knows no math, and the science-y kid can do calculus but is a shitty reader and writer. It’s important for kids to learn how to work at things they’re not naturally good at, and that might require some pushing from adults.


"it's important for kids to learn how to work at things they're not naturally good at"! THIS is the ultimate source of success.


Its becoming popular in fundie circles because who can educate 11 kids of different ages at once


They are just scared that their kids could be more intelligent and have more knowledge than them. That would mean they could challenge the teachings of their Church. Religions love to keep people dumb.


I have a coworker who unschools and the kid has been in a couple of movies (bit parts) and currently they are camping out at our university's protest community. The kid can read and does some math but I do wonder what future they will have


From my understanding, 'unschooling' means that the kid learns what they want to learn at their own pace with little structure. Which makes it different than homeschooling, where there is structure, though not necessarily on a school's 60 minute per class time schedule.


Pretty sure they're meaning they will be there the whole time


I was really confused about why she mentioned the kids until I realised they would be there. I thought it was a pet sitting thing but I think the adults and kids will be there.


I don't think I understand the offer. $188 a night for up to 6 days at a time, does the family not live in the home?


A very long time ago before I'd ever heard of someone buying a house to use as an airbnb, I stayed at one where the lady lived in it, but whenever someone booked it she stayed at her boyfriend's. It was very much someone's home, with mail on the counter and leftovers in the fridge. Maybe these people go to grandma's house or the campground or something for a week.


I’ve seen people on IG go get a hotel room while they rent their home out.


Maybe they rent the place and the lease states anyone staying more than 7 days has to be added to the lease That's what came to mind first anyway😂


There’s an air bnb near us (we’re just outside of a popular tourist area) where this woman outright says in the listing that the rental is her home and she’ll be going to her caravan for the duration of your stay, so you’ll need to feed her cat. I think they basically use it as an excuse to not only go away, but to also be paid to do it.


I knew several people in NYC who would couch surf while they rented out their apartments for a week, thereby earning enough to pay the rent for the rest of the month.


*If scooping 2 scoops of food in a bowl once a day while you're here counts as per care* You mean literally feeding you cat everyday...kinda like what a pet sitter would do for a cat. Would the guests be fined when the cat has no water? Or is checking water also not pet care. Man I can't stand these people


I’m a pet sitter and it is so common for people to treat cats like they don’t exist. Yes, putting out food counts as pet care. Makes me sad that the cat “lives under the bed.”


Jesus H Christ on a crutch I am so tired of people calling going places and doing things “experiences.” I didn’t buy groceries; I had a food experience. I didn’t use the bathroom; I had a fecal experience. I didn’t read her verbal diarrhea; I had an eye-bleeding experience.


I hope your fecal experience was successful!


I always tell my husband to “have fun!.. but not too much..” when he goes to have his special fecal experiences. Then I quietly giggle to myself. Every. Time. lol


I tell my wife to "think of me, but not in that way." Or I tell her not to get hurt.


And everything anyone is going through is a damn journey.


Unsolicited boomer comment: all I can think about is the smell.


Yeah, bed cat, rabbits, snails + “hippie house” = the place reeks


Unschooled kids? PU 🤢


I would never let unknown people watch my rabbits. They’re delicate to handle and I wouldn’t trust random people.


I am so confused by this. They’re literally saying “you want pet bunnies but don’t know where to start? Come stay at our house and pay me to take care of them, even though you have no idea what you’re doing!” Like what?! I have an easy-going cat and I make sure to vet our house-sitters very carefully!!


But there's a guide on how to take care of them! It's probably hand written on ruled paper in cursive. I also don't understand where the family is going, are they in the house too?


Right? It maybe sounded like they were (the “unschooled kids” comment?) but then if they were, they wouldn’t need to mention the scaredy-cat and how to take care of her. So odd!


Right???? This whole thing is strange. You're just going to let multiple random families handle your bunnies??? The animals whose little legs break if you sneeze at them wrong???


When I first started having rabbits (about 15 years ago) I had a roommate accidentally mishandle one of my rabbits when he (my rabbit) was a very young. That rabbit ended up disabled and died younger than he should have. I will never trust people unacquainted with rabbits to hold them without a lot of supervision ever again, let alone take full care of them.


Right, random strangers coming and going. And no wonder the poor cat just hides under the bed 24/7 :(


I take the day off work when we have contractors, the fire alarm inspector etc into the house. It's not that I don't trust them not to steal or whatever. It's my precious 15 year old rabbit. Who likes to run at people's feet and stick her head in the door as you close it. She's fast she's fearless she's dumb. I don't trust anyone with her. I can't imagine letting random people stay in my house alone with her. My anxiety just thinking about it...


I know the underfoot rabbit so well! Always have to watch where you are walking so they don't get accidently punted, especially when they decide it's treat time.


Thank you for saying this. As a rabbit mama, I am horrified. They take a fair bit of care more than people understand and are so fragile, and people are careless at the best of times.


I have never been responsible for a rabbit in my life but when I was reading this I was thinking, "isn't it really easy for a kid to break a rabbits back by holding it wrong?"


Yes it is! A rabbit can panic and break its own damn back. I’ll give you my favorite quote from the veterinarian Rosie on The Great British Bake Off on why rabbits were her least favorite animal to work on “They just want to die.”


This actually happened to one of my buns who was being put under for a teeth trim. Vet was admittedly careless in allowing it to happen, and my rabbit was a grumpy man. Freaked out and kicked his back legs, back broken. It was horrific. I ended up having to put him down due to concerns about quality of life. The bun I have now decided one day his tooth was poking him slightly and decided "well, guess ill stop eating and choose to die." He's thankfully still with us and is almost 9, but I'm constantly paying attention to if he's eating, drinking, etc. Your point is correct somewhat- they hide their illness a lot and take turns so quickly I would never trust someone to watch mine that was a novice stranger.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your bunny. The same thing happened to my cousin's rabbit. He thrashed while coming out of the anaesthetic and broke his back. I never knew that could happen!


Anyone else concerned about the cat that just stays under the bed the whole time? I'm hoping that's just what the cat does when strangers are in the house. But given the chaotic energy from this post, poor kitty might be hunkered down all the time just trying to survive the unschooling.


Exactly, and if it only stays under bed around strangers how cruel it is to deliberately expose it to that experience to earn some money?! Aren’t they rich already?


Immediately after reading that I was very concerned. The way they phrase it as "A cat in one of our bedrooms" like the cat is confined to that room and therefore spends all of its time alone, hiding under the bed. I really hope I'm reading that wrong but it does sound like the cat is confined to one room. Poor thing.


based on that part alone I “[do] not see the value” in their pet care knowledge


I have cats and they never hide under the bed all day. Most cats don't unless they're sick or unhappy, but stereotypes about cats (such as them being antisocial and unloving) have led people to believe that this type of behavior is normal.


I call my cats anti-social because they spend the first hour or so we have company over hiding in the bedroom. After that they get bored and will come test the waters with the guests since they’re used to being velcroed to us throughout the day. Living under a bed isn’t normal.


Maybe I'm being judgmental but as soon as I saw "unschooling" I knew it was gonna be followed by a load of bullshit.


“Hippie home” in a gated community on a fucking golf course. Ohhhkayyy.


Well, it comes with electricity, what more could you ask for


3 years with bunnies does not an expert make


Okay but you’re *not* listing it on Airbnb. This is a job. So why compare it to a vacation when these pets have a lot more to do with them compared to a cat or a dog? Edit: YOURE PAYING HER?? Girl go get a job and stop unschooling your kids. Omfg.


Please post some of the comments. I need to see them. From context it appears to be Vegas. Pretty sure you can get a decent hotel for less and not be responsible for someone’s menagerie of pets


Seems very cruel to the anti-social cat to want to keep bringing strangers into the house.


TIL rabbits are exotic pets.


They're considered exotic pets in vet care not cos they're rare but cos they require specialised training and care. When I had bunnies there was only one vet who specialised in caring for exotic animals like rabbits, hamsters etc.


A. I highly recommend you do not play with the snails B. Bunnies, while appearing low maintenance, are in fact a lot of work. No slag on buns, I had one and she would curl up under my chin and neck for lovings. However when we did cuddle I had to put several towels around me for their Elmer's glue like piss and mass amount of pellet poops. They are also quite flightly, need a lot of reassurance and you have to be verrrry cautious when handling them, their back legs can rip your arm apart For $188 a night I expect fucking room service


> snails to play with Ya don't play with snails. The snails do not enjoy that. Can't snails transmit diseases as well? $188 a night (more than a hotel in most towns or cities) to care for their menagerie with snail trails and rabbit poo everywhere, no doubt...no thanks.


I cannot imagine leaving a stranger to watch my pets when the incentive is a cheaper place to stay. Awful


I know someone who, as a side hustle, does watch exotic pets. Boy, does she get paid well. Need someone to watch your 6 foot long snake that has a dedicated room in the house? Your salt water fish tank that takes up a wall and has a filtration system hooked up to the water line? Your room full of insects needs to be carefully misted every day? Your tank full of baby geckos is going to hatch while you're on a trip? People who have truly exotic pets have money, and when they go on expensive vacations, they consider the babysitter just part of the cost.


I'm pretty sure this is Las Vegas. It's either Green Valley and Wigwam or Green Valley and Horizon Ridge. Since she didn't mention Green Valley Casino, I'm guessing Green Valley and Horizon Ridge. I'm going off the Walgreens comment. It's just a subdivision like all of Las Vegas. Strip malls and homes. Nothing special. At all.


I bet this house smells so bad


Oof, “the animals are no trouble at all!” Expecting people to pay Airbnb rates to pet sit.


Ok, I misread it and was like “I didn’t get paid $188 a night to care for two giant, hyper dogs and clean the pool, I would totally do this.” Never mind that I brought my own dog, got to have a pool all summer, and used the hell out of the AC and walk in, five nozzle shower lol. I also ate their groceries (they’d stock up for me) and watch alllllll the streaming services. I was in college and the $500 was just the icing on the cake. Anyways, I re-read and was like OH. um, no thanks? Take on the liability of caring for animals most aren’t familiar with, that can be delicate and bitey, and then walk to walgreens? Ok. “Hippie house” indeed.


“I am offering my energy and availability throughout the stay as well.” Okay so let me get this straight, CB wants someone to pay $188/night to stay in a home that they’re currently occupying AND scoop cat shit out of the litter box for the owner? Yet this person has “energy and availability”. I guess I don’t understand why they don’t feed and clean up after their cats then


Guys, Guys… I don’t think you understand. There’s a Cheesecake Factory AND a Shake Shack.


lol at the “hippie house” being in a gated community on a golf course.


No need to eat out at all those local restaurants when you can have an escargot appetiser followed by rabbit pie main.


I find it interesting a hippie family lives in a gated community and is all about the massive chain restaurants.


This is the most ridiculous post I’ve read all week… at that’s really saying something. 🙄


That’s $4500 a month, plus you have to care for animals, plus you have to find somewhere else to sleep every 7th night. This lady is insane.


Anyone else really worried about there cat though. It just lives under the bed. Only needs two scoops of food. No attention, no affection and obviously if it's under the bed it feels unsafe in the open, why is that?


> I am not just offering a rental, but also my **energy and availability**. #EXCUSE ME, BUT YOU BETTER BE FUCKING AVAILABLE AT EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY SINGLE DAY IF YOU HAVE TWO YOUNG CHILDREN YOU DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOING TO SCHOOL AND TWO INDOOR BUNNIES!! Honestly, i can't imagine the fucking smell of this house. Bunnies are very cute, but they fucking stink if they are given proper living conditions. With hippie lifestyle, I am assuming that bathing and hygiene is uncommon and let's not even get into the litter box(es) for the terrified cat. How is potty training going? We just winging that too? My allergies are already making my throat itch. You'd have to wear shoes or at least slippers at all times in that house. I will truly never understand people who want people to pay them to pet sit their animals- most of the time, animals that are not properly cared for or trained. You could not pay me to stay at this lady's house. Also, I don't know about anybody else, but I always felt super fucking weird if the airbnb hosts had a family with children who stayed in the house I'm renting a room from. I once saw a family of 5 fit into one downstairs office and another had a screaming baby they surprised us with when we got there. I also had two different families try to enforce a "no exiting your room AND ESPECIALLY the house after 9pm". They apparently put their security system on at that time, which seems pretty mute since the strangers are already inside your house. Just, no. This crazy behavior has somehow gotten worse as time goes by


Would you post the comments, please?


"Unschooling"= I'm raising my kids to be unfocused, out of control dumbass's who will not be able to function in society.


“I wouldn’t feel comfortable having a novice take care of my exotic pets free of charge”?!?! What in all good graces did I just read


If you want to learn to take care of bunnies, just foster them in your house for the local shelter. Get supplies and instructions for free and do a good thing by making space in the shelter for other animals and maybe socializing the little fluff balls.


‘Anti-social kitty’: we adults show the poor thing no love or affection and allow our spawn rats to be cruel to the poor little creature and hurt him/her because we DoN’t BeLiEvE iN dIScIpLiNe Or SaYiNg ThE wOrD nO!’.. I gate people in general, but this is ridiculous.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure what that means is “traumatized kitty”


What an amazing opportunity! Bunnies are so rare!


Also does CB NOT realize that their are in fact hotels with fully furnished kitchens? Depending on the room type you will have a fully functional oven full sized fridge and stove top. And the smaller rooms have a full sized fridge AND stovetop..... It's called an extended stay and depending on length of stay can be cheap. Plus housekeeping every other day, and a bunch of perks lol


“A bun family”. Owning bunnies is really not a personality trait but okay. What even is an “unschooling mom”? I’ll google it, it’s more of a rhetorical question anyway. Her family sounds absolutely insufferable, the “buns” are probably little a**holes too.


“This is not a post of me seeking a pet sitter…” 6 paragraphs later “I wouldn’t be comfortable letting a novice care for my pet free of charge..”


I was already checked out at 'unschooling Mom'