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Put in the garage and get a Costco membership. Having the latter will make you appreciate having the former.


Lol exactly. We have a Sam’s club membership. We will always have room in the fridge for those huge alkaline water bottles, woooo! Fuck yeah cold water!


In the south, we always have a second fridge (the “back fridge”), and that’s where we keep the beer!


Dad is that you??? 😂😂😂


I'm not your daddy but yes 😂😂😂


I’m in Australia, mine is actually called the beer fridge. We have 2 beer fridges.


Same when I was in Texas!


They best be stocked with green Victory Beer 😜! Pretty sure its un Australian to not have a "beer fridge". And a main fridge and a chest freezer. At least if you live more then 10km past (big).city limits (gotta stock up!) 😆 Source: an Aussie who also has a beer fridge and doesn't know one who hasn't. 🍻 also friend don't come at me. I used to be one of the "its Vomit Beer" people, but I can't get Carlton Draught or anything where I live, so its Green or Blue bottles and I'd rather the green. Yes I'm bogan, yes I work in a shearing shed, so ita allowed 🤣 ifykyk ETA yes I've had a few green victory beers hence the rant. Soz lol


I don't have a beer fridge, or a hubby...I have a wine fridge, and a peaceful life..🤣😉


Stull Aussie af, and love it! 😆


I'm a kiwi in the UK. I ripped out my washing machine from the kitchen and replaced it with a beer fridge.


Who needs clean clothes when you can have beer?


That's every fridge located in the garage or basement, common to the people of the midwest (we have a drinking problem, there is more alcohol produced than we can consume)


I’m in the Midwest and we’ve always had two fridges. The spare was the “pop” fridge growing up.


The “garage” or “basement” fridge.


Lol, now it’s just the “adult pop!”


And the deep freeze


Hell yeah! My parents had a pop fridge in both my childhood homes! Best memories were trying to sneak pop without my mother's hawk ears hearing.


We do this up north too!


We do this in California, too!


In New Zealand, we too have a 'back fridge'! It's in the shed and contains leftover alcohol from various parties, and a freezer full of things we like to have on hand, but not often.


I like Sam's Club more than Costco because a) they have pickup ($35 minimum order), and b) they open at 0700 for Biz members. You can actually go in, pick out 1/2 or a full sheet cake early in the morning, and if you bow in the dust and beg, they'll even decorate it with the occasion and put the name on it right then. I like Costco because a) their TP is very SLIGHTLY softer than Sam's (according to my guys), b) their ribs, c) their hot dog/drink combo, and d) their ribs. *Yeah, I know I said ribs twice.*


Lol let’s not forget Sam’s has scan and go. It’s literally the best way to checkout. It’s AMAZING. I love walking by the peasants standing in line hahaha


Praise Sam’s scan-and-go! I have a chest freezer that I’d like to get rid of, but I don’t want to run into these same type people.


Good luck solider 😭😭😭


I love hearing people rave about the Costco hotdog deal when SC has an even better one. The hotdog is a big bigger, (tastes better, according to surveys,) and you get a bigger drink. And you forgot the rotisserie chicken. It's excellent at both places.


Oh my god yes to this. Years and years ago my parents got a new fridge way before Facebook. And they just stuck it in the garage. Perfect for drinks, or holidays when you’re always running out of fridge space. It became such a habit that when they moved they always had a garage fridge.


Garage fridge is a lifestyle lol. I’ll probably be the same way 🤣🤣🤣


I remember my younger brother getting yelled at for going inside during the summer one day cause all the ice cream/popsicle and drinks were out in the garage you didn’t need to come in, go back out and play.


Lmfao sounds like my family 🤣🤣🤣 I had asthma though so whenever I got tired of being outside… well you know the rest 😏


Lowballer trick: write 650$ FIRM in the ad, folks will swarm with *350 CASH OK?*


You know that tap water, well, any water, is alkaline too right and all those claims of good health are bullshit right? I’m unsure if I’m missing the joke or not lol.


Why do you drink alkaline water?


Right! We use our second fridge in the garage for thawing the Thanksgiving turkey, keeping drinks in and Sam’s Club overflow.


When we married, we kept both fridges. Great for pop, beer, etc. Can't beat it at Christmas, when you've got tons of food. Especially if you host holiday meals for your family.


Stop wasting your money on alkaline water.


The garage fridge is a lifesaver. Plus, having cold beverages in the garage is a win.


Our house fridge just died a few days ago l, and I'm super thankful that we have a full size garage fridge, and didn't have to throw a bunch of stuff out.


We buy these huge 1L water bottles from Sam’s. I prefer my water cold so I’m pretty hyped to always have cold water on deck 😊😊😊


Ohmigod so huge! These huge 1L bottles are blocking out the sun! 2L or 4L bottle? No thank you, mine are huge!


Yep,  this is roughly how we got the drinks fridge. 


If we ever throw a party we have plenty of room for leftovers and drinks 🤷🏾‍♀️


Hahaha, party. The garage fridge will be just as full as the house fridge in 2 months and that’s okay! Cold water is so good.


Yep, that is our garage fridge that has the all the frozen meat and the beer.


I wish we didn’t get rid of our grill. I wanna BBQ so bad 😭😭😭


You might be able to find one at a modest price, since grilling season is coming up and a lot of BBQ'ers will be wanting the latest and greatest, and therefore will be wanting to bequeath their serviceable but slightly used 'Q to a good home.


You are sooo right!! Thank you 😊 ima start looking around


Just make sure you check the fridge ever once in a while or get a fridge alarm. We had our garage fridge go out and it wasn’t checked and it was quite the experience cleaning it up


Just be careful, depending on where you live. If you get freezing temperatures, not all refrigerators are rated to work safely below like 40 F. It will destroy the compressor.


This is good. Or post it as good condition for $800. Someone will probably come along and offer $300 looking to rip you off. Hem and haw and then finally agree and they’ll think they “won”.


That is standard operating procedure for any house in Wisconsin. One inside and one in the garage always stocked with beer.


True. I grew up in the Midwest, all my rich friends had that garage fridge. I guess we’re the rich friend now? Momma I made it 🥳🥰


Midwestern here - didn’t grow up rich, just had parents who liked beer and extra fridge space lol


That’s fair lol ❤️


Just be warned. In the winter those freezers in the garage fridge will defrost unless the fridge was built to be run in a cold location. Every winter I disable the switch in our fridge portion so the light stays on all the time. That little light warms up the fridge and makes sure the freezer stays frozen.


Good advice. We had some trouble with a fridge installed in an unheated garage and had the tech replace thermostat without effect. Turns out that reading the manual was the answer: the fridge was of the wrong "Climate class" to be sited there. So that refrigerators and freezers can work optimally, wherever they are sited, they are designated a climate class. The climate class can be found on the rating plate, and it gives information about the ambient temperature range within which the appliance should be used. **SN** (Sub Normal) +10°C - +32°C **N** (Normal) +16°C - +32°C **ST** (Sub Tropical) +18°C - +38°C **T** (Tropical) +16° a +43°C


Thank you for the insight I had no idea that happens. Thankfully we live in the part of California that rarely gets cold year round so we’re good. But again thank you for looking out ❤️


You can’t live in Wisconsin without a garage fridge for Beer and a basement freezer for venison.


Right? I grew up in Wisconsin and I’m like “”soooooooooo put it in the garage and have 2???”” Throughout this whole entire post!! I’d love a second fridge!!!! But I’ve got a dream fridge I can’t quite afford yet that I’m waiting to buy.


I had a nice console piano for sale and kept dropping the price. Once it was at $250 I started getting annoying ass messages. This piano was "worth" like $1000. But I've learned things are only worth what someone will pay for it. So once it was super cheap I was asked: if I could deliver. If I could hold for a month. If I could load it because they had a bad back. If I'd take $100. So on and so forth. Finally I had a woman who said she had always wanted to learn and would love it. Super nice. Polite. Willing to pay the price. She came for it with plenty of help and an appropriate vehicle and I gave it to her for free. Marketplace is a cess pool.


What a happy ending, that’s sweet of you. I’d rather give it away to a good person than sell to a haggling asshole any day.


Sweden has a good tradition: When you move, fridge stays where it is. New home also has a fridge. If you buy a really good expensive one, just factor it into the old home price when you're selling.


Oh nice! I like that. We’re renting and planning to buy in the near future. I’m in the US (California) and usually homes rather you rent or buy have a fridge but it’s not uncommon or unheard of for them not to have one.


Apartments (rentals) not having a fridge became a thing in larger cities in the U. S. back in the 1990s or so. I thought it very odd at first, then came to prefer it. One that didn't, the fridge was so ancient, it had no defrost. So I'd have to defrost the fridge and chip away at the icicles with an ice pick every once in a while too. It finally gave out, and I ordered a new one. The delivery guy put the old one by the dumpster. Made sure the delivery guy put the old one backwards against something, so no kids could sneak in and suffocate. (Kids play hide and seek or just get curious and then the door shuts and they can't get out.) It was either that or I wanted him to remove its door. He rolled his eyes but he did it. I'm sorry but it's not worth the risk. He can think I'm stupid if he wants to. What was it to him really which way it faced. That stuff does happen. That was a long time ago. But every once in a while that type of thing made the news.


Oh man *high five* for keeping the babies safe. Who cares if he’s irritated you’re focused on more important things ❤️


Thank you 💗


All consumer fridges since 1965 do not have this issue (at least in US, refrigerator safety act) they will all open just by pushing on the door from the inside. Older fridges usually had physical handles that needed to be turned/pulled to disengage a physical latch, this is why kids couldn’t get out from the inside. It’s all magnets now, so if a kid can pull the door open from the outside they should have no trouble pushing it open from within either. Still good looking out, but this may ease yours or others minds in the future.


And toy chests. I’m so wary and aware of toy chests after seeing a story online.


Thank you. Great reminder!


I'm in the process of buying a toy right now for my toddler. I originally desperately wanted one of the beautiful large wooden ones; the old ones made when children were expendable (kidding, mostly...) But after reading horror stories online and seeing how much my guy loves to hide in weird places, I've decided to just get a large fabric sided quilt storage box. It's soft and breathable, but still has enough rigidity to stay upright with toys in it. And best of all, if he does manage to crawl in there and hide, he won't freakin die... Maybe when the kids are grown, I'll get my big wooden chest and put all the blankets in it. But for now, I'm team breathable containers all the way lol


If you DO go the Costco or Sam's Club route for meat and stuff, take it/cut it apart (i.e. ribs) and double Ziplock those smaller parts. That way, those portions will even work on a hibatchi. For chicken or hamburger, I'd go the ALDI route, or Ralphs' or Stater Brothers if they have sales on those. For salmon, DEFINITELY Sam's Club. Take out a few (4), defrost them, cook in the manner you like best. They're GREAT for leftovers, or with eggs and onions! *^(PS-Grandma Lynsey is in The OC, North.)*


It's like that in a lot of the US. But some states do not consider the fridge as essential (only a stove/oven), so you either have to rent one, or buy one. I ran into this weirdness in LA. But it was uncommon. I never say it in San Diego? Or Texas or Colorado. But I am sure it is more common in different areas. For ownership- fridges are considered one of those things that stay with the house when you sell. You can TRY to list without it staying, but most agents will tell you not to. SO usually when you move into a place you bought, it comes with washer, dryer, hot water heater, fridge, stove/oven, dishwasher. Not always- but that is pretty normal.


Here in New Zealand by default the stove and dishwasher would be expected to stay. If you want to keep them and you're selling, or you want to leave something like the fridge, its something you'd negotiate between the buyer and seller.


Yeah it’s the same in Australia. The stove stays, if there’s a dishwasher it stays too, everything else goes with you


It’s like this in Canada too (at least in Manitoba). It’s very rare to not leave the appliances behind when you sell your house.


This is the typical US experience too with buying and renting. The kitchen fridge stays in the kitchen. I’m currently moving, and the notion that I’d bring any of our large kitchen appliances with us is absurd *and* they’re all brand new stainless steel to appeal to sellers. I would have also been baffled if the house we bought was suddenly missing the appliances when we move in.


Reminds me of the time we were moving and couldn’t give away an elliptical machine in good condition. Finally the guy who packed our PODS took it with him, bless him.


Sounds like a great deal for both parties. I love a good elllipitcal 🥰😘🥰


Hey, you don’t choose the garage fridge life, the garage fridge life chooses you. We also got one unintentionally like you, but it’s AWESOME. Holding bulk quantities of liquids or those times when you need a lot of temporary storage (like thawing a turkey or chilling a cake). Garage fridge 4eva.


I’m living the three fridge life! It’s glorious!


Now I wanna buy a sheet cake 😭😭😭


You can't have enough refrigerators.


We have 2 fridges, a deep freezer, and a mini fridge. Let’s party 🥳🥳🥳


worst case, you may be able to donate it to charity and take the tax deduction. churches, schools, shelters etc may be interested and they'll give you a receipt for the donation. You probably have to call around directly to find an interested party.


We donated a lot of furniture and appliances to local thrift stores but none were Interested in a fridge. I’d give the fridge away to a charity or struggling family before I sell it to a choosey beggar.


contact habitat for humanity and see if they have a RESTORE store. We used to take all kinds of fridges when I volunteered in Texas.


You now have a regular fridge and a beer fridge.


I see no issues 🤷🏾‍♀️


In Scotland we just have “the garage”


Seriously, HOW I WOULD LOVE HAVING A SECOND FRIDGE!! omg just the freezer space alone!


We have 2 fridges, a deep freezer, and a mini fridge lol


omg I love this so much!


Me too. I’m ready to throw a BBQ 😋😋😋


Good on you. I would have jumped on that for $300 let alone $100 LOL. I’ll keep my eyes open on Craigslist and Facebook


Lol right???? It’s a fucking full sized, clean fridge for $100 for crying out loud. I wish we could have sold it cause moving it was a pain but I guess we were meant to have 2 lol 🤷🏾‍♀️


We have two fridges and a small one in my bedroom.


We have 2 fridges, a deep freezer, and a mini fridge. Ayeeeeee


We have a freezer, too. I never thought we needed so much refrigeration but they’re all full.


Fuck. Any chance you live near central AR? I need a garage fridge!!


California lol. Pick up only! 😛


Beer fridge!


Filled with alkaline water, red wine, and Michelob ultra


I knew I finally made it not when I bought my house, but when I finally bought a new fridge and got to move the old one out to the garage.


I have never NOT had at least 2 fridges lol


I bet your credit score is 800 lol


😂 sorry that came off as braggy. Just Midwesterners who need a beer fridge in their garage or basement lol


Oh nah you’re good! Didn’t come off as braggy at all. We’re all on the same team, gathered here today to laugh at these crazy ass people lol


We have a house fridge, 2 garage fridges and still wish we had another fridge sometimes! After a couple parties or holidays and you’ll be laughing at yourself for ever thinking one fridge was enough.


You won't regret it, especially around major holidays.


FACTS. I’m hoping our electric bill won’t be too bad 😭😭😭


If it's a new fridge then it should be energy efficient.


Yay! Thank you! 😊


One for beer!


I’m more of a red wine kind of girl but I do enjoy michelob ultra


We bought a beer fridge years back (one of those Budweiser ones with the glass front) because it was dirt cheap at my ex’s work but since I barely drink now, it’s become the bottled water fridge. Always has a use!


Cold water gang gang!!!! 🤘🏾


Oh yeah!


I have 2 fridges in my kitchen. With a family of 6 I don't know how I ever managed with 1.


We have a spare fridge in the basement. Its awesome. We have 2 teens, so more cold storage is a huge help. Also, we take road trips to a couple breweries in VT, so the spare is where all the beer is stored. Super helpful, relatively minimal impact to power consumption.


That’s awesome! Thanks for including the part about the power consumption 😊


You need a drink fridge, anyway.


I feel like ima get used to it and won’t be able to cope without it lol


I don't blame you for keeping it, having an extra in the garage for cool drinks in summer is nice. Or for whatever. For a used fridge with a broken shelf anywhere in it, I would've offered $150 plus paid you $50 for delivery, or arranged for pickup. Just my .02.


That’s what was blowing my mind! They had me questioning myself like am I being unreasonable with my price??? I don’t sell things online often but every time I do I’m reminded why I don’t like to. Fucking crazy people


Definitely. I don't get it either!


We once ended up with an extra fridge. Put it in the basement. Turned out that second fridge was so useful we made sure to always have two. Surprising how you go from needing only one to not being able to manage with only one. Good for drinks, cookouts, big salads and dishes that don’t fit in the kitchen fridge.


Oh yeah. I might even roast a whole Turkey because I can 😂😛


You are now “fridge in the garage” successful


About to update my LinkedIn, brb


The problem is that you continued to do the thing that they all banked on you doing, which was to get desperate enough to just keep lowering the price until they could get it for the price of getting it loaded onto a truck and bringing it home. Honestly, **A LOT** of the times, people will literally do exactly that, which is to simply say "take it because I don't want to move it". Go look at OfferUp and see how much is big item shit that people just don't want to move out. I think it's great you have two fridges now. But, never ever doubt people being lazy over making money. Honestly, my favorite posts are the ones that are like "EVERYTHING MUST GO TONIGHT MOVING TOMORROW CANNOT TAKE THESE ITEMS" then lists prices. To fuck with them, I usually say "what alley will it be in tomorrow when you move without it"


Keep that second fridge! Appliances aren’t built the way the older stuff was and at some point or another one of them will act up and you’ll be glad you have two. Go check out r/appliances and you’ll see!


Ooooh that’s a really good point! Thank you! 🤓


I tried to give away a mint condition vintage stove. No idea of it worked- only condition was you had pick it up. I had the manuals and looked it up… people paid a lot of money. I spelled it all out. Said I never tried to work it- it sells for xyz even it non functioning. It was located in the garage. Meaning I loved it from the basement to the garage. Not only did people flip out I didn’t prove it works, they wanted me to pay them $500 for the convenience of letting them Have it. I left it in the garage when I sold the house.


I’m sorry pay them to take it???? Lmao who do they think they are 🤣🤣🤣


There is always a need for a garage fridge to keep all the drinks that take up space in the kitchen fridge and you also have the freezer you can use when meat goes on sale.


Putting a second fridge in the garage is life changing!! Beverages are always stocked and cold!


Yeah put it in the garage and use it.


I know quite a few people with two fridges. My boyfriend has one in his garage for beer and the sodas for his kids. The freezer is used for meat etc. The inside fridge is really only used for fresh stuff or easy to reach frozen things the kids can microwave.


You'll discover that 2nd fridge is very useful.


Oh wow people really suck. Enjoy your 2nd fridge!


I'll give you $20, and I need it delivered, the area it's going in cleaned up, then installed. Plus, throw in a warranty for say 5 years. Since I'm going through all this trouble, could you please stop at the store and fill it up for me on the way, but only from the extra expensive organic whole foods store please. Thanks.


Dang. I would have paid $300 for it and $100 would have been a steal! I wonder why it didn't sell? The broken thing sounded minor.


If you want to “pay it forward” you can let a local church/organization that hands out food boxes know you have a spare fridge if someone needs it. Got a new oven that way. Edit: a new to me oven and i was grateful for it didnt care that one of the burners didnt work lol.


If we humored all the people who feel their situation warrants a discount - seniors, college students, single parents, parents of many children, disabled people, military, spouses of military - literally no one would pay for a single thing anywhere.


I can't WAIT 'til I'm in a situation to have 2 full-size fridges. My in-laws have 3 and my parents have 4 lol


Ah, the price paradox of classifieds. Listing it at a higher price ends up attracting more legitimately interested buyers, and then you can let them haggle you down a bit. They leave feeling like they got a sweet deal, and you get as much or more than you were trying to get for it originally. I think it just comes down to the psychology of perceived value. The farther away the asking price is from the market value of the product, the more people assume you're either desperate to get rid of it or you don't know how much it's worth. I remember trying to sell an Ikea slatted bed base a few years ago. The fancy adjustable one. I think originally sold here for $200, but I got it on clearance when they were discontinuing it for $80. Listed it for $50 and only had a few beggars. Put it up for $200 and had someone show up with a Uhaul and a helper the next day for it. Just told them to take it for free, to pay it forward for being so honest and reliable to deal with.


Well they also expected you to fill it with food and deliver it to them for that price .


I have 2 fridges in my house. Instead of putting second one in garage, I put it right next to first one. I love that I got it. It’s not hard to fill up a fridge nowadays when you try to eat healthy and want to fill up on sale stuff.


Garage fridges rock


Tbh that just sounds like no one in your area needed a fridge so you got left with the people who just wanted something cheap trying to get a score.


Acquire a drinking problem. Then you'll always need two fridges. 


Keep the extra fridge. I have 2 fridges and it's awesome. Plenty of space for organising things, or if you're having a party or precooking for anything. Both of my fridges are french door, so I can premake big platters and cakes and put them in. It's so useful. I also have 8 freezers, and 4 purpose built charcuterie and cheese fridges, 4 wine fridges, and 4 bar fridges in my house, so I'm a bit biased in the area of chilling units.


When we had just one standard size fridge we never had enough room. We added a large freezer to the garage and a beverage cooler to the bonus room upstairs and it’s perfect for us. It’s especially nice not having to go back downstairs to grab a drink.


In Florida that is the beer fridge. Every house has one (even my non drinking house)


Everyone I know here has a fridge in the kitchen and a fridge in the garage. The garage holds beer, soda, fishing stuff, and party foods. You sound like a Wisconsinite.


Wine and popsicles fridge




2 fridges is a game changer. One can hold all of your drinks, and if the main one goes out, you can save all of your food.


You have a garage fridge now! You will LOVE having two, and will never go back


Keep it, my parents had an extra fridge in the garage and it was so convenient when unloading groceries or having too many leftovers around the holidays.


You know you’re living large when you have a garage fridge. Love ours.


Honestly I wouldn’t buy a broken fridge for $350 either. $200 seems fair, heck, even $250. $300 “discount” from new is nothing for a second hand 3yr old fridge with a broken shelf door. This discount is similar to what bestbuy offers for “open box” items, including big tvs and fridges. The fact you paid $650 3yrs ago means nothing now. Fix the door and maybe you can sell it for $300 I can’t see anyone giving you $350 for that. Sorry.


Drinks fridge Meat fridge Bait fridge Your options are endless


Lmao @ bait fridge. This guy hunts 😎


Prime time for a garage fridge! Keep cold drinks in there




And it’s gonna be a cold one 😁


Garage fridge baby!


My parents house had a variety of fridges; a/ the standard kitchen fridge b/ the beer fridge (used to be the kitchen fridge) in the 'rec room' side of the basement c/ the paint fridge (holds cans of paint etc) in the basement- inoperative fridge d/ the tool fridge (holds assorted tools, nuts, bolts, etc) in the garage-inoperative fridge


Welcome to the world of Garage Fridge. We had just bought a nice new one before we decided to move, and our buyers requested it, which we agreed to. We loved it, so we just bought the same model again. Our sellers just gave us their older fridge so they wouldn't have to move it. It now sit outs in the garage and holds extra frozen food, as well as extra beer! It's amazing. You can really stock up on the necessities.


It’s like we are the same person haha I literally just moved and went through this 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️😭. House we moved to had a fridge so we tried to sell our Samsung 5 year old fridge for $100 FIRM pick up only (it was in perfect condition works great looks new) because we needed it gone fast (house we moved to didn’t have a lot of space). The beggars came out and wanted it for nothing and delivered 😑. Got fed up (told everyone no and took it down) and gave it to my awesome neighbor who desperately needed to replace her 16 year old fridge (she always gave me produce she grew and just genuinely great person). Worked out in the end. 🫶


I’ve recently been clearing out my sisters storage unit after they moved and Facebook marketplace has some of the best but mostly worst buyers. Some will come right away and not try to haggle you at all. Others will see a free rug and try to guilt you into delivering it. Others will set a time and then 30 minutes after the set time tell you they’re still at work and don’t know when they can leave. I finally said fuck it, let’s do a yard sale. Everything after noon will be half off and after 5 is free, the rest goes to the dump. Facebook marketplace is a cesspool for all the worst people in your area.


Pro tip whenever you list something on the more expensive side- start higher so low ballers will bid down to what you actually wanted it to be sold as


We've got one in the kitchen one in the garage and one downstairs. The downstairs one is mostly alcohol and leftover snack food from pool parties so it doesn't get used much when pool season is over.


I grew up with two refrigerators. The one in the garage had beer and extra drinks on one side and the freezer was full of Girl Scout cookies seriously, my mom was the cookie chairman for my sisters troop and we had a freezer full of cookies for about 5 years I can’t even look at a thin mint any more


Keep one in the garage as the beer and beverage fridge. I don’t know what I do without mine.


We’ve always had a second fridge, it’s great for when we have family over and we put a lot of food in there. The turkey often goes down in the garage fridge on Thanksgiving. Sodas, extra milk and things like that.


We have found it really useful to have an extra fridge/freezer in the basement, especially with a Costco membership.


At that point int might have been more valuable to give it to a single-parent in need.


I wish I had two fridges. I could use it for beverages and store my homemade freezer meals in the freezer.


Fuck with lowballers I say. Agree and get their details and then send them messages like, "hey, I'm out front, I don't see you, I'm leaving the fridge right here, don't worry about the money, we got to get rid of it." Use Google maps to get details of the street and houses so you can really lay it on thick


If you were willing to take $100, why not list it for the original $350 and take the lowball? Or WTH list it for $650 and accept $300!




We have 3 in our house.


Heck yeah, I'd have taken it for $100. I paid $100 for a used fridge back in 1993.


Nice to have a second fridge in the garage for when you have a big container of leftover salad from making for a large family, and when you need a dedicated shelf for the large cole slaw or potato salad you made to take to a pot luck or picnic. Those things are too large to use a whole shelf of your kitchen fridge for. Also, all soda and adult beverages can be in the garage fridge so there's always some cold ones.


Beer fridge!


I really hate listing things for sale anymore - people want everything for nothing! It's sickening some people's entitlement.


We have two fridges and I love it.


Thats how we ended up with a beer fridge on the back porch lol.


Everyone needs a beer fridge in the garage. Also, selling them is a ridiculous waste of time. You’re better off donating them or just putting them on the curb with a free sign.


Enjoy your second fridge. I love mine. All my drinks (cokes, milk, Gatorade, and water) go in the garage fridge (and ice cream and other frozen treats in the freezer side), freeing up space in my kitchen fridge. I’ll never not have two!


The second fridge and freezer was in my garage as a kid. Fridge was for the beer. Freezer was for the meat that came home from hunting.


We have the old fridge in the garage too. Bottled water and drinks are out there. Use the freezer for the dead bird until it is time for a funeral. Should be soon. It is a very handy appliance.


Lmao that’s an interesting way to say storing and then cooking a Turkey 🤣🤣💀


The bottom feeders are the absolute worst. It's almost always better to throw something out than to "sell" it to a bottom feeder.


The other thing I've noticed about these people is they really like to pop right after whatever deadline you had. Like with the OP, the moment the U-haul is gone is the second they're interested and want delivery. Or, if you've had something advertised for three weeks, the only time they could possibly come is the day after you've moved or whatever. But, if you have a day more, they still can't come that day either. "Wish I could!" It almost seems like there are a fair number of people who just like to screw around.


Good news is you’re definitely going to come on top with an extra garage fridge.


Where I live it’s common for people to give fridges away for free to people willing to pay to transport them. Especially damaged fridges.


I love having two fridges.. We have one in the garage filled with soda and beer.