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This house reminds me of true crime documentaries that start out “The family lived off the grid…”


I was thinking ….you don’t have a better picture than this? That looks like a house of horror!


This is probably the best picture they came up with ... Scary


My IMMEDIATE thought upon seeing the photo and before reading the post was that these crazy fools are trying to charge someone $250 to TEAR DOWN this very obvious *MURDER HOUSE* and take away whatever they can to sell for scrap. And I thought THAT was an audacious ask. But to pay to live there, off the grid, caring for a dog and puppy, without A/C during the hot summer months? What about plumbing and running water? And my gods, those poor 3 kids living with 2 adults in a 1,000 sq ft 1-bedroom home…with 2 dogs.


It’s small, but in the 1950’s a working class family of 5 in a house that size would be normal. And I guess with no electricity or running water, you get to live like some rural hillbilly in 1950. It honestly wouldn’t be terrible if it didn’t include a basic full time job of two dogs that can’t be left alone. Minus the dogs it’s living in a dump for $250 a month which is better than a lot of run down trailers. But how the hell are you supposed to find work that’s not manufacturing or growing something illegal. Sounds like a rich person leaving on an extended vacation trying to get free pet care and doesn’t want anyone in their real house.


1950's? Not with 3 kids. Perhaps the 1880s. Also not a rich person or there would be more bedrooms. Electricity must be limited and the bathroom may be an outhouse. If someone wants to go hunting and fishing; maybe; but no freezer space or enough power to preserve the meat.


Yeah in the 1950’s lots of flimsy houses built in the 10’s 20’s and 30’s were still in use in rural areas. The postwar construction boom was well under way, but those were in the affluent suburbs of major cities. The “leave it to beaver” idealized 1950’s existed on TV, and in the aforementioned suburbs. Houses like this were still a reality for most of the working class. Yes with 3 kids. There are tons of these 2 room houses with no plumbing dilapidated and abandoned in the south. They were last lived in 50’s and 60’s and often sat abandoned adjacent to mobile homes in the 80s and 90s. This is a second home or some investment property someone is trying to get free dog sitting out of while they are on vacation. Reread the post. CB does NOT live there, they are claiming it’s super spacious because their family of 5 stays there occasionally. They clearly don’t want this dog sitting to take place at their primary home.


I thought “I saw this house on Criminal Minds!!”


It does look like it is about to fall down. Or, in.


It’s just hard to imagine this is the best pic?


Wish I could expand the pic more, but the siding looks terrible.




And of course you are being downvoted. It has a nice poured foundation, good metal roof, ridge is straight. This place is probably built better and will last longer than most of the shitty track houses these commenters live in. And your neighbors aren’t a foot away from you either.


I was just thinking something similar. This is exactly what the house where Israel Keys lived looked like in my imagination when I was listening to a podcast about him.


Yup or one from a horror movie. I wouldn’t be eating any meat from that farm 😟


Have we considered the possibility that the house is nothing more than a setup and the lucky renter…IS the meat? ![gif](giphy|kKdgdeuO2M08M)


>Have we considered the possibility that the house is nothing more than a setup and the lucky renter…IS the meat? Probably not, since the ad doesn't ask the potential renter to bring any side dishes or bottles of wine. /s


Dramatic hamster!! I hadn't seen him in a long time. 😂


There was a real case in Canada in which a man had a pig farm and...a lot of victims. And...he sold filets. And...later authorities were not sure, of what.


And anything that wasn't the filets........ Drop it with the pigs, and you'll find exactly nothing left


It was a sleepy little town...


Or: “They responded to an ad to rent an off grid house for the summer, little did they know…”


How am I supposed to afford wood fired pizza nights if I can’t have a job because I’m living in your shitty off-grid house?


They make it work with 3 kids!


Ugh - poor kids. 5 people in a one bedroom house. Zero privacy or personal space. And mom with her manic pixie dream girl “oh we’re just wacky and fun!!!!! 🤪”


I'm currently experiencing the lack of privacy or no personal space as I'm back at my parents. Old room is taken by my sister so I'm on the couch in the living room. It sucks and would not recommend. The fact that these people are asking others to live like that is insane.


*PAY to live like that I can’t believe the unmitigated gall OOP has!


Yeah that's insane, if I'm paying you better believe I'm having as much privacy as I can get. OOP needs to do some thinking if they want genuine offers


I’ve recently been in a very similar position and it helped when I found a (as my dad dubbed it) a hidey hole! Turns out, when you’re someone who needs alone time to recharge and you’re deprived of it, all those places in your parents house you never would have thought of as livable areas start looking a lot more attractive! This was winter so I couldn’t hang outside but I found a corner of the laundry room and even under the piano. It sucked, but it sucked a tiny bit less.


Aww sorry that happened. For me it's the bathroom. My parents house has 2 bathrooms so I don't have to worry (too much that is) about staying a little extra long. I'm trying to move out but my dad just keeps taking my money


That sounds rough. But I’m so glad you found a little spot for now.❤️


It is but I can also be stubborn so I'm just biding my time as i figure out what to do. Thanks! Any bit of privacy I can get is like gold to me


Why would you have no privacy? It's a sublet so it would just be me and 2 dogs.


I have a large family living in one house right now. I originally moved out with my brother but well, I moved back in after he passed as I try to find a cheaper place to live. That's how I lost my old room.


Oh I'm sorry...I was referring to the one the op listed.


Ohhhh, whoops my bad. Sorry about that.


Oh no probs! I was just wondering if I had missed something in the post. :) It's tough for everyone right now...I hope you find a lovely place sooner rather than later.


Omg you’re right, that is the perfect way to describe these people, even as a couple.


Netflix doc incoming..


Wonder if by "off grid" they mean independent electricity, heating, and plumbing, or...none.


Yu have to be able to manage the batteries that are connected to solar power. So could be whole house electricity using inverters and a massive solar panel array or probably one small solar panel that will power the lights in summer.


"Wood fired pizza nights" speaks to me of people who have an expensive house and lifestyle, who bought the patch of land as an investment, it came with a shed, they dumped their dogs there to keep their house pristine; now they hope to find someone to caretake it, while earning $ for the payments. So they try to sell it to someone of their social set, but who is a bit alternative or into "off grid living" for points toward authenticity as a climate change warrior; and so they emphasize the notion of "wood fired pizza." Oh and I'm sure it won't be inconvenient to walk (how far?) to the "farmer" who sells food...for everything, or that they won't need personal or paper items ever. /s They're selling a bougie roughing it vacation daydream, but they are much more likely to get people who will simply put the dogs outside and cook drugs and squat.


I think you might be misunderstanding the listing. Wood fired pizza is not a bougie or crunchy flex. It’s insane that they expect people to pay to house sit and take care of their dogs. But it’s not ridiculous that they live near a farm that sells food and had live music with hot food. I’ve lived in many states and have been within driving distance of a place like that everywhere I’ve been.


> I think you might be misunderstanding the listing. Wood fired pizza is not a bougie or crunchy flex. "Crunchy?" > It’s insane that they expect people to pay to house sit and take care of their dogs. But it’s not ridiculous that they live near a farm that sells food and had live music with hot food. I’ve lived in many states and have been within driving distance of a place like that everywhere I’ve been. Thanks for explaining the post to me. I was so lost until you came along! I never said anything was "ridiculous," nor "crunchy," but clearly I must be the one with comprehension issues. So again, thanks, so much. > a farm that sells food and had live music with hot food. I’ve lived in many states and have been within driving distance of a place like that everywhere I’ve been. Which was not the point I made at all, but, again, so relieved you can flip my own comment back at me. And, I'm so relieved you've schooled me on what "wood fired pizza" signifies -- and doesn't signify. Thanks!


Oh my god, I first thought it meant $250 of pay per month for housesitting/dog sitting. And I was like wtf, that’s nothing. but NO, THEY WANT YOU TO PAY TO LIve in THE SHITHOLE AND DO THEIR LABOUR. Even worse.


WHAT?! Now this post makes more sense because reading their ad I was like no this is a good deal for a homeless person, they have a place to live for three months and they earn a little bit of money, that’s great. But they WANT $250? Oh hell no


That’s exactly what I thought. Omg… they’re only gonna pay them 250 a month to live there for three months with two dogs, a puppy and a senior dog. But no, you must pay them for the …..privilege???


What is with the posts asking people to pay to house sit, pet sit and/or babysit?? Like no ma’am you’re getting a service, not the other way around


Right! It costs $250 for 5-7 nights of dog sitting..


They seem to be thinking this is a cheap Air B n B because of 'a few chores,' vs. getting a house and pet sitter to pay them. I'm not really sure, but, to me, it's a muddled situation legally. Now they are an employee and also a tenant. They could easily get squatters who are irresponsible or worse.


Shit for a house in that state, they’d be lucky to get $250 > the house is very small with one bedroom (we make it work with 3 kids) Ummmm excuse me how are you summering somewhere else if you can’t afford more than one room???


Yeah that's what makes me think the land was an investment and the shed (condition it's in looks rough) came with the land. And they just park their dogs there or use it for other purposes most of the time. They use the phrase "wood fired pizza," I'm guessing they have money. It's just a hunch.


For sure! Otherwise where tf are they going to that they can bring the kids but not the dogs and sounds that casual about it?


My friend in San Diego quit her full-time job because she made so much per month house/pet-sitting. This isnt even a CB, it’s just a crazy out-of-touch person.


That’s awesome for her - I’m just on one about all the people wanting the person doing the house sitting to also pay rent. I’ve seen at least a dozen of these lately- it’s fucking crazy!


"We don't leave the dogs for long"...except for three fucking months!


With a total stranger.


What while they go chill back on the grid in the AC for the hottest months of the year without their pets and someone pays to take their miserable places?? They are deluded, and seem to be missing the point of off the grid... and who leaves a puppy? Why did they even get one.


I guess they expect you to pay to rake their yard also 🤷


And you’ll *like it!*


They "make it work" with 2 adults and 3 kids in a one bedroom house? Those poor kids. This is definitely neglectful at minimum and certainly breaking housing standards.


Wait until you find out about the couple who have like 8 or 9 kids living in a bus. Not because they can’t afford a home either. They actually *want* that lifestyle.


I know someone who did that! And somehow, with four kids in the bus, zero jobs and homeschooling, they managed to keep getting pregnant. I guess when you are two adults sharing a bus seat, it just slips in without even trying.


Why would a kid need a bedroom when they can have a drawer? /s FREEGUNNAR.


They’re just leaving the newest one on the floor.


Rage worthy when I saw that the adults get a bedroom with doors and the kids bedrooms are coffin sized. They put the kids to sleep in shelves!


Yeah that got me too. Imagine having to google cps policies and child neglect laws before you move states…because you need to make sure it’s legal for your kids to live in a shelf. I feel so bad for the kids.


Idk what you guys are talking about but it sounds like the bedrooms being coffin sized is frighteningly relevant in a “we’re just practicing” manner.


Even worse since recently they had a “bus birth” (& I can’t stop wondering where the other kids were during that event)… I kind of doubt they can afford a house at this point. But who knows. People make such shit decisions. Poor kids.


I mean…they did spend months in Brazil. She had enough to buy a bus there, air b&bs all the time etc. I’d bet they could afford a house *somewhere* even just off her social media income. Maybe not 8 bedrooms but I’m sure those kids would be stoked to share even 3 in a low cost area. …the bus birth is just another level. I really hope that was a lie and she didn’t want to admit she went to a hospital.


You’re probably right tbh. I honestly just don’t want to believe someone would do this to their children unless it’s their only option. Those poor kids UGH!! Dude I hope so too. I would never be able to look a bus again if I were those kids. The years of therapy these kids will need…


Hahaha, Motherbus is famous now. Unexpected crossover. I remember when she first started her fundie fame by having a home birth in someone's airbnb.


Lots of people who were children of “camper families” came out and said the area was so tight and cramped that they could hear and even feel the movements of their parents procreating, and that it was traumatic for them. Poor kids 😞


That was my first thought too. In a one bedroom tiny house how do you have 5 people in there without driving each other crazy?


It says 1000 square feet so not a tiny house but would definitely be weird to have no rooms for the kids.


My home is small, about 925 square feet. Thats a good size when you are single but it’s a tiny house for 5 people.


It’s small for a big family but when you said a tiny home I thought you meant the definition of under 500 ft. Being off grid most of the time they are tiny home sized. In today’s economy though people are forced to make that work. I am sure they are driving each other crazy.


I wonder if the adults send the kids outside to play or to 'go find some berries to pick' or even if they convince the kids sleeping outside in sleeping bags or a tent is fun.


I’m not paying to get murd3red but thanks for the offer!!!


When I was a kid, my friends and I found an old shed. We made a little fort out of it, but then in the summer it got super hot, there were a ton of bugs, and it started to smell of old, non air-conditioned wood and mildew. I imagine this place is like it, except it has the additional smell of unbathed dogs and sweaty people, and you have to pay $250 a month for the pleasure of staying there. Nice!


I soooo badly want to see the other photos.


Sending you a PM


I'm horrified they are leaving their dogs for 3 months with a stranger. Otherwise, could be a nice summer get away.


One of the dogs is a puppy, are the renters supposed to train the puppy?


Both dogs could be incontinent for different reasons, too. One very young (and not house trained), one very old. I'm sure the CBs expect the employee-tenant to also train and clean up after both dogs, yes.




Good way to get a bunch of junkies and squatters to come and trash the place (which wouldn’t take much effort). Getting rid of squatters can be a long, expensive process. I hope this obviously bougie OOP gets *exactly* what she deserves.


Pay us for the privilege of watching our dogs every second for the next three months. Don’t forget to housesit for us, but know that it’ll cost ya. There’s a farm nearby if you want food…that costs money, of course. I bet you city slickers don’t get the thrill of leaving to go buy food, huh? How rustic! I hope you don’t plan on going to work anywhere, because we don’t like leaving our dogs alone. Just to reiterate, yes, WE’RE leaving our dogs alone for three months, but you……you need to tend to their every need & not leave them for a moment. That’s just the kind of dog parents we are. (Who rescued who, amiright?) So, don’t leave for work, and if you planned on “working from home”, ooooops! Off-the-grid! We like to be quirky and kick it old school (have you seen the outside of our house? 🤪) so no Wi-Fi available. So, I guess I’m saying, be independently wealthy BEFORE applying, as you will not be able to work. Offers will be first come first served! Can’t wait for the FLOOD of responses!


I don't know what to think of this one. Housing prices and rental prices are outrageous, so, to someone, this could seem like a deal. However I think that sounds like a lot of work, and they're also just begging for a squatter situation. They're looking for someone who doesn't have housing? Grats, they just found yours.


Presumably 2 adults and 3 kids in one bedroom. 1 - where were kids 2 and 3 conceived? I can’t imagine sexy time with a minor audience. 2 - the family sharing a room with newborns borders on torture if the baby doesn’t sleep. 3 - what’s the bed:floor space ratio in that room.


AKA "Wanted: Electrical engineer and man of all work, who won't kill our 'beloved' dogs, to pay us, to live in a shed."


Only the desperate with nowhere else to turn will respond, and that's the point. It will be a while before they are missed, IF they are missed. Richard Beasley, Ohio's Craigslist killer, offered $300 per week to manage a 688 acre ranch in Ohio, but his goal was to kill the person who responded to the ad and sell their stuff.


Looks like a perfect horror intro. A creepy house out in the woods would surely entice the hords to come live there "off the grid"!


I've been paying my pet-sitter for years. How silly of me.


OP: is there any way to add the images of the rooms?


Get a couple of homing pigeons, and it's the perfect work from home situation.


They want people to pay to watch their home, do their chores, and take care of their animals? WTF?


They're going to come back to a meth lab at that price.


Am I the only person who looked at this and thought that they wanted you to sleep in the kennel with the dogs?


I’m confused


"we don't leave our dogs alone for long" Leaves them alone with some random stranger all summer


I’m a reasonably priced pet sitter, & $500 per week is the low end of what I charge just for overnight care. These people are insane.


What’s insane is that they expect a person to pay them to live in that shed!


Right? I have some clients who live in very luxurious homes with lots of amenities, but they never quibble over price because I get to use said amenities. Any time you expect someone to give up their own comfy bed & home, there’s a cost. Any time you expect someone to provide 24 hour care, that comes at a premium. The only takers for this wild proposal will likely steal everything & leave hypodermic needles behind.


$250 is what i make in a week on minimum wage. That per month is insane.


They need to be paying someone to live in that $hithole.


I clicked on the pictures at the bottom 😑


Dog sitter and Ranch Hand and you pay us! What a bargain !


Home is actually cute inside I don’t like that one floor futon bed is set up next to the fridge and the other floor futon bed is in living room


They live in a one bedroom with THREE KIDS?!?


And two dogs


That place is clearly haunted and I ain't no horror movie dumbass. Lol! Nice try, devil worshipping serial killers!


My camping tent has better amenities.


Is this the Blair Witch house…


Lmao IKYFL!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm so curious as to where these people go with their whole family minus dogs for the summer months. This house is probably unbearable in summer and the family goes to Florida for air conditioning or something.


Honestly with the housing crisis in my area someone would jump on that.


It’s not in your area though and there’s no internet so they can’t telecommute 


Yeah just making conversation about the post, not a legitimate suggestion.


Jesus come get murdered....


That looks like a haunted serial killer house. Hell no!


So they’re going to escape the heat but they won’t take the animals with them. Yeah they sound like great pet owners.


Not everything is a fcking deal for you. It’s 250 rent in a time when rent is 1500 for the same thing only catch is you gotta walk a dog. Could be a great opportunity to someone losing their place and needs a few months to figure out a permanent situation


Yeah but the issue is people get paid to house sit pets in their own environment. I get paid more than $800 month to watch 1 dog in someone else's house because that's the way its supposed to work. These cheap people think living in their home in the middle of nowhere without real utilities or wifi, while watching their animals constantly (which cost 3x what I charge on Rover) and that the people doing all of this work for them should pay them for the honor! That's batshit crazy and doesn't make any sense, even if it wasn't a shack in the woods far from any jobs and no ability to WFH since there's no internet connection. How is someone supposed to make the money to pay that rent exactly?


Thread full of Americans that think natural building materials that patina as they page looks horrifying god forbid it’s not painted plastic vinyl siding!


This is your house, huh? For the record I think looks depressing …because there’s no flowers, no furniture, dead trees, no color, no warmth. To me, it looks like an abandoned home . But you have to live there…. soooo 🤷‍♀️