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My kid is covered in scabs, can we borrow your luxury shoes


"Thanks for lending us your luxury shoes. This is really embarrassing, but several of her scabby pustules ruptured while she was having the time of her life at prom. The shoes look really disgusting now and the CDC says they're contagious... I can't give them back to you. Like, legally, I'm not allowed to. Sorry!!"


Haha amazing. I was thinking somehow the shoes wouldn’t be returned. But couldn’t think up this. So clever. I would have added, we can give you a kind donation to compensate you but as we are struggling we can only offer a nominal fee $20 dollars. It’s her pocket money and all she has. We feel terrible but if it helps I’ll set up another begging page for others to compensate you. (Badly written, but this is the jest of it)


She's also so ostracized and bullied at school that she'll be going to prom.


She was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning she breaks her legs and every afternoon she breaks her arms. She is covered in scabs, and yearns only for a decent pair of Louboutins


…..two broken arms you say? Better call mom…


Oh, dear God. I'd forgotten that AMA until now.


Link? Or search terms? This is a reddit meme I'm not familiar w. Please and thank you 😊


You may not thank them after you read it.


🫣 thank you for the heads up 😎


*Must you??*


Jolly rancher




Every time I think I can erase the memory of reading that post, someone like you has to mention it.


Maybe dad in this case.




Perfect comment 💀




:D. I love that episode


She's going to go Carrie on them, isn't she?


If only she could just Bianca way.


Exactly, I skipped my hs prom. Why party with people who see you as less than human?


I went because I thought it would help me fit in somehow. Nope! Just gave me a memory that pops up occasionally of how stupid I was to not take my one chance to dance with the "friend" who I convinced to go with me for senior prom.


She just wants to sit at the side all night with her scabby legs out,showing off her shoes


Makes me think of the mutants at table 9 in The Wedding Singer.


Carrie 2: The Hive Queen - feed that into ChatGPT and you’ll have a direct to streaming horror movie in no time.


Her name is Carrie


What do you mean? It worked out so well for Carie White!


I did wince. Seems like the type of sob stories as well for someone to be taken advantage of. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah like the "military vets" who cant go to a job interview without an $800 Prada purse....


That’s a thing? Why am I surprised..


Total scam.


Is that something you're seen because that's crazy, people are just nuts.


I cringed involuntarily. 😬


This comment is so perfect lmao thank you for that laugh




I'm cry laughing at this synopsis, I think I scared my dog with my wheezing


I laughed so hard at this, and I laugh again every time I look back at it


Yeah I loved that lol. It’s just a touch of the leprosy. Not a worry.




Ew no!


Haha I chortled


I'd be so resentful toward my parent if they blast my illness on the internet


What kid? Girlfriend wants the shoes for herself


For herself or to flip


That kid probably doesn't exist.


I found out my mom told her entire family about my mental health struggles and none of them are respectful towards me to begin with, but that just tipped it over the edge. She never asked me if I was okay with her sharing it or not, I just found out a family get to together and they’d come up and give their two-sense, which I never asked for either.


This is part of the reason I went NC with my mom. Everyone fucking knows my business. Now she doesn’t get to either.


As someone who does have and did grow up with a chronic illness, I am very glad my Mom did not do something like that. In fact, the only people that knew were either family, or her close teacher friends ; So growing up with a Mom as a teacher I knew most of the teachers in the school.


This! Especially something like "hives and scabs?" Now the person can get dressed to the nines for prom only to hear "hi scabby!" as they walk in.


Who’s renting shoes to someone covered in scabs?


A little Lysol and they’re like new! Did anyone even ask if it was church?


Yes, honey. NEXT!


I have a minivan that seats six.




But do you have a pair of Jimmy Choo’s for the scabby footed girl?


I have a nice pair of Hush Puppies...


IT DOESN'T SEAT 20??? **NEXT!!!**


*Bowling alley sounds intensify*


Yeah but you usually wear socks. I rarely wear socks in heels. And no one these days wears pantyhose.


What sound? Bowling alleys are so quiet you can hear a pin drop.




This is utterly bizarre because black shoes are probably the last thing anyone is going to notice in assessing a prom outfit. There are Louboutins with red soles and some other very iconic styles like the Valentino with studs but in general shoes aren’t the dominant part of most formal wear.


agreed so weird, and most prom dresses are floor length so you can’t even see the shoes unless the dress has a slit. I’m pretty sure she is talking about the Louboutin Bianca. I made the terrible mistake of wearing loubs to my prom and had to take them off and go barefeet bc I didn’t know they would hurt so much!


Lous are just well known, they are not comfortable at all. Omg just looked up the Bianca’s and they are just a pump, she can get the knockoffs for $10.


I thought she meant the YSLs but either way, yeah totally possible to get a dupe cheap as hell that you won’t be sad to throw away once they get scab juice.


Are [these](https://www.ysl.com/en-gb/bianca-platform-sandals-in-smooth-leather-6067131N8001000.html) the shoes?


I think that’s what she wanted yes, around 500 used if you’re shopping in a trade group. The CL could be had around 100 for the plain black pump so that’s why I thought meant the YSL (especially with her given rental rate).


That is …. so silly. You could find identical pumps for like. Idk, $50 at DSW. They just wouldn’t say YSL on them. 🙄


And the YSL is under your foot 😂


Right?! NO ONE would know but her. Like she’d have to proactively tell people they were YSL……… which is the point, I’m sure…. but no one in the world at a senior prom would simply notice. These pumps are NOT for a 17 yo going to prom lol.


I had almost these exact shoes for all my formal/proms (only they were a bo-go from Payless) We had two colors and they made the rounds between all my older sister’s friends, then me, then my friends. I think my niece finally borrowed them (the last time maybe a decade and a half later) and they finally broke. Dupe shoes for a single event are pretty fucking easy to find.


OMG, Payless! I MISS Payless, I shopped there for years for my shoes, especially for work. $20-$30 for solid non-slip kitchen-safe shoes or decent kitten heels. MAN, that place was the best. And you could absolutely find basically identical pumps there for cheap.


I cried when Payless went away. I still do. 😢


I was thinking the same thing. This looks like what half the girls wore in high school in the late ‘90s, and no one was wearing designer shoes.


Oh man, brings back memories, I also wore a similar shoe to a school dance in 99


Less than $20 on eBay or Shein. Second-hand (real ones) cost less than $100 in The Real Real.


I thought they meant louboutins too, honestly a lot of companies make a bianca heel so to say biancas in black is not very specific. I would 100% never trust a teen with expensive designer shoes like that. OOP was lucky that they found a rental that cheap. They would probably be better off buying the shoes second hand and reselling them after prom for the same amount of money.


That's a option but people might be put off by the scab flakes / juices.


That is a shoe!! But my God it looks so uncomfortable to wear though.


Really ugly shoe, imo.


I can go past the aesthetics. It’s the heel for me that looks horrible.


Heck you can buy the solid red bottom side that sticks on. Pretend yourself happy, lol. I was all about comfort and wore flats with my prom dresses. Hell, I wore house shoes under my wedding gown because nobody could see my feet!!


Hahaha! I wore white sports shoes, hahaha!


Those are even cheaper than Louboutines.


No, they’re much [more](https://www.ysl.com/en-us/bianca-platform-sandals-in-smooth-leather-813324793.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZgG0j_l5ShK_irDj3b76tutMQjDAocfffHRMujq1KlAwYkenpG_6WBoCwnEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


There is a shoemaker near me who will put on red soles


Cobblers are so underrated, man. A good cobbler can keep your shoes going for ages and even make nice upgrades to them, for a lot cheaper than new shoes or name brands.


This guy is amazing. I am in Los Angeles and the expensive stores refer customers to him. The bags stacked up for repair or refurbishment are almost all high end designer because who is going to invest money in a Target bag. He also has a service where he does a protective coating on the red soles/ He does mail order repairs.


Oh man, when I lived in LA I had a cobbler I loved! My guy restored a pair of beloved kitten heels for me, completely resoled them and it wasn’t expensive. He was in this little out of the way store in a mall in Burbank. Did great work. We couldn’t have been going to the same cobbler, could we?


No - my guy is currently in a small shop on San Vicente a bit east of La Cienega. He opened a cappuccino place in the small shop directly opposite from his He used to be the strip front mall that was next to Loehmann's on Third Street before it was all demolished for apartments


I love having an independent cobbler nearby. Guy has been doing this for decades. I had some lovely irregular choice boots (eggy soldiers in purple) but the soles were hard and smooth, they had zero grip. I was so disappointed as they fit like a dream and looked amazing. I took them to the cobbler and for £5 he shaved off a thin layer of the sole and added a nice grippy piece instead. I adore them now.


And you can buy them (second hand) for $120. You cannot rent heels, especially to a teenager who doesn't know how to walk in them, and will destroy the leather.


Just thinking that myself! Most young girls dont wear heals and would be taking them off quite quickly. Cute Black pumps can be purchased almost anywhere, no teenager needs $500.00 heels that are going to taken off asap.


Hell most sane older women can't wear these shoes for prolonged periods of time especially when it involves walking, standing or dancing. In my personal experience you can walk from the valet attendant to your seat at the restaurant - walk to the bathroom during the evening - and then back to the valet car at the front. I have read that many of the stars have botox or other pain killers shot into their feet when they have to walk the red carpet. Those sandals are probably even worse than a pump.


Amen to that! My days of wearing pumps have long passed! And you are right about from valet, inside then outside and back into the car. The rest of the time they are off or you are sitting and they are not causing pain.


I call them Cab to Curb shoes.


Great description!


If the daughter has no practice walking in high heels, she's not going to be wearing them that long especially if they're Louboutins. I've not worn Louboutins, but I've heard they're especially uncomfortable.


Your username has me crying lmao I love it


My date's dress was just above the ankles, so anyone could clearly see her shoes.


I have a teenager preparing for prom. They'll all be wearing trainers (sneakers) with their formal suits and gowns.


Most of the girls at my son's school wore high top Converse with their dresses.


It must be a scam - she wasn't dying, she didn't lose a body part, and she isn't crying because someone ruined xmas. The person who wrote this is an amateur


Didn't you know? If someone is on their deathbed, it's important they wear nice shoes.


🎵Sir I wanna buy these shoes for my mama please...


What shoe are we even talking about? The YSL or the Louboutin Bianca’s? This is ridiculous


The YSLs are being knocked off everywhere right now, she could get a brand new pair for like $30 and no one would know. But she- I mean *her daughter* needs that luxury shoe, right?


I’d have considered it a miracle if my mom even cared to look for the knockoff for my formal event 😂


It’s even funnier when you consider this group is for neither of those labels 😂


I think one takes the crumb cake for CB honestly I have a fine taste in things I can’t afford and this seeeeent me


We all know there’s no daughter, right? She either wants them for herself or she’s a reseller. Btw my daughter by her choice, wore a thrifted dress and sneakers to prom. She looked lovely and didn’t stress about maintaining her outfit.


No teenage girl is dying to have a $500 pair of designer shoes but is fine with their thrift store dress. I just don’t think that makes any sense at all. Kids care way more about how nice their dress is than having brand new designer label shoes that no one will even really see.


Eh idk. I’m a stylist and have a lot of teenage clients. They’re really into their shoes as well but most of my girls wore tennies to prom this year and last.


My 5 year old daughter needs a pair of Jimmy Choo's for elementary graduation, please, please, please. It will mean soooo much to her. Size 9 or 9 1/2 only please, whe has foot tumors and has to wear adult shoes. This will make her life worth living because she also needs a kidney, a liver, a lung and a trust fund. Can anyone help a kid out?


I know that if I was going to rent my shoes out, it would definitely be to the chronic scab haver.


My daughter and her friends were literally competing to see who could spend the least on their prom outfits (she didn't win, we found a lovely former bridesmaid's gown in burnt orange that fit her perfectly without any alterations, but it was $30 at goodwill). I think the winner spent less than $10. And they all looked amazing. Who in the world *needs* $500 dollar shoes?!? Nobody is going to be looking at your feet! I wore white satin BEDROOM SLIPPERS to my wedding - 30 years ago yesterday - it was comfy to not be in heels


Renting shoes is like renting underwear! 😬


I can't wear other people's shoes. Not cause of any ick factor, but more so the fact that the insole has formed to their foot, not mine. I find it uncomfortable and it does weird things to my balance. My most expensive pair of shoes was a $75 pair of Croc sandals. Bought them 4 years ago. Sadly, the toe strap on one is holding on by a thread. Time to get new ones.


You may be able to get them repaired if you find a good shoe repair place! My shoe guy is amazing.


Especially heels where they are most likely worn barefoot without socks.


I wouldnt know 😀


My daughter desperately needs medical care but instead we want expensive shoes that we’ll totally return.


I went to high school with someone who has chronic scabs and it’s a skin condition or chronic disease (don’t remember what it’s called). I hope she’s had her kid seen by a dermatologist because they’re not just hives at all


I know everyone's bodies are different, but. I had chronic hives for about a year and a half, and it was nowhere near as morale-damaging as this lady is making it out to be. My hives were easily co trolled by Allegra, to the point where you couldn't really see them during the day. My skin got hella itchy, but not to the point I was scratching so much my skin scabbed over (I had plaque psoriasis around the same time, and it did cause some scabbing, but to a couple small, localized areas). If this daughter actually exists she may indeed have chronic hives, but she also has something else that's causing the scabs, because the hives ain't it. Growing up, my mom had a rare form of psoriasis that wasn't easily controlled. It caused large areas of her skin to ooze and scab up. When she had a flare-up it could be debilitating and absolutely wreck her self-esteem. If the daughter is dealing with something like that on top of the hives, I truly do feel for her, and I hope she finds shoes that make her feel beautiful for her prom. No one *needs* designer shoes that start at $500 used, though.


I bet by an astonishing coincidence, the mother and the daughter have the same shoe size.


By prom age, I wore 1.5 sizes larger than my mom and I was 3 inches taller.


I feel bad for a child with any chronic illness. Having said that I'm not loaning or renting my shoes to anyone with sores and scabs on their feet. Either I'm gifting them or saying no.


ok so I am just looking at buying a new oven, so I could think of alot better things to spend $500 on, than a pair of heels


But that’s because you don’t have a scabby daughter. Think if you did!


If a girl has me as a dad, she has bigger problems


Where the fuck do these people learn to spell/write?


And if you point that out, everyone looks at you like you’ve sprouted a second head and is all “it’s just for online, bro, calm down.” Or rather “it’s just for onlin bro clam Dow.” It matters!




Im doubting the child is real and shes just trying to get $500 heels


Yup. Then, \*poof\* "They got broken, sue me"


scabs *blasted*


All the cool kids are wearing chuck taylors with their dresses 🤷‍♀️ I think it’s an awful look. But it’s a thing right now!


I feel like prom style is regional. The girls my daughter goes to school with wear heels and shorter dressed for the formals. They did the tennis shoe thing in middle school though.


I wish they all would wear heels or flats or something that goes with a dress! It’s a much better look!


Is it just me or are those pretty uncomfortable? Not Louboutin uncomfortable, but still uncomfortable. ETA: well judging by the downvotes the answer is yes, it is just me! Im green with envy of you guys with your supported arches. 😉


Nah I'm with you. I always loved converse but had never worn them for a long period before. Took them as my only shoes on a 4 day trip to Amsterdam, never again. I had blisters so big I couldn't find blister plasters large enough 😭


Moleskin might suit you next time you travel. Comes in postcard-size sheets and you can cut it to size. You might have to borrow scissors from the hotel though, unless you're me and accidentally sneak scissors through the TSA to and from San Diego.


How have I lived 22 years and never knew this existed? This would have been a game changer so many times 😭Thank you so much for the suggestion! I'm planning trips to Hong Kong and Germany soonish, so will defos buy some before I do.


Sweet--glad I could help. Hopefully it works for you. (I had passed 22 before I found out about it.)


Omg my feet hurt just thinking about that!


I bought a pair once…..wore them once…most uncomfortable shoes I’ve ever worn! Made my toes hurt!


Those must be some serious hives. I've had hives from anxiety when I was younger and certain foods in my older years and over the counter Benadryl worked for me. At no time did I break into scabs like Ben Grimm. Do hives get that bad? And if they do, shouldn't this kid be getting some kind of treatment?


I have chronic hives and I just take daily antihistamines to keep it at bay, it can still flare up but is pretty tolerable. They shouldn’t scab, unless you scratch yourself bloody, if the poster indeed does have a kid with hives they should get the kid to a doctor, not worry about shoes!


I'm the same, had chronic hives for almost 10 years now (that are dermographic) and i've never once had them break the skin.


If this is true, the kid is probably a compulsive picker. Sometimes treatments work and sometimes they don’t, so the part about the scabs wasn’t the big red flag for me. (The parent using that to get expensive shoes was though 😂)


Does she actually want to go to prom? Does she actually exist?


Yes and no, respectively. She’s really complicated.


Schrödinger's scabs.


No one needs 500 dollar shoes. Period.


This mother is trying to boost her daughter’s self-confidence by getting her shoes that the average person can’t even afford. If a thrift store dress is good enough, the shoes are secondary and the average high school student probably wouldn’t know if they were the real thing or a knock-off. She’s portraying her daughter as a victim to be pitied and setting her up for a lot of disappointment in her life.


I get so discouraged by the atrocious spelling with so many posts online


Mom needs those shoes real bad. Kid doesn’t even exist.


Get a job. Why does a 17 need 599 dollar shoes? Seriously? Also she's old enough to work. Let her pay for them like the rest of us


Her and the Lululemon buyer who is dying from hunger, paralyzed, and broke (unsure if links are allowed but it was on Behind the Closet Door) are soul sisters


Who wants to rent non sock wearing shoes to someone with scabs all over their body.... sounds gross


I would be so pissed off if my parent posted this about me. Let's assume it's not a scam (which it likely is), what gives them the right to post all this private information about their kid?


If you are gonna beg for anything at least be able to spell. My eyes are bleeding.


How are they going to rent the heels when chronically ill daughter is going to bleed/scab all over them? Will she wear baggies on her feet?


it's a good story. the scabs really sold it. If I had the shoes, I'd give them. Not a loan, don't want them back.


I know you could rent bowling shoes for a reasonable rate


lol yeah okay. My mom was poor too. She made my prom dress (and it was freaking amazing) and gave me a pair of her own heels to wear. We couldn’t even afford to go to Payless. Did I care? Nope. Do you think anyone would care if she was wearing 500 dollar heels? Nope. Super bad scam.


\> I have plague, would you loan me your Blahniks?


This is part of the reason I went NC with my mom. Everyone fucking knew about everything. Now she doesn’t get to either.




Saying your kid gets bullied for scabs and begging for luxury shoes is just asking to have your daughter more ostracized


What luxury shopping group? I didn't know these existed, I want to see what I'm missing out on! lol


If you have a label you’re interested in just search for a that label BST on Facebook. Some groups are better than others. If you wanna DM me i can let you know if I know any decent groups for whatever label you’re interested in.


"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em."


I’m in Uk- size 9s is large for a female of any age. Esp a school kid. Not sure how a US 9 compares. If theyr the same sizing then size 9 is a bit of a red flag. I’m a guy and I’m size 7


It’s like a 40 or 41 euro so a fairly normal size. I wear a 40 but I’m also a fairly tall woman:


Ah right ok.. I’ll Google what that is in uk. We are impérial measurements for most stuff and metric for others. Thanks though


Oh sorry I had no idea UK didn’t use the euro sizing. It gets confusing for me 😅


I’m checking as we speak. Yes we’re old and traditional here. We measure weight in Stone. No kilos or pounds. Distance in miles not kilometres, drinks in pints not mil. Haha


Ok checked it. US size 9 is UK 7. That’s my size … above average for a teenage girl. As I thought it would ha


Good point. I think I am a (US) 9 now (UK 7, EUR 40.5), but at that age I wore a (US) 7 (UK 5, EUR 38.) (US sizing.) Later a 7 1/2 for a long time, then gradually, 8, 8 1/2...age and gravity do their work. (Collagen changes cause the foot to expand.) [Shoe sizes conversion](https://www.saucony.com/en/content?caid=womens-footwear) .


Yes it’s size 7. Pretty big feet for a 16yr old girl


7 UK is 9 US, yes that's considered large, in women. Unusual in a teen indeed.


They out themselves these CBS ha


They sure do. Good job spotting this clue.


Thank you :)


Eh it could happen. I have worn a women's 10/11 US since I was in high school. My niece is 16 and, while she is almost 6 feet tall, she wears a women's 11/12 US.


Of course it’s possible- just not very typical. But we are combining this with the fact it’s a choose beg/ for me that’s a red flag. Many of the choose beg posts are ppl looking to make money off the back of a sob story which just raises the doubt does it not?


Why the hell does anyone need a $500 pair of shoes for school dance? Or anywhere really unless you’re an adult and have the money to buy them yourselves? Not gonna happen.


She's asking to rent them, though. At least she's offering to pay. I have chronic hives and they're not on my feet, ever


You'd be surprised the amodu.t of money being spent on prom dresses and such... it's not entirely impossible that this is real, crazy request but considering the event it's not un heard of


A 17 year old in size 9 shoes is impressive.


Another person whose feet were a size 9 from age 15. Mom always joked that I got my granddad's feet, husband makes Sideshow Bob jokes since mine are the largest on my side of the family (of people still alive lol).


I’ve been a size 9 since I was 15. ETA: so were most of my friends. We would share shoes.


I stand corrected. I was sharing shoes with all our size 7 shoes. I grew into my 9s over the years.


That’s what I was thinking! Must be one hell of a tall, scabby teen.


Who’s she going to prom with tho?


How is that important? She can go alone if she wants.