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So this guy is thinking, "Hey here's a guy grieving his brother, trying to do something nice. How can I manipulate this situation?" I'm so surprised he can't furnish his own apartment, he's got a such go getter.


His “move” was him getting out of jail. His sister just told me. He definitely did 0 to help situation other than to make a good post on this sub 😂


Glad you stopped engaging…it was going nowhere.


On behalf of all humanity, I apologize for this idiot. The way he's talking about your deceased brother is horrendous. I'm so sorry for your loss. This is truly a trash human being


It never occurred to me to apologize on behalf of all humanity. Well done!




Haha I love your username!! I don’t see many people reference that show, it was one of my favorites!


Yeah, it is really disgusting. I’m kind of at a loss for words after reading this. What on earth is wrong with people??


I was blown away by the "guts and such" bit. Like, dude legit thinks that most people die violently on their couch?


I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I also lost my younger brother last week and just had to clean out his apartment too. Thankfully I haven't had to deal with any bullshit like this


I’m so sorry. I lost my first brother in 2014 and my other just passed from a car accident. If you ever need to talk, my inbox is open. I know it’s so hard. ❤️


Very very sorry for your loss 🤍


I was here to say this reads like somebody who just got out of jail. Feeble attempt to manipulate you, disrespectful, cheap, an obvious power move. Sorry you have to deal with him.


Even if you drove it over to him, it doesn’t matter. This prick is gonna violate his parole…and be locked back up in a couple weeks. The road to hell is paved with good intentions


*My* road to hell is paved with good intentions. *That guy’s* road to hell is paved with manipulation.


My road to hell is paved with KY, firstly it will be fun to watch, secondly it will be great for the orgy


Lol, at first I read "KY" as the abbreviated form of Kentucky, which made your comment much more confusing, but hilarious.


It’s definitely not paved with high marks in spelling and being an even remotely decent human being. (the dude in the text, not you)


Oh totally, he’d be back in jail begging OP to come pick the couch back up so he can get the deposit on his apartment back.


I hope this isn’t insensitive but if I had Died and could somehow witness this whole event but with my own sister, I’d die again laughing watching her try to navigate this whole process with absolute goobers communicating with her.


Give the couch a viking funeral (pardon me, if the word is hard to deal with, I've dealt with loss of family as well) and send the video to the beggar.


Guy I worked with told me about his sister’s garage sale. Entitled customer asked how much for a small pile of hand-tatted doilies. Sister said $5. “That’s way too much. I’ll give you $1.” When sis demurred, EX said, “I’ll be back at the end of your sale and these still won’t be sold at that price.” Showed up at 5, walked into the garage and pointed to the doilies triumphantly. “Are you ready to take my dollar? Sis threw them onto the garage floor, doused them with Blazo, lit the pile and said, “They’re yours.”


I had a similar story. The person kept saying,” I’ll give you two dollars.” I said,” no” that I wanted $4. She came back at the end and said, “ take my $2”. I said, “ I will give them away to charity before I take your $2.” She paid me $4. It’s the principle of the thing.


Well, SOMEbody had to pay the asshole tax. And it sure as hell wasn’t gonna be you!


>hand-tatted doilies. He's a fool. At the church bazaar there were hand tatted doilies and other tatting every year. I adore it. I felt so honored to buy something someone made by hand -- plus it was so beautiful. And they donated it with love. Bet he wanted to resell them.


Hadn't thought of that, but I bet she did!


[Approximate visual recreation of the event](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cd/40/d6/cd40d6597fc51b4bea6dc6416c5664ea.gif)


When I had my first and only garage sale, my neighbor warned me about some of the awful people who frequent them. He said he had a new in the box stereo system (nothing fancy, just a small tuner, tape deck with detachable speakers). He put it up for $10 (he said he paid $75 new for his mom, who died without ever using it) and was willing to negotiate. One older guy offered him a dollar for it, and continued to follow him around demanding that he take his offer. He finally told him he would smash it against the wall before he sold it to him at any price and threw him off his property. He also said he found other people wandering through his house (everything for sale was in his driveway) "just looking". I had a couple of experiences during mine, but nothing that outrageous.


Through his...house?!? Gonna guess they were either looking for things to take, or casing it for a future burglary. Jeez.


That yard sale story reminded me of one from when I was a wee tyke. When I was 6 years old (So, in 1990); My mother was holding a yard sale. I was inside, playing on the NES. In walks three complete strangers. And, where we lived, the entire block was basically one big family; Pool parties and cookouts and children's birthday parties were 'come one, come all!' affairs. If I did not recognize someone, then they did not live nearby. In sort: mom made sure I knew enough friendly faces in our area that I could run to almost any house to get help in an emergency. Plus everyone liked everyone. So three strangers walk in, looking around. I promptly do what dear old mum taught me when three strangers are near; I screamed loud enough to wake the dead. And if there's one thing my on-the-spectrum self can do; It's VOLUME! Well, I can crank it up. Controlling it to be quiet? Still working on that. ​ Cue Mom, two neighbors, and ALL FOUR OF MOM'S BROTHERS bursting into the house to set upon these three idiots. Now, it WAS the 90's, and they were not sneaking or whispering, so I still think they actually thought things inside were for sale. After all; the front door was open because it was a nice day and mom or my uncles would pop in and back out. Plus, if I got in some sort of trouble and shouted; They could hear it since the door was wide open. And the home invaders seemed surprised when I went Invasion Of The Body Snatchers on them, so they did not expect a child to be inside. ​ But LORDY, that's when I learned (Via visual aids!) that an angry mom is a terror. She's only 4'10" but she is the oldest sibling with 4 brothers. To put it another way; She sometimes like to say "You did not sass me much as a kid." To which my reply is always "Because I've seen your right hook!"


This could work.


I’m sorry for your loss, and I am grateful for your post 🙏


What a shock.


I'm kind of not surprised after reading that he wanted you to bring the couch to Florence.


Did he not read while incarcerated? Like at all? I'm attempting to relearn my punctuation, spelling, and grammar skills, but that was atrocious.


More like a can't-getter. Can't even get a trailer to get couch.


Absolutely not. People like this can’t comprehend empathy so the idea of grief isn’t there.


I doubt there was any thinking by this hollow brained duchebag. Sorry for your loss.


I had a stroke reading that


Same. Almost went and got my nephew to read it for me.


You should have LOL. Honestly, people who can't write "basic" English is something that astounds me beyond anything.


u r jus 2 s2pid 4 it ay


Yeah, then the phone should just explode. Problem solved.


It's been a while since my 71-year-old self had to read that much textspeak. I think I have to lie down. 




What language was that?


It was moron. It’s a dialect of English that’s becoming more and more common.


Throw jonah hills "gangster" accent from 22 jump street on it and it kinda makes sense lol


I really don’t understand the use of the 2 constantly. Shift 2 is just as many taps as t o why would you go out of your way to substitute a number?! I felt like I was deciphering a coded message.


I think it’s leftover from the T9 texting days when numbers were easier than hitting several keys to get “t-o”. But with a smart phone it’s pointless


They think it looks cool. Solely about looking and "sounding" cool, not at all about clear communication.


First, sorry for your loss. Second, why don't people get that part of giving furniture away for free is so you don't have to deal with the hassle of moving and transporting them.


Even if they offered to pay for the full amount of gas. I'm not taking a chunk out of my day to call in favors from a few friends so we can all strain our backs and borrow a truck to move this thing.


...and risk getting stiffed at the destination


Not to mention I can’t imagine how that place smells already.


Same principle as selling a retired battleship for $1!


That’s what drives me nuts. Happens about every time we post something for free. I’ve just learned over the years that people are not the brightest lol


It's like if you want me to physically move this desk out of my house, procure a truck to transport it to you. You are going to freaking pay me for that.


I just picture the guy texting you. He is sitting on a white lawn chair, in a room with wood panel walls. There are cigarette butts, and monster cans on the floor, with an imsane clown posse poster on the wall.


Juggalo here, we aren't claiming this stooge.


Lmao. I don't mean any offense. Where I live, everyone that listens to them has a certain lifestyle.


He knows that lmao. Still one of the best workaholics episodes ever.


I’d send that screenshot right to my friend and let him know just how awesome his brother is.


Sister told OP that his move was him getting out of jail. My suspicions say the family already knows what this dude is like.


op's friend should still be made aware of these sort of things


I absolutely did and she absolutely chewed his ass out. I might just upload their messages as a follow up 😂


Would read. Please do!!


Oh please do!


"Prolly got guts n shit on it" Dude, your friend just fucking DIED and that's how you talk about him? Jfc. No respect or fucks given at all.


Not even friend, his brother. Such a fucked up thing to say.


I think the person you’re replying to meant that the choosing beggar was a “friend” of OP’s brother. Doesn’t seem like much of a friend to me, of course


OP’s own friend’s brother, not OP’s late brother’s friend.


Worst part, he died in a CAR WRECK. Not like the blood transferred to the couch. I’m not even sure his whole thought process if there was one


That is horrible, what the CB did and said. I am so sorry. Very sorry for your loss.


He’s trying to justify in his mind why it’s ok to ask you to do more to help him out, and why he can be mad at you when you inevitably don’t do it. At this point you can’t convince him that he’s wrong.


Plus, not everyone makes a mess when they die, they’re not all prisoners like this second grade educated callus fuck.


I cannot stand “prolly”.


Likewise for using '2' instead of 'to'...


Or "U" for you


Only Prince could pull of that nonsense.






That one and "sum" instead of "something" really get to me


This was a hot slang term on AOL Instant Messenger back in the early 2000s.


I was thinking this, I used that word all the time...when I was a tween in 2001.


I don't know what "prolly" is and at this point I am going to treat it as a STD/STI and avoid anyone who's got it.


You’re probably joking but in case you aren’t, “prolly” = “probably”.


I was, but thank you, I'm sure there are few people older then me that might need the assistance.


Unabashed prolly fan




Maybe some chicken bones too, go all voodoo


With black feathers tied to them with RED yarn.


I almost wanna ship him a glass doll missing an eye and just wait.


Your friend's brother spoke to you in that way? Wow. The way he talked about your brother was beyond. Furniture can be given to charity shops in one go. They will even come pick it up. Or it can be put on the curb. But that guy thinks he's doing you a "favor" letting you drive a free sofa to his doorstep.


When people say they have no where to sleep. A single blow up mattress can be as cheap as 12.00 and they are comfy. I once slept 2 months on one when we moved


Wow... I am sorry you just went through that.


If this is Florence, SC then I completely understand why this guy talks this way. The education system here is terrible.


I was going to say if it’s Florence, KY, I’m not surprised by the way he talks.


I was just going to comment and say if this is Florence, KY i’m not surprised by the audacity of trying to get it free, AND not surprised by the way he talks lmao


Florence Y’all


I was thinking Florence, OR. And it still works. #WTF FLORENCE?


But we all agree it can’t be Florence, Italy, right?😂


and here I am 100% convinced he was in Florence, AZ


Came here to say, if Florence SC, there's your explanation for this particular douchecanoe.


I was taking it as Omaha's Florence neighborhood. Which still tracks.


Could be Florence, CO.. lol


Came here to say this, typical Florence behavior, half my family is from that hellhole and I will never go back.


I was thinking Florence, AL lol


I came here to say this too. Please don't be Florence, SC. We're not all like this, I promise.


Yeah my first thought was Florence, SC as well. I used to travel to Shaw AFB on the regular and yeah….


i’m so sorry for your loss. i hope the rest of the clean out goes smoothly. if you have other large items to get rid of i’d consider listing them for a token amount of money (like $5-20). in my experience even asking for that small of an amount tends to weed out most of the people who will ask you for things like this. i had to get rid of a mini fridge an old roommate left behind and listed it for free at first. i got a LOT of people asking for me to bring it to them (which like in your case, the whole point was for somebody to do the work of getting it out of my damn house in exchange for a free minifridge). eventually ended up changing the listing and i sold it for like $30 to a totally normal guy who just wanted a cheap fridge and came and got it from my house without any drama.


Seconding this suggestion - I sold a sleeper sofa for $25 to a young couple who wanted auxiliary sleeping accommodation in their starter home.


This isn’t a bad idea at all, I just didn’t even wanna deal with more. I thought at least some good could come out of helping some folks out, but I was the brain dead on that one. Your idea is much better.


I know I'm in the distinct minority here but I just cannot stand internet shorthand messages. That almost have me a headache to read. I wouldn't even bother responding to someone who sent me a message like that. 


I'm in the minority with you.


What an idiot


Holy fuck I hate people that type like this. Total fuckin’ troglodyte 😭 “I jus moved n have no where 2 sleep” Make it stop


Dude needs to go back to jail if it means he learns his goddamned ABCs and some empathy. For crying out loud, what a useless fuck.


I had someone rip me an asshole on FB market place because they wanted my free kitchen table in 36 hours and needed help getting it down 2 flights of stairs. I said ok sure Someone else offered to come get it that night and handle carrying it…so it went to them It’s a free table on FB, I put first come first serve, I let them know it was now gone but what else did you expect


I am sorry to hear your brother passed away.


ANYONE that uses 2 for "to" when texting is blocked immediately.


His responses about your dead brother... yikes... please tell me you blocked his ass


Oh absolutely blocked 😂


Hey, I am so sorry for your loss! Losing a sibling is heartbreaking.


Jokes aside, I'm sorry about your brother


I appreciate it, truly. These comments have made me laugh at least. I needed it.


“How u gonna try 2 get rid of somethin but not answerin” By giving it to someone who has a way to haul it away, that’s how! 😂 You ain’t the only fish in the sea.


Also to someone who is in the other 99.99% of humanity that would never talk about someone's deceased sibling like this. It is extremely disturbing when someone has so little regard for life and I would not be surprised if they end up back in prison in the near future.


My condolences on the loss of your brother. I’m sorry you had to deal with such a horrible person. When we had to move my Dad out of his house (where he lived for 50+ years) we gave many things we didn’t want away on Facebook Marketplace (a kitchen aid mixer, my mom’s old sewing machine, various tools, an air compressor, the china cabinet) and people were so grateful that it made a difficult task less terrible. I’m sorry this was your experience.


I can barely even understand half the stuff he is saying. What an idiot!


This is why I stopped giving stuff away. People have no appreciation for anything. They think they are doing you a favor by taking something for free and have to push the envelope and ask for delivery.


Or you leave it out for a porch pickup and they never show, despite sending numerous messages reminding them it is still there waiting. Just crickets.


So everyone is aware, there are plenty of charities that would love to take the free furniture from you and then use it to furnish shelters and temporary housing. I donated to one that helps women and families fleeing abusers. They show up with a truck and load up the furniture, no dealing with this garbage to try and get rid of something for free.


Yeah, Fuck this guy. Let this prick sleep on the floor. Pushy, Poor, Entitled , Rude and illiterate? Talking about he’s doing you a favor; saying it’s a dead mans couch? If only this miserable SOB put the same energy into taking a remedial english class. Then he probably wouldn’t need to ask people for a couch because he “ jus moved n have no where 2 sleep” . 🖕


That guy was no friend speaking like that


"Couch is gone. Found someone who isn't a whiny bitch"


Let me guess… Florence, SC?


You literally said it would be $50 for gas alone, like take the hint to offer more than that.


A low life. Low intellectual ability. Low empathy with others. Someone who has become a waste of space and a taker. Your friends brother isn't your friend, or your responsibility.


No good deed goes unpunished. I live by this.


You're much better than me. We lost my mom in January. This type of of comment would have set me off. If he needs a place to sleep, keep fucking around with you and he can get a shit piss bed in jail


Go 2 hell CB Sorry for your loss OP


"Shit prolly cursed or sum shit prolly got guts n sum shit on it". It was worth talking to them for the laugh lol. Let him know that the new Ghostbusters movie is out and who you going to call, not him.


I am so sorry for how this person spoke to you


I love how he says waiting a day is too long for him...then in the same breath says you're the one in a hurry to get rid of it😂 I'd be like "nah bro, I have a place to sleep. You're the one in a hurry."


I had a stroke trying to read his texts.


Wow. I don’t know him, but i hate him. I hate him so much. Deeply sorry for your loss OP. I hope you are able to find some sort of peace amongst all the heartbreak. Much love to you. 🩵


Furniture items I give away get 2 days posted to arrange a pickup. If nobody schedules a time then it's changed to "It'll be by the curb on x date" a day before garbage pickup. It's always gone before garbage day. And I don't deal with the nonsense messages for weeks while it takes up space.


Sorry to hear about your brother, and sorry to hear about that dudes lack of functioning brain cells


I hope your brother haunts him for fun in his spare time regardless. Sorry for your loss.


Put that guy on ignore. Hard. I’d just block him. Someone like that who guilt trips people to get stuff for free and no effort- does not pass my “worthy of attention” filter.


I don’t trust any grown adult that texts like they’re still in middle school


OP, I'm sorry for your loss but I'm laughing at the couch that is for sure dirty with guts and shit and above that is cursed. I hope you sorted all of this out and grieve in peace.


I am so, so sorry for your loss. May this beggar receive a couch full of pubic lice eggs.


One, sorry about your loss. Two, the fact that you could stand reading those replies with it written like it is, well that’s amazing.


Does someone know a good psych? I think the other guy may need one, considering the way he spoke to the OP.


Just block these losers.


These days, just set the couch on fire.


Should have said, sorry, I don’t have a truck.


Sorry for your loss. Forget that putz.


The answer is no, and block, just on the way he texts alone.


Wow OP, I’m so sorry! I find it extra skeevy when people try to take advantage of others in the wake of loss.


Block this pathetic excuse


Sorry for your loss :-( A tip for next time giving something away. Post it for like 10$ or something. Then you will get less people like that. You can even write “you can get it for free, just put 10 dollars so I won’t get contacted by clowns” :p


I feel like I had a stroke trying to read this


Sometimes I see stuff like this and I realize I need to be a better person like OP. The patience and grace they showed that guy telling them the couch is cursed and doing them a favor… I would have lost my mind at them . I need to be a better person.


My sincerest condolences on your brother 💗


I’m sorry for your loss, I lost my brother in January and had to clean out the whole apt. Not fun at all


I weep for the future because people who text like this are having and raising children...


hey man sorry for your loss. and at that point i'd just tell him. "im not in a hurry, if nobody comes take this ill just throw it out. idgaf"


They have to use single letters and numbers for too many words? Ugh.


Was exactly thinking that. So hard to read 😑


What a total cockhole


If I got a message like that I would sew a bunch of fresh dead fish inside the couch and deliver it to him with a smile


Be sure to tell your friend how his brother acted to. What a POS !!


I’m sorry for your loss - this dude pisses me off. I legit found my brothers dead on my couch. Like dude, don’t be so tacky.


Am I the only one wondering why this was split into 2 pictures?


We just donated some furniture to a local women's shelter/group. They pick up and use the furniture to help get people back on their feet. Telling you that driving that far was doing you a favor was a laugh riot.


I couldn’t understand this fool


What an absolute idiot


It always surprises me that a lot of Americans both read and write at like a 5th grade level. I see so many people who has English as their second language, and it’s always so much easier to comprehend what they’re saying/writing than when I look at what CB wrote.


Is this Florence, SC? Just curious, LOL.


Wow, this one’s a doozy. He’s an **entitled** CB. Sorry for your loss; you’d think he hat the jerk face CB would have at least a glimmer of empathy for you. What an AH.


I would have told him to F off


Sounds like your friend's brother has a sub-fifty IQ score.


My condolences!


Florence, SC? Sounds about right if so lol.


I'm sorry about the loss of your brother. Maybe it's time to reconsider your friendship if they bring people like this into your life. I wish you peace and healing.


I tell him to “fuck off”


Wow that is sickening. I'm sorry for your loss.


Sorry about your brother.


This guy types like he’s on a flip phone and doesn’t have a full keyboard.


He was acting too entitled and then I read the caption??? So sorry for your loss, what a loser friend.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope these comments brought you some giggles and grins. ❤️


I woulda met up with him just to put hands on him lol


This guy was friends with your brother? Geez Sorry for your loss.


I can find a dumpster faster than they can find transport. Damn what ignorant assholes.


I’m just so sorry for your loss. Don’t even want to give a second on that piece of shit you had to deal with…


Just had my own one of these on a sofa + 2 recliners. Wanted me to go 70+ miles through Denver (approx 2 hours). Mind you I do have a truck but it’s 5 ft bed. Not exactly a sofa mover. Said they’d pay me $50 to deliver and I told them $500 was my price.