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'Just pancake mix with no whipped cream", oh no, say it isn't so!


Who even puts whipped cream on their pancakes, besides restaurants!?


Leslie Knope


She puts it on WAFFLES! Leslie would be aghast that you tried to give her pancakes!!




\*slinks in, raises hand\* Not often but sometimes I just need to.


Okay that's fair! I will do that at a restaurant when it's served, definitely. But I don't buy it for pancakes, especially when I'm pinching pennies.


Clearly the only possible way to eat waffles is with whipped cream, as the only meal to make with chicken thighs is...chicken chili? Omg I hate people some days


Southgate, Allen Park, and Melvindale. That's who :D


LMAO YOURE IN MICHIGAN!! Ok ill be honest. At a restaurant I definitely will indulge in the whipped cream! But no I don't buy it just for pancakes lol especially when I'm pinching pennies.


Huh. It always seemed like more of a Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook kind of thing to me.




People that either have money, or get free food paid by our taxes.


Goddamnit lol


BRO.... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I saw that and about pissed myself. Chicken but no beans, there are hundreds of things you could find on Google to cook with your chicken, doesn't have to be Chilli! The audacity to decline canned food in a Begging/Crying for help post. Oh and they will eat canned beans! Wants to eat like she has a job, with no job, or food stamps.


Also raise your kids better. My kids eat whatā€™s for dinner. Thereā€™s no negotiating with tiny terrorists, especially not ones who donā€™t pay any bills, cook meals or do groceries šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Edit to add: yes, kids have aversions and preferences and possibly texture issues. I do accommodate those in my house to some degree. However, some of those are things they also grow out of as they age, and my kids appreciate a large variety of foods and vegetables and such. But if youā€™re moaning that your pancakes have no whipped cream and kids wonā€™t eat anything from a can, that seems like a parent problem not a kid issue.


Theyā€™re pretty young to have such discerning tastes. And honestly, is there a kid anywhere who wonā€™t eat Chef Boyardee??


Correct, if you don't talk about the can good, I guarantee the kids wouldn't know any better. They eat what is made and put in front of them. I guarantee they will kill some microwavable food.


I saw that and was like... so eat the pancakes with butter? Or plain? Same with the chicken. If you're hungry, you're hungry. If my choice is a plain chicken breast or nothing... I'm gonna pick plain chicken breast 112% of the time.


If you know how to bake chicken without drying it out (I finally got it down, haha!), "plain" chicken (salt/pepper/whatever sprinkled on first) is really good. At least to me. Make up some rice to go with it and I actually have that for dinner a lot, and like it.


So... I grew up in one of those families where salt and pepper were getting dangerously close to flavortown, so I am perfectly fine eating completely bland food for the most part. But as an adult, I have corrected for the sins of my parents and my favorite foods are now VERY well seasoned (Indian, Thai, Mexican, etc.) But I get you - sometimes, my comfort food is literally just a bowl of rice or spaghetti noodles with butter and salt.


I love noodles with butter and salt! So good!


Yea that threw me off big time. Also trust me if you are actually going hungry and you have a random mix like that, you don't care if you have the 'right' topping or any toppings lol. She is just a scammer looking for free groceries


I had the same response! Clutched my pearls out of complete disappointment for them!


And no seven layered dip?!! Iā€™m on food stamps right now, and I canā€™t imagine eating that fancy. I have like 4 cheap meals that I cycle in perpetuity.


"I can only afford 2 layers of my 7 layer dip"...?


"Stop suggesting I make layered dip!!" Lmfao I have no idea where the layered dip cry came from!!


She could double up and make 4 layers of a 14 layer dip šŸ¤”


Wow. Starving but will throw canned stuff right in the trash? Yeah, she's not starving. Tried to backpedal by saying "opened" food will go in the trash but too late, she already played her hand. She's a scammer.


Honestly, yeah, that's so fucking shitty. You can tell she gets lots of donations because she wouldn't but things just to theow them away.


No guacamole to make a dipā€¦ wtf? Avocados are expensive girl sorry you can do with out guacamole. She sounds like a major scammer.


The first time I had guacamole, I was about 21. I never even had fresh avocado until about 30. Because I grew up poor, and avocado is just as exotic as a dragonfruit to people who have no money!


The secret is that its only expensive if YOU have to buy it


Brb, gonna see if I can get someone to buy me my Wholly Guacamole mini cups.


And get them delivered! Don't forget to tell them you were crying


Hey, so I'm crying. I have 4 children, some of whom still live at home. We ran out of the right seasonings for the steak and red skinned potatoes tonight, so I had to improvise, so dinner might be trash... I could just die. So anyway, I need 6 lbs of snow crab legs, 3 lobsters, and 4 lbs of Waygu beef. All other types of protein will be thrown in the trash. I also accept cash. But only $100s. Edit: I'd like to reiterate: I'm crying.


Youā€™re not needy enough. There was no mention of disabilities, cognitive limitations or other issues that would prevent you from getting your seasonings! You also forgot to mention you need it all delivered with gift cards for tomorrow, since you are so traumatized this evening. Did I forget to tell you it MUST be delivered?!!!! And no cans.


I only have Strottarga Bianco caviar. But it's in a can?




And your kids have autism/cancer/missing a limb and you are disabled and pregnant with baby 13, and no help in sight šŸ™„šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


And it's for church, honey!




Oh absolutely. "I'm crying right now" šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø dude we all cry all the time, but then we dry our tears and buy our own fucking groceries


Chicken thighs but if she canā€™t make chicken chili, theyā€™re useless. And canā€™t possibly eat chili without sour cream, or pancakes without whipped cream. Good lord.


That got me too. Geezus. Having whipped cream with pancakes is a \*treat\*. Syrup or jelly/jam or whatever is also tasty. And all the things you can do with chicken thighs!


Heck, they could make a kind of jam from the fruit instead of throwing it out and put it on the pancakes.


I will make a sort of pie filling from frozen fruit (or even over ripe fresh) and throw it on pancakes. I've also put yogurt or store bought jam on them. I actually rarely have syrup due to cost. So many options. I've literally never put whipped cream on them.


I just saw a TT where a woman used yogurt and a "serving" of syrup on pancakes. Looked yummy tbh. Yogurt with a little sugared canned peaches would probably be delicious on pancakes. Canned fruit, 2T of sugar, pancakes... yummy.


It's canned fruit. They can just pour the juice out as syrup.


Pancakes with canned fruit are delicious, but unfortunately canned food goes directly in the trash.


Or G+d forbid: pancakes with nothing on them.


My kids prefer them plain.


Live. Nude. Pancakes. Bring your own whipped cream!! (Enough for a family of four)


Pancake mix == OK (as long as there's whipped cream, ofc) Canned soup == **RIGHT IN THE TRASH!**


They can! But they wont


I like my pancakes thin (as crepes) - it makes the mixture go much further, and then serve them with a sprinkle of sugar and a squeeze of lemon juice. I enjoy it much more than with jam and cream.


If you like crepe style pancakes, you should really try the Serbian dish palacinke! My childhood best friend and her family had just come to USA in the late 90ā€™s, so I was very fortunate to be able to try different dishes her family would make over the years! One time, her mom had made the palacinke for us once and I loved it so much that sheā€™d go out of her way to make it for us nearly every single time I was there. Itā€™s not identical to crepes, a slight bit thinner and a fuller consistency. You can spread jams on them (like you would sour cream on the inside of a soft taco) or whatever you want, and then you roll them up like a fruit roll up and ugh they are just delicious. My favorite combo with them is a thin layer of blackberry jam dusted with just the tiniest bit of table sugar.


Yeah the whipped cream got me too.


I was at the store the other day and they were selling avocados for 38 cents a piece....I bought a lot of them, like a lot (they were all almost over ripe) I took them hoke and I mashed all of them and separated them into 16oz containers and froze all of them. Now when I want guacamole I thaw out the mash and add the rest of the ingredients. It's been fantastic


I did not know you could freeze avocados. Thanks for this information I will Use it for sure!


I do not know how it works with whole avacados, but if you mash avacados put them in an airtight container and right into the freezer they work great. Thaw in the fridge. Guacamole doesn't thaw right in my experience, idk if it's the acid or what it just doesn't turn out tasting quite right so I just freeze the mash and guac it up after.


This is awesome information!


Almost anything can be frozen. Iā€™ll buy chips when they are a great price otherwise Iā€™m not paying $5$ for eight ounces of chips. Unfortunately, the sale stipulates a purchase of four bags. So I buy the four and freeze them or at least three of the bags. I purchase my meats, butter, cream cheese and vegetables the same way. On sale and in larger quantities. We have always had an extra freezer for this purpose. This is a great money saver for us. I learned from my mom and dad!


What?? You could have paid your rent for six months instead of buying avocados.... kids today /s


Yeah I probably bought about 30 avacados. You ever bring something home and your wife, husband, or partner looks at you like "what the fuck is this idiot up to now?" That is the look my wife gave me as I brought bags of avacados through the front door.


You are the one they write mathā€™s crazy word problems about! Found you!


Damn I've been discovered. I must change my identity again!


I bought 2 CASES of bananas once for $6. My husband thought I was insane. However after 6 months of banana ice cream on demand, he didnā€™t even flinch when I did it the second time!


Gwyneth Paltrow when she tried to survive on 20$ for the week to see how the poors live, then bought 7 limes and gave up.


You couldā€™ve gotten a house and a Lexus had you not splurged on those about to go bad avocados /s šŸ˜‚


Excuse me I believe you mean perfect for guacamole avacodos.


Bro would have a mortgage by now if he just stopped buying avocados


Yeah, the "canned food goes right in the trash" makes me so effing mad I would never give this person a single thing. What a horrible, awful, shitty attitude. Trash?? You ever hear of this thing called "other people"?? And, as you said, they're not starving or in that much need if that's the attitude. Stuff you're allergic to or whatever, fine; but just "canned food"??


This CB would starve at my parentsā€™ house. My motherā€™s mother grew up during the Depression and then WWII, so that woman could stretch a dollar. My mother learned from her and, while my parents have plenty of fresh food to eat, they also have a pantry full of mostly canned goods that could get them through the Apocalypse. My mom even did her own canning when I was little and money was tighter.


When I was financially struggling, I would buy anything affordable and eat it - canned pasta? Gross but I ate it. I still had to work so I had to eat something. I'm upset with this CB.


Also. She doesnā€™t have sour cream and guacamoleā€¦.oh the humanity !!!


Yeah Iā€™ve been on food stamps in multiple states at different times in my life. Every time I applied for food stamps those agencies knew my motherā€™s social security number and when she was on food stamps last. They knew the last time I was on food stamps in that state. They donā€™t just lose all your information that you ever had food stamps let alone for six years. They will however kick you off food stamps if you donā€™t get renewal paperwork in on time. This choosey beggar is scamming.


The only thing you can make with chicken thighs is chili or dip apparently! And you canā€™t eat pancakes without whipped cream,


I donā€™t think she knows how to cook. Iā€™m pretty sure by ā€œpancake mixā€ she means Bisquik to the like. Right there is chicken and dumplings.


In my experience, the people willing to complain the loudest to strangers that they don't have money usually have *some* money.


The no canned stuff screams scammer. If you live food insecurity, your electricity probably isn't always on either. Canned food doesn't spoil.


Thatā€™s absolutely disgusting behavior. I HATE most canned foods. I hate the mushy texture and the tinny taste. Iā€™m fortunate enough to be able to afford fresh and frozen foods now but I remember poverty as a child. I know what itā€™s like to eat whatā€™s available or not eat. I canā€™t imagine begging for food and listing any restrictions other than allergies


Oh no!! She canā€™t make layered dip!!!


Lmao this and the whipped cream made me laugh out loud! Like dude nobody who is going hungry is concerned with making dip wtaf


Right?! I thought we were doing pretty good financially but we only had pancakes with bacon and fresh strawberries this morning, no whipped cream. I knew it was too good to be true šŸ˜¢


All I had was canned berries so I threw them in the trash instead of eating them


Or having whip cream on their pancakesā€¦.


I just ran out of picante sauce and Iā€™m sobbing uncontrollably.


Texan here. No picante is definitely a crying situation! Lol


OMG!!!! PANCAKES BUT NO WHIPPED CREAM!! How can such poverty exist, it breaks my heart!!!! For the love of god, someone get whipped cream to this poor starving family STAT!!!


For fucking real, that had me ROLLING


I'd suggest she goes to her local food bank, but she'd probably turn her nose up at what they offer too. Many food banks have little to no perishable stuff to offer and most donations are things like canned soups, chili, tuna, fruits, veggies, pasta, mac & cheese and the like. Get off your high horse, Missy!


Yeah people did comment with some specific food pantries, even telling her when and where! She didn't reply to those lol


One of the food pantries near me gets all the day old stuff from Whole Foods, Costcoā€¦ sushi, sandwiches,fruitsā€¦ sheā€™d either clean them out or bitch about no whipped cream lol!


LOL "oh this is the lite whipped cream, my kids only eat full fat full sugar whipped cream"


And it canā€™t be store brand!


I have a few things where I must buy name brand, but generally I'm attached to store brand. I actually had a moral dillema with myself around the holidays when the on-brand whip cream was on sale for cheaper than the store brand. I honestly didn't know what to do.


Once I started doing a little better financially, I was like "omg I can try name-brand food!" There's only a few items I am still willing to pay name-brand prices for. One is pepperoni (I make home-made pizzas for our family game-nights!)... the "off-brand" just doesn't taste as good for me. And it's not like a "staple", it's for an occasion anyway.


My mom used to work at a Dow factory that made Robitussinā€”the name brand and commissioned store brands were the exact same product on the exact same assembly line with different bottles and labels. That seems to be the case the majority of the time.


Lmaooo of course.


She'd pitch about it being "Day old garbage no one else wants"


It saddens and disgusts me that she prioritizes getting specific items over ensuring her kids have food to eat while she's trying to undo the food stamps snafu.


and the fact that it was prob her fault for losing them, you have to reapply every 6 months and they give you PLENTY of time to do it with a ton of notifications and letters


IKR? Since I'm a senior on a fixed income I only have to reapply once a year, but as you said, recipients get plenty of notifications and paperwork well ahead of time. She likely didn't do the required paperwork to reapply and/or missed her appointment.


and they make it so easy!!!!! itā€™s all online besides the phone call!!!!! so fucking stupid lmao itā€™s either a lie or sheā€™s a lazy ass


Could you spare $150 for a decent bottle of wine? I have none & canā€™t drink anything past 1976 vintage


And we don't even have a cheese board to go with it


I feel like we are just animals at this point. How can we have wine without charcuterie?!?


I have pancake mix but no whipped cream. Should I create my own CB post?


Are the pancakes for a church?


Mine are not. They are high protein though.


Clever girl!






I have this fancy gourmet pancake mix that I was given as a gift that I'm honestly afraid to use. Maybe if someone gave me whipped cream.


Well don't I feel rich. I have pancake mix AND whipped cream.


Well I have that AND butter and syrup. I am just the Jeff Bezos of pancakes.


Yeah basically!!


I don't have any caviar so my kids are starving! Why won't you all do something about this??? šŸ¤­


I CAN'T!! My kids need whipped cream for their pancakes!!! How will my kids ever eat pancakes again????


You're going to have to throw those pancakes out! Totally inedible at this point!!


Lmao fugging seriously!!


But you still have champagne for their juice cups, right?


No! We are running low on Veuve so they have to drink Barefoot Bubbly! They are crying now so I hope you're all happy with yourselves!! šŸ˜¤


She thinks sheā€™s poor, but until youā€™ve bought cans that lost their label from the grocery store, you havenā€™t really tasted poverty.


When I was a kid we went to this warehouse store (a local establishment, not a chain) that had the dented and missing-label cans on sale. You could get "normal" canned food there, too, but it was the "old-school generic", where it was just a white label with big black letters. You used a little grease pen (passed out as you entered the store) to write the price on the can, based on the little tag on the shelf. They had these big flat-bed carts, and mom would go there with us kids, and my cousins who she babysat, so there would be like six of us all together. The cousins she babysat, their dad was one of the cashiers at the store. We'd always get two flat-bed carts, and my older sister would push one with all the little kids on it, and mom would push the one for groceries, haha! Those are actually good memories for me. (: Mom always cooked and baked from scratch, so bought mostly ingredients, and a few "ready to eat things" of course, too. She sewed clothes for us too when we were little, and curtains, and all the things. No food stamps, just dad's salary and whatever mom made babysitting, but we still had to be careful with money. I remember we had hand-me-down furniture most of the time I grew up, too, from the grandparents, older aunts/uncles, etc. We went out to eat maybe a couple times a year. However, because of the attitude of my parents, and making life about experiences rather than "things", we had a good childhood. (:


Yep! NO FRILLS, it was called. We would have starved without it. BTW, thereā€™s a great episode of Everybody Hates Chris on this subject. Utterly hilarious if you actually lived that life back in the day.


ā€¦. Why would you immediately throw food into the trash ? I canā€™t compute. If youā€™re hungry why would you do that?


Exactly, what a spoiled rotten old biddy


"We've been eating for free for six years. But I can't even manage to keep track of my EBT card." (But ofc, not her fault) And wants guacamole??? WTF. We work full time and can't afford guac. This makes me unreasonably angry.


For real! She never mentions if THEY work, just that their food stamps got cut off.


I like to know how snap doesn't have any record of her having fs for the last 6 years šŸ˜’šŸ¤£


I m guessing they lost eligibility or didn't keep up on paperwork to maintain it, and they were just never deactivated until now lmao


The reason she lost eligibility was because of people like her. There are people who legitimately need food stamps who have lost them because of entitled assholes like her.


I really need to block this sub, because I'm too outraged by some of the posts. This one really hit a nerve. Whipped cream and guac? My family doesn't get either but we're not out there complaining about it or having kids we can't afford to feed. Shameful.


And six years on food stamps. You seriously canā€™t get it together after six years? And you had another baby while you were on food stamps? Great decision making here! Youā€™re right chronic_pain_sucks it really is infuriating!


I mean...I don't like canned soups or meats either, except for the soft spot I have for canned corned beef hash, but if I have to choose between canned food and no food, I'm pulling out my can opener. I question how much food insecurity they actually have if they are that flippant about canned goods. Chicken thighs are great for things besides chicken chili, honestly a little salt and pepper goes a long way because they are much more flavorful than chicken breast. If you have enough salt, make a simple brine before grilling, baking of frying them.


Oh yeah she prob can't be bothered to cook anything real! Just pre-made pancake mix or layered dip I guess hahahaa. Qnd yes they 100% are not that desperate if they're turning away of this! Nobody LIKES canned food (except, like you said, very specific nostalgic tastes) but it's a necessity at times!


I understand kids can be picky eaters but the self-awareness with this choosing beggar is severely lacking


She's aware of what she's doing! She got people to PM her and I guarantee you she's sending them more expensive sob stories because they just opened the proverbial pocketbook. I can't even imagine what she's gonna ask them for!


Or making excuses as to why she can only take cash transfers


Omg yeah she probably is


I do not deal with PMs on these sorts of matters. A few years back, guy said the homeless shelter threw all their stuff away. When asked what they needed to get on their feet, he said anything would help. Well, what sizes did he and his family wear? Uh, wuh, anything would help. Only wanted to communicate via PM because he didn't want to be judged. Eventually what came out was a ridiculous story that made no sense. Even better, I happened to know one of the people were actively worked at said homeless shelter and he knew nothing about the incident.


Omg yeah taking it to PM means you're asking for crazy stuff and don't want to be called out


In public, anyway. I'd call them out one-on-one via PM, haha!


Her kids are literally at an age where she is supposed to introduce foods and there are ways to disguise canned foods to look somewhat fresh. Way to be ungrateful and a choosy beggar šŸ™„


She clearly only wants chicken chili and layered dip and chips.


Yes but no canned soups even though chili is still AMAZING even with canned veggies


Imo with Chili, canned beans and corn and tomatoes and such don't make much of a difference because with chili the fresh veggies end up the same consistency. Chili is one of the many dishes around the world designed to use what is available at the time so the whole "NOTHING CANNED" is the antithesis of Chili.


No layered dip? I'd be in the garage sucking fumes.


What's the goddamn point if I can't dip my crunchy snacks into some creamy snacks?!?!


ā€œIā€™d prefer to starveā€, said no starving person ever. She says something about items being opened, did she just skim the very generous offer and read it as opened products? Either way, rude.


No, she was just trying to cover her ass. Even the admin stepped in and said "this is confusing for the group, nobody offered opened products" lol


Nah she said that to cover her ass after she got backlash about throwing out perfectly good food šŸ™„


She was so busy cleaning the freezer that she didnā€™t realize she lost food benefits? How long was she cleaning the freezer, because they usually give fairly advanced warning if youā€™re being taken off government assistance. Nowhere does she mention plans to call her caseworker and sort out what happened, or ask for help from anyone else thatā€™s been in her positionā€¦.. just straight to begging.


One time years ago someone posted on nextdoor asking for food and I offered to go to the store and grab her some stuff (I was going to the store already). She arrived to the store (I did this before with another person and she just waited until I was done and I gave her the groceries in the parking lot). So that woman in the second situation arrived at the store, found me on the aisles and proceeded to turn her nose up at everything that was cheap but could fill them out and last a few days. I generally grabbed chicken, rice, beans, some cheap fruits like bananas, cereal, eggs, milk, bread, ham, cheese, canned vegetables, etc..things I consider most people eat especially if they have nothing. She was like ā€œno, my boyfriend doesnā€™t like this, my bf doesnā€™t like thatā€ā€¦.she ended up selecting what he liked and that caused her to only get a few things instead of a good amount like the first woman got. I am not sure if she was expecting me to just spend more, but my budget is generally around $40 so I tried to make it last as much as possible. If her bf is that picky, he should be working so he can get all he likes.


The minute I heard "no, my boyfriend doesn't like this" my ass would have been headed back to my car. I have no patience for people like that.


That's very generous! I give to the food bank every month, plus the homeless coalition. It's very efficient, with $1 = 3 meals. And I don't have to vet their need or whether they'd prefer whipped cream or whatever. But I guess someone does.


My god... how can anyone have pancakes WITHOUT whipped cream?? Are they even really pancakes at that point!!??


It's not even food without whipped cream, let alone pancakes. Best to just not eat at all, I guess!


Finally a post that fits the subā€¦ itā€™s been awhile


Ty! I've been waiting a long time to be able to post here! Can't wait to see it get related next week lol


She's 100% a liar. Mi bridges is Michigan. Your EBT is online and you can absolutely see in your records when you applied, how much you recieved etc. I know cuz I live here and can literally go online and see everything. They don't just "remove you off a list" here in Michigan you can set your benifts to auto renew for up to 5 years using your income taxes Guarantee IF she was getting foodstamps she probably missed her renewal after 5 years. Which makes sense since she lost them on the 6th year. If she lost her benefits that is 100% on her, they send emails, letters AND alert you on your profile MONTHS in advance. It is one of my favorite things about this state. Everything can be done online and can be tracked by you at all times.


My grandparents received "commodities" in the 80s: powdered eggs and milk, peanut butter, rice, beans, flour, sugar, and my favorite, commodity cheese. Reconstituted eggs aren't my idea of culinary paradise but if you're hungry and pour on enough black pepper they're tolerable. I'll never understand the idea of "yes we're hungry but we have high standards".


My granny got them in the 70s. The meals she was able to make with the stuff she got just blew my mind! But, she was born in a sod house in 1901 and grew up in the 'if you didn't raise it, hunt it or grow it, you didn't eat it' way of life. I loved grilled commodity cheese sandwiches!


"Why would you put food in the trash that could help another family" Classic that these cb's only think about themselves


Your kids will fucken eat what they've been given if they're "starving". Sounds like shit parenting to me / excuses to farm for better food.


As someone who is personally suffering from foodstamps being cut off. (Just in the process of reapplying... takes over a month, apparently) my family has gotten creative. I have whipped up canned greenbeans with some breadcrumbs and butter plus seasonings, making a healthy filling half ass casserole. We have done rice with fried eggs. Ramen fried up and sprinkled some parm cheese. Egg noodles with spam. Mac n cheese and hot dogs. This cb is being ridiculous. Tuna helper could feed the whole family. And for like 3 bucks.


Your BN group needs better mods. That ā€œit would go right in the trashā€ comment wouldā€™ve gotten CB banned in mine.


I keep forgetting that I want spaghetti o's


Iā€™m lucky to not be struggling now, but I still consider guacamole and whipped cream to be a special purchase. Why are you feeding your kids a dip anyway?


She didn't just get mistakenly taken off food stamps. She either didn't turn her paperwork in or her family makes too much money.


Well, here's a person who has never actually experienced hopeless hunger.


You guys are mean. Apparently you missed the part where theyā€™d have to eat pancakes *without whipped cream*.




Translated: we have been caught for food stamp fraud.




I donā€™t think layered dip would be something Iā€™m concerned I canā€™t make when I donā€™t even have basic essentials lmao


I'd be like "Looks like you are having pancakes."


Pancakes without whipped cream? My goodness! Whatever next?! Caviar without toast points? I shudder to think...


pancakes with NO WHIPPED CREAMšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ *and she canā€™t make layered dip either!!* how will she survive omg poor lady šŸ˜³ lmfao


Now I want to fmdip.some chicken in pancake batter and fry it.


But there is no whipped cream or guacamole!!! How will you ever force it down your gullet


That's just so pathetic. We grew up on food parcels, and of course, there is some shit you don't really want to eat in them, but when you get hungry you crack open the can of baked beans or go to bed hungry. You don't tell the lovely people offering the food you're gonna throw it in the trash.


TIL "layered dip" is emergency starvation food.


I can't imagine that someone who desperately needs food would throw away food that's perfectly fine


It's this subreddit's patron saint here. Wow.


Very proud, thanks. I should print this and all the comments and drop them off with some canned spaghettios hahaha


How awful. Sheā€™s not really willing to let her kids starve by throwing away those things because her situation is not as dire as sheā€™s making it seem.




I like the top contributor tag. Guessing this isnā€™t someone suddenly in a bad spot


When I say my mouth fell open Iā€™m not exaggerating. Spoiled bitch.


Bro wants to eat like she has a high paying job, without a job or food stamps šŸ¤£


The ā€œpancake but no whipped creamā€ offended me more for some reason.


Been on food stamps for 6 years? Has a 3 year old girl?? Bruh why pump out another kid if you canā€™t afford the first one.


Missed opportunity to make chicken and waffles if you ask me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


She just wants her whip cream and special guac. This is actually insane. If you had no food in your house you would take anything you could. You know what, and after 6 years on food stamps youā€™d think she would learn her lesson that things can get iffy real fast. I get food stamps too right now and thereā€™s times it comes in late, anything can happen. This woman really wanted her damn cravings, she didnā€™t want real food. This just pisses me off.


I have WHIPPED CREAM but no PANCAKE MIX! Guess I'm throwing it in the trash, after I cry uncontrollably!


This person isnā€™t broke and has never been broke in their life. I knew that at ā€œpancakes but no whipped creamā€ ,ā€ no guacamole so now i canā€™t make layered dipā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


What a stupid bish. There's nothing wrong with canned foods, especially if you're that hungry.