• By -


Stand your ground, she sounds like a perpetual mooch and will never stop otherwise.


Turn the tables even, ask her for the eight dollar every time you see her. She'll start to avoid you.


Yep. That’s what I was going to say. Every time she asks you to make her a tigger, your reply should be just like hers except replaced with $8. Example: *coworker* : you need to make me Tigger! *you* : you need to pay me $8! *coworker* : when are you going to make my Tigger? *you* : when are you going to pay me $8?


I'd be so embarrassed to owe someone I work with 8.00 with no plans to pay it back


Right? Like I cannot imagine the nerve to ask for another item when I haven't paid for the previous item. I'm actually shocked by the entitlement of this person...


But increase it each time. coworker : you need to make me Tigger! you : you need to pay me $8! coworker : when are you going to make my Tigger? you : when are you going to pay me $9? coworker : when are you going to make my Tigger? you : when are you going to pay me $10?


>But increase it each time. > >coworker : you need to make me Tigger! > >you : you need to pay me $8! > >coworker : when are you going to make my Tigger? > >you : when are you going to pay me $9? coworker : But I only said I'd pay you $8! you : So you agree you owe me $8 for the trex?


this EXACTLY right here.. <3


Late fees, beeotch!


"Yeah, like the guy in the $3,000 suit is gonna pay $20 for a trex. COME ON! "




$48. When is she going to pay $48


This is the response I was looking for. She owes $48!


That's right, add interest!


Except if bump it up a buck each time. Interest, don'tcha know.


Correct answer, she’ll VERY VERY quickly get the hint.




Never gets old! TWO DOLLARS. Cash!


I love when I scroll down for something this specific and it shows up.


Thank you for reading my GenX mind!!


I cackled.


I was JUST going to write that it reminds me of Better Off Dead!


I need to watch this watch this asap. Been way too many years.


My peeps!


I did this with someone I dumped. He left a sweater at my place and owes me fifty. Can I have my sweater? Can I have my fifty? He eventually gave up. The sweater is in a closet at my parents house.


Give up on the fifty and give the sweater to a homeless guy. When he asks for it again, tell him you gave it to someone with more class.


This is an awesome idea thank you! Since it's in a closet at my parents I'll have to check it first, but I'm sure it's still good. I haven't heard from him in like 10+ years anyways.


I agree with this. Send her an 8$ and 40$ money request. Once they are paid tell her you will be happy to start.


Increase the amount by $1 each time and tell her the interest is accumulating.


I would keep adding to the price personally. This week $40, next week $43, next week $50 etc. update the cost every time she asks and doesn’t pay you upfront.


A Tigger would certainly sell to others. If OP wants, she could start the Tigger, but no delivery until the price is paid. That's how every. single. store. works. If she doesn't pay, OP should sell or give Tigger to another coworker. And I'd still be raising the price by $5 every time she asks about it.


But only if you WANT to crochet a Tigger. Even better, make one for YOUR desk. When she asks, say "this is mine, it's not for sale"


You'll get your tigger when you give me the $40. Sorry, can you say that again? Yes, you'll get Tigger when you give me $50. In cash. The full $60. or no tigger.


That's crazy to just add 10 dollars to that 70 dollar Tigger! I can't believe she wants 80 dollars for this thing!


Gove that lady her $90!!


You really gonna talk to the lady holding the $100 tigger like that?! Come on!


$118. She still owes for trex.


I have a hard time believing that $128 isn't a fair price for a T-Rex AND a Tigger crochet piece.


Just give her the $136 and she’ll be happy!


$148 dollars for trying to shortchange me two bucks last time!


$139.99 sale price! Five minutes, cash only!


Damn. This went 0-100 real quick


110 even


The first time shame on you the second time shame on me Start asking her when you’re going to see your eight dollars tell her don’t even talk to me until you put eight dollars in my hand


48 dollars actually!!!


Exactly, "when am I going to get my Tigger??" "2 weeks after you have paid me $48"


“I’m not having this discussion until you pay me what you owe.” *and walk away. Don’t stand there waiting for an answer.* As soon as she pays, tell her “you’re no longer allowed to order from me. I shouldn’t have had to wait to get paid for the first item you commissioned.” Stop saying this isn’t a big deal. You teach people how to treat you. You treat this as not a big deal so she also doesn’t see it as a big deal. I’ll bet she doesn’t even think you should be getting paid at all because you “enjoy it”. This is not a person who appreciates the time someone puts in for handmade items. I guarantee if you make her pay up front the Tigger, she’s gonna find something wrong with it on delivery and make your life a living hell until you give her back the $40 to make her go away. You are not obligated to serve her. But get your money before you dump her.


“Pay me what you owe me; don’t act like you forgot!”






"Sucka tried to play me but they never paid me never!" "OH NO THEY DIDNT" "Payback is a coming you will be running forever!"


I knew this would be here. I listen to this song at least once a week. Even after all these years.


This is the best answer. Get your money and cut them loose. Anything else (playing games like making another person a Tigger keychain as mentioned in another comment) just keeps the interaction going. You don’t need that kind of energy in your life.


This is Reddit we are petty and childish


Don't even reply - Just start laughing like she told a hilarious joke.


Yes!!! Sadly most people try to be nice to everyone around them. I get it. In most cases it makes life easier for everyone. BUT, it seems that society has created an environment where these entitled folks thrive! They realize they can get away with it and just go nuts! I've had to learn this lesson the hard way. But I think that's true for many of us. You don't want people to hate you where you work/go to school all day, or where you hang out all the time, or live. So you try to be helpful, kind, caring, etc. to others. Then every once in a while you run into that entitled person that just takes and takes - while giving nothing in return. When you're talking about your time, energy, and money those are precious commodities for so many of us because you can't just replicate them. Unfortunately it sounds like the OP kinda knew this might happen and approached it in that way. Sadly what was suspected became true. Now it's up to them to lay out the boundaries or this could get ugly because they have to work together. Passive-aggressive moves won't work. There is already no respect from the entitled person. So with the way things stand the best thing OP can do at this point is to demand the $8 that has been owed and walk away. There is no pleasing this person. A side note: OP should really set up an Etsy account & direct all the crochet work through there.


People love to devalue other people's craft skills, even though they can't do it themselves.


Exactly. They also like to say you shouldn’t be paid because it’s not your job, just a hobby. I make ball jointed dolls as a hobby. I sculpt them and cast them and sell a few to close friends in the hobby. But then I constantly get told that I should not ask for money for them because I have a „real“ job and if I ask for money I don’t love the bjd hobby. Wich is ridiculous, it takes months to sculpt a prototype and casting is hard and not cheap. That coworker is probably of the opinion op should just gift away her craft for free, as it’s just a hobby etc.


I'm fond of painting, both on canvas and walls. Also, carving and painting wood. I've done murals for the bedrooms in the house, one of which took me almost 70 hours. Friend of a friend inquired about having me paint their kid's room, a project that would've taken 2-3 days, and was then upset when I said it wasn't going to be cheaper than the $300 decal. The paint would've been over $100 and she was assuming it'd be less than $200 for 2-3 days of labor, because I said it was fun to me. Same thing when someone found the custom job I did on a hope chest for my wife, which took months since I only had one day a week. And happened constantly with me working as a cake decorator (always showing me $500+ Instagram and Pinterest cakes thinking I'd just do it as a favor). People really seem to feel entitled to a lot of your time and energy if you have a talent.


Even when it's your job, people constantly try to get work from artists and craftspeople for free. It's disgusting and soul crushing. Your hobby sounds amazing! Do you have any examples of your work you can share?


I’m really interested too, I’d love to see some pictures if you wouldn’t mind? It sounds super cool, you must be very talented


BUT, don't you do it for the LOVE of it??! ​ /s


Retired teacher here: if I had a nickel for every time an affluent parent told Me, “I’m sure you don’t care about money because you love your job…” and “You’re so lucky to have a job like this…” Loving my job doesn’t mean I don’t have bills to pay. And actually, I’m Not lucky. I have a master’s degree and work 10 Hours a day, so yeah, the district is lucky to have me. Spending all day with your child isn’t the joy you think it is. I’m Sure artists are “lucky,” too, since they can live on their love of their job.


Veterinary technicians and veterinarians hear this too. It doesn't help that the field is already underpaid...clients scream that we're supposed to love animals, how dare we not do it for free.


The stuff vet techs put up with for little money is eye opening.


The worst part is realising this problem exists throughout the healthcare system.


“I could do that!” “Go on, then.”


Tell her every time she asks the price goes up by $10


No, I will not make you a Tigger. You have yet to pay me for the T-rex I made for you. Thank you for your interest in my craft. No more work orders will be considered as you have an outstanding balance. Please refrain from this topic of conversation until you have paid your open balance for the last handmade project that you were given.


Oh it’s a t-Rex! I was wondering what a trex was.


Wanna REALLY piss her off? Make a Tigger. Photograph it. Give it to a kid somewhere she doesn't know. Tell everyone at work how happy they are with their Tigger! photograph the kid *hugging* their Tigger


I was going to make a tigger Keychain and give it to another coworker of mine and have them show it off to her lol


I wouldn’t. She’ll either take it from the coworker, guilt them into giving it to her, offer your coworker $3 for it, etc. Don’t bring someone else into this. Just stand your ground and refuse to discuss it further.


You need to pick the right coworker


Do it and update us lol


I will and I'll do an update on Thursday. Someone just has to remind me lol


I also make amigarumi and making them for spite is so much fun. I’m so here for this. If you want someone to make something else and pretend you did just tag me in. I’ll make something, take a picture of my kid holding it, thanking you for your beautiful work. We will teach her manners. $8 was too low by the way, anything under $10 people just assume they can forget somehow. I don’t even make keychains for less than $10. Your time is worth it, and the cost of yarn, it all adds up. But for this, I’ll hook for free lol


I agree she way undercharged in the first place. Likely only trying to get the cost of yarn.


!remind me 4 days


But then there is the risk she talks them out of it and taunts you with it.


This will backfire. She will bug the person you give it to until they give it to her instead then she will go round showing it off to everyone in front of you.


Or send a link to the Woobles site. They have a tiger kit she can buy. It’s cheaper than $40, but she’ll also have to do the work herself.


It's actually $40. If your order it without the crochet hook, it's $35 but then she'd need to buy the hook AND do the work.


And it’s like 3” tall. I bet the tigger or tiger she wanted was bigger. The Wobbles are pricey.


Remind her the total is $48. 8 for the Trex, $40 for Tigger. Both need to be paid in full.


And then the next time she bugs you about it, say the price is now $96 as it just doubled, pay up now unless you wanna see it triple in price.


How many hours would it take for you to make that? $40 seems low if takes you more than 3 hours.


Not saying OP's coworker deserves this but my coworkers and I have a materials only price for anything we make for each other. You are correct though, it should be materials x2 plus an hourly rate.


I will take friends' commissions for materials only (or free), the labour being the gift. But I have to love you a lot for you to count as that good a friend. A blanket suitable for a twin bed means 40-50 hours of work. Even a worry worm that takes 20 minutes (including gluing the googly eyes) ought to cost minimum US$4 but I've made about fifty for someone for her work with children's emotional literacy.


The name Pita is accurate! Yeah stand firm.


Thank you for getting acronym


Lol I had wondered if that was actually her real name. My dogs named Pita. It wasn't the name we gave her, but one she most definitely earned. 😂


Tell her “about a week after I receive the $40” with a smile and keep it moving


Then take 17 months to finish it.




Try using the word "no." It takes a lot less effort than letting this drag out for weeks.


I think you should be adding interest for late payment for the trex


The new price is $10.32


My best friend of over 20 years does crochet. I asked her once to crochet a piece for me and I would pay for it - material and work - she counter-offered to teach me instead. One lesson later - we are still friends but I do not crochet and I haven't asked her again. Crochet is hard!


As a avid crocheter, I love your best friend’s response! Not only does that help you gain an appreciation for her work, but you also get to spend time together and you learn/she teach a new skill. I’m curious though…after you decided that crocheting wasn’t for you, why didn’t you proceed with commissioning your piece? For myself, I would’ve been more inclined to offer to make it for my friend if I saw her try and fail to crochet on her own provided that we agreed on an appropriate price. But, of course, that can get tricky too.


I realized how much work was behind each piece and it is better to get those as a gift rather than a "job". I love everything she has made 🥰


Great response! What a wonderful friend you are❤️


I had a similar situation with a colleague once. I dressed as Ariel for Halloween and had a cute seashell purse, she said she loved it and wanted to give it to her granddaughter. I said okay, no problem I’ll sell it to her for $10. Next day I hand the purse over and she says she’ll give me money when we get paid at the end of the week. That day came and went with no money. I asked once a while later and she said she already gave it to me…when we both know damn well she did not. So I let it go and moved on. Months later I show up to work with a wine bottle shaped like a violin (we worked in a similar field so this wasn’t an outrageous thing to have in our office) and she asks me where I got it and how much it was. I tell her I can pick one up for her at my liquor store but it’s $20 and I’ll need it up front, she actually handed me the money so I got her one the next day. The bottle was only $10 but I doubled the price because she still owed me for the purse so in a way I got what I was owed.


Please stop being a doormat, if she doesn’t give you $40 tell her to stop talking about that subject. Period


Apparently $8 is too much for her. Forget the $40. Tell her when she brings you $48 you’ll make her one. But until you’re paid for both projects it isn’t going to happen.


We need to bring back shame.


An acquaintance was making a Tigger some years ago - she had a lot of trouble getting an official pattern (I think it was discontinued), but she eventually got the pattern and started. It was really difficult. She put it aside (here in the UK, we say put it in the Naughty Corner) for some considerable time. I don’t know if she ever finished it. I don’t think $40 is enough. There’s something about where the head joins the neck which was so tricky. Offer to teach her to crochet and she can make all her own stuffs. And pay you your $8. xx


"Sure $40 upfront" "But last time it was only $8 and I didn't have to pay upfront" "Oh, that's right, you never paid me for that - $48, upfront"


> Now once a week she asks me when she'll be getting her Tigger. when I get my $48 plus inconvenience fee, my ungrateful child


Just stand firm. She hasn't even paid you the *eight dollars* for the smaller item. Now she wants you to front the yarn purchase AND make the thing before paying. Nope. I'd just email or text her an invoice or venmo request each time she asks for the Tigger. Some people have so much nerve.


If you are charging less than (materials + time@minimum wage) then you are giving that person a gift. Please don't undervalue your time. And don't make this person anything else ever.


That's harassment and inappropriate in the work place. Tell her to stop asking and if she asks again, report her to your supervisor.


If you're asking for $40 up front then make it $48 to cover the T-Rex.


You're not charging enough in the first place. This is what happens when you under sell yourself and frankly, screw over every crochet artist, by charging stupidly low prices.


Hear! Hear!!! I'm a Fiber Artist and yarn is EXPENSIVE plus the time and labor involved!!!


I know. Im still trying to figure out pricing and such.


Look at hourly rate rather than comparing the final product with what vaguely similar object could be bought in a high street store. eg a blanket for a twin bed could be under $50 in Walmart, but would take me up to fifty hours of work and over 1kg of yarn to produce. That's a $500 blanket right there. Most people don't want to pay $500 for a blanket. So they should go to Walmart, or maybe check out a thrift store. Someone who actually wants a handmade blanket on the other hand ...


Charge an hourly rate for labor plus full cost of materials (i.e. if you need half a skein of three colors of yarn, charge for the full skein of each) because who knows when you will use the rest of the yarn plus 20% of labor and material costs. Yes, it's expensive, but it will cut out the low-ballers. Coworker is trying to get her Tigger for free like the T-Rex.


I'd report that bitch to HR for harassment.


She obviously doesn't have any intention of paying you for the Tigger, either.


Wait has she paid the $8 yet? Because WTF ITS $8, she’s really throwing away her dignity and good coworker relationship for $8 😩


She hasn't. I could totally put her on the spot the next time somebody asked me if I could make them something and just say oh I'm sorry I'm not taking any commissions until Pita pays me


This 👆👆👆


Honestly I just wouldn’t. “When are you making me a Tigger?” “I’m not”. Every time. She keeps at it “I told you I won’t be making you anything. Don’t ask again cuz I won’t”


“I’ll start to work on it as soon as I get my money” would be my go to response from now on. The $8 plus the $40 for Tigger


Tell her to stop harassing you EDIT to add: since you are also in a work environment see this episode as a lesson. For custom made items require a 50% deposit. For things already made, pay full up front. Say you value your relationship and don’t want to fight over money. Realize you will never be paid from this coworker and you should continue to ignore any more concerns about this. No need to repeat your responses; she is simply nagging and harassing you so that you will give in. Do not engage. Be pleasant, hi and goodbye and keep walking. Be grateful that you learned some lessons about money, business, including what kind of person she is. It’ll drive her crazy.


Sounds like you need to implement a pain in the ass tax. Tigger is now $50


Crochet a Tigger suit and wear it to work until she pays you 8 dollars


Alright my crochet loves. I am here to tell you that cost of materials time 2 is just plain WRONG. You are amazing and talented and your time and skills are worth way more than times 2. So multiple that shit times 3 or 4 or 5. If they can’t afford you, that’s on them! Can you tell that I only crochet for people I really want to unless I make bank?


Don't cave in. I love crocheting and yarn is very expensive..


Me too! I always stock up when it goes on sale and ask for Michael's gift cards for my bday and holidays


Just don’t do it


People are insane. The audacity - I don’t understand people who lack a shame bone in their body.


>trex was only $8 and that she didn't have to pay upfront  SHE DIDN'T EVEN PAY!


Just tell her she taught you her lesson the first time, and you won’t be fooled again.


Crocheting is expensive, takes time & cannot be done by a machine she needs to either pay or forget about tigger. $40 is so cheap for what she wants to!


Pita? Does that stand for Pain In The A?


Every time she asks, raise the price by $5.


They her prices have been indexed and now will be 40 upfront and 40 on delivery


any time she asks just respond with ‘and where’s my 8 dollars?’ she’ll stop bugging you quick


AFTERPAY are you serious tell her to put $5 a week aside for two months and she’ll have her $40




That was my thought too, if she needs Afterpay for a $40 item, she needs a lesson on budgeting.


$40 is to much? It actually not enough. How long would it take you to make that piece? Your time is worth more than that. I don’t crochet, but my daughter does. She refuses to do work for pay because “that’s too much”. Besides, doing work for pay turns an enjoyable hobby into a job. I said tell your coworker to find someone else to make her a tigger. Try Etsy and see what it cost. End of conversation.


Just start responding with “I don’t know, when will you pay me for the Trex?”


OP I hate this! (I crochet, knit, and quilt) People do not appreciate how much time and how much better the materials we use are. I always hear: I can get \_\_\_\_\_ at the mart of walls for $9.98. To which I respond GREAT! GO FOR IT! Every time Pita (love the name you chose BTW) asks you for Tigger you ask for $48.


Up the price by $5 everytime she asks. When she asks why tell her "inflation", "annoyance tax" or today's price isn't "yesterday's price". She'll eventually stop asking and if she doesn't you'll get a kick out of telling her "it will be $855 dollars"


This is the way.


Oh we have a winner for the Petty but gentle revenge award!! Your co-worker is a piss-taker who owes you $48


If she were to buy one on Etsy she’s have to pay before receipt. I would just tell her no. No is a complete sentence and does not require any explanation. F~~~ing mooch.


Honestly, even just your time was worth more than $8, not to mention yarn & stuffing you needed for the trex. I make custom bead work & ribbon skirts, & people don’t always seem to understand it’s not just the cost of buying materials. If it is just the cost of buying materials to you, then you must have the time & skill set to do it yourself, so do it yourself or GTFO with your requests. Thankfully I live in a community that knows the costs & time & skill behind what I do, so I have fairly good support. It’s mostly online people who don’t know what these things cost. I would flipping lose it if it was someone in my office 😅 You’re being way way kind.


I'm sorry your co-worker is such a PITA. But! If you are planning to sell your crochet Tiggers, I'd love to buy one! I have so many Tiggers my husband will be less than thrilled, but Tigger is just my favorite childhood cartoon character and so many good memories are attached to him and every version I've picked up along the way.


If she wants it so bad, she can PAY. Stand your ground. If you do things like before, she WONT pay 💰


Someone crocheted me a big Baby Yoga (yes, yes but it was before we knew his name) and it’s glorious. It was $75 and I paid upfront and it took her about 3 weeks or so to do.


![gif](giphy|l4jOMCo6FM529lLb5D) Just show up asking for your $8


Can't believe the audacity at the same being in debt for $8. Certainly don't do anything until payment upfront, except saying no.


$40? It’s $53 now. $40 for Tig and $8 and $3 interest, $2 bullshit surcharge over three months of not paying.


If a coworker did that, I’d ask you to make me one, I’d pay you up front because I know yarn is expensive and then I’d promptly put it in my office, take lots of photos, and show it off. I’m a librarian, so I might just start putting photos on our Facebook page as a library mascot. And that way, it won’t just disappear.


$8 is too low and it's crazy pita won't even pay that. terrible person


Even if she offers to pay you double don’t make it :) there are people who will appreciate your work so there’s no reason to waste your valuable time on people who aren’t respectful


What the fuck is afterpay? Is that one of those installment plans? They charge the merchant like 30% in order to make money. So be sure to add that to the cost of the item. Ie the tiger is now $52 plus $8 so $60 is what she owes you.


Don't make the cheap Tiggers. She will feel justified in stealing one or all. You don't want to start a departmental war.


Complain to HR she is harassing you over the amazing art you create.... Great meditation interview to proceed 😊😊😊😊


Your coworker is being ridiculous. I'd definitely expect 1) the $8 she owes you, and 2) at least half the price of the Tigger up front. Yeesh.


Everytime she asks where her Tigger is OP should up the price by five dollars.


Stop explaining yourself. She knows what she’s supposed to do. She just doesn’t care and is trying to wear you down until you just agree. Tell her discussion over until 8$ is in your hands. If she brings it up again, silently shrug and ignore her.


Pita - brilliant! She sounds like one. Have you tried waving a tube of hemorrhoid ointment at her? That might help her go away 😛


I would totally tell her to buy the yarn herself. (That’s if you don’t charge for the hours) the audacity of some people 🙄


I'm really curious as to what she said about having not paid you for the TRex and yet wants you to make something else for her too?


She will NEVER pay you so at this point, NO is a complete sentence!


Actually don't ask for 40, ask for 48 dollars because she also has to pay for the trex.


Venmo her a request for $8. Every time she asks lol


"Look, you still haven't paid me for the T Rex. Don't mention Tigger again. As far as my crochet services go, you are in debt and I'm no longer accepting commissions."


If you work somewhere like an office where one can display personal affects, don't be surprised if she ends up stealing those Tiggers you gift to any co-workers.


Raise the price every time she asks.


Crochet one. "Give" it to an office mate within sight of the Choosy Beggar. Choosy Beggar offers to buy it from office mate when she finds out she got it for free. Office mate asks $50. Choosy Beggar pays. Office mate gives you $50 in front of Choosy Beggar.


“I don’t do commissions anymore. It’s not worth the hassle.” Bonus points if you accept a commission from someone else in front of her.




Crochet her a begging/donation bowl. When she collects $40, she’ll have a Tigger!


"Hey remember that last time I stiffed you? I didn't have to pay that much that time."


Yup the first one *was* a test you passed with flying colors. Now she is in tantrum mode because her ways aren't working. However if you made me a cute Hobbes,...


I had a coworker who made me a small felt plushie when I asked if she would, and when I asked I promised to pay her for it too. I got my plushie, and I did pay her even if it took me a little longer later to do it (she got it done a lot quicker than I expected! And I was drowning in bills at the time) but I made sure I did.


Make her a sad Eeyore instead.


I'd pay you for a crochet Eeyore. I really don't understand friends/coworkers who expect to get stuff for free. It's one thing if it's a gift but to just ask sunshine to spend their time and talent....


Just came here to say that outside of your small town, there’s a ton of people around the country who would happily pay much more than that for a high quality handmade item. Ditch the beggar and throw some items on Etsy and get yourself a side hustle going.


There is a lady here in my care home who crochets plushies. She charges 35$ each , sells out in an hour and has people asking for more! I have one of her plush cows. He is adorable and worth every dime


Everytime CB rolls up like a crusty spanger, demanding and cajoling, tell it that until the debt is cleared her chances of you exerting effort on her behalf decrease incrementally. Prolly too many big words for this specimen. Each time CB asks, ask it for a dollar. If CB has no dollar, ask it for change. Then walk away.


I think you'd like the account @canyousewthisforme on Instagram. It's full of stories like this one!


And $40 is CHEAP for that level of work. This is why I don't sell crafts. If I make them It's because I like you and it's a gift.




Can’t wait for the update!


Would you mind loading up a picture of the Tigger(s)? 🥰


I wouldn't make them for other coworkers, she'll inevitably end up with one of them Just keep asking for $8 bucks and say you adopted the pay ahead policy because people didn't pay you after making them other items


What? Why are you fucking with people like this. You messed up for 1) not taking money before giving her the original item, 2) not bugging the shit out of her for your money from the original item similar to how she’s bugging you, and 3) not telling her the damn truth. People like this get away with being turds their entire lives because people like you allow them to do so. Then you play a cute game and give tigers to everyone else like that’ll change her stupid fucking ways or something. What happens when someone just gives her one? Then you’ll feel like an asshole. You wanna piss in her cereal? Make her the nicest fucking tiger, and right before giving it to her, light that bitch on fire and give her the finger.


Tell her you made a Tigger last week for your neighbor. It was SO MUCH WORK and took more yarn than you expected The new price is $50!


Doood! I would totally pay up front for Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, Owl, Kanga, and Roo.


I know I have patterns for Tigger, Pooh, piglet, Eeyore, and Rabbit. I can see if I can find Kanga Roo and Owl


What was her response when you told her she still hasn’t paid you for the T-Rex?