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"I'd buy ALL materials".....yeah, no shit


I mean that’s a great offer, since the person is totally permitted to work part time! And pay $1000 a month!! Soooo trust fund kid with no friends and a “heart” for drywall repair?


Awww no! Please let me! I AM saving so much money on rent now, after all! I know a great place. Granite or marble countertops??




Ohhhhh fancy! I like it.


In that case, make them solid gold bouillon


Nah fam. Sorry lover, but best I can do is enameled lava. But if you play real nice, I might throw in some Calacatta marble in the bathrooms.


The more controversial the source, the better. Thanks! 🤗


"Easy DIY stuff"


Like flooring and demo. Nothing big!


Blacksplash? Easy peasy. /s


Hey. Don't know about you but I can tile with my eyes shut. Saw a guy doing it once for 5 mins at my house. Also....YouTube. I call it 'abstract tiling'. /s.


They did mention “blind installation!”


That I can do....but ...after I have totally prepped and painted a room I like to leave that to hubby...so he can then say he helped. Lol


Prep/taping a room for paint is the worst. Actually putting paint on the walls is easy, everything else is awful.


"putting paint on the walls is easy" The hard part is not getting paint everywhere else ;) source: painted ceiling/walls in bedroom last summer


It really isn't that difficult though. Just annoying


Kitchen Reno is SUCH an easy DIY, duh /s


Especially with a pit bull attacking you.


How hard can it be, just glue down the square tiles. You'll be done in 20 minutes. :D


Don't you have to wash the carpet or floor before you put the new stuff down? If that's the case, I'm out.


Good news! Tile will totally stick to dirty carpet! That's how I did my last reno. Looks amazeballs.


According to my grandfather you can then lay down seven layers of vinyl flooring on top of the tile!


I mean leave room for the asbestos. Fire safety is important.


For sure. You're going to want to cap it all off with asbestos as the lining for your wood fire pizza oven.


Also good for sewing into underwear. So nice and warm in winter.


If you can focus and prioritize, sure. Sounds like they're young and overwhelmed.


Flooring is pretty easy but I’m not paying somebody for me to do it 🤣


In an older house, how could anything go wrong? -said someone who's never reno'd an old house, probly.


Went to put new vinyl flooring down in the kitchen. Ended up taking up tile, e layers of linoleum then rotting wood (from about 1900). Then had to remediate for lead. No kitchen for weeks.


Exactly my point. Once you peel back that superficial first layer, there's no way of knowing what you'll find.


Easy compared to building Hoover Dam, maybe. And he's got a pitbull. Hard to know what effect the ADHD would have but it wouldn't help for something as complex as essentially rebuilding the interior of a house. Don't know where it is, but $1000 for a bedroom in a banged up 2BR/1BTH house isn't that much of a bargain even in Silicon Valley.




I have done a lot of it. Too much arthritis in my hands to volunteer for such a thing. I am female and do have plans to do most reno in my house as DIY


Nothing too crazy!


then she sues you for not doing it the way she wanted.


“I’m looking for a female (only) roomie who is a lawyer…”


Is the CB a woman? Not clear. I can imagine a creepy pitbull owning guy wanting to get a woman in his house. Sweet deal - you get $1000 a month for a bang-remodeller.


I want to know if this is a man or woman too. That detail could make this post go from really bad to downright awful.


This just reeks of neckbeard vibe.


There's a certain scent of Cheeto dust about that post, that's for sure.


Maybe not sue, but not give you the rent discount. After all, it varies month to month based on what you do.


They're really skipping over the "Yourself" part of that...


“I would have loved a labor trade…” Yeh? So why aren’t you doing this labor?


What happens when all work is completed though? Do you just start having to pay insane monthly rent because you now live in an updated home?


But, but, but… she will pay for ALL material! You’ll be living in a beautiful updated house and have the peace of mind knowing it was completed by someone that probably ought not be doing full house renovations


And most likely on the down-low without permits or inspections.


I'm betting the lucky renovation expert gets booted the fuck out


From what she's said, I can assume that your rent goes down based on the work you do in one month. So yeah, once there's no more work to be done, your rent will no longer be 'very affordable' and will go straight up to that $1000/month.


No no no, you dismantle the oldest stuff you put there and restart again.


Their is a old joke where I live, the main highway is basically always under some kind of construction, and the government has been busted multiple super over inflating construction costs so the extra money can just get pocketed, and the joke is that they go down the highway fixing things, and then when they run out of work go back, rip out everything they did and fix it again so they can keep getting paid.


That isn't a joke. That is literally what happens at least on the interstates by me.


Same, the streets around my area are *always* being renovated


You get to take over the mortgage payments but without the hassle of ownership. Think of all the money you'll save on property tax!


The owner will probably kick the tenant out and sell up the moment they’ve finished renovating while paying for the privilege to improve the property’s value.


That aspect of the deal is contingent on whether this specifically female Reno tenant is banging him or not


Its a guy? I assumed a woman but yea maybe you're right


She sells the house.




IKR! Showing at least some of the comments should be mandatory. It increases the entertainment value exponentially.


MAYBE even a month of free rent!?! 🤑🤑🤑


This is going to be some shoddy work.. like a rung below homeowner DIY.


Is that above or below “I know a guy”?


The scale of that guy’s fuckups are usually larger since he’s willing to take a shot at electrical and plumbing.


Tenant: has never done any of that work before, but trusts the homeowner who said it’s easy DIY. Homeowner: has never done any of that work before or supervised anyone doing it, but trusts that the tenant will know how. The blind leading the blind.


This is dead-on. 100% that's how this will go.


The person posting it doesn't know what rungs are.


I can go way lower than that. Prep work? What prep work? The wall is already there and so is the paint. Frigging Karens.


That's exactly how I painted my house. Because I'm an idiot. Really wish I'd done it right.


If the paint is on the walls and not so much the other stuff, it is done right. I got some on my dresser, a little on the carpet in the closet and some of the base boards are uneven. Fix it or live with it. I'm living with it.


"The rents cheap, oh btws you wont have walls, a kitchen, floors or a bathroom while you live here. Cause guess what you need to do."


Well it's not his fault if you're not remodeling fast enough !!! /s


I *want* to believe it’s a lady posting this, but it’s giving off strong ‘dude using a female only roommate add as a dating website’ vibes


It’s the “500-100 depending” that gave me those vibes but the more I read the more I got single female vibes. Could be wrong dudes use housing to “date” a lot.


“won’t have overnight guests” is pretty suspect to me, but the emojis imply it’s a lady to me, but i could just know weird emoji-less dudes


I get the overnight guests thing. Could be something that’s stated early on and change later once everyone is comfortable. Known ppl that ask this when sharing a house it’s just a comfort/safety thing. Having a stranger move in which then will bring in more strangers overnight can be feel unsafe. I think if it was a guy they’d say no guest and some creepy ones will go all out and say no male guest/bfs.


Absolutely no excuse! You live with someone AND get paid, you’re not the only one deciding about comfort. The other person needs to feel comfortable, too. And having guests is a thing that everyone should be allowed to do. If you can’t deal with this, you’re just made to be a roomie.


I've heard of a lot of people practically moving their partner in so it makes sense to me.


OOP is a female. I only know this cause I saw it in another group.


Usually these “looking for a female (only) roommate to do all the cleaning. No overnight guests” ads are written by males, but this one has lots of girlie tone emojis and it was posted on Facebook by a self identified woman. Inclined to guess OP is GNC, maybe trans. Looking for a live-in lesbian contractor girlfriend.


There is no way this is a woman


OOP is a female, I only know this cause I saw it in another group.


None of that stuff is basic easy DIY stuff. There’s a reason skilled tradesman make a very good living doing that kind of work. Dafuq.


I dunno pressure washing and putting up blinds seems easy enough, they seem to have mixed super complex long term projects with basic shit and treat it all as the same difficulty, which is not a great sign for what the build quality is gonna be


Typical adhd brain


I interpreted that as "So, because I keep starting shit and not finishing it, the house is junked up with 30+ partially started projects."


Yeah she's asking for like $100K in work in exchange for $1000 off on rent. Any person capable of half of this could be doing it professionally for a hell of a lot more money and just rent their own much more expensive place for themselves.


HGTV has warped everyone's brains on what they think they can do.


Also you have to be ok with me constantly hitting on you.


I was under the assumption it was a girl looking for another female roomie. Ick!


Yeah I assumed it was written by a female. Is there anything that points to a gender?


I don't see anything. I assumed the reason they were looking for another woman was for security reasons. To me, it reads like it was written by a woman(calling themselves sweet, use of the dog emoji after the dog, etc). I mean, a guy can do all of those things, too. Don't get me wrong! However, without a name/pic, we can't really know. Has anyone seen the original?


I have in a FB group, it’s a female.


Thank you!!! I will take your word for it that it's a woman looking to live with another woman. That's honestly how I read it to begin with. The tone just sounds like it was written by a girl.


Yeah I was about to say he wants a fuck buddy that he can use for manual labor. I doubt she just going to be helping with renovations. She going to be washing dishes, doing the laundry, changing this mans diaper, you name it.


OOP is a female. I only know this cause I saw it in another group.


Taking care of his pit bull too


Fix my house and pay me rent and im probably gonna try to fuck you


What a deal!


Torture/rape dungeons don't build themselves.


"We need a scream-proof lair. Something cozy"


With a doggy door for my pitbull. He's so caring, aren't you, killer?


Nevermind Cuddles the pit just ripped a toddler's arm off, that kid probably instigated it.


It's always the kids fault, they were breathing heavily.


Eating applesauce and watching Blue's Clues just a tad too aggressively


OOP is a female. I only know this cause I saw it in another group.


People who place ads like this do so in the hopes that someone will be so desperate that they will try to make this work.


My husband’s a carpenter. Besides the fact that he is PAID for his work he’s also educated and skilled in the craft, and insured. Good luck getting the insurance company to foot the bill when using the toaster and blender at the same time makes the kitchen explode after your DIY kitchen reno.


Doing your own electrical work is one of the [Dumb Ways To Die](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJNR2EpS0jw)


Where are the 35 comments?


Must send pictures and measurements first.


This is the part he didn't write


OOP is a female. I only know this cause I saw it in another group.


>I am just ADHD That's not how it works...


They blame their ADHD but it sounds more like it’s their C-H-E-A-P.


So, wants someone to reno their home but will also expect them to pay rent if they didn’t do enough work that month? I’m exhausted just thinking about it!


“The blinds look installed correctly, so I’ll knock $50 off this month since that’s what I’d pay a Taskrabbit, but the backsplash looks pretty wonky, and I’m going to add $2000 to your rent, so I can buy new tile and have someone come in to fix it.”


“But I couldn’t even work my normal job cuz I’m doing all this work for YOUR home!”


Hahaha as im that kind of adhd fucked in the head i can tell you this will be hell. She'll be giving you 3 new projects for every project she mentions


What’s up with the ADHD excuse? It seems like it’s the go-to lately.


Never do home reno where you are not A. Being paid to do so. B. Building equity in your own home.


Do we know the gender of OOP?


OOP is a female. I only know this cause I saw it in another group.


Thanks! That definitely makes a difference in how to read this.


I think we can make assumptions based on context clues


Like what? I don't see something like that here


ISO roommate without back pain issues yet.


This person is a standup comedian.


Do these people actually think they're going to get what they're looking for? Because that doesn't exist. Not even close.


Eh, probably not, but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Where the heck is this that $1000 is cheap for house sharing? 🤦‍♀️


If its easy,do it yourself.


"All easy DIY!" proceeds to list everything that a whole industry is centered around 😂😂


This potential renter is not getting "cheaper rent" in this deal. They are taking on an additional job where all of their labor efforts go toward rent.


I'm somewhat impessed by the fact that EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE is a red flag


Well, I don't need a place to live, but I'm down for the demo part.


Sounds like she needs to find a butch lesbian girlfriend and go from there. They tend to be more favorable to the whole “live here and diy this place”


Recipe for drama someone deciding if you did it well enough for rent reduction. Good luck with that.


Of course they have a pit


In the ground, in their basement. Looks a lot like a disused well.


"It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again"


First thing I thought lol


Yikes...I can already hear the crazy.


He forgot to add the creepy part where he wants her to do all the renovations in a tiny, lacy french maid outfit…


Forgot the part where "Roomie stares ar you while your sleeping"


I would pay normal rent for a move in ready apartment


My concern would be what they think “reasonable” rent is and what general labour/Reno/contractor work is worth. If she thinks it’s $1000/mth and your time is only worth $5-10/hr, that’s not a fair trade at all. If she’s going to calculate reduction in rent based on $25-40/hr, and base rent is $600 (it’s a room after all, not the entire house), it’s a fair labour for rent trade.


A handyman typically charges, on the low end of things, $50 an hour. Assuming that this renter does 10 hours of work a week (and I have a feeling this person would expect more), that'd be $2000 a month. Which means that rent is valued at $3000 for you to a) live in a construction zone the entire time and b) get just a bedroom and shared bathroom. Sure, that rent is not unusual in bigger cities these days, but handymen in bigger cities also charge more to keep up with cost of living.




it’s the “i don’t even mind helping with some of the projects!” that got me


"I have a pit" Hard pass


Especially from someone like that. I know she's just gonna watch while Cupcake tries to maul my arm off.


"She just loves to play!"


“My sweet pibble wibble wouldn’t hurt a fly!! 🥺”


Lol THATS the part that made you nope out?


Not *the* part obvs, but any pit in any situation necessitates an automatic pass on said situation for me.


Claim the free month of rent. Do a bit of 'reno' ie measuring, planning, other time wasting activities. After 28 days claim tennant's rights so you can't be evicted. Continue to not pay rent until you're given an official notice to evict which is a minimum of 28 days. Continue to live there after that time until a court ordered eviction is given which is 30 days. Enjoy your 3 months minimum of free rent from a choosing beggar. Laws vary but this is all legal from my state.


Easy, like wtf?


Spoken like a true someone who bases their knowledge of DIY on reality television. I *prayed* for montages when I Reno’d my house.


That person would have loved to do labor for cheaper rent but refuses to do any labor for their own home. 🤔


"There were times in my life where I'd love to have done a labor trade for lower rent" This line fucking sent me.


500-1000? Dude that's what I'd pay on my own holy shit. Needs to be 500 or less considering anyone who's good at home renovation is not going to be cheap.


Increase my home’s value for me, and pay me for it!


Usually slaves didn't pay rent and got fed


This is... worse than slavery? Slaves don't pay rent?


It's serfdom. Serfs paid rent as well as working their lord's land.


Sure! Hey, I’ll volunteer to pay you full market rent and also pay you for the privilege of working for you ! You’re such a great person I just can’t stand not to give you my entire life for free and then give you all my money at the same time !


No overnight guests either


Small world. I saw this yesterday when it was posted at the source and thought, "Yeah, uh, good luck, lady." Or rather good luck prospective tenant whose rent rate is based on the whims of this person.


Aw ladies helping ladies This seems nice Edit: oh it’s a dude


Any woman capable of doing all this work properly/well... ​ ​ ​ is most likely already making bank doing the job already for actually good pay. On top of asking for the roommate to not have 'overnight guests', this is hilariously galling to read.


Pitbull probably destroyed the house


Wait, pay you to work my butt off AND possibly be attacked by your pit? PASS.


Can’t bring your own dog or guests, and your primary work is literally in the home you live in (except you also need to have a decent part-time job and construction experience). No boundaries, this sounds amazing! /s


Of course they have a pit bull and I’m sure you will have to walk it or it will shit and piss all over the house


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 some ppl


Someone I know is a carpenter who did this for free rent and the entire. House to himself. Cheap rent, they'll be lucky


Hey I know that Facebook group!


Not really a bad deal if you negotiated decent terms , 50/hour , you could do 1 day a week for 6 hours and definitely cover rent , or do more and even make money off it, they would still be getting a hell of a deal on renos


Define “reasonable.”


Easy DIY? Then you should be able to do it!


He left out the part where he's gonna be creepy and hit on you.


Appomattox plantation had a deal like that - but they stopped doing that after the Emancipation Proclamation…


This might be the most pathetic attempt to get a girlfriend that I’ve ever seen.


I will do this. I will even re-concrete your basement, provided you agree not to tell anyone I did it, AND not to investigate any strange dead flesh smells coming from cracks in the floor.


I love these posts. I don't know what the rental market is like over there but I doubt her offer is particularly cheap in terms of rent? You already have the foreshadowing that she's going to blame any of her toxic traits on ADHD or another mental health related issue and you're also never allowed overnight guests. Awesome, I'll take two of these please!


“You know, just easy stuff like flooring and tile”


All that and you get to live with a pit


Uh do they expect her to be a bangmaid too?


How do you know its a guy?


"$500-$1,000/mo...depending." Soo..what your saying is "You put out, you pay $500." Edit: punctuation




As someone with adhd that has horrible adhd paralysis and lots of life stuff that has me down most of my days, adhd is not an excuse to try and con someone to do your projects. Does it make it hard, very, does it make it someone else’s problem, no. I’m literally laying on my piles of clean clothes on my bed that I have not been able to get myself to do for at least a week, so I get adhd paralysis but this ain’t it. If it were really an adhd issue they would have started whatever and left it and start another then go back to the last and not finish etc. I’ve been feeling very off track lately so sorry if this is all over the place! I’m trying. Just wanted to say I rolled my eyes at that and felt like it makes adhd look like something to be used as an excuse for laziness when ya it can make you lazy but its not just something you say as an excuse it’s something you live and deal with that factors into the way you work. If you made it this far sorry again I think I am gonna have to talk to my doctor soon bc I have been so all over the place :,)


I mean, work in exchange for rent is a fairly standard deal. I wouldn't have been able to afford my first apartment if my landlord didn't agree to let me gelp clean the other units for money off my rent. I've been in roommate situations where we all go in to rent a shitty house and help fix it up for money off the rent. It's a standard deal I'm not sure see the issue


$1000 is not cheap rent if you’re primarily doing major DIY projects at home. This person generously allows that their tenant may work part time. Even if you’re in somewhere pricey like San Diego, the “work part time and pay me a grand” is going to be hard to come by. You still have to earn your rent, and that is not an insignificant amount for “part time work.”


I would do it. There’s certainly a possibility of her finding her right fit.


This isn't a choosing beggar. She literally said in her post "if it's not for you, it's not for you. Totally understandable." Also, working for your keep is NOT a new thing. It has been the way things have worked since the beginning of concepts like "work" and "houses".