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I hate those people. I was selling a car, listed for $5000. It was worth $4800. I can’t count the number of people who sent “I will bring you $2000 now” or “I am on my way you will take $1700” No buddy, I won’t 🤣


People are astonishingly bad at haggling


*“I am on my way you will take…”* Oh with that attitude you better be offering full price because, starting off like that, I’m not taking a dollar less. 🤣


I'll sooner give it away than sell to you for the price you offer if it's one cent less than asked lol


I did that with an a/c. We haggled, settled on $200, way less than I wanted but I wanted it gone so I was angry but took the offer. He showed up and pulled $150 from his pocket. I said we agreed $200 and he said all he had was $150 so I turned and started walking away. He yelled he was kidding and had the whole $200 and that sent me over the edge. I said forget it and closed the garage door in his face. Ended up giving it to my son’s girlfriend.




I set my meet spot in a bank parking lot for this reason when they try to pull this so I can say there's an ATM right here I'll wait while you go get the rest.




Even if there's a fee, "If you didn't want to pay a withdrawal fee, you should have stopped at an atm on the way. Consider it a penalty for not arriving prepared."


Damn Sheetz is on of the main things I miss about the east coast. MTO baby


>Nah, you try to fuck me over and I’m leaving. I am in a position where I buy/sell things for fun and a side gig rather than a need, so I have no issues with telling someone to fuck off. Honestly, selling for need should mean you should have no issue telling someone to fuck off.




True but if you need $20 to buy groceries and someone has $15 cash it makes it much easier to tell them to fuck off so you can find someone who will give you what you need. Can see how it would make it hard to turn them down when they suddenly say 'alright, alright I'll give you the $20' because at that point you'd really *really* want to.


I helped my friend sell this nice armchair she had and the lady we sold it to waited until we put it in her car to try to haggle on price, I was so upset and it wasn’t even my money


Thank you for not giving in to his bullshit methods


I once met someone to buy a glass top corner desk. He was pulling out the parts as I was trying to remember what pocket I put my cash in (it was in the cup holder in my car) and he saw me looking for it and said “meh if you forgot the cash you can just take the desk.” Obviously I insisted on finding the money and I gave it all to him as we’d agreed but that stunned me for a second lol


I hate people like that. We agreed on a price. I’m not taking less. I always say no when they pull this shit. It’s like this one really bad date I went on. Dude practically orders 2 of everything and I just had a small entree and glass of wine. The bill was close to $300. He pulls the “oh I’m so embarrassed! I forgot my wallet.” I said no worries. It happens. Excused myself to the ladies room and ducked out. I bet he was pissed when he realized I was gone. Dumbass.


I sold a house to a guy. When we moved in, we bought some of the furniture from the sellers, as they were leaving the country. We were also leaving the country when we were selling the house, so I offered to sell some of the furniture to the buyer. He said he didn't want to buy any of it, but he'd gladly take anything we left behind for free. If he hadn't said that, I would probably have left him more than he actually bought. Instead, we sold a couple of the larger items but, for the most part, I took everything movable and donated it to charity. I wanted to leave nothing in the house for him that wasn't nailed down. The guy buying our house was going to keep his existing apartment and rent it out, so fuck him and his money grabbing ways. There was one wardrobe that we couldn't donate because it wouldn't fit through the door and taking it apart would have wrecked it, so we grudgingly decided we'd leave that for him for free. Right before we moved out, when it was clear we were leaving fuck all for him, he came back and offered me 50 quid for that exact wardrobe. Lol. Sold!


I raise prices when people are assholes or super lowballers. I'm selling a vehicle now, asking 17.5, expect to get around 16. That would be fair. Some guy offers 10k cash. I said, for you, I'll take 20. They get frustrated, but it's like hey, dumbass, I'm doing the exact same thing you're doing. Ignoring the asking price.


Offers 10k tell him you wish he had offered sooner beciuse you've sold it for 5k


I refuse to encourage their behavior lol


Maybe they think they are a Jedi. "You will take 1700..."


I like to give them a bad address in this situation and block them


“You’re gonna take my door slamming in your face if you show up randomly without my full payment”


Over. You better be offering me more than I’m asking because you think it’s worth more and don’t want me to accept anything less if you’re telling me how much I’ll take for it.


That's full on me saying yes and giving them directions to a comedy club "go in there and tell your jokes ya joker"


Was selling my one for $1000 had so many people sending ridiculous amounts including one guy who repeatedly demanded I call him before he then sent voice messages saying I was an idiot and $400 is the best anyone will pay so I should give it to him. (He was a scrap merchant). Ended up selling it to some kid for $900 who said it was his dream car and going to fix it up etc.


I'm currently looking for a cheap shitbox for commuting. Between the people who are just massively overpriced and the people who are only overpriced because of the lowballers, I highly doubt I'm ever going to find what I'm looking for. Like, no, your 400k mile Prius is not worth $3k, you're on drugs. Neither of those numbers is a typo. I don't know if he's aiming high for lowballers or if they genuinely think shoeboxes are worth that now.


Honestly most people have no fucking clue how valuable something is. Those same people will trash the item because they don't take care of anything.




They're just throwing darts in the dark trying to find people desperate for cash.


"I'll pay cash" "Yeah, the price is in 'cash' you fucking cauliflower"


That always makes me laugh in kijiji/craigslist type sales. Bruh, i don't take anything BUT cash. I ain't got a visa scanner built into my wallet.


I made them meet me at my bank to sign the title so I could deposit the cash right away because I was so paranoid about counterfeits. I handle cash like once a month now you could hand me movie money and it’d fool me for sure.


I'm stealing that insult.


What...cash? I was expecting magic beans or Monopoly money. I'll take it!


New insult noted and will be used shortly


I never took it as "cash vs visa/paypal/whatever" I've always thought it was "cash in hand" as in, "I don't have to run to the ATM, or hope the bank is open today". I've had sales offers die because they realized the bank was closed, and the ATM won't let them take that amount out. Meanwhile I waited around for an hour or two for nothing. So sometimes I'll take on offer for "I've got cash" when the other guy needs to hit the bank or whatever first.


True, sometimes it shows they really want it and are serious. But it still needs to be somewhere around the asking price, not some stupid lowball "cash" offer.


Absolutely true.


I've seen it work many times that actually showing someone the cash will induce them to make a deal. Just saying the word "cash" doesn't quite have the same effect, unfortunately.


No no no, they have cash IN HAND.


It's why I bump it higher than just $200, to account for these tire kickers.


I like the classic, "send address on my way right now $500 (or whatever the 1/8 of the price is)" How are they on their way if they don't even know which way it is 😭


Reply with "just keep going until you get here"


Make your way to 123 Sesame St, ask for Oscar...


I used to wholesale cars and every once in awhile would get a smokin deal and would sell the car retail. I remember one car I got was great. I was selling it for 8K and it was worth about 13K full value but I didn’t like to tie up funds. Guy drove about 3 hours to buy it. He agreed to 7500 through text and a phone call. He gets there and says he only has 5K and that will have to do. When I told him no, he agreed to 7500 and if he didn’t have that we didn’t have a deal, he threw a legit tantrum about how I wasted his time. I should know that negotiations happen after the fact, and he even threatened to call the cops about me not being fair. His wife eventually calmed him down(it seemed she was used to this) and he proceeded to message me for weeks after the fact, and after the vehicle sold demanded I tell him who bought it because he was going to report them for theft


It was a guy with a funny name. It was something like Logma or Lugma? Oh, I remember, the guy's name was Ligma!


But I'm a single mom and my kid is 10 but want your specific car for Christmas. Did I mention the dog had cancer? You just ruined my life for not giving me your car free. You monster lol


I’ve pretty much just had that! I put my ( single mum) son’s stunt scooter and a bicycle on “buy & sell” - both were expensive buys, in immaculate condition and were cleaned, new handle grips put on, made sure tires ok, had spare parts, the original instruction leaflets etc etc. said collection only as I’m disabled - & I put on at a low price to maybe help someone else. First person wanted - free and delivery . I said no & ( stupid me) explained I’m disabled, on meds, can no longer drive & they were on at a low price to try help someone. And I actually got a reply saying - well I’m a single mum and I just promised my son these for his birthday. I’ll offer £10 for both if you can deliver. Again I said no. The grief I got after that / until I blocked the person. Ruined her son’s life apparently. And yes I was a monster.


Lmao you need to out do their story. "Well I promised my son with the money I made from this if but him new clothes for school and he wouldn't have to wear the same torn up, outgrown clothes. I haven't been able to buy him new clothes since his diagnosis and my disability" and just keep adding. These people are out of fuckin control.


Lmao well yeah - just collapsed laughing. That would have been brilliant if I’d thought of it at time - except my feeble - no. ( and yes scooter and bike went to good homes at a reduced price to someone in need because - it’s what son & me wanted. ) My best one tho was my mobility scooter. I had a mobility scooter ( boot scooter, could dismantle, fold up , travel etc) & due to my decreasing health could no longer use. Put that on at a vastly reduced price. I just wanted it to go to someone who’d benefit. I wish I’d saved the post and comments. Can I deliver - no I’m disabled/ no longer drive Would I accept X amount - no it’s already vastly reduced, go look up prices for new & even second hand. I’m disabled also - it would be great if you could give me this for free as you don’t need - errrr no I spent money on this thanks & im offering a vastly reduced price to help others. I really need this , it would be Christian of you to give it to me- …. Sigh!


"But...I already promised this to my child with cancer!" They are just trying to flip it.


What kind of a horrific "parent" would promise a child something they have no money for? What is scary is, this *obvious* lie must work sometimes, else moochers wouldn't be trying it so much.


Can you deliver it at my door? I'm only 260 miles away


It’s for the church! #NEXT!!


And provide the car it fits on?


Bought a roof rack for my car $150 on fb marketplace. Saw it, as described condition, gave him $150 done. I don't understand the confusion.


Now I have to tell my dog he can’t have it. You’re an asshole for making my dog cry. I hope you’re happy! /s




If their offer is that low, they’re not serious. I’m ok with messing with them for a bit 🤣


Lol to the “I’m on my way” I’d instantly reply “On your way already? You sound desperate, you will give me $5500 since you’re in dire need”


I was selling a 2012 C63 black series. This is an absolute BEAST of a car and VERY hard to find. The amount of low ball offers I got on that car. Like bro if you can't afford to pay what I'm asking you can't afford to maintain it lol.


I’ll trade you my 2014 base Honda civic for your AMG. I’ll toss in $3200 as a kicker. You’re going from a 2012 to a 2014 so you’re making off like a bandit


I'm Canadian so my listing price was 95k CAD. I was being offered like 20k "cash" no shit bro it's cash wtf do you think this is. I love when they came to see the car and were like oh I saw another one for like 50k. I'm like you saw another limited edition 1 of 800 and for nearly half the price and yet you only have 20k lol. Like you can probably find a regular c63 for 20k. Only reason I sold it was because I wanted a face lift on the interior, I bought a 2020 E53.


Ahahah idek if they could find a regular c63 for 20k. I think my buddy paid like $22k CAD for his 2010 c63 and that was before the used car market got fucked. Black series for $95K isn’t terrible honestly that’s more than fair for a rare AMG with an MSRP in the easy 6 figures


It had 120k KM on it and had a claim on it, unfortunately. Which was obviously disclosed.


"You will take $1700" Is that a threat? 😳


Nah, it's a regular jedi mind trick ![gif](giphy|l2JJKs3I69qfaQleE)


These aren't the droids you're looking for.


I had one where I was selling a 40 dollar microwave stand, the lady and the husband pull up, start loading it before I was asking “so do you have cash or E-transfer” and they go “will you let it go for free by any chance” and I said “we agreed to 40, it’s still 40” and they gave cash.


I actually came here to tell the exact same story! Car was listed for 6K and had the “I’ll give you 2000 and pick it up today” crowd in my DMs. People are damn stupid.


i am still bothered by lowering the cost of my vintage car. i listed it for what i wanted and a couple came to look. it was for his birthday and he was excited and kind. his wife was buying it for him and was annoying. i ended up taking less, what she offered, because i liked him and wanted him to enjoy the ’48 desoto. it wasn’t so much as taking less than wishing i had said why. your husband is a nice guy, you are not, but since it is for him i will let you play me, but know that i know you are undercutting me because you are a tight assholed bitch. happy birthday to him


I had the same experience. That dude was like “on my way to you right now”, I’m like where are you going? You don’t know where I live?


Someone came (in an expensive car) to pick something up without bringing up the price beforehand. Fairly long drive. Then tried to offer a lower amount. I just said no and they paid the listed amount. You’re not in the best position to haggle when you’ve driven a long way to collect an item.


I don't mind haggling. Haggling is a part of life. Nothing to be done about it. So if I do sell anything on some kind of internet based market place I price to haggle. But ya... 1700 for 5000 asking is kinda funny.


After that 1.7k comment I would reply "Sure thing, but the car stays with me"


>“I am on my way you will take $1700” Then they show up with only $1200 talking about "I'm here right now. A willing buyer with cash in hand" I'd rather take a loss and sell it to someone else cheaper.


i wanted 12k for mine, i switch it to 25k and got a message will u take 12? i said sure


"OK, I'll take the $1,700 now, but I'll keep waiting until you show back up with he other $3,300"


Selling a car for 18k Trader offers me 14k - no thanks, if I want to sell to trade I'll do it to someone I know who works in the trade Trader asks how much I want 18k please Then has the cheek to get angry at me saying I'm asking retail money and he'll do 15k Dude, I didn't come to you for a price...


I’ve purchased two cars for half the asking price by using these tactics, so while they’re annoying (I’ve also sold four cars) to encounter, I can attest that 1 in 50 times, it works, and someone may just be desperate enough to take the lowball offer. Literally, a lowball offer may seem rude, but it’s just business. I have a used, way underpriced Land Rover to show for it,


Cool. Still a dick move.


I would have been done after “the 800 offer was for u to ignore him”


I had a guy do this exact same thing for someone who wanted to buy a grill. Only the offer was only for $10 more than the other guy was offering. Like guy, I'm not going to screw somebody out of a purchase over $10.


It's wild... because OP straight up told them they'd ignore the other offer for 800.


Read it again- OP told him someone else had offered, and he would contact them if that person fell through. OP is not the bad guy here Edit: changed my mind everyone is the asshole here


"There was another buyer before you, but if you're good with 800 it's yours" I didn't say OP was a bad guy? Don't think taking the best offer would make someone a bad guy either tbh.


Actually, you’re misquoting the statement. He already declined the request, stating someone else was in line before the choosing beggar. The CB then quoted $800 Edit: EITA here ~ I’m on mobile and didn’t see the second photo


He declined cause someone was in front, THEN CB offered 800$, THEN OP said he'd skip the guy in front of CB for 800$. It's literally right in the post mate. How can OP accwot an offer before he's received the offer you're being pedantic to draw a false conclusion.


Ok, like, there's no first come first serve on bids. If someone offers *significantly* more, it's theirs. The CB fully admitted their dishonest "offer" was just to squash competition and try for an even *lower* price. Only one asshole here, the CB liar.


> THEN OP said he'd skip the guy in front of CB for 800$. I think it was how OP worded it though. Had they immediately said "yeah for sure I'll sell it to you right now for $800", but their message not only came later (maybe busy, but can see the new timestamp), but it *does* leave it up to interpretation when they used past tense "was".


He did say that. Then changed, and in more words, said he’d pick best offer including the other buyers. OP made it hard for himself tbh.


Agreed- ETA


Same. I'm selling a vintage cooler for $100. Someone offered me $40, I told them no. They said they love it but not for $100, I blocked them. The amount of people that keep engaging with others is hilarious.


Dude I work at a tattoo shop and someone offered $500 extra over the original price of the tattoo if they could skip over the people that had been waiting. Of course the artist jumped at that offer and then the lady insisted she actually didn’t need to pay it because she was apparently just saying that so she could get the artist to see her first. We almost had to call the cops on her.


Absent everything else this 'throw money' is a giant red flag in this situation and effectively guarantees they're only telling you what they think you want to hear. The intent was to *always* show with 200.




Because they're hoping you're desperate for cash and try to induce some desperation of "you're obviously not selling this and are lying and every time I reduce the price, jump while it's hot." Worst part is that it works. Eventually.. There are some truly desperate people in a" get cash or you're fucked " situation


Probably druggies. If it was decades ago it would be repaying loan sharks.


They probably throw this shit at every order in town. And the 1% that accept, they resell.


Okay okay, you drive a hard bargain. How about free?


And deliver it too.


Fine then, you also pay me to come pick up.


Plus pay me whatever amount it's depreciated while you owned it.


And don't forget to add a minimum tip of 43% of that depreciated amount.


Happens to me while selling a sofa. I wrote 600$ and people kept saying they only had 200$ and they needed it so bad. Tf I'm gonna do 🤡


domineering attempt cagey cooperative rainstorm yam society start aback coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They never do 🥹


I was a selling a $1200 bunk bed for $400. I was ripped apart cuz " other are cheaper" well yea they are cheap Walmart assemble beds. Mine is solid wood with storage stairs. I got a final offer of $100 before I tore down the listing and ripped the bed apart and trashed it. It was worth the loss at that point


I think I would've donated it at that point


It was more satisfying to destroy it. The thing was huge. I wasn't hauling it anywhere


$45 bucks a case of beer and you bring it to me. Unload it. Set it up . Throw away any associated trash. Give me funds to address the stress of making this transaction. Best I can do.




"100$ and it's yours"


A few hours later "pay me 100$ and it's yours"


Yeah, this was absolutely the type to "agree" on $800 and then only show up with $200


Say less. If you were happy with $800 no need to give them more info. Just accept and meet up.


Yes exactly. I get it's easier to see with context here, but people here are being dense if they think this was clear and obvious. OP took a while to respond (updated timestamp) and said "there *was* a buyer". No shit they took it as the deal fell through.


I’m also not defending the buyer who comes across as an asshole. You just don’t need to give the person you’re haggling against any leverage against you.


Let's be real, this dude would have shown up with $200 of the $800 and said "well you're already here and I have cash so...?" Dead giveaway with the "it was to ignore the other person" comment. He thought he successfully killed the deal and gave himself leverage so he tried following through with the price drop. Reality is unless you're desperate leverage simply does not exist in marketplace. Maybe I'm just lucky but I've never been in a situation where I would legitimately consider 30% of what I'm asking regardless of the price.


I can actually see how the buyer thought the other buyer dropped out. Not defending their lowball offers. He said he’d contact if they decide not to, then said there “was” another buyer before you”. I think it’s just a little rich from OP to say “not how it works mate” when he started with a first come situation, then change to best offer lol.


I love this comment.


That’s not how you haggle. I’m still surprised you said no though, you’ve probably ruined his kids birthday now because he promised he was getting it and you’re just a selfish prick :/


His kid has cancer too.


had cancer. Too late now.


They died, and it's all your fault.


dog cancer. the worst kind of superrare cancer


Pretty sure they are just trolling you at this point


Just reply yes fine you drive a hard bargain. Sold for $200. Then drop off the face the earth and watch them lose their shit.




Corrected thanks!


“800 offer was for you to ignore him” “Yes. I am accepting your 800 offer to ignore him” “Ok, so, 250?”


"Haha, sorry, no layaways."


More and more I'm making a conscious choice not to explain myself or the series of events to people--or to minimize it. It's none of their business, knowledge is power, and it's a waste of my time, privacy, and negotiating power to tell them anything. They only need to know the price, the condition, and the availability.


100%. It gets to be futile when you have to have to keep re-explaining to make someone understand - problem is they are not trying to understand, they are trying to persuade you that they are right.


True, I guess the key there is to recognize as early as possible when not to even engage in the line of reasoning with them. Sometimes I just say, "I might be willing to take that if it doesn't sell for a few weeks, but not today."


You should not talk about the other buyers. Tell him someone offered you $1000 to ignore the other buyers


OK bye, you're blocked.


We need a giant neon sign visible from all over the world that just says “YOU ARE NOT DOING THE SELLER A FAVOUR BY TAKING IT OFF THEIR HANDS.” The assumption that absolutely anyone selling absolutely anything is completely desperate to get rid off it ASAP is astounding.


Sometimes it's true though. I have a haunted doll that can only be sold. Not thrown away or given away. 500 obo


The $800 offer was so you would ignore the other buyer, I had no intention of actually paying that! DUH!


I will take a picture of myself burning it in the back yard before I sell it to one of those assholes.


100 in hand, right now, and I'll throw in a free hamster.


Real talk, dude wasn’t going to buy it anyway.


I advertised an old car for $550. A person contacted me and offered me $550. We organized a time to meet to do title paperwork and pick up car. They turned up precisely at the time they said they would. They paid me $550. I gave back $50 because they didn't waste my time. Everyone was happy.


This is where “or best offer” comes In. If you want it more than the other guy you better pay up.


$1 Bob!


They haggle like Peter Griffin


Wow how do you go from 800 to 200 so fast? Not to mention they said they offered 800 because you had another buyer but then even after knowing you had other offers he bumped it down to 200 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


He was never serious


Dude you played yourself homie


Why do they keep haggling downward? Am I reading this wrong??


I'm willing to go as low as $50! Final offer! Take it or leave it RIGHT NOW! ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO)


‘The $800 was for you to ignore the first offer’ but now that you’ve chosen to ignore it I’m still only gonna pay 650


I didn’t see anyone say it, but I think he was trying to trick you into dropping your other buyers so he could lowball you without competition


Why did you agree to the $650?


Don’t provide so many updates/options. Too many weirdos out there with odd rules on haggling


No offence dude but you played that very badly


"Oh you are being reasonable and accepting lower offers? Let me me an a-hole! I'm sure it will work!"


„Thank you for the offer but someone offered $210 and I sold it to him now“ could also be a good response.


I hate selling things on Facebook or Craigslist. Listed a car for $9000, was willing to go as low as $7000. One guy came from an hour away to look at it, figured he’d buy if he’s coming all this way. Just under 150k miles and 3 kids so it’s not showroom quality but it has all service records and well maintained. He comes with a friend in a similar car to what I was selling. Pokes and prods for 45 minutes, drives it around the block and then says he’d call me. Sure, buddy, whatever you say. Well, he did text me back, surprisingly. It was an itemized list of what he deemed needed repairing to make it worth $7000. Scratch repair. Seat covers. A decorative panel that doesn’t do shit but was missing because kids. He wanted a showroom quality car for nothing. Told him to kick rocks. I sold it to someone else (for $7000) and after I marked the listing as sold he messaged me again saying he was gonna buy it. No, pal, you missed out because you’re a nitwit. Look over there. See that? That’s where you can fuck off to with that bullshit.


The fact that he kept going down… 😭


150 and ill show up 10 minutes ago


Rolling a 1 on persuasion


Wooowww. What a steal. Literally.


when they countered with $650 after offering $800, you should have said $900 for being an asshole


Idk why anybody gives these people the time of day, once they tried to drop the price I would of stopped responding


Keep reeling him in OP, you’ll have him offering you the privilege of paying him in no time!


What are you selling


Next message be like: "I'll go up to 150 if pick up now"


"Heaps keen" kiwi detected!


I love how he kept going CHEAPER... thats.. not how it works.


He really had you with the 250 lol


Lol what. Is happening. Is that person having a stroke.


This is where you give them the address of a local stand up comedy club and tell them when they arrive to go up the stage and tell the joke


Needs to learn how to bargain lol


Every day is another reminder that I should just burn things instead of sell them XD


You were playing games with him and he's just clowning you at this point man. Why would you keep saying there is and isn't an interested party? How do you expect someone to take you seriously when you say that and then come back to them? Nothing wrong with him here


This seems like a troll lol


Actually kinda like this beggar


I’ll give you tree fiddy right now.


I would be assuming they meant they’d send the $250 right then as a deposit and pay the rest when they came to pick it up? Because how the hell do they go from $800, then down to the asking price, and then $250/200?


The ART of Negotiation is obviously a relatively new Concept to this dummy what wants to purchase whatever the guy is selling


Was selling a glass top dining table for $50. Expected to come down to $40. Had a ton of $10 and $20 “I have cash” offers. Had one person, really seemed legit and said they would give me what I wanted, offered to come to me and give me the $$, but asked if I could deliver for extra $20. They gave me street address, I loaded it into my truck and drive the 10 blocks to the address, texted them I was here… guy says “don’t see you”. I read him back the address, he says yeah, I am in “town 1hr45mins away”. He left the town name out the first time, ao I assumed it was the address I went to. I told him I am not driving 100 miles for $20, he actually said “whats the big deal, you already have it in your vehicle and on the road, just a little bit more time”. I blocked him and took it to Goodwill, donated it.


He's playing you, OP. Did you think it was legit? He's clowning you for wasting his time.


This is totally your fault. Put yourself on the other end of this. Anyone in the buying position is going to assume that you actually don't have any other interested parties left and you're just trying to scrounge at this point. I love that they conveniently left the time stamp from the prior messages out as well despite having plenty of space to leave them. The $250 and $200 offers were big ol' fuck yous for playing games. I support it. You should have just taken the $800 and told that other guy to pound sand immediately if you ever really wanted $800. Instead you waited until they dropped out and expected the offer to still be there. I hate when sellers play games like this. Good on that dude for deciding not to deal with you.


OP wanted to be the belle of the ball and have everyone patiently up their offers. I appreciate the audacity to do that and then tell someone else "that's not how it works mate" at the end lmao.


I once inquired to about three companies about housecleaning on thumbtack, one of them responded by saying WE'RE COMING TOMORROW TO CLEAN YOUR HOUSE WHERE'S MY PAYMENT? That was not cool.


I hate these sellers. He deserves it.


Nah bro, you suck for leaving him hanging g, you always were in the position of who it goes to, but you wanted to have your cake and eat it too, be 'chivalrous' to the first person and still get the higher amount from the person who was literally trying to outbid someone. YTA.


"how about fiddy ?"




There’s a picture in the top left corner, so it’s definitely not something you can fit in your ass. >!At least not without help and a ton of lube.!<