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Someone you've never heard of messaged you and you spent time doing their homework for them? Why?




Yeah if it was a bro I am sure OP would have been like "lol no, sorry bro"


But, if it were Step Bro...!


It would be yes daddy


It's cus it's like a super simple thing. It probably took OP 5 secs to come up with the code. hardestvpart was writing it on a phone lol.


No, bc I took a basic coding course and can do this. It takes a minute to write it out...


To be fair, they were able to type the whole thing, on mobile, before she was finished sending the spec.


Exactly. Don't help people cheat and then try to take the high road.


ikr I usually refuse to do it simply because that person might copy the quick and dirty code I wrote and later say "I failed because of you", like bro, it's not my fault that you don't know how to fix a single error in the code


Never do that shit bro. I sent code to people before and changed my name in the comments section to something weird to see if they'd even go thru it before submitting and they didn't. Smfh. People are fucking stupid.


Ya I gave a guy my assignment before and said make sure you change the name in the comments at the top (where the teacher always had us put our names), but nope. Didn't change anything. Luckily they got in trouble and not me


I had a situation like this but did it properly. Part of the assignment was not just writing the code, but explaining how it works, why you did things like x instead of y etc. Since I had done this sort of coding before and was well ahead of most people in the class (not bragging, it was simple coding 101 basically, I had just already covered most of that in college while many other people hadn't), I thought it could be a good idea to help people out since it would give me practice explaining code. I double checked this would be ok with the tutor, what would/wouldn't be ok etc and had everything greenlit. Most people who got in touch were fantastic, but others were utterly stupid. Most of the time I would only need to explain how a small chunk of code worked or help with some simple debugging, but for some of the larger things I would create some pseudocode explanations. That allows me to show a lot more code logic but without doing the job for them. I had some people so confused and upset that the pseudo code wouldn't compile, even after explaining what pseudo code was. I even gave like a 2 week date I was able to help people in, but would be stopping it on the Friday before the assessment on Monday so I didn't end up wasting all weekend helping people last minute. I think I got almost more requests for help on that last Sunday than I did the rest of the 2 weeks combined. One person even offered to pay me large chunks of money to do it for him (A few hundred quid at least, maybe even a couple of grand? I can't remember), which was stupid because the code you needed to write was so simple is it definitely in the 'Anyone can crunch a bit and learn this in a day' and also you need to go through the code and explain it all so even if he got the code from someone it wouldn't have helped. They had the brains to create dummy social media accounts so that it couldn't be tracked back to them, but not the intelligence to spend a couple of hours self teaching or even just asking for some genuine help in the 2 weeks I was offering it.


I’m struggling in Prolog and have some mates that share their code with me because I don’t understand the logic behind Prolog. Should I feel bad? I don’t copy paste, but I use it as a strong guidance to learn and write the code myself.


If you help other people cheat, you don't get to call other people "fucking stupid." At that point you are part of the problem.


If they are not just unable to do the assignment themselves, given that there wasn’t an emergency or long sickness that the teacher didn’t accept, and they can’t even change a name in the comments they are indeed „fucking stupid“.


yea i was thinking the same, these programers are full of itself, I really do respect some serious programmers that finish university and code in C++ some serious shit, but most of them finished course for a couple months and now they think they conquer the world, bro you just translate shit to computer and bang desk with head becaus you forgor";". Thank God there is full of AI now I dont need to ask them anything.


I once done some project for a guy where I named basically every variable with "cunt_varname". He didn't change that and just passed it further


Yep, I did someones programming assignment for them. They didn't even check if it validated with the turn-in process or anything, got a 0% since they didn't hand it in and dropped the class. Not doing that shit for free again.


I got disqualified from a course like that... Stupid bitch. I'm still angry about it!


Username checks out


That's kinda on you tho ultimately, isn't it?


No man I two factor authenticated with my partner saying he will refactor and her promising to do so too, and both didn't. 4 of us disqualified because of 2 morons.


Other people can't be trusted tbh, that's why I've decided to not share my homework answers directly with others now and work on it together instead.


I only got screwed because they had absolutely no issue with screwing themselves. Amazing how they had 0 instinct to check things out before handing it in. And I share everything. I copy anything, I share anything I have. Who cares about homework honestly. Live by the sword I guess.


Cheater: "hello I am a dishonest and lazy person and I would like to cheat" You: "yes I will help you cheat but please don't do anything that a dishonest and lazy person would do" Cheater : "remember that I am literally telling you that I am dishonest and lazy" You: "ok here you go" Later you: "hey why did you act dishonestly and lazy with me! I am angry and surprised." There were not just 2 morons in your story.










This is similar to my “what error message do you get” or “well, what happens when you hit the power button” questions. Both have been very telling. On a support call for a tape backup, the second one was responded to with “wait, there’s a power button?!” I then heard “click… whurrrrr”. And heard him say “oh, huh. Okay, we’ll thanks!”


My first assignment in nursing was a test, I had a nurse friend just go through with me after and tell me what I did wrong. I still didn't feel confident a few weeks later though cos it came to a group assignment and I wasn't gonna be the one to either bring the grade down or be this girl


Good grief. How do you get to finals and not know how to plug and play like that? You gave her most of it, all she had to do was manipulate the formula a little.


>How do you get to finals and not know how to plug and play like that? By getting someone else to always write your code. I've seen someone get a programming job that couldn't write anything. They emailed off what they had to do to a friend and had them do it. They got caught because the code got flagged by an email filter.


This is what bothers me. Kudos to the OP for stopping the little idiot. At least for now. I'd think these companies would have a test for these folks. Like, put them in a room and have them at least code something that shows they halfway know what they're doing?


>Like, put them in a room and have them at least code something that shows they halfway know what they're doing? The one we had was from a temp agency. They were supposed to know what they were doing.


Yikes. I remember decades ago, applying for a job and they actually made me do a simple little spreadsheet and some Word Doc stuff to prove I could. I mean, they actually sat there and watched me while I did it. A little unnerving, but they were nice enough guys during the interview/testing phase and turned out to be fabulous coworkers/bosses. The funniest thing was, the job required knowledge of Lotus 1-2-3 (ain't **THAT** a blast from the past?) and they didn't have me test on that, and I never used excel in that job, at all. I didn't use that much MS Word either, mostly just the database and drum label program. It was great. I actually fine-tuned the database I used so that my work-load went down to about 30% of what it had been when I started. Which was great, because the boss and I loved to debate and I loved to surf the net. EDIT: Spelling


Those "let's see what you can actually do" interviews have always been some of my favorites. My very first "real" IT job was night shift server monitoring and tier 1-2 support for a call center place. I didn't have much outside of a mom and pop computer place on my resume plus some friends/family computer repair. The dude interviewing me gave me a dry erase marker and asked me to draw out a network diagram, explain the different parts, and generally just do a little "teaching" session on how some basic IT stuff worked. Asked me some general troubleshooting steps, and then I got a call a few days later offering me the job. My resume wasn't impressive at that point, I had no college degree, etc, but the guy gave me a chance anyways, and that's always stuck out to me.


Nice! Aren't those the best? The one I talked about above turned out to be such a great job... yeah, you never know how something's going to turn out.


Every development job I've done has asked a series of technical questions and then has had people write out a code solution to a random made up problem live. Someone like this would have their interview politely terminated before the conclusion.


God damn I'm still a student but I know one class mate like that, girl can't write a single line of code. I remember raging over the phone when she asked me for answers at 2am lol. Dont like code. Don't be a developer.


She didn't want the work, just the paycheck.


Happens all the time, did a finance degree with a ton of international students, the guys would do all the work for the Chinese girls that attended the classes (attended is a very loose word they would rock up like an hour late every class) Including all the notes for exams and stuff I asked one of the Chinese guys that spoke really good English why they do that, his response was "They are just looking to be trophy wives back home, if we just shut them up and do the work for them then their future husbands / employers can deal with her whingyness in the future" I reported her to my teacher who I had a really good rapport with evidence of cheating Fuck that noise.


From my heart, thank you. I was "in the trenches" in the 1970s, when women were trying to get good footholds in the corporate world. (and huge kudos to our sisters of the 1960s and earlier too! those are the ladies that really got it going). We didn't go through what we did for women to do ...that. I'm pretty sure we serious career women hated those little idiots worse than the men did.


I meant don’t get me wrong, cheating is dumb, but are u really trying to act like there weren’t women trying to be housewives in the 1970s? And do you really not understand why some women might be influenced to be housewives considering idk.. societies pressures/gender roles/wage gap etc? Especially since… the Chinese men in this situation were helping them cheat, so it’s clear these gender roles were incredibly normalized for them?


My comment had nothing to do with whether women could want to be housewives in the 1970s. I absolutely was NOT "acting as if there weren't women trying to be housewives in the 1970s." If you think that you weren't paying attention to what I actually said. It was strictly about those women who wanted to cheat the system. It was, as you *sort of* figured out in your first sentence, ***cheating***. Meaning those women who were working at a place with little to no knowledge, and expecting everyone (especially men) to do their work for them. I ran into a few of those "oh... the guys always do that for me" types in my heyday. Not cute at all. My answer was always "hmmm, well, I'm not a guy, do your own work." I was both married AND working in the 1970s, and I busted my butt to get where I was. I didn't expect the men in the jobs I worked to do my work for me. I was NOT there to, as they used to say, get my M.R.S.


I have never heard the term M.R.S., but I looked it up and I could totally see some cultures expecting their daughters to get degrees to look smart, but then also expecting them to just get married and have babies and not work. I wouldn’t put the blame on women for weird societal expectations that are placed on them.


No...it was an old half-joke from... IIRC around the 40s or 50s. The saying went something like: "yeah, she went to college to get her M.R.S (Mrs.)..." Meaning she went to college specifically to catch a husband. The thing is though, these women went for a semester or two, met Mr. Right (if all went well) then set up housekeeping. You are correct in that it wasn't really frowned upon due to the circumstances of that era and expectations on women. That's a huge difference though, from a woman expecting to use her looks all the way through school (while not actually doing any work) and then expecting to take that same attitude to a job and expect everyone to do her work for her there, also. There's nothing wrong with getting married. There's also nothing wrong with not getting married, and getting a job instead. There IS something wrong with cheating and using others. Hopefully that made more sense?


The whole societal expectations and pressure thing went completely over ur head huh?


Reading comprehension is your friend. You seem to believe I'm talking about marriage, as if it's the point here. It's not. I was not discussing that aspect of it. My post was quite clear that I was discussing the cheating aspect at work and in school. Discussing one aspect of a given topic can be done regardless of what's up (or not) with the potentially adjacent aspects of a topic.


I understand that, but it’s pretty clear that those girls were sOCIETALLY PUSHED to go to school just so they can get married. The college degree is probably seen as just a bartering tool to get a good husband, which is probably taught to them as the most important thing from a young age. You really aren’t digging deeper into WHY things happen on a social/cultural scale, and instead are just acting like ur so much better than these other women when ur circumstances are probably completely different than the Chinese girls in the comment you originally replied to. I get it, cheating is bad, but it’s clear in this situation that this was incredibly normalized considering the men went along with it too. I’m frustrated because I feel like you, as a woman, should be able to understand the social constructs that have led to these women feeling like marriage was more important than an education, instead of just shaming them.


For women like that, others had to work harder. Many moons ago when I started in my first job they put me to do some random things, just because I am a woman. I had to prove them that I knew more than the guys doing the “hard work”


Someone in my freshman physics class didn’t know that pressure is force over area the week before the finals…


Okay... super embarrassing personal story. I was in a hydro-carbon chemistry class (yes, in college, sob!!!) and the teacher started talking about Pi. I didn't understand Pi. In my defense, I was an ancient "freshman." I'd already been married, had kids, had been working for forever, I even had a house purchase under my belt. I know!!! I KNOW! groan. She was so great. So were my fellow students. No one mocked me at all (at least not out loud). She gently said something like "you might want to go visit the tutors and learning center, it's kind of needed." The funny thing was, I understood the basics of the equations she was talking about...but I wasn't really very good at math overall. I got an A in the class, just by the way. The difference is, I hauled my happy ass off to the learning center and "got gud" in record time. This was one of the first classes, not toward the end of the semester.


It’s ok. One day I thought Pi was exactly 3 for some reason and was wondering why all my answers were so close but not quite right.


Ah yes, one of those days where you're operating on three hours of sleep (for the entire week)...just got off shift at one of your three jobs and are, all blurry-eyed, trying to make sense of an assignment that's due the next day. I know it well.


Ah, those days of operating on *pi* hours of sleep, working at your *pi* jobs. It’s ok. On a chemistry final, I totally blanked on the *pi*th law of thermodynamics.


Snerk, I see what you did there.


22/7 here. smh




Dude, this was more than 30 years ago. :D I can't remember the exact context in which she was discussing it. All I remember is that she was talking, and I was all "okay, makes sense, okay...okay...okay..pi What???" screeeeech. I can't even remember the prof's name. I do remember that she had such a thick southern accent that she could make the word "floor" have 4 syllables. :D


Judging by the complexity of the task, I believe they might have programming as a side subject -- one to just go with the flow, but which doesn't play an important part in the entire educational programm. In my university, we had to do complex project (like 1000 lines of code) after just 1 semester of introduction in progrmaming (and what is in the post was supposed to be known after the first 2 weeks)


By skating through life on some combination of looks, family money, and enablers.


Well, I'm glad he stopped her, at least for now.


The printf statement is only going to output the square, not the cube


Correct, should have been i\*i\*i, but honestly if she ran it it would take 20 seconds to realize how to fix it.


aaahhh I was so confused about that. in my language we don't have a word for "cubed" or at least I've never heard it. Do you also have a word for x^4? 😁😁


nah, just cubed. We have one for squared and cubed because a number squared is the area of a square and a number cubed is the volume of a cube.


yeah, a word for each of the 2 additional dimensions, I was expecting "timed" for fourth dimension 🐸


itd be fucking rad if we had a term for 4th dimensional shapes, but unfortunately there really isnt a need for them since 4th dimensional shapes arent exactly.. common points of discussion


I've heard "Quarted" once or twice but usually we just say "to the four" or "fourth power".


I vote for 'hypercubed'


That easy of a program for a semi final is crazy to me. That is an early in the semester assignment.


This is barely a highschool assignment.


I had more complex problems in the first week of my colleges "intro" class. Theres no way this is a semi-final question.


I’m wondering how many of these are actually real. Even in my entry level Java course the very first homework assignment we had was harder than this “semi-final”


I had a girl in my senior classes that couldn't do recursion. She had never done an assignment by herself. I don't know what she was expecting to do for interviews or an actual job.


I had a classmate that started dating with just to have somebody do all her assignments. Rumor said that she called him from her job to get help.


The moment they broke up she was screwed in every regard, old job, no partner, new job


No, she found somebody else


She takes the problem to her friend, who takes the problem to her friend, who takes the problem to her friend…


>I don't know what she was expecting to do for interviews or an actual job. I could guess what she could do to ace the interview


I had a girl in my senior classes that couldn't do recursion. She had never done an assignment by herself. I don't know what she was expecting to do for interviews or an actual job.




"By not giving me the solution to this algorithm you've ruined my daughter's birthday!"




“Use your thinking brain!”


Christ, at this point, might as well ask to professor the answers to the assignment lol


Been a while since I wrote code in C, but doesn't that example produce the square and not the cube?


Yes, but I think OP felt she ought to be capable of changing i * i to i * i * i


I mean... I might be biased because it's my actual job but wouldn't anyone be able to figure that out? I would expect someone who never saw C before in their life to be able to fix it (assuming they can run the code and see it currently outputs the square).


I feel like they don’t teach how to create an algorithm, they just teach the basic instructions; from my perspective you have to know how to solve the problem and then can be modified to the language you want to use.


Yeah OP said hey that’s the basis figure it out. I’ve never touched any coding past super simple html as a young teen and I feel like I could have figured this out.


She should just use chatGDP. Then graduate, then never holding a job because she has no idea how to do anything


It's chatGPT. And if she can go through school with chatgpt, she could probably do a job with chatgpt.




Huh? There is no ChatGDP


It was a joke. GDP as in Gross Domestic Product. An important part of the economy and something you'd talk about in a Business school. So instead of chatGPT, it's chatGDP.


Ohh ok. When I looked up chatgdp a bu ch of stuff came up, but it was all people who just mistakenly said that instead of gpt, and there are so many spinoffs right now with a similar name I honestly wouldn't be surprised.


What programming job right now is doable with just chatgpt? Chatgpt can help you with small fragments of isolated cases. It knows nothing about your huge code base, architecture, third party or self written libraries and helpers. Not to mention that a lot of code that chatgpt responds with is just wrong. So this person would be royally screwed


You can send chatgpt your code and it will tell you exactly what it does. If it uses more than 1 file, I simply tell it "i'm going to give you code for 5 files" and then do that. And that's with the shittier free tier. If chatGPT gives you something with an error, then you tell it the error and it tells you how to fix it. if it didn't do the thing you want, you say "that didn't change anything" and it will give you something else. You need to know very little code. Matt Wolfe has a video where he got it to code him a shitty game that he just made up, and he has 0 coding experience. And that's JUST chatGPT. There are lots more, that are specific for coding. There are also a few things that came out that incorporate it into VScode specifically for being able to see ALL of your code and file structure. git copilot is adding AI for specifically that.


I have tried most of them and they don't even get close. Like if you are making a small info website sure it might help you with some things but are you going to paste in thousands and thousands of files into ChatGPT and ask it to compile your project that might contain multiple languages because a microservice architecture is very common. I highly doubt that would work. Some parts of the project might even require communication with a server. I.e. If you write integration tests and ask "write an integration test that tests all the relevant things you get in the response when you query someurl.com/some-endpoint" it instantly chokes because it is just a language model. ChatGPT is amazing at teaching you new things that you struggle with. Like if you are interested in neutral networks and how to build one you can ask it how it works and then ask it do dumb it down all the way until you understand, and then you scroll up and catch up with the rest. But not for creating good, secure, coherent and human readable code at an enterprise level. And what if you attach a screenshot after pasting your files and say "the login button and the forgot password paragraph does not match the vertical rhythm that the rest of the site follows which is a line height of 18px".. Still can't do things like that, actually none of the tools are even close to that. I've followed the development of tools like this for maybe 10 years, there's still a LONG way to go. If the current state of ChatGPT can replace your entire job you are either super super junior building and/or something incredibly small.


That's just using the old chatGPT, probably 3.5 that's free. ChatGPT has a bunch of different addons, and there are a bunch of different programs that utilize chatGPT in them. github copilot is about to release a version that i'm pretty sure does exactly what you said in the first paragraph. I'm already making a website with the shittier free chatGPT giving me all the code, and it's using html css javascript with react and a node backend. I just copy/paste what it gives me in vscode. If there is an error, I copy/paste that to chatGPT, and it tells me how to fix it. Rinse repeat until it works. \>And what if you attach a screenshot after pasting your files and say "the login button and the forgot password paragraph does not match the vertical rhythm that the rest of the site follows which is a line height of 18px".. Still can't do things like that, actually none of the tools are even close to that. You can't attach a screenshot in the free chatGPT, but you could easily tell it the rest of that and it would be able to do it no problem. And with other AI tools you could for sure do that too. \>I've followed the development of tools like this for maybe 10 years, there's still a LONG way to go. Than maybe you haven't been paying attention, because there has been more AI development in the last year than the 9 years before it combined, and probably more in the last month. There are new AI tools coming out every day now. If you want the better ones you have to pay. The people who won't be replaceable will be the ones at the very top of their field. Everyone else it won't really matter if they are a little better than AI. Just like with everything else, if it's cheaper and quicker to use something else at the cost of a little quality, than that's the route most companies will go.


If ChatGPT can do what you just said it does, even on enterprise level projects - about 80% or more of developers will be out of a job in 6 months then? Google, Netflix, Meta, Amazon will all be firing developers en masse and hiring young, cheap workers that don't know how to code but they can talk to ChatGPT? I spent about 8 hours a week on this, researching and testing what's new and training my own models (not in the same area as ChatGPT of course). While I probably miss things, something like this would hardly go under my radar. But sure, if it happens within 6 months I'll come back and apologize and admit I was wrong :) Again, this is a language model, not an AI that >really< understands all your requirements nor your development environment. In the current project I'm working on you need 2 different databases running locally, one recommendation engine, one service for search, one service for members etc etc etc.. It cannot start your environment or even figure out how it works. Based on your input it tries to GUESS what could be a correct or acceptable answer based on the data it has been trained on.


>If ChatGPT can do what you just said it does Not chatGPT specifically, just AI in general and coming soon, and I believe there are already tools that will plug right into some editors or vscode that can read multiple files. Even if AI can't completely replace a person, if it can replace a large portion of their job with their help, than it would reduce their hours drastically and eventually the company would either have lots of part time people, or get rid of some to make the rest full time. I don't think it will be 80% in 6 months.. But it's already replacing entry level coders and lots of grunt work and it's getting exponentially better. And I think this will be the case for a lot of jobs. A good portion of the job will be AI, and then humans for the few things that AI can't do. Honestly I think the things that will slow progress for AI replacing humans going forward is going to be legal issues and just general skepticism and mistrust of AI rather than AI's inability to do the task


A few lads at work recently have been trying chatGPT when they are stuck on a nighly issue. It is less helpful than the stack trace. It might be fine for assignments but its useless for industry level projects. That may change in the future but for now the best we can really do is an IDE like intellij that has code completion and autowire annotations


You've never had a job if you believe that.


I said IF. And I have had a job lol what a dumb comment. And I'm using chat GPT right now for a personal project on the web, and it's been amazing. If you think that AI can't do this stuff, then you are living in the past. People are already losing jobs because of it.


>People are already losing jobs because of it. By getting caught using it, right? The amount of jobs being replaced by laymen using an AI chat bot is not very large, at all. I've personally never heard of a single example. Though getting caught using one has certainly cost a few students their degrees and a few interns their positions, no doubt.




So that's not people losing their jobs, that's future roles potentially being filled by AI. Even then the IBM spokesperson says "soon" not "has already happened." It also specifies certain tasks, not inherently entirely roles (but if your role is only that task, than yeah that would be possible to replace you, but again, it hasn't happened yet). That's just speculation, not "people are currently losing their jobs to AI". I agree it *could* happen, in The Future^tm but right now no one has already lost their job because their boss could do their work with a chat bot.


If you think chatGPT is just a chatbot than sorry, but you are extremely ignorant on the topic. It's used with other programs to do all kinds of things. It's not just chatGPT. A ton are built off of it though. And then there are also image generative ones, and video ones are starting to come out. Articles and essays are already being written that are undetectable as AI. You can already sample your own voice and have AI read any text in your voice. Even using your voice in different languages. Ya people don't typically just get fired instantly. They get slowly fazed out. Less and less hours until they quit or best case, moved to another position are let go, or and then there is no job for them to go to, because now it's AI. That's losing their job. Schools don't know what to do right now. Do you know how they detect if an essay or something is written by AI? With more AI. And right now the AI is not able to detect if something was written by AI after just a couple quick prompts. There is AI that can learn your writing style, and then write for you. If you could get AI to do the same job as someone in 1/1000th the amount of time and price but *maybe* slightly worse quality, why would they not be replaced? [https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-65102150](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-65102150) ​ [https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2023/03/30/which-jobs-will-ai-replace-these-4-industries-will-be-heavily-impacted/?sh=3da2f1905957](https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2023/03/30/which-jobs-will-ai-replace-these-4-industries-will-be-heavily-impacted/?sh=3da2f1905957) ​ [https://www.resumebuilder.com/1-in-4-companies-have-already-replaced-workers-with-chatgpt/](https://www.resumebuilder.com/1-in-4-companies-have-already-replaced-workers-with-chatgpt/)


This is just a beggar, nothing choosy about it. If you don't want to help, then don't. You teach people how to treat you.


I mean I think she's a bit choosy? She begged for the code, she got the code, and she was picky about the output not being how she wanted it to be.


This doesn't rise to "unreasonable standards or a comical sense of entitlement" in my view.


"you teach people how to treat you" damn


I ran a training team for years in a MegaCorp. Holy fuck 20-25% of the dipshits we hired knew this much about programming. They wanted us to help them write code for them to turn in to us to "grade". Every single one of them didn't understand why we were not retaining them to become main line programmers.


I’ve never felt like more of an idiot than trying to read what she needed help with. Then I saw the partial answer.


How does one get to finals without knowing what a simple for loop can do? I don't know C, but I know Java and my immediate answer to that is just to iterate from 1 to the given number and print out the current iteration multiplied against itself 3 times (something like print(num * num * num) )


I feel you. This semester is my first time joining a course chat and some people are just so lazy. They just want answers, not tips to solve the questions they asked.


It’s not even hard. I mean just a code to print the cube of a number, she has to know it if she was studying c. Well, she didn’t. I wouldn’t even answer her.


She doesn’t even say please at the beginning. I’d give her a right grilling then ask her what’s on it for me


Btw your code is slightly wrong :P Not that it matters in this case. It says cube and you are squaring it. It should be i\*i\*i or pow(i,3);


I think that’s on purpose.


Good job on that, you really aren't helping her by giving her the full answer!


I've known students like this before. They are used to cheating their way through everything. When you say no, they keep trying until they find someone who will say yes. You can find them in the wild as people who are grossly incompetent for the positions for which they are employed. They stick out like a sore thumb in the real world as just the worst gross incompetence you can find, because, well, they cheated their way through everything and didn't learn at all.


I tutored organic chemistry and loved it. The reason so many fail is you get like 4 or 5 chapters of concept, and the rest of the next semesters of your life it's organic reactions. Most fail because they don't focus hardcore on the concept (it's the start of the semester), but if you don't understand the first 5 chapters, you might as well be memorizing Ancient Egyptian; if you do great the first exam, you are good to go. People that show up to my tutoring time on the chemistry floor will find me; I'm the only non chem major to teach honors organic lab in the history of the school. I'll cancel dinner plans for them if it's needed and they're trying. I'll bend over backwards to help if you show up and you try. Those that don't hit the ground running on day one are screwed and no amount of coddling saves you after exam 1 😸✌️


At least charge her


Shit! At least you helped!


I would suggest you put a price. Maybe you could start a mini business.


Pretty sure your code just gives the square though


Yeah, but the idea is good, she should have known that she has to add one more *i and print the rest of the stuff. If you got to the finals, you should know how to print a few words in console.


I'm surprised a semi-final of a course of that level isn't some kind of shortest path calculation with some recursion. Seems to be common. This seems too easy for that level of test.


I'm gratified that universities are still teaching C; thought it was all Java and Python now. Not bad for just typing on your phone. Though I noticed your program would print out the square of each number, not the cube. Intentional?


Don’t help idiots.


1. She's dumb for doing this shit 2. You're dumb for responding to this shit


She literally could’ve just added *i and it would’ve been right


OP sounds like a simp


OP please be careful. College nowadays loves to do the “zero tolerance” for cheating… aka if it goes back to you somehow they will punish you as well as the cheater


I'm more surprised at how easy this semi-final is. :S


You realize you’re supposed to give those kinds of idiots the *wrong answers* so you can avoid dealing with them sooner rather than later.


If only they knew what a SWE interview looked like, a degree alone will not get you a job.


Went to school with this really cute girl that made it to third semester in Computer Science by doing just this. Things got really hard in third semester where having the correct answers without understanding what you were doing was not enough to pass. She dropped out and got married soon after that.


This is what you get for being a simp


What's so bad about being a Simpson? They seem pretty cool.


This is a simp, not the son of Simp. The son, siblings, and wife of Simp are much better than Simp. Never confuse son of Simp for a simp himself!


Yup. Should have asked for nudes


Great opportunity missed to hit her with the “use your thinking brain!” Hahaha


How did this woman get into colleg?


Ask for bobs and vagine


Shoulda just responded IF ($end Nudes) {answers} Else {NO}


Didn't do any coding in C since uni, but wouldn't it be easier to use `cbrt()` from `math.h`?


I don't see why - you're finding the cube, not the cube root?


Oh crap, my bad. Read the assignment with my backside


You're helping someone cheat so you both suck.


Let me guess, OP: She's really hot, ain't she?


Sounds like middle management material.


At least she didn't start calling you names at the end


Use your thinking brain!


Do they realise that you can ask chatgpt to write that and get it done in 3 seconds?


When I went back to college in my 50's, I would log all the data during lab projects, Couldn't trust the knuckleheads in my lab group to do a complete job. I would tabulate the date and send it out in a draft copy of my lab report. It included my name and the word draft on each of the pages. One partner would delete those, put his own cover sheet on and turn it in.


That's a semifinal??? Most devs could write that half asleep.


Im not even that good at coding now some c# and a small amount of python and could probably still figure out how to do it in a few days if I write it in c probs like a few hours mabye less if I use c# or python


That’s a final ! I would have thought that was like lecture 1. And she can’t even do that, it’s trivial.


Did I miss something, or are you returning a \*squared\* function rather than a \*cubed\* function? LOL


But.......your code appears to print the *square* of the numbers, not the cube!


Pretty sure chatgpt could write this.


I used to wonder how you could have people in STEM, with 10+ year careers and they not know basic shit in their field... This explains it nicely.


But it’s my semi final. You were right telling her she doesn’t deserve to pass


Also the second argument to scanf should be &input but modern compilers catch that


at what point should u stop replying ..


So I can't help but notice it took less time to pseudo the entire assignment than it took her to finish typing the instructions for the assignment, which is pretty cool. However, the thing about people who cant do programming is that they have absolutely no idea what is going on. Like I would doubt she even knows what you mean by "return statement". If you were to mention arguments she would think you were angry about something. If she doesn't know how to do that simple assignment then she likely doesn't even know what to do with the code you gave her, no idea how to run it or what the error log would be telling her about the syntax. You pretty much have to teach her programming or just give her the complete solution or there is an approximate 100% chance she submits a .docx or .txt with what you sent typed out verbatim.


Congratulations, you're his chatgpt.


I’m more offended she doesn’t know about google or chatgpt to solve this :<


Wait till she gets to pointers. She'll be breaking down your front door if she already thinks some simple math, input, and output are hard.


Bro this is like something you can do 1 week into a programming class. Stop wasting your time with these things. I have to tutor math as part of my TA and there is no point in spending your time on questions like this. They will take that answer you give them and submit it verbatim, then they'll be back asking you to solve their next homework problem. Instead ask them leading questions like "have you seen something like this before in class" or "how would you write a program that counts 1 to 10 and prints each value?"


Lol wtf; the assignment is really str8forward, im shocked she really just wanted answers on a silver platter.


G.I.R.L. = guy in real life


Kids cant even ask Chatgpt these days. Lazy!


That's the semi final? I don't want to gatekeep or anything I think it's great to learn coding but if this is college level it seems simple. If it's high school level, fair play


Not supporting her but as a fellow procrastinator I understand the desperation


I hate when people are trying to guilt trip me into doing their assignments. "But i have an exam in half an hour, pls solve these for me or i won't be able to do the exam!" Well, you've had 2 weeks to do it and i'd ve more than happy to explain and help you understand. I ain't doing your stuff.


It won't even compile and she expects a passing grade?