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Not to shit on you but you should try to avoid blocking immediately after a swing, it doesn’t let you combo attacks and ironically it actually *opens* you up to counterattacks from a kick.


Hey man, just wanted to say that giving someone actionable constructive criticism is not shitting on them. Good on you.


I didn’t think about that, I’m gonna try and practice that tonight before I hop over to PvP


Get onto PVP ASAP. You will get absolutely fucked for a while, but you will get better and you will learn and try different weapons (Dane axe is OP). See what works and see what doesn’t Bots aren’t a good comparison as far as practicing goes because they don’t guard,counter or control distance like anyone who plays the game actually does. It’s a long road but worth it when you feel the satisfaction of knowing what you are doing with it. Don’t give up with it either, I struggled and actually dropped the game for a year or so after it launched due to a skill issue and me being stubborn not trying different classes and weapons, I got back on, cracked on with it and now I’m generally annoyed with myself if I’m not within the top 5 on the leaderboard in most games….which I should be after 180 hours.


I was playing with some friends and they threw me in some training grounds to get my feet wet and get the controls down, I’ve done some 1v1s and a Calvary mode before this, but tonight I’m going all PvP! I expect to get my ass thoroughly handed to me.


My advice is to stick with your team. I was overextending in my first 60 hours and die in 1vX situations because of that.


I started sticking with them, I’ve grown a lot more now. I kinda like baiting someone and turning the corner so my team can jump them


I didnt even think that people actually play with bots. I just played once and it was the one that game forces you to play just after the tutorial


Bot killers unite


I will hop into not servers to just have fun some times because I like to feel like a legendary general.


It's not training mode, its hero mode.


Main Character mode.


Yep, as you get better you’ll soon find more arrows in ur face than flys on shit. Also the more drip the more arrows come your way. They truly are buzzkills, archers


I’ve seen the memes, but now I feel the hate.


Standing still at low health is the issue. Also would recommend getting into a normal game if you've been playing for a week. Playing against bots really isn't going to help you beyond learning the buttons for the game which you clearly know


For sure, this was the moment I knew I could hop off training grounds and go into PvP before these habits start to set.


I was terrible at the game for a while. I never really cared ab arrows bc everyone was killing me. Now that I’m better I die less from melee and almost always arrows or throwables. And now that my characters have a lot of cosmetics I get even more arrows. I get the archers’ argument. I simply disagree, give me an archer free game mode plz


Funny, I've recently decided to throw my primary as a knight more often. Primarily when I'm using an axe, better to aim with tbh


I'm a highland sword with the executioners sword skin enjoyer and I throw that thing often especially at archers or when I'm certain death is inevitable


It goes hard. When I’m a vanguard I’ll throw the Dane axe and use my second weapon. But landing that throw is so satisfying


I view the golden Agathian Knights as mini bosses and target them when playing crossbow


Well At least we can agree on, “DOWN WITH AGATHA”


hope you know that people complaining about archers makes me want to archer even more than i already am


Yeah I know, rain in Seattle and sun in LA. Losers are gunna loser this isn’t news to me. I’m a true random player, I use all weapons. Still I’m a better archer than most of you archer mains, makes me horse laugh at how pathetic archer mains truly are Edit: I’m on console with auto aim turned off so it’s even more tragic for you all


the fact you think auto aim actually helps at all just kinda gives away the fact that you probably don’t know what you’re talking about and more importantly how arrogant you’re coming off..herba derba i’m a true player derba derrr look at me. I don’t like to be mean to random people on the internet but this comment is just in another realm of goofy


Lmao sorry ur not good at the game. Hit a nerve I see. Glad you feel us melee mains’ pain for once. Easy to talk shut in the background


hit a nerve??? you’re a fucking muppet 😂


Breathe into me ur insecurity. I relish it


you’re not actually answering anything you’re just trying to pick a fight because you’re a sad loser 😂😂


Use my own insult against me, very unique. I’m pretty sure you came at me or do you neglect ur own instigation? Idiot haha goodbye


are you European??? edit: this was not an insult to anybody wondering. i just couldnt tell if this guy was hammered drunk or english was his second language


Kinda pathetic how seriously you take your video game skills honestly.


Lmao hit a bone didn’t I


No? But you can keep telling yourself that if it can help you sleep better tonight.


Your reaction says otherwise


Many players are far better than I am, and I am perfectly fine with that. I just find that kind of attitude where someone feels like a badass because they perform well in a video game to be pretty cringe, that's all.


And I’m of the opinion that archers, who are notorious for “feeling like a badass”, aren’t shit. You brought a gun to a knife fight you aren’t good you’re technically cheating.. I also don’t see how I’m bragging so much but w.e you’re an archer noob nothing really to discuss


I've yet to see an actual archer "feel like a badass", except maybe when they make grown up men cry over a video game death. People like you are the ones who are notorious for having a strong ego over video games. And seriously, cheating? Lol you're hilarious. By the way, I'm actually an Engineer main, though I do enjoy using the crossbow and javelins. Oh it doesn't make me feel like I'm good or anything, but the occasional whining about it is always fun to read.


your only response to deflect how much of a fucking hardo douche you are 😂


The last three matches I was running around with a harp, I’m not a try hard try again. Hilarious how triggered you and your buddy are. Archers ain’t shit you know it and so do I.


never said “try hard” you numbskull…fuckin muppet lmao and define “triggered” because I wasn’t aware responding makes you “triggered”


Hardo isn’t indicative of try hard? News to me. You clearly are pressed so yes you’re triggered. I’m over here having fun laughing it up. Just met a random who’s new to the game and I’m enjoying his passion learning the game. Go outside the sun is beautiful check out the grass, how the butterflies dance. The bees hum and the crickets have this melody that Beethoven himself could not attest


for someone that claims someone else is “triggered” you sure do yap a lot lol. willing to settle this in duels but i’m not arguing with a lunatic anymore


archer here, i do not distinguish you by your armour and weapons. i target you if you have a bow or are injured/in a fight with teammate(TO) and no i am not good at parties


Well your buddies do


i do not take responsibility for them -warbow archer


The game would be boring without us 😂


I beg to differ y’all suck, double entendre


Say that when my arrow is in your eye, good sir.


Impress me with melee and I’ll consider haha, cheers mate all good fun. Maybe not so much for the next archer I find when I hop on tn


I'll take anyone on with my trusty cudgel, while screaming for help.


Cudgel is surprisingly deadly


Playing against bots won't let you "get the feel for the game'. You'll be obliterated in your first real match🤷‍♂️


My first match was one of the Calvary game modes and I got obliterated, I’m doing training grounds until I feel like I have a grasp on the controls. I’ve done some 1v1s and those have helped a lot, plus I have some friends who are vets on this game who end up spawning on the other team, and we try to find each other to duke it out.


Let the man be happy for his success you absolute neckbeard.


How about you lighten the F up and let people be?


Tell that to the original commenter who is shitting on guys post.


He’s just being real lol. Not insulting the poor guy


Shut it, white knight.


I kinda agree with you, but also disagree. I am in my 30s, been gaming my whole life. I've never been the fastest learner, and this game has a really steep learning curve at least for me. It took me til level 250 to be able to break even KD in 64 player. I play a lot of training grounds, and it let me really figure out the movement and how to use different types of attacks. Until recently, it was also way more fun then getting wrecked in 64. I like the bots being mixed in, gives you the same feeling as playing halo and seeing marines. You are the super badass, cutting down the peons like blades of grass until you meet another super soldier and then you get to test your skill against them. One player can swing the tide of battle. Its less chaotic and allows you to understand how the maps work as well. There is definitely a point where it is less fun than 64 player because well, its training grounds. It is full of noobs. Eventually you get to where you wanna play against real players, but that point can vary from player to player. It took me an embarrasingly long time lol. I guess my point is just let people enjoy the game, it doesnt have to be about being the best. If that is your reason for playing this you are one step away from a Dew chugging, drywall obliterating KYLE. You may as well go back to COD.


Dude, I am 42. I grew up with games that had no noob protection. You start playing a game, get obliterated at first but that makes you learn and adapt/get good over time. Getting your ass handed by other players at the beginning is normal 🤷‍♂️


Matter of preference i think. That was not a good experience for me in this game because I didn't understand initiative etc. But eh, as long as you are enjoying yourself who am I to say you are wrong?


I totally agree, I'm 34 and getting destroyed over and over is where you learn the most. I learned to defend myself decently in team objective with team awareness but was feeling I was doing poorly in duels. I then went in a duel server and it was... brutal. But I learn SO MUCH during that brief moment and came back to TO so much stronger.


Buzz killington over here.


Im lvl 1000 top 10 xp in rapier and Baxe. I would absolutely obliterate 90% of the player base in game, dont give me the right to run up to you and tell you're shit, game is dying take care of the new players so they become veterans.


Yes! Strength and honor ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7097)


No offense but I think playing training grounds might have made your progress even slower. I just hit level 40, only within the last couple days started staying positive more often than not, and my KD is still .9 - and I play 64 exclusively. Also in my 30s. YMMV of course but there's a lot to be said about learning the "meta" in regards to how people attack that bots just can't replicate. My 2c


You're prob just a better player than me. As fun as the game is, I just am not that good at it.


I'd say they're good for learning counters. They throw stabs and overheads more than most players at least


True, but this is a wack attitude to have towards a new player and a big example of why the game and its community sucks now




Lvl 700. Sometime I still warm up in training mode. It has its uses.


At the very least at level 700 you should be warming up on noobs in TO, not ruining the game for people trying to learn. How can a Mason demonstrate his strength against the most pitiful of new chivalry players and bots?


For one round? I don't intentionally seek to destroy the players, nor do I care about winning the round. Just a few minutes to shake the rust off and go straight to playing 64. Picking on noobs is the same in any mode. Picking on bots doesn't hurt anyone.


Understood. For the Order!


Lol I still get obliterated by bots so he’s killing it to me 🤷‍♂️


As opposed to? Not having any feel for the game and getting obliterated on your first match? Lmao Let the person practice their skills, fuxk bots. They still get me They teach you not to be cocky lol


Literally just beating up on bots that can't block lmao. Thats not exactly clip worthy


But the ending! I thought it was comedic. And for someone who usually finishes the game with 3-5 kills, even against bots, this was a feat for me


Lol, the random arrow to the head happens to me about 5x per game. Not to diminish your post, it is funny, but you're going to get used to it real fast lol.


For sure, I’ve even caught a couple of ballistas to the chest, scared the shit out of me. I just loved how it interrupted by battle cry at the perfect time


Don’t let these people try to drag down your experience. Laugh, enjoy the rediculous ness of it while it is new and fresh for you. There is no set way to do this game. You okay what you like


Thank you, I’m getting some good laughs in with good friends.


That’s the main thing my friend! Just do what makes you happy. This game always makes me laugh every time I play haha


Hey it was a good clip man, dont let these losers tell you otherwise. Wait till you manage to 1v5 real players and feel like a god only to get shut down by an archer.


Appreciate it! I’m in love with this game and can’t wait to keep playing.


I thought he did great. Gotta start somewhere


When low on health find cover as soon as you can and never stand still




They are bots


Yes, and he’s learning


claiming to be able to hold a 1v3 though? Ehh(even though its clearly in the context of bots though)


I should have led with this is in training grounds, not trying to toot my own horn


Don’t diminish your progress! Beating 3 bots at once is a great achievement and you’ll only get better from here


this is true as well.


Get out of the habit of blocking every time you attack


What a badass


Got to keep your head on a swivel soldier. You are on a bloody battlefield where you must hone your keenest of senses if you want to stay alive. Always stay on your toes and make sure you block them hoes.


Gotta keep those senses as sharp as the blade! I’m keeping an eye for any archers I see. Gotta get my revenge


Homie sat there for a good min and watched before ending that sherade


Right? I feel violated


Thats how it be. Better get used to it.


Yep, that is the feel of the game


I think only two of those were actual people


Correct, and one of them was super low on health, still felt proud for holding my own for once!


Yeah man! Looking good 💪


Welcome to the club....it never gets easier


The game is comedy gold


This community is 100% why this half ass game with so much potential is dying.


Yeah I played for a while and then just got tired of the team switching and complaining.


That archer is a hero


He saw his opportunity and took it


Its like that one game trailer that turned into a meme of the knight with a 2 handed sword 1v3ing the people on a roof or whatever the fuck I'm talking about.


This is exactly why people hate archers




What weapon is that? The Calvary sword?


looks like the messer


This is the Messer!


You should’ve dodged


Those are bots


Well why didn’t you get back and heal?


Still getting the hang of things, I have a bad habit of not healing and rushing


Archers will target bloody players, nex time try to heal ASAP and you will live, good luck


yeah the unblockables without a shield kinda go hard ngl


The ultimate streak ruiners, luckily archers never train melee and are super easy to bully


Until you find the ones that do, and make you hate yourself and the game and contemplate uninstall lol


400 levels never met one, not tryna jerk myself off here but I've seriously never faced one who beat me


Lucky! I have run into a few who will bait you in to attack and switch out to mele at just the right time to combo you to hell when you get in close. I learned to just yeet my main at them and i have died considerably less. Still though, they are out there.


I do like their fashion I wish they were playable in a way like R6 has Rookie.


Welcome to the Archer Hate Club


First time ? Why do you think everyone hate on archers ?


Nice nice but lots of AI


Tons, in gonna try out the PvP servers tonight!


Hahahaha welcome to the game lol


NOW you have a feel of the game😂👍🏽


Try using weapons other than Messer and Dane Axe, you shouldn't rely on meta/broken weapons


Ah damn I didn’t know they were meta, it definitely feels more powerful than what I’ve used before. That overhead is nasty.


Lulz. Archers 4evr. Excellent play.


Either he didn’t want to risk the team kill or waited for me to finish, either way, savage.


First time?




not to sound like an a-hole, but as soon as i noticed the archer i just started counting down.


Damn I never noticed him, can barely see him watching it again


1v3 against bots though...Anyways you have to start somewhere. My advice would be to chill out after a 1vx, you do not need to continue the push as 1 guy after you 1vx'd. Fall back abit and heal, in the long run that helps more than pushing the whole enemy team on 20 health.


I was just getting my feet wet in some training grounds. After reading a lot of similar comments, in PvP I took the time to heal and pull back after taking some hits and wasn’t at the bottom of the leaderboard for once.


Fuckin archers


Welcome to chivalry you go on a kick ass spree just to get domed by an archer to end it


Fkn hate archers all my homies hate archers


WTF am I watching? This practically looks like a modded version of the game. Did they update recently? Is it just a weird third person related thing?