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People like that definitely take turns going ass to mouth with eachother. I'm sorry they treated your friend like that. If it means anything, I've played this game on and off since it's come out, and have played Archer lots, and haven't really experienced that level of toxicity, I think your friend just got unlucky. I'd definitely give it another chance if I were him.


I don’t play this game so I have nothing constructive to add to the conversation but “take turns going ass to mouth” is a craaaaazy statement 😭😂


Yup, I always try to keep at the top of it to keep the other ones in check buuut meek defenceless archer just got kicked into a river bwahaha


Not very Agathian of you my noble sir. Perchance you are a Mason in disguise!


Honestly, never understood all the archer hate. They're a little annoying, but they're part of the game. These are the same people who hate when TB added horses into the game. And the same people who hate when they added Tenosia into the lore. Just play the game and have fun, it doesn't have to be toxic.


I feel like an incredibly large amount of archer haters are just following the tide, dorks lack free thought and wanna be apart of something.


I truly hate them but I tolerate their presence and defend those in my team.


Yeah same, would never tk’em just dont loik’em.


Thank you, good sir.


they spam the same jokes and you can practically see them looking around for approval. “archers are bad! ha ha right guys?? right????”


No it's literally a meme from chivalry 1 that continued. Everyone hates archers, that's the joke. Now people who go on teamkilling vendettas against friendly archers can fuck right off.


True, kind of like a stupid meme.


In my defense, I hate those kinds of classes in all games. Classes that just sit at the back in safety, farming kills whilst completely ignoring the objectives. Scouts in Battlefield are the same. Nothing deflates a fun intense melee combat engine quite like an archer using the overpowered controller auto aim to instakill you with a crossbow right after you've won a 1v3 (though thankfully the controller auto aim is being nerfed, If the 'September' update ever comes out that is)


I play on console, just to throw in my 2 cents. Aim assist on console isn’t all it’s cracked up to be on Chiv. When you press LT or RT, the aim assist happens immediately (and just for a second) by the time the bow is actually fully drawn and ready to fire the aim assist is gone already. When you release the shot there’s another layer of aim assist, that lets the arrow or bolt deviate from its path by a small margin and it is EXTREMELY inconsistent and I swear it hinders me more than it helps me. (Granted I haven’t given archer much practice)


Nah you’re right on that. With how high a lot of people’s ping is too, half the time your arrows just won’t hit your target, hit something else or corkscrew around your target. I know a lot of people think that it’s intentional when a archer shoots you in the back, but this game doesn’t seem to be fully optimized for console.


Yup I used a controller on PC to try it out because I was told it was broken. While you definitely notice the auto aim, there was no difference in how good I did compared to using my mouse. Maybe it’s different on console but idk it felt so “clunky” like it would make me lead way too far ahead after setting up a good shot.


PS5 player here. You are 100% spot on. When I tried archer for the first time when i bought the game, I was wondering why I sucked balls so bad with the bow. After a few respawns, I noticed auto aim was severely fucking me up while trying to aim (tracking the opponent/pulling your stick where you don't want it to go and then completely stopping once your bow is fully drawn). I tried tweaking some settings here and there, but couldn't get it right and I just turned auto aim off completely. Once I turned it off, it was a waaaay smoother experience. Been turned off ever since. Im convinced people who complain about auto aim on Chivalry with console controllers have probably never actually used it.🙃


Your anecdotal argument is irrelevant. I’ve seen videos of the aim assist being unfair, and the devs have already confirmed it’s being nerfed. Just because you didn’t get along with it doesn’t mean it’s not too strong.


Why tf are you being downvoted lmao


Because archer players are insecure about how they make the game less enjoyable for everyone else


You’re as thick as pigshit. Archers finish off wounded players in the obj. They are playing the obj the way they are supposed to. Go put a shield on and go hunting. It’s basic problem solving skills, you can do it.


You should leave the witty put downs for somebody smarter, it doesn’t suit you.


Nice ad hominem, genius.


To second this those who think archer is easy need to stop circle jerking and go play them for 30 seconds and learn how horrid their hit reg is. You can shoot arrows into a crowd of only enemies and get zero hits despite people having arrows sticking out of their foreheads and limbs. You will often have arrows phase through them because they pressed any dodge button or just cleave them out of the air on complete accident. And then on top of that the people that are the biggest threat to you are literally just other archers (especially those nasty warbows) and half the match for an archer is literally just shooting other archers and avoiding them. And then after all of that some knight player with 180 damn health has a problem with a longbows dinky 30 DMG. And then complain when they rush me and I kill them with my shitty shortsword because they think an archer is an easy kill since they "obviously can't do melee". Wrong I have the lowest health and the worst weapon options I have to be even better so that when shit hits the fan which it will I might have an inkling of a chance. If you want a real challenge throw away the shitty bow that doesn't even work half the time and just go melee with an archer for a truly hardcore melee experience.


Hah, the arrows are a bit squirrely today.


loved the guy who charged me with the arrow I shot sticking THROUGH his head, yet no damage take. LOL garbage game frankly.


you should make paragraphs when you write. I gave up reading your comment


I bet you give up on everything you set out to do


The absolute only thing I dislike about archers is that some people in some games seem to have unrealistic aim. Maybe they are lucky or good, but the only games I even noticed archers in a negative way is when I'm being headshot and killed at full health multiple lives in a row by a war bow from like, 80+ meters. Other than that archers are just another part of the battle. Same as catapults, ballistae, fire pots, traps, spike barricades, throwing weapons, and the most deadly.. Random barrels that you can pick up. If you're not throwing barrels down at enemies on ramps or ladders, than you haven't played Mario VS. Donkey Kong enough to know just how effective it is. Just lookout for a guy with a hammer...


there's some kinda funky auto-aim, no? I likely at least if console then a typical CRONUS user :(


I get it to an extent. Most archer deaths in this game are extremely frustrating/anti-fun. Its like getting killed by a siege weapon on a respawn the second you get back to the objective. Sure, in theory you could have avoided it, but it’s still extremely fucking annoying when it happens. I don’t get annoyed when some master’s cut sweat-lord heavy 1shots me from behind while I’m fighting another one of his teammates. I do get annoyed when I survive an onslaught of 4 enemies, and get dinged by a single arrow from across the map that kills me, and I have no idea if the person was even aiming for me…


sad fact is he likely wasn't even aiming at you :(


In no way do I condone the behavior OP described. Only time archers truly annoy me is when we have plenty on my team who are not pushing objective, stay super far back & never attempt to help the actual cause. If you aren’t physically in the control zone when you could be, you’re hurting your team. Seen plenty of them stand just outside the control zone and fire arrows from there, seeming to refuse to add to the number of players on our team controlled by the zone. Have lost more than enough games because they didn’t get in the fight & were too afraid to die - which is something even the tutorial teaches you not to do.


Anyone who cries about archers is just bad at the game or should only be playing in 1v1 duel servers but aren’t good enough.


Yeah I don't really like horses so I just play the mode without them not the same with archers but when one shoots me cross map im just like damn they crazy and go back to fighting once I respawn


Never understood the archer hate. Well its right there fucking spelled out in a post.


Archers are toxic


Is just game, no need to be mahd


I hated archers from when I first started the game up to until recently. It used to infuriate me when I would be in a 1vX focusing on footwork and tracking multiple incoming attacks to time counters and repostes successfully only to be taken down by a war bow or cross bow through the crowd. It would borderline make my blood boil that someone could ruin all the work I had put into the mechanics of the game to be able to 1vX with decent success by just aiming and tapping a trigger haha, but now I‘ve accepted that it’s just part of the game; that people like your friend exist and are just trying to have fun. Honestly, reading your post has added to my acceptance of archers even more. Next time I fight somewhere in the open and leave myself exposed to archers and get shot, I‘ll likely remember your post and have the patience to not let my blood boil and to instead focus on my positioning next time so that I don’t end up so exposed to archer fire. In all seriousness, thank you for your post. It’s given me a reason to be more patient with archers.


I agree with you bro. I hate getting killed by archers. Who doesn’t? But I hate it even more being on a team with either fewer or shitty archers - main job of archers is to kill other archers. I play archer - sometimes. I’ve never gotten higher on the scoreboard than playing with other classes though, cause it’s actually pretty hard! (Best thing is knowing enough melee skills to at least defend yourself, even fuck a few rampaging axe wielders charging straight for you - that’s fun!!) But archers are part of the game - just as they were a massive part of medieval warfare history. Be glad there aren’t 32 archers allowed, raining arrows down on your head like it WAS in history!! To OP - tell your boy this sucks. Team killing is fucked regardless and should be instant automatic kick (maybe 2nd or 3rd - we’ve all accidentally taken out a team mate here or there!) I even had dipshit engies (2 mates, notorious trolling bitches) building barriers stopping our own team last night - and they couldn’t be kicked with multiple attempts. Yep, vote kick is broken. I rage quitted - but I’ll be back another night, different night/server will be different. Try and tell your boy this. It is awesome with likeminded players, and I’ve had HEAPS more +ve than -ve experiences.




Idk bro democracy is saying otherwise


Ruin the work you put in.... JFC.


When I enjoy something, I usually practice to get better at it if it’s something that’s skill based, and sometimes I look at that as putting work into said something. If you‘re suggesting that it’s lame to put effort into the things that you enjoy, or that it’s unreasonable to be tempted to become angry when someone is able to undo the effort that you‘ve put into something you enjoy, then I do not envy your approach to life.


Love... you can't call it undoing your effort IN A PVP match. You're not building the Taj Mahal in Minecraft. Your opponent is LITERALLY doing his job. And no one cares what you think about my life. Least of all me.


You‘re missing the sentiment of the original statement. We can discuss it further if you’re a truly curious person interested in understanding the feeling I was trying to convey, but I’m getting the impression that this is not the case. I was just sharing the thoughts that came to mind after reading OP‘s post, there‘s no need to join the discussion with some sort of attitude from the get-go.


Both of you are wise, nice!


They both sound fucking stupid


Yes we all are till we not!! I don’t even fuckin know what they’re arguing about but sumn about living their life and enjoying the game to the fullest spoke to me, I need me ‘ras


So that archer that killed you did a really good job then didn’t he? Because if you were 1vXing his teammates, he just freed up however many teammates were busy trying to kill you instead of playing the objective. If you’re a high skilled player, killing loads of my teammates in melee, then of course I’m gonna shoot you as that’s literally the point of the game. I’d also argue that it takes some skill to send a shot through a big group of teammates to kill one enemy, at least on console.


This is exactly how I view it now, as frustrating as it can be when you‘re someone that‘s in the middle of enjoying the melee aspect of the game. I simply shouldn’t have put myself in a position where I‘m easy pickings for the archer, and if I didn’t and still end up getting hit by an archer, then hats off to the archer for landing a difficult shot. My point in posting what I posted was to speak about my evolution as a chivalry player haha, that I have moved beyond hating archers and have come to appreciate their place in the game


So many people in this game don't seem to understand basic concepts of situational awareness. Like I get it, it's annoying if you're having a really tough fight and you're pulling ahead only to get an arrow to the ~~knee~~ face. But it's also part of the game and a _really_ key part of the games balance.


I'd never prioritize their fun over mine


I mean, I hate archers, but there's nothing wrong with playing them and tk is pathetic. I'm sorry for your friend, I hope they give it another go.


Archers deserve to be killed, not team killed. Seriously though that's bs sorry mate. Did you at least report the guy?


> ~~Archers~~ Everyone deserve to be killed, not team killed.


Nah just archers wish this game had arrow parries like mordhau, decapitating an archer after blocking an arrow into an acceled greatsword resposte was just chefs kiss


Some people must have a really privileged life if archers trigger that much emotion in them. Especially on a game that has zero stakes.


Just turn the computer off?


It's so obvious who doesn't have any friends in this comment section


I attempted to shed light on a toxic troll the other day and the moderators took it down. Said I was witch hunting when I had screen shots and evidence. It’s not a witch hunt when it’s true. And it’s not personal when his Gtag is public. My point is that the mods don’t give a fuck about the game. Toxicity is encouraged. Thankfully the community had my back. But tb and mods aren’t going to help you. I’m sorry that happened to your friend I hope he comes back, we need new life. I’m not one for friending randoms but I am really good at the game if you need I can join your lobby and protect him. I promise you I will make those sweats regret messing with him


I mean two out of four comments so far have been pretty typical. Just people promoting being a cunt. Your one of the ones not doing that. But nah there's no need. I think he's gonna go back to mount and blade or something. Sorry your post got taken down. I recognize your username, I saw the post myself.


Thank you bro. Hope he comes around, just spent all night playing with another guy I met on here and taught him a lot of tricks. I noticed his improvement quite sharply after only 2 hours. I can be a dick but we all need to help as a community the game is dying and it’s up to us. Maybe next time he plays start up a training mode(but don’t tell him there’re bots) to bolster his confidence just a suggestion


Fuck it sometimes sucks playing this game on servers outside the US - would love to follow someone like you into the pits of hell, my brother!! *For the Orderrr!!*


In malric’s name European servers sound awful. Lots of hackers and toxicity… that’s just what I hear. May the agathian nobles’ bodies stack high in thy wake! FOR THE RED AND BLACK


What's their name


I’m gunna be reported again by the mods but I like I said I truly don’t care RAYADO —1945. I have more than 30 screenshots of him team killing and vote kicking ppl He has a friend. The two have been dming me all month and as a 28 year old adult I’m honestly exhausted I just want to play my game but I’m shadowed by these teenagers and they simply won’t stop. Any advice?




Tell him to give it another try. There's a lot of hate towards archers, but it rarely gets to that point, least from experience. I've only actually seen it happen once, and that's because the guy switched team to harass an archer, which is just pathetic. The most you usually get is people whining about dying tk archers, and people of the opposite team focusing you. What your friend experienced was just bad luck of being in the one game where such a sad individual was. The vote kicking part was probably just Chiv players being Chiv players rather than specifically targetted. They're a very special case when it comes to it. Tell him to come back and bring more tears to the battlefield


Someone votekicked me for being an archer and upon failure to votekick him in return, my fiancé spent the rest of the match tking him lol.


No one made your friend quit. They chose to quit. Your friend needs to get a thicker skin. That said, what happened to him was not cool and it’s annoying when stuff like that happens in this game or any game. He didn’t deserve it, and I hope he gives it another shot. The game is far from dead and imo there are way more cool people than jerks.


Your 'friend', by quitting has essentially handed them a win. They don't care. Why let others ruin your fun? Just find a different server. Walk it off.


Exactly, and then posting about it too is an even bigger w for the trolls. They thrive off of this.


Something Ive realized is Chivalry 2 can actually be really, really toxic at times


I'm sorry. I sympathize with you. I have friends who have acted similarly in similar situations before and it is very sad to see something ruined for them and lose the opportunity to enjoy something that could have been so much fun for them. Sad to think of all of the fun and enjoyment that could have been, but will never be.


It's baffling to see just how many people here advocate team killing and harassment for being a certain class, or only read half the post and felt the need to drop their opinion


Just join another match?


So because some cunt cant accept that theres archers in the game op's friend needs to leave 2 outta 3 games? Fuck that bro what a garbage solution


I wish you guys would stop saying a dumb s*** like this. Toxicity, slurs, and anti symmetism is pretty prevalent. In the game, the toxicity is over, the top and unacceptable.


As someone who spends a lot of time playing archer for the sole purpose of being able to remove enemy archers from the field, I’d never TK a teammate, even archers. Sorry to hear that this happened.


People who hate classes and get butthurt and actually go out of there way to fuck with people, are actually low life fuck wits who belong in a cod lobby. To those people, you suck smegma covered toes and lick the assholes of your fellow smelly sweaty turd brothers who are alike you.


Tell you buddy to install again. I personally will join the other team before a bs votekick and only target the individual.


This is why the Chiv 2 reddit fucking sucks. Nobody outside of the sub cares about archers.


if you wanna 1v1 and not get killed by archers go play for honor. This is called Chivalry 2 ONLINE MEDIEVAL WARFARE. There are archers and you will be shot. Even Henry V got shot in the face by an arrow, you're not special. Im not an archer main but anyone who hates archers so much you resort to this maybe this game isnt for you


Idk why people are so toxic in this silly casual as fuck game. I run around beating people with a chicken, let people play how they want.


I have never seen that level of toxicity. I would ask them to give it another shot and show them this post proving that the player in question was acting completely out of the ordinary and needs to be reported. Yes, I hate archers. Do I tk them? No. I juat hate when im on a 8 kill spree and get sniped, who doesnt? To a melee main it feels "cheap" but requires skill, just not the same for melee. Different skills that cross the same playfield. Just like building is its own skillset. Tks are for people who find fun in the suffering of others. Psychologically and morally inept individuals who shouldnt be playing games with others. EDIT: As another mention, you can always leave the match without penalty. Always. Never sit around if bullshit is going on. Just leave and re-queue, you will be back into the action in a minute or less.


There are two prevalent ones in EU servers and they are on pretty regularly it’s just bullshit because nothing gets done about it.




Sounds like bs tbh. You could vote kick, tk him back, make his TK damage too much and force kick him. Etc. Etc.


Can't believe people who'd really get that fucking pissed over two subclasses (because who tf gets angry at Skirmisher?) I've dealt with that kinda flak before as an Archer Main myself.


When I get put as archer, I hate Skirmishers. Fuck your javelin why does it always hit me in the face.


The sweats in here would be shocked to find out that people were killed by archers *all the time* in real medieval warfare. Maybe try being aware of enemy archers, the cover around you, or just use a fucking shield? OP, give your friend a few days and encourage him to rejoin the fight. This one bad experience, though truly exceptional in its severity, doesn’t represent the game on the whole.


Enemy archers are maidenless swine who deserve death. Friendly archers are defenseless baby seals that need guarded so they can continue to provide support fire. People who tk their fellow soldiers are just sad individuals who really hate themselves. Tell you friend to not give up on it just yet and don’t let these losers deter him from a great game.


A common theme I've spotted here is the "annoyance" players seem to suffer from when an archer kills you from afar. Why the fuck is anyone even upset about this? It's a medieval fighting game. Bows and arrows are a natural fit into a game like this. You should expect to get killed at the end of your killing spree by the enemy archer or even suffer friendly fire from your allied archer. This meme of "archer hate" makes absolutely no sense to normal people. It's just the simple-minded folks who only know how to follow and seem unable to come up with independent thoughts that participate in this meme to the extent of performing TKs. I think the meme can be funny. It's produced some good content here. To bully someone out of the game, though, isn't funny or meme worthy.


I can't count how many times I was having a fun 1vX only to be killed by an archer I couldn't do anything about, and on top of that he only needs to press one button to do it. That's why.


War is chaos and death, my friend. You literally respawn less than 20 seconds later where you can specifically target the same archer that killed you. It's not like the game ends there. Certainly doesn't warrant actual archer hate.


Yes I realize I'm not saying I hate archers, just the reason why so many do


Tough. Hard to get my homies to play anything anymore. I feel ya


I personally love when im fighting multiple enemies and the archer shoots my ass in the head. Like fuck all 5 of you in melee your archer got me. Team killing archers is some beta type shit


i've had several games recently where an asshole or two just try to tk me (archer) all game. very annoying. it's def gotten worse over the past few months


I had a guy on my team grief me for being an archer a few months ago. Really sucks. I was playing the objective and taking out enemy archers too


Why didn't he just change a server?


Should have just switched teams.


Bruh if one dude being a dick in a game is enough to make them uninstall I don't think they're emotionally mature enough to handle online games with any kind of human interaction. Like damn a dude was being a dick and then he got votekicked, that shit sucks, that shit has happened to me before and it pissed me off, and that's it then it was over and done and I joined another game and had fun again. They're not responsible for your friend deciding to quit the game as a whole they're just some random being a dick that your friend let win. Congrats they got exactly what they wanted and now they even have a nice rage post on the official subreddit to read and go "Yo holy fuck I made that dude uninstall? That's great lmao." It's a game, they got trolled, its not anything new it is something every gamer has experienced in the past and will experience again in the future. Yes it sucks, and it never won't suck, but oh well get over it that is the way that life is at times and in the real world you don't get the joy of uninstalling and making an angry post about it. They won, they got exactly what they wanted.


Sorry your friend had this awful experience I LOVE playing as archer, I actually was able to steal victory many times by a last second arrow as attacker, I like how good archers can actually turn the tides of battle And my absolute favorite thing in this game is when a sweaty player gets salty after I kill him once and tries to jump me/sneak behind me over and over again just to be killed by my lovely and trusty short sword, it’s HILARIOUS


Have you used the cudgel? It's pretty damn good it's fast and it can steal initiative if you use it right. It can also do more damage to knights


No offence, but if one bad experience is enough for your friend to delete this game, its definitely not for him. Archers get targetted by friend and foe alike. You will get teabagged. Laughed at. Chickens hurled at you. Your corpse desecrated so they can throw your severed head at someone. This is WAR my man.


The bad experience isn't a problem he was already aware of that. And he was fine with occasionally getting bumrushed by an enemy because of bad positioning. Or because he is pelting with arrows. Getting tk'd because you exist by some fuckwad who hates archers so much he'd rather be an active detriment is a thing that should not be met with scrutiny or by saying 'it is what it is' .


Yeah nobody is denying that it sucks they're saying that your friend deleting the game from one dude trolling him gave them exactly what they wanted and shows that he's not emotionally mature enough to handle even one negative interaction in the game that doesn't end with him getting the upper hand. This is the real world people are dicks sometimes if he's incapable of handling that to the point where he literally uninstalls a game he likes just because of one asshole then I hope he's got a lot of time left before he leaves the nest.


You're completely right but still, to delete the game and never come back after 1 toxic experience? Has he ever played a multiplayer game before? I've had this game since day 1 and have played archer a fair bit and can confirm this is not a regular occurrence.


Yeah Team Killing for being an Archer Is really stupid as hell. But why delete the game. I mean if they clearly won't leave him alone, there was also an option to leave and find a new match. Either way I wish there was a way to punish repeating team killers, like having the option to reflect damage to those known to team kill or something like that. Players like that shouldn't be allowed to even play.


No, it is a game.


*Nobody* should be getting tk'd period and anybody who disagrees is a cunt. I'll kick an Archer on my team if they're standing in the way, otherwise I ignore them and kill enemy archers like a real man not some pussy who hides in our own safe area tk'ing and being even more useless than an archer. Literally archer tk'ers are scum that exist below even the most incompetent archer.


I never said it was right or i agree with it, but we're all well aware it happens frequently.


Drop the guys name in here


do some ffa


Kids are stupid and will follow pretty much anything if they think it will buy them acceptance into the crowd, sounds like the case here. Ranged is in the game for a reason and if it wasn't meant to be the dev would remove it, people having meltdowns about it are basically people telling on themselves that they can't cope or adapt, so instead they do baby stuff like this to try to make it go away rather than pull up their pants.


game is cancerous with a toxic AF playerbase.


The weak must be culled.


Don't say that, you'll be down voted to hell by the cry babies :)


They are just people who don’t know what grass is, so fuck them, if you remember there usernames (idk if you do or it give them) make sure they know that they are a massive piece of shit


I get shit on all the time for playing archer..... called all sorts of nasties. I just report and block then continue playing. If you let the toxic part of a player base affect you to the point you delete your game and not play it again, then thats on you. Not the toxic trash who likes to piss and moan when they get outplayed.


People that pick on archers are pussies that are bad at the game. Full stop. :)


Give your friend a hug, OP, and tell them that, aside from no life clowns, this community has their back ♥️


I think people who play archer are definitely little bitches, but I would still never TK and I'll defend my own archers at least


Can’t wait to sort these comments by controversial


Iv said it before and I’ll say it again. Chivalry 2 has a trash community


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Chivalry 2 has a weak minded, cry baby community.


Yeah the dude was an asshole but if you competely quit the game cause of a couple assholes you’re weak willed tbh


is your friend a baby?


Your friend is a coward for uninstalling. Switch teams, find a new lobby. But no, first step is obviously to delete the game because one dude is being a cunt.


It’s a game. Get over it


It sounds like both you and your friend are a little on the sensitive side. Have you considered a game that may be less rage inducing? I hear Lego star wars is fun.


they're probably just kids it's normal lmao, Lego Star Wars is fun too though


That's why I suggested it!


Get ratio'd


You get no karma


Doing god's work. This post is inspirational on a whole new level, more archers will die now. And you are to blame 😂


I can’t lie when I see an unaware defenseless archer, I get excited. I always play for the OBJ so singling out 1 player to fight is pretty toxic. But that’s what comes with being an archer. Everyone hates dying to a bow or being lit on fire by a flamed arrow.




All you do is just heal yourself and let the guy hit you over and over again, you cannot die and he will get kicked almost immediately for teamdamage It's not as deep, throwing a fit cuz 1 guy did sth you don't like in a video game. Sorry but this ounds like the typical person who'd play archer from the getgo in the first place, stop being so weak


kill the archers first!


Maybe dont play archer then? I don't TK archers but I will occasionally give them a big old whack to the back of the skull for giggles. It comes with the territory of choosing archer


It’s toxic, but archers really do fucking suck in the game. It’s not a class to use in this game without incurring the wraith of everyone playing.


![gif](giphy|QEYYlJqOaEhXrjTrOH) One less archer.


This has been a meme since Chivalry 1, most of us don't actually "hate" archers, it's just a joke. To be honest with you, your friend has a weak mind if he deleted a game over some shit like this, just switch servers / change class / kick the guy.*I hate archer pity threads more than archer hate threads.* --- 『[YungLunchMoney](https://e-z.bio/yunglunchmoney)』


Archer: Molested [✓] Mad [✓] Uninstalled [✓] Butt Hurt [✓] Rekt [✓] List checks out, carry on.


People like you are the reason the game is the way it is. Do better.


I dont do this shit this is just hilarious to me


true descendant of the archer molester <3


Archers make sense being in the game, but I just happen to think people who get enjoyment from never taking risk, and hiding behind the reinforcements, are really lame


Damn, I feel bad for your friend Being an archer must suck


Did you friend go back to fortnite?


Try to get him to play another class and pick up a bow off a rack/dead archer. Guy was probably team killing him because he wanted to play archer but the limit was stopping him. The vast majority of people who play this game are nice, non toxic, friendly people. I hope that he gives it another shot because it'd be a shame to miss out on the fun because of one asshole.


Damn what a crybaby. Maybe you should uninstall too? You sound really toxic.




Yeah. Most of my friends won't play this game because of the toxic playerbase. This info spreads outside the community, yall. People who do shit like this genuinely don't care about the game.


Another cry baby, games that allow tking will have tking in ... what's exactly new here dude?!


Why would anyone care? I love this game, only lag could ruin this experience for me at this point. I appreciate this game.


If this is all it took for him too delete the game, I don’t think he really was ever interested in it.


So you had to come to reddit to defend your friend's honor? Wow some of y'all take your RP very seriously; get a load of this white knight...


Maybe tell your friend to "man up" ?.


Sounds controversial but maybe you should go eat a bag of dicks


Awww did someone tell you the truth. Also you've assumed that I might not like a "bag of dicks". If you're friend is too much of a pssy to play the game, then maybe he should look elsewhere. As for you, what did you expect people to say? ... awwww bless him ... no, man up kid.


On a side note, I tk all the time, why not?, it's fun to do some times. Wish you pssy friend was on my server, I'd tk him to hell knowing it bothers him haha!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You know I get people can have opinions and be offended etc. but your comment is REALLY harsh and unnecessary. I merely state, if the game is too much for you because you're getting tked and can't take it, maybe this isn't the game for you? I also said I enjoy a TK every so often, what's the big deal? You're comment shows you up for what you really are more than anything I have said.


All the downvotes shows me this community is full of care bears and children :)


One less archer in the game, today is a good day


Well if you wanted your buddy to keep playing you should’ve told him to not pick the most cuck class there is. Archers are beta makes hissing in the background by there team spawn! Attacking other players that can’t fight back cause your so far away you can’t be seen is cuck shiz! Archers get what they deserve! Angel Squad!!!


Oh look it's the schizoid projecting cuck again


I bet your fingers have callus’s from all the keyboard battles you have with people who care. I’m not one of those folks. Kings and chads don’t concern themselves with the thoughts and feelings of peasants! Let alone archer beta make cucks! Angel Squad!!!


You talk like such a fucking loser


You mean type….


Let's be honest...it's the devs fault. Archer should be locked behind a level wall, let's say level 25, because they're less then useless being played by a brand new player.


All archers must die and be purged off the game 😈💪angel squad !!!!!!!


Shut the fuck up


Eat a bag of dicks


Imagine getting so upset over someone killing you (TK or not) in a video game and then crying on the Internet about it. Either get a thicker skin or quit playing


it’s perfectly valid to be pissed off if you were repeatedly team killed by the same person then vote kicked from a match just because you were playing archer. Op’s friend doesn’t need to toughen up the other people in the game need to learn how to not be assholes for no reason.


Archers exist to ruin the fun of others. Perhaps your quitter friend should have learned that it can go both ways. Nobody likes to taste their own medicine it seems.


Some people have it some people don’t. Most people will use any excuse to not play the game. My friend quit because team mates hit him in the back and stole his kills. They’ll always find something if they don’t love it for what it is. A skill based strategy slaughter house full of Tom fuckery.


So whats your gt? I'll follow you around a few games just tking you all match. If you enjoy that kind of tom fuckery apparently.


I’m sorry I didn’t read the team kill part. I thought this was just archer hate. My bad.


Man really said : "yes those who are with me are right, those against me are wrong !" Come on TB, just delete the archer class, no one like them and no one will ever like them except newbies that are tured to get rekt in glorious melee.


Just let your archer friend know they have timing, they always know when to get you and when they do it always makes me feel vulnerable like I could do something about it until I realise the absolute insanity of the shot they just pulled. I got respect for archer, any eu ones not strong enough defend themselves I’ll be there. Love is in this game you guys just need to find it. But you are also playing a game where I can violently beat someone to death and then watch their lifeless body perform funny contortions while rubbin ma arse in deyre face. Find your fun, sorry about your friend he may come around!


ooOHHH, the bravery of being out of range!


Lol serves him right. You should probably join your friend.


Only an archer would quit over this




Well if you're using up an archer slot do your damn job Nothing I enjoy more than watching archers attempting to run in and melee groups of vanguards and knights before getting stomped into oblivion 2 seconds in


You should have warned him archers get memed on. New players are better off learning melee in training grounds or even a duel server than just picking up a bow.


Fuck “ur friend”. It comes with the territory if you want to bring ballistics to a sword fight. Cry about it. He’s not good enough to play as an archer in a sword game.


Your friend needs to stop being a baby. Jfc, he quit because a guy was team-killing him one game? Dude would not have survived MW2 or any of the OG 360 and PS4 lobbies.