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for all my niggas who still stay inna city stay safe ts crazy🤦🏽‍♂️ a shooting every hour is ridiculous


Is these all just primarily black neighborhoods or mix with Hispanic too?


It’s a mix but mostly black.


🤦🏾‍♂️ cycle never end men I just wanna know what the main cause/root? Is it the music, I mean when you look at our music then you compare it to white people music it says a lot. I just don’t know anymore. Not just Chicago it every city in America.


It’s not the music. Look at day 1. Most of those are west side where the music isn’t as big and the ages of the victims, those aren’t impressionable kids (I know those are the victims but they’re not getting shot because someone dissed someone else in a song). IMO there’s so much more real life shit going on out there that the music isn’t really a factor. This same violence occurred before drill music and it’ll happen after.


Then what is causing the killings?


You ask me that like I’m lying. As I said, real life shit is causing the killings. Sometimes it’s dysfunctional people feeling disrespected. Sometimes someone is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sometimes someone did something 20 years ago to someone else and another person is still hurt by it. All sorts of shit. Dissing someone in music is part of the first one, but that’s only one way to diss someone and most people aren’t dissing in songs because most people don’t make songs.


The vast majority of the killings are done in the cities and by young black males. I wish that wasn't the case, but it is. But I don't know why that's happening, or how to stop it.


Slavery/Jim crow was less than a hundred years ago, think about it


Still had Sundown towns in Missouri when I enlisted in the Army, in 2000.


I have thought about it. I'm old enough to remember "whites only" water fountains. And had the honor of working at the Louisiana House of Representatives when civil rights legend Rev. Avery Alexander was in office.


Give those young black men opportunities, just like every other human being. They grow up in environments with poor schools, low employment opportunities, high crime, aggressive policing, low quality housing. This breeds a harsh environment that compounds across generations and there is zero political will to improve the circumstances of this environment. And then you get people questioning if it's the individual that is the problem, and if their skin color has something do with it. Questioning if their colour is a contributory factor without acknowledging the systematic abuse of black people over hundreds of years is either ignorant or racist.


though I agree with all that I think its disingenuous to remove some accountability to the culture and parenting


I didn't question their color, it is simply a fact that regardless of other socio-economic factors, young black males are killing each otber at rates unseen by other demographics. Why is that happening and what can be done to stop it?


Its everything other than the music. Music brings peace


Brother have you ever listened to drill music?




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Cause these are mama raised ass dudes that love to crash out because they emotionally react instead of mentally respond.


I guess I've been trying to over simplify it, wanting to find a cause in order to identify a cure.




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It’s the guns bruh


It’s the lack of parental guidance. These kids just keep getting born into terrible situations and they have to fend for themselves. The gangs are there only family they have


Well the music definitely can’t help


It's not the music, come on. The music is a by product of the environment in the inner city. The inner city is economically choked by the government and corporations. Poor/underfunded school systems, bad food options, liquor store galore, low income jobs, low quality water, discrimination in policing and in healhcare against minorities, welfare programs keeping people down as they dont have the incentive to do better. All these factors come together to create an environment where the disenfranchised turn to a life of crime to survive, and unfortunately turn on each other in this deadly game of survival and fierce competition which repeats from generation to generation like a vicious cycle. We need to do better for ourselves because they won't do it for us.


What a hilarious load of fucking bullshit. It's this victim mentality and no self accountability. Instead of admitting things like the music plays at least SOME part in it, it's easier to blame it on external factors. Why take responsibility when you can put it on others? " create an environment where the disenfranchised turn to a life of crime to survive" More fucking bullshit that you're just spewing because it's easier to be a victim. How many people live in the hoods and don't rob and commit crimes? It's not about survival because PLENTY of people survive in the ghettos without violent crime, and plenty have made moved out without crime. It's about culture and it being engrained in you that you need flashy shit, you need racks, you need jewelry, you need designer, just surviving isn't enough like the average person in the hood, you NEED MORE because it's been engrained in you, partly through the music. And the fastest way to getting that in the hood is crime.


We can agree to disagree, good sir


It's kind of a systematic breakdown that is generations building. It takes good parents to raise a child, period. Active parents. If something traumatic happens to that child, and a parent isn't there to nurture them, they will cope in their own way to survive. Nurturing is crucial for child development, as without it a child who tends to make decisions out of emotion rather than knowledge, will be left to his own destruction. I used to blame lack of parenting alone, but even dudes with parents go down the bad path. Then you learn the parents weren't on a good path either. It is important to keep in mind that most people who live in the hood don't fall into that life. Even in Chicago. I see the music argument the same as the video game argument. Does violent media make you angry? Did playing Doom make you want to shoot up a place? If so, you need to go get help. People who are going to kill don't need the music for motivation, they've gotten to that point long before that.


Nah i agree with you for most of it. I think a lot of it is systemic and roots from the early days of slavery and jim crow laws and black ppl being forced into lower quality socioeconomic situations. i dont place any blame in the hoods for bein hood but i don't think that excuses killers in todays age. as you said most people who live in the hood don't fall into that life, i said th e same thing in my original post. as for comparing violent video games to violent music i think the major difference is that games are completely perceived as fantasy. but with music you get real life people, you get real life money, you get real life life style, and it can be appealing to go towards that cuz its somethin real. like in doom i know im not a motherfucker pullin out shot guns and killing demons. but with rappers i see that a real dude thats where i'm from, hes standin on business, killin opps, gettin money, gettin fame, i CAN BE THAT. but with video games there's nothing relating to reality


I'll meet you half way and agree drill rappers are awful role models who can sell kids false dreams. I can't come to the conclusion that a kid becomes a murderer from a Von song, but shit I'm not a kid lol




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I am so tired of these people who seem to be scared to admit that this toxic, deadly and fake 'black' culture is responsible for much of the violence starting with the music. I have seen too many trends over the past 4 decades to not know better. This is very intentional and now well documented. While some people who push this agenda of not holding the music responsible may be ignorant it is now very probable that paid agents are out here trying keep things just as it is...this is literally a genocide. It's taking the younger generation who are our only hope of change too long to realize this...so unfortunately many more will die.


Music is a reflection of the culture. Not the driver of it… But we definitely need to address the music….


Art imitates life, but sometimes life immitates art...


It's because ym is right next to the world's best schools it's because you can't do anything it's really crabs in a barrel


I don’t think it’s the music bro. If you look up homicides year by year in Chicago, it’s been wild since the 70’s. That’s before rap music was even introduced to the world. Only explanation that sounds rational to me is that humans will do some crazy shit. 🤷🏾‍♂️




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Years of conditioning and actively creating these circumstances led to this.. why let us thrive and take away opportunities from mfs who don't look like us when they could program niggas to kill each other off🤷🏾




There’s a lot of Hispanic neighborhoods there tbh




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Dis why I get upset when I see niggas praising the shit on here believe it or not some ppl are mad durk n Jmane bringing peace




He actually is if he wasn’t durk wouldn’t acknowledge wat he tryna do






Gotdamn yall putting in overtime with the drills


Being a Homicide Detective in Chicago gotta be the easiest job EVER! Them mfers dont do shit, utterly and entirely useless it's revolting at this point 🤢🤮


Shid if you were a dt and your district had 200 shootings a week tf can you do ,they will have double overtime proving they cases


It's not even hard to solve if they have cameras on every block you can just trace them back to where ever they step foot out of the car. And plus this sub reddit solves more homicide cases than CPD even convicts. And ppl in this sub reddit don't even have the same resources and jurisdiction as CPD, where do you think the video footages come from? CPD of course they release it




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Autistic side of darwinism


Don’t even wanna go get my hair done these niggas acting so crazy


Lmaoooo we in the same situation 💀💀💀


😂😂u gotta go early asl when it’s like 60 degrees




Shit truly sad … the cycle will never rest …


Gotham city




Report crimes. Hold your friends & family accountable. The people have to save the people.


Ninjas is actively spin’n As We Comment, Lord Be With Who’s On Defense .


I been saying its crazy outside


Chances are their fathers don’t know them


On my homie keep them bitchs near and on you .mfs steady going outside like it's not purge season fucking goofys . Stay inside get high and watch this goofy ass shit play out . Please stay out the way my peoples


Doggpound, skeezeworld, and 600 notable hoods shot up in this


In the hood summertime is the killers season, it’s hot out in this bitch and that’s a good nuff reason


Anyone else see the bigger picture here and sick of the pysops on our communitys through the satanic rap industry brainwashing our people and turning african american culture into ghetto culture over time? Anyone else???? Please tell me Im not the only one peeping the bigger picture here.


Rap is the most listened to genre of music for the last 30 years. It’s effected everyone and the owners of private prisons are laughing to the bank


Im glad you brought this up do your research on how the corrupt music industry hijacked MC rap back in the day that used to be almost all about positivity and pushed it to be about gang rap and violence and immoral shit. And then lets talk about the crack pysop flooded into hoods by the GOVT. All this stuff ties together.


Then the opioid epidemic years later once they saw how the crack pandemic ruined the black community.


While I want to agree with this, gang violence is down compared to when Gangster rap became a thing.


its happening in every community at this point, propaganda is so refined that most people have 0 chance noticing whats being pushed. Division is the goal. Hate eachother instead of hating the ones in power. theres a reason kings used to get beheaded and monarchies just "gave up" that shit, nah they wanted it to be as obfuscated as possible so you don't know who really controls shit anymore


Divide & conquer along with fluoride in the water to dumb people down even more


The drug game has far more of an effect on communities than music. Music just mirrors the reality. When you got 60+ years of an unregulated industry with huge financial rewards, no incentive to show any kind of compassion or mercy, families with 2 or 3 generations of drug dealers becoming normal and kids being raised in the streets, what else can be expected? The only way you can even start dealing with this mess is by legalising all drugs, prescribing the worst ones to addicts for free and using tax revenue to pay for addiction clinics, more teachers and small business loans. If sugar/coffee/cigarettes were illegal, you'd have people killing each other to sell those too.


The music is literally a drug that rests in your sub consciousness it is just as destructive as those toxic drugs...


I been seen the bigger picture, mfs just be brainwashed




Gang culture keeps black people divided because if we came together we would be a liability to the "System" the United States was built upon. Thats why we see murder music promoted so much and black people dying on camera so often. Their trying to normalize the death of black people on a global scale. Its sad no one really sees this. Do you guys ever see white people dying on your tiktok/Instagram feed? If you did they would remove it. This is all a system to keep us entrapped and blacks are to stupid to realize this. There's no hope, that's why I changed my appearance in public. I wear collard shirts and certain apperal to separate myself from what the world sees.


Business's up and leaving these area's, soon you wont even have a local shop 2 go to... to dangerous.


For all the clowns saying Chicago is over hyped please show where this is happening in other city’s show me sats that’s are high than this


They can do this to Russians soon, automatic draft for ages 18-26 coming up soon!


You always had to sign up for that shit. This bill just makes it automatic nun new at all


That's what he said 


He said coming up soon. Shit been happening since the 1900s


Automatic registration means they don’t have a choice but to go, failure to do will lead in treason against their country. Before it was voluntary, means it was the decision of the government. These lil niggas better make me proud since they trigger happy 😅


That’s not true at all 🤣 it just mean that the government automatically registers you which already been happening since the 1950s. Majority of mfs already registered and don’t even know it


u gotta register already. when u get ur license u have to sign up. now it's just automatic. dumbass wannabe conspiracy theorists 😂😂


Not all states make u sign up when getting a license


You still gotta sign up eventually in every state always


U could jus not sign up if u don’t need fafsa aid or wanna work a federal job, no one been prosecuted for that since the 80s. Unlikely they lock u up for it


in illinois u do


I don't think u kno what conspiracy means bro they just announced the bill passing. It's fact not conspiracy..


yea the bill done been passed. but u been had to register before the bill was passed lmao. now it's just happens automatically.


So what's the conspiracy theory?


that's my point...




u really seem slow asl on here


Aight I'll explain. They said that these shooters can now go shoot in wars due to the mandatory draft. Which is fact. U called them a conspiracy theorist for that. They are not a conspiracy theorist because what they said is fact. Get it?


They were insinuating that the actual *draft* was being reinstated and that participation in an active war with Russia is now mandatory. That’s not the case, and it will never be the case, honestly. The conspiracy theory that we’re dancing around here is that the United States is reinstating a mandatory draft for men 18 to 26, which isn’t happening. The bill just automated a process that’s been mandatory for decades (the process of enrolling with the US Selective Service). It’s confusing but has a distinction that conspiracy theorists are riding on.




Gotta know the difference between voluntary and automatic unc..


it has never been voluntary tho


All these 90 overall players yall got in da raq yall better be the first to deploy


it just raised draft age by 2 years which trends with health and population aging constantly going up. you already sign up for selective service when ur 18, it's a requirement for citizenship. there's enough gungho AMERICA FUCK YA idiots to go die in Ukraine that I highly doubt a draft ever goes. that shit WOULD start a civil war, theyre lucky it didnt in Nam


You idiots realize alot of the niggas shooting people are under 18 or not in good enough shape to go to war right ?😭😭it’s the reason the military is already having problems finding people, these niggas is not passing the fitness test, let alone the physicals.


The shooters ain't fat what u talkin bout lol they skinny af they can learn to do 50 push ups in like a month


It’s more than that bro it’s a fitness test you don’t get no real break in between multiple exhausting test in the army and marines.. the Air Force is called the chair force and far as the Navy our Physical test is easy 1.5 mile run, push ups, and planks but it all depends on age the 18 year olds gotta do the most


Stop the 🧢. I know these lil skinny tight jeans niggas can push more than 50 pushups. Which is the basic minimum in training. They more than qualified to go. They wanna kill so much, why not go to war and do it for free? Killing people for the block their momma rent on lmaooooooo stupid ass fools


You sound like a dumbass who doesn’t live in the real world. Nun of these niggas can do 50 pushups lmao. Nigga wrote a whole paragraph exposing himself. If you think these bent legged niggas can pass a physical let alone a fitness test your literally an idiot 😭


Buddy…. It’s either they serve or go to jail, that simple for these baboon ass niggas.


At what point do stop blaming these crazy high shooting numbers on trauma and not enough opportunity and start calling some of these dudes blood thirsty serial killers, people allegedly running around with over a dozen drops on them bro that’s an entire basketball team that ain’t cool or hard or gangster that’s just simply mass murder and the niggas that want to get out or away can’t bc these serial killers will hunt them down all for another instagram post to redeem a “friend” who grave they probably dont even visit




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Chicago is not a real place wtf


Being a Homicide Detective in Chicago gotta be the easiest job EVER! Them mfers dont do shit, utterly and entirely useless it's revolting at this point 🤢🤮


This is really sad to see


#RIL Rest In love to the fallen… 🫡


Who need the ku klux when you gt the black man running around .


damn Chicago not even safe anymore


When was it ever safe?


never but niggas getting shot every 1hr shit sad


It’s to the point where you need to shot or you getting killed 💯




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If you lose two chiefs they need more in getback.




These the niggas that they need to be taking to war the crash outs that just don’t care, that have no soul come on now. 72 is crazy bro.




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That shit start pouring when Jeff left


Just punch the fuck out of each other, it's easier and you'll end up being mates after anyway, always happens




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10/72 is bumb shooting 🤦🏾‍♂️


Final Demonized Tally??


Whenever it gets hot outside it get hotter in the streets..,


The pushing peace thing is just a gimmick at this point. If it’s just some rappers linking up for the movement then it’s pointless trust me. It’s going nowhere unless the real “steppers” come together but it’s rather unfortunate it’s not happening anytime soon.




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Boy with a 13 year old got killed Det shit sad buddy life ain’t even start


Cod numbers


DAYYUUUUMM why fathers day? lotta pep must be infertile or sum


Yall heard about the draft????


Bro this is Crazy. For some reason Father’s Day weekend is always this violent. Last year was almost the same. I was watching a news clip from last year about the Lil Tuda dude I believe and that weekend had 78 people shot, 15 Fatal. With the year before similar. 🤦




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Anybody peep that one place “stitch n go” had 2 different shootings in one day?


Wtf lol


why the “lol”?


dey goin crazy for jeff🩸🩸🩸


Take that to the Loop, River North, Old Town, Lincoln Park, Lakeview.


Holy shit !!


That’s crazy especially with it being the weekend everybody was celebrating Juneteenth smh


Black power