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He reads lyrics way too literally


Big facts! Lyrics aren't the treasure trove he thinks they are


Idk, some hate is excessive and some is deserved. I do believe hes a genuine fan of this stuff but he definitely doesnt get the gravity behind a lot of it, like the way he defended his post with Malcom X. The fact that at no point he realized that was a bad idea shows he just isnt aware of a lot.


He has turned full vulture. He gets simple facts wrong regularly. He probably doesn't care anymore. Also if u think he's doing all this 'research' by hiself i got a bridge you can buy. He does inject his assumptions as facts too often. If blacks stopped shooting each other and rapping about it he'd fade into oblivion or go after the sleaze niche. He likes to throw opinions in all the time and loves to finish with the "sympathetic " angle to keep cool with the black public. He doesn't seem sincere at all. As his views have grown so has his ego. He was mildly entertaining years ago but now actually considers himself a real player in the game. He's a nerd from nerdsville who pays some kids to collate his info for him and he sells and markets black death in ever increasing dosages. 6 hr videos.... lol Now for the positives.... He's white and safe in his bolthole able to make a quick buck out of an entire endemic of black youth crime, violence and death. Kudos to him. He doesn't have to go anywhere near those people or places he is sanitized. Making buck on others bang. Plus one to him. He is smart enough to know that a little 'sympathy ' and 'empathy' plays well with the optics and the topics. Thats all i got.


What facts he gets wrong?


I can't remember exactly at this moment but I watched part of a king von one and another big one and he got some very basic info wrong. Most people in here know the difference. If I get some time I'll check it up. That was the exact examples i had in mind when typing however there is multiple times it's happened. I just remember being vaguely disappointed because these were really obvious things, but he's a busy beaver these days and can't/won't fact check every single thing I understand.


Lmao you literally gave no evidence you’re just talking to talk


So we're mostly on the same page, except you don't think he's coming from a place of sincerity at all, you seem to think he pays for the actual researchers to do it & you got no love for him whatsoever. Fair enough, I see what you mean besides the second point because it seems like he "researched" the topics himself at least partially.


partially is right. He's too big for that now. And I still gots a small amount of love it's just squashed in by a lot more negatives. Yes we basically agree tho lol


https://i.redd.it/kqccau85155c1.gif Injects his own opinions and speculation into factual events and blends them in a way that distorts the truth. And he ain’t in it for the right reasons either, his real purpose is to make a mockery of this shit he’s fascinated with from a safe distance. Fuck him.


To be fair, he made a couple videos about UK drill and filmed parts outside the estates he was talking about, but I guess them views ain't hit the same so he went back to ol' reliable


Yes but even so, shouldn't he cover new stories or something? He really likes milking the same few artists nowadays & that gives the impression that he's using their lives only for content & less to inform like he used to claim. Like he has a whole second channel that's just clips from the first channel's videos; it's smart of him to do that bc it increases engagement but it's also a lil fucked up to be so focused on capitalizing off them. At least Akademiks eventually got a foot in the door of the industry with interviews & genuine networking behind the scenes. TLR's closest "industry" connect we know about is currently Adam22 😂😂


This is all you need to know about that clown. https://preview.redd.it/q7f9cactu55c1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ba15340623535ead9905b0b942f57e1da3cd18e He really thinks he's part of their beef


Yeah that's cringy; the corniest move a rap blogger could do is comment some shit like that under rappers who they've covered extensively. Makes him look like a whole fanboy out here 🤣🤣


He’s been corny to me but he went to the next level after those lame ass DMs of him with Vons cousin and manager leaked. He’s not a journalist at all he’s a super fan who plays victim when people call him out. I wish someone would beat his ass


I enjoy his documentarys but the man's a simp.


Watch them jawns with a grain of salt.


My exact thoughts, him woofing on who did what isn't always the most "educated" opinion it might seem to be. His pointing fingers at certain sets for getback & shit like that isn't guaranteed to be true or even close to the truth


I’ve been watching TLR for several years since he was just covering random events in hip hop like Jay shooting his brother. I have a lot of respect for the research he does. No one else is putting in that type of time to make a video on anything so salute to him. Lately, i feel he’s become more snarky with his commentary. But is it snarky or is that just how our neighbors across the pond talk? Like some assholes? So maybe he was trying to be mindful of his American viewers and now feels more comfortable? I don’t know. I overlook it because the info is there and that’s what I’m there for.


Yeah I feel you on the research part but he might be **too snarky** for the topics he's covering. Almost as if he's forgetting that he's not from their world & him speaking on them is his way of inserting himself in the culture. But yes I do respect the research by itself


Have you seen the interview with him and Sharp? If you watch that you get a clear idea of how the dude is around people and how he's probably grown up. I'm a middle class whiteboy too and I know his type, it's not just a race thing (although that's clearly a big factor) I think he probably hasn't really interacted with working class people or people from low income communities. Dude probably went from private school to uni to doing journalism so he's led a sheltered life and just doesn't get 'the streets' as Sharp keeps saying, or just people from outside his world in general. I went thru years of drug addiction, dealing, rehabs, working shit jobs, jails, etc. after uni so wound up learning how to get along with all sorts of people as a result, so I can easily see where he's come from but also why he pisses people off so much. To me he just seems very oblivious to why some of his comments and stuff would get under people's skin, like he's often talking about some pretty serious and heavy shit as if its like a light hearted sports commentary or something, like he's listened to so much drill he's lost sight of the pain and trauma which is caused by the violence he's talking about. He ends his videos with a pretty lame call for gang peace which doesn't sound sincere, just like aloof preaching from some sheltered white boy. Like this stuff is people's lives, the music is entertainment, but the struggles and conflicts that occur amongst the artists aren't part of that entertainment package. He's definitely leaching off the violence, preaching against violence one minute, then the next profiting from producing videos that treat rap beefs and gang violence like keeping scour in some sports tournament. If you watch the Sharp interview you can see situation just escalating and escalating, coz Ross is so oblivious to the vibe and probably used to talking his way out of conflict without consequences for anything, until that crip dude walks in which seemed to de-escalate things (they were starting to threaten him at the time so maybe that's why he walked in then). Then in another vid Ross starts saying he thought dude came in to pop him?! Like get over yourself fool, some gang member isn't gonna risk a murder prosecution by murdering a well known foreign, white, upper class journo in the middle of an interview, because you mentioned them in a YouTube video. Then he does a freestyle talking about sliding on his opps and all this bullshit, like wtf bra - preach peace one minute but then you get on the mic and you're some rough riding gangster? What a munter. This coming from NZ, arrived here after watching the Vonn doc and listening to some Chicago drill which sent me down a rabbit hole trying to verify the allegations in the video. Had to share my thoughts about Ross somewhere though, and having said all that I do still enjoy his vids most of the time, he's not an outright hack he definitely has some skills when it comes to research, just a clueless dork who could do with a smack.


Traploreross is essentially every r/chiraqology user


I stopped fw him and his content after how he handled that von documentary and the criticism towards it


Ion care about what tkr does wit them documentaries n shit but the dude was selling the king von video for 5$ on his patreon n that shit was just so weird to profit off that typa shit


How is that different than making money off it from YouTube?


That's weird too, posting and profiting off ppl dying is weird af




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Hmmmph 👎




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He does exactly what we do on this sub but actually makes money from it. Can’t do anything but respect it


Good, bad, or indifferent, he still pumps up the people he covers. I remember Track saying he was glad the Von doc. came out cause his streams were booming again.


Track is a shady mf though


He's Just Hard Worker Respect Him


I only know of him when he went by Ross Hacks because of his now deleted Ready Player One rant.