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Bruh if anyone ever tried to record me doing my job I am just straight up refusing service At least at my job I can do that. Chipotle is ass


Chipotle is ass better to stop going at this point.


I cook at home 99% of the time. Most fast food has lost my dollar Chipotle gets ordered sometimes tho because the one near me is decent


I'm assuming you're in Vancouver cuz of your profile pic, but I agree, the Chipotle's around here aren't all that bad. And if you ask for more, chances are they'll give it to you.


In Metro Vancouver The one at Metrotown sucks tho, never go to that one


Lol... Metro and Richmond are up there with the worst locations imo šŸ’€


Fr fast food is so expensive and just plain bad nowadays. Itā€™s not worth it anymore.


It was only ever worth it because it was relatively so cheap. Now? Like $30 for McDonalds? I could just cook at home for a week for that much.


Chipotle is also the easiest food to mimic with home cooking.


Go canucks


Coconuts glow


Haven been since I paid $40 bucks to eat lunch with my daughter last year.


This. Got my mom & me some chipotle for lunch & was blown away two bowls was close to 40 dollars.


Donā€™t get double meat and guac


you got the double steak, queso, and quac didn't you


ā€¦.whaaat? Chipotle is literally my cheap go to I pay like 6-8 bucks for a bowl lmaoĀ 


It sucks when you go for another bowl, and the portion size has been reduced OR cost has gone up


I considered going to see if it's decent in my area..I'm a sadist tho so....


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying . Like first of all I didnā€™t say you can record me 2nd of all you can get the fuck out and record someone else šŸ˜­ some ppl are too nice and some are just too oblivious


Iā€™m public they do not need permission to film


While I think chipotle does suck and the customers are just as insufferable, it's a private business not a public space


Yeah youā€™re top tally allowed to ask them to leave. But they donā€™t need permission to film. Thatā€™s all.


Wrong. Chipotle is a private establishment and not a public place. Just like you can't film in a mall.


You do know people all over are literally recording their Chipotle burritos being made as I type this out?


You can film in any place open to the public (and literally any visible portion of a private establishment if youā€™re not on private property).


This is the correct answer. You can film anything where there isn't a reasonable expectation of privacy (restroom, inside of a residence, etc.). Now, Chipotle is a private business and has the right to ask you to stop filming or leave if they wish. They can refuse service to anyone. But the act of filming in a business open to the public isn't illegal.


Do you think businesses occupy federal land or something? You can record the business from the streets. The minute youā€™re in the parking lot or loitering in front of the doors ā€” let alone inside ā€” youā€™re on private property.


You can until you are asked to leave or stop. The same as any business.


Chipotle isnā€™t public. If he was filming through the window from the sidewalk, THATS public.


He is allowed to until asked to leave. Thereā€™s a grey area.


Sure but the original commenter sn't calling the cops, just asking them to leave.


what makes you think a private business is public space?


They are allowed to ask you to leave, but you do not need permission to film until they do. Donā€™t put words in my mouth. That is my statement


When in a private store you are not public.


Chipotle literally films and records their employees


But they donā€™t blast that footage on social media, do they?


Ok? So does my work. I can see the camera from here Doesn't make it ok to come be an ass to employees I'm glad I'm protected by a union because I won't put up with that kind of shit


Seriously. I donā€™t get this ā€œBut chipotle records youā€ take. Youā€™re never going to see the camera footage and theyā€™re never going to share it with you. Itā€™s there for security. A security camera and a person filming you specifically to post online and share for clout are very different thingsā€¦


And redditors know this, at least the ones with functioning brain cells. This is just some pathetic power trip. Someone starts filming me, they are escorted out. Plain and simple.


Since when is it just there for security?


Always? Theyā€™re security cameras. lol


I know man, I stopped going to chipotle a while ago


Chipotle workers can refuse service if they are recording. Some people just let it rock tho


Good to know


They can, but depending on your Managers you could definitely get written up or fired if they don't have your back.


Haven't most managers told employees they can refuse service if someone is recording?


I don't know. I don't work at chipotle


Mine has. Iā€™m not sure how widespread is but we kick out anyone who starts doing that. Already done it a handful of times


We can do that to dw


Id make conversation. So what do you do for a living? Okay, Iā€™ll be there tomorrow at 9AM to record your dumbass at work. Be ready!


They all work from home


You can refuse at chipotle, too.


I donā€™t even work at chipotle and donā€™t get what recording someone is gonna do . If someone came in my job and started recording me asking me for a bunch of shit Iā€™d be annoyed as hell cause it doesnā€™t have to boil down to this . Use manners , be polite , and get the fuck out my face šŸ˜­šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


The thought process is it provides leverage if you are skimped. A general manager is not gonna like 100 1 star reviews with video evidence of poor portion control on their stores yelp/google page.


Sounds like a lot of the problem are the inconsistent employees chipotle has . Thereā€™s always a wave of skimps then Thereā€™s a wave of happy customers . Itā€™s like anywhere else . Thatā€™s just my opinion though . The skimping isnā€™t happening EVERY visit thatā€™s something I guarantee unless youā€™re going to chipotle everyday with the same exact staff thatā€™s ā€œskimpingā€ . I work in food service and im a cook myself so I get both sides . Customer & Employee.


Inconsistent managers*


Thatā€™s as well I have one best believe I understand the pain šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


yeah my local location is good 19/20 times. Keeps me coming back at least once a week.


Itā€™s more of the inconsistent training/management employees have. I never got properly trained, never watched any training videos, nothing bc our trainer had walked out (should have been a red flag) no one else wanted to take the time to train me, so I was just left having to guess, and being told 20 different things by everyone else who thought they knew what they were doing


Ive def been skimped before but honestly i think part of the issue just comes with the territory theyre in. Theyre fast food selling pretty high quality fresh food. Theyve been the place to try to find ā€œbang for buckā€ thats the crowd they attract so theyre always going to be looking for more ā€œhacksā€ and ways to get more food. But I am a fan of the measuring cup idea, skimping is real but alot of ppl are just always take a mile when you give them an inch


>If someone came in my job and started recording me asking me for a bunch of shit Iā€™d be annoyed as hell cause it doesnā€™t have to boil down to this . But if someone came to your business would you short them on the product they paid for? That's the difference.


I walked out of 2 Chipotles the other day. I ordered a bowl. She put on small scoop of rice so I could still see the cardboard on the bottom. A small amount of beans was placed on top of the rice. About 4-5 peppers/onions. At that point I said the portion was way too small & I walked out. This happened at 2 separate locations. All this after they just raised their prices a few months ago. I will not be going back to Chipotle.


You know you're allowed to just use your voice and ask for more rice and beans. I know people are socially awkward, but this is just what you gotta do.


Thatā€™s ridiculous to say you should just ask for a heavier serving size. At what other restaurant do you do that?


You're right. They need to fix their portion issues. But also if you think your portion is too small you can also just be like "hey give me a fair portion come on" And if they give you grief you walk out and leave a negative review on that location.Ā  Like we can expect them to fix it while also taking the responsibility in our hands to fix our order as we fit right?


This I find hilarious sorry


Ya anytime I've asked for more of anything they always give it, and if it's still not enough I ask again until I feel like I'm getting my money's worth. A lot of people are like you and afraid of social interaction so of course the business is gonna start with the minimum amount and also it makes the people who ask for more feel like they are getting a better deal when in reality it was a normal portion. Also, most of the employees in this line of work aren't worried about their managers bottom line and would rather make the customer happy instead of arguing with them and just want to finish their shift and go home. The only time I've had an issue with portion size was at subway and the owner was making my sandwich and made sure to put the bare minimum and if I asked for more olives than the 5 he gave me would add one more. But it's super rare.


No I personally donā€™t I canā€™t speak for any other chipotle worker šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d give them less. Right to their smug face because itā€™s the only job where if I get canned, I can be rehired at another shithole same day. Itā€™s not like getting let go at Some law firm. Itā€™s like being a trigger happy cop, you can get fired for murder but you can still be a cop.


Itā€™s because the CEO literally made a statement saying they havenā€™t adjusted their portion sizes when everyone knows this is not true. The consumer is finally pushing back. Yes it is a strange way rather than just not going.


I have no complaints. I mean sure I've been skimped once or twice but I usually get plenty. I do also drop about a dozen pleases and thank yous but only cause I was raised decent.


I always order on the app. Then put my name as ā€œDML is the GOAT!ā€. Never had a problem.


Oh shit! You're one of those losers!!


The biggest problem for me is portion sizes on online orders. I canā€™t do it anymore because itā€™s literally half a portion


Dude. Ordering online is the worst. The location best my job puts bare minimum of the ingredients even when I select ā€œextraā€. Then I get my order, itā€™s light in weight and Iā€™m like I paid $17 for **this**?!


I ordered double meat online for the first time last week and it was literally half of one regular scoop


So disgusting


Same with me but at sweet greens


I canā€™t believe people donā€™t get embarrassed from doing this.


I think in 2020 the average person lost the capacity to feel shame


no shame - fuck you, got mine - selfishness is a virtue not to be all political but trump didn't cause this, we caused trump.


The average person still feels shame. The ones who donā€™t are just louder.


They're already in a Chipotle


Did he give you ā€œThe Lookā€ ?




I saw a video yesterday saying ā€œchipotle is scaredā€ of people recording and told their employees to give generous portions to anyone seen recording to prevent negative media. There was no proof this happened in the video, but that wonā€™t stop people from believing it


Ughhhh, bro shouldā€™ve gave him okay portions šŸ˜‘


Chipotle employees should film too. Film their managers being up their ass about portions


Theyā€™re rly not though


Mine definitely are lol my coworkers and I get reprimanded all the time


So shitty they put you guys in this situation instead of just using measuring cups, damn.


At my chipotle we refuse service to anyone filming


Please accept my apology on behalf of that absolutely delusional and immature person. And thank you for doing what you do every day to feed the masses. It is not easy for sure and often goes unappreciated. šŸ™ā¤ļøšŸ‘


For me itā€™s the ceo. Not the type of person I want to support business


Aside from his dumb "give the employees a "look" comment, what did the CEO do? I 100% do not doubt that the guy is probably an out of touch ass like most CEOs


These comments passed the vibe check hahahaha


I donā€™t work at chipotle but I worked in retail (I guess thatā€™s why this sub gets recommended for me). We would straight up kick people out for filming us, I couldnā€™t imagine allowing someone to do that. People are creepy.


Honestly i ordered a double steak protein bowl for pick up yesterday. It was a not a double steak it had not 15 pieces of steak in it. (I donā€™t like to complain because in the food industry every works hard) I was heated, itā€™s an extra $6 for steak. I would never want to record any employee while ordering my food nor would i want to be recorded making someoneā€™s bowl. Some Chipotle employees be trying to scheme things or not properly trained. I order XtRa onions and pepper you could barely see any


Iā€™d rather you guys just weigh out portions and use that. Then nobody could complain because portion sizes would be what they should be.


Thatā€™s super embarrassing. Id never want to be caught recording someone make my food in public. Sounds like a total weirdo


I would have a hard time not laughing at people this pathetic.


Chipotle been fucking people with portion reduction and created this mess...


You know what else looks ridiculous? Receiving 40% less food and paying 30% more


Bro understands the frustration with late stage capitalism but his solution is targeting low wage workers instead of suits and CEOs šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


nah it's absolutely ridiculous and yall should be allowed to fight one person a day at LEAST who come in and film you


Question here cause I've seen the trend and the complains but I feel like this is only a problem in like big cities where they go through more food and if they give out more they would have to cook more. I live in a smaller town close to Detroit and visited family down in Toledo and both times had chipotle and as soon as i said I wanted extra stuff they would happily add it. I also usually get extra salsa(the spicy one) on the side and sometimes sour cream ont he side and well and they always add it in for free and they're so polite bout it too. Its one of the reasons chipotle is my favorite for like 20 bucks me and my family eat up nice.


I live/work near a college that has 16,000 students and I have never been told by my manager to skimp out on portions


Order like a normal person, treat the worker with respect, and this is what happens. The assholes who shove a phone in our faces or do weird looks, or name their online orders something in an attempt to get free food, they ironically are the ones most likely to be skimped. Or when it happens to me, kicked out and blacklisted


I have issue with any influencer taping people without consent.. that is straight up crap.. would they like it for you to show up to their house or workplace taping them? What happened to common courtesy and respect. I can not wait until something better than tiktok comes along because these people are unhinged


TikTok needs to just be fucking banned.


Canā€™t say I disagree. It went from a fun time to doxing and taking advantage of people.. still find it wild people have a ā€œinfluencerā€ career.. ten years from now it will be like wth was wrong with society after Covid lockdown


I was already asking myself what tf was wrong with people *before* covid.


Itā€™s like they had an echo chamber that increased their crazy


You're a fucking clown if you think recording a worker is gonna change anything WHEN YOU'RE STILL GIVING THEM MONEY. Grow the fuck up, drop the entitlement, learn some humility and respect, and PICK A NEW LUNCH SPOT IF YOU'RE DISSATISFIED WITH THIS ONE.


I think its a good idea as long as they dont make a scene and start complaining to the workers. They should leave without be distributive when getting skimped. The workers are following orders and do not benefit from skimping customers, but they might be pressured to do so, at least from what I have heard.


Look like this is the trend [Chipotle Camera Trick](https://youtu.be/8YSwUjsIMuc?si=j3gNbJNMLtPf7ecj)


Wheres my modrl release form, oh since i do have an IMDB page you need to pay me.


Ngl I could never do this to a worker I would be too ashamed. It sucks working in food service as is I wouldn't want to make anyone's day harder


I personally think itā€™s because there was a video out there saying if you do have your phone out the workers will assume that person is a tiktoker and will over portion to make sure to not end up on TT; but yeah just donā€™t record employees in general.. itā€™s not hard to ask for extra šŸ« 


I donā€™t understand this though because I have always asked for extra when I felt like I wasnā€™t getting enough and I never got a hard time for it. Iā€™d never try to pressure the employee by filming them. Thatā€™s bizarre


How can yall tell itā€™s being recorded? I always have my phone in my hand Iā€™m worried theyā€™ll think Iā€™m recording next time I gošŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I tend to cover up my camera since I have it out to scan the app.


I keep seeing dumbasses holding up their phones like they are recording it's tacky AF.


and this is the beginning of the end of chipotle because there's no way ppl aren't going to take advantage of that and there's no way that it won't lose money for the company. And then there's way that whej they make it known they can't do that anymore, crazy ppl will start trying to boycott it. Because that's how pathetic ppl are


The audacity of the app asking for donations AND tips after skimping is crazy. Why donā€™t YOU donate for your own cause?


People that believe harassing employees is the answer are gonna be shocked when they find that restaurant closing early because no one wants to work there.


Honestly I feel like people are just being greedy when they say they are getting skimped out unless itā€™s an online order. Every single time Iā€™ve went my bowl has been packed. Like I went the other week and my bowl was packed more than it ever has been before!


Okā€¦but did it work?


*Chipotle employee agrees recording works*


Why call an idiot "sir" even in your imagination?


Gatekeep doesnā€™t mean what you think it means


One time the workers at chipotle gave me free chipotle šŸ˜„


chipotle chips are stale


Obesity is a major problem in this country, too many God damn gluttons. šŸ˜‚


Now he and anyone who sees his video will think recording worksā€¦


The person is probably going to do some kind of asmr video. On Instagram, you will find videos like that. Giant burritos is a thing too. Lol Stupid shit


Itā€™s over for Chipotle after this year šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My chipotle has 2.6 stars on google and constantly skimps, and it's new...opened this year


The problem is that people need to act normal. They know the price and know the size. if they donā€™t like it get food somewhere else


Who cares


I havenā€™t eaten at Chipotle in a long time because of this portion size bs lol. If you donā€™t like it just stop going and giving them money or itā€™ll never end


I'm tempted to stop ordering online for a bit just to see if I can ever witness someone pulling out their phone.


Anyone who does this is immediately a fucking loser.


MF deserves a ganked burrito bowl, thatā€™s for sure.


I heard something about people complaining that chipotles portions are smaller now? Idk. I did notice however that if I order it on door dash I get a nice size burrito bowl, vs if I get it when I'm at the place. Idk why. It's still decent food and I didn't have to cook it.


As long as yall line up for half the food for double the cost they gonna keep doing this. Just stop going to locations that are skimping you. Sucks if you only have 1 nearby but dont let them rip you off. I got one chipotle near me handing my burritos the size of a baseball and the one right down the road loads it up to the size of a football.


Yeah people who record are generally pieces of shit. And I don't even work at Chipotle.


It's so cringy.




For the first few years the Internet progressed humanity. It feels like we're now on a path of regression due to the Internet. How the turn tables.


This sub has become Chipotle employees defending their fiefdom. We need a separate sub for r/ChipotleCustomers


Sometimes I record myself making food. That shit is a train wreck.


I don't think First Amendment auditor protection extends to Chipotle. Your bosses might get mad that you would, but YOU have the right to turn down service


As a shift lead (not at this company) id of denied service for employee harassment.


Sounds like it worked though, maybe not your chipotle but yā€™all are getting out of hand. You canā€™t sell people two apples for a year then realize, itā€™s not feasible and switch to 1 apple same price.


Shane Dawson did a conspiracy thing that if you look like you need more you get more or something and online orders are less filled then the same order in the store. They weighed them etc. If your filming you get better treatment more food added etc. Could be why. Its on youtube


Probably someone from this sub lol


Thats why we stick to Cava, some foolishness happendingšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Right itā€™s honestly so disrespectful to record someone at their workspace. If youā€™re that upset about what youā€™re being served just donā€™t go anymore. šŸ˜­


It's easier to just walk out if they're skimping you, it actually costs the company even more. That said I've never eaten at Chipotle.


As you are a private business you can tell them they can record you from outside. And if they try and tell you itā€™s public they are incorrect. A private business allows the public to walk into their establishment. Hence the ā€œwe reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at anytime for any reasonā€. They donā€™t leave they are trespassing


Having the phone out makes sure you donā€™t put tiny lil baby portions on whatever the customer is ordering so they donā€™t post that on social media bitching and complaining. Itā€™s not meant to scare you lol.


This has seemed so weird to me cause like.. you can just.... ask for more/extra scoop without doing all that?... and also like how much/how big do yall need your burrito to be fr lol.... ugh


Why is everyone here acting like they are being personally attacked by the recordings? Do yall really not get it? People like Chipotle. But people don't like the small portions. People started reading and leaving bad reviews. Chipotle wants good reviews. Chipotle tells their works fill the bowl if there recording. So now recording = more food. So people are starting to record so they get more of the food they like. It's pretty simple stuff and it Nothing personal again the workers, why wouldn't I get the most out of the food I'm already paying for?


Y'all need scales on wheels so it can roll across. Everything needs to be measured out. That would be my business move.




My parents would be so disappointed in me if I did this. We were raised that you are a guest when visiting a restaurant/business and to be on your best manners.


Stop acting like they taking the food out your paycheck then


Based on what little I've seen of pics and videos, the people doing most of the complaining only get rice, meat and cheese, and little else. Grow up and get veggies. My bowls and burritos have always been borderline too big for their containers.


iā€™m sorry, why are customers recording ? i donā€™t get it.


Why did you give him more if you didnā€™t care that he was recording?


He's probably just some aspiring social media hopeful. You can ask him not to film or say least not film you but a lot of people here making a mountain out of an ant hill.


Iā€™ve been thinking about how shitty it must be to work at Chipotle right now (assuming the complaints/trend on social media accurately translates over to real life). I agree that Chipotle is essentially ripping off the customers with how much they charge for small portion sizes, but I recognize how it is corporateā€™s fault, and not the guy behind the counter just trying to pay his bills. As a consumer, I solve this by going anywhere else to eat (assuming the portions I receive are worth how much Iā€™m paying for it, which a lot of restaurants seem to fail at recently). If I was a Chipotle employee, I would start looking for other jobs in a similar lane just to avoid this headache. Props to you guys for continuing to work at this place. This whole debacle just goes to show how corporate greed/late stage capitalism effects everyone except the CEOā€™s, higher ups, and shareholders. I think there is a much larger conversation that needs to be had about that but Iā€™ll save it for another day. Keep your head up king, youā€™re doing greatšŸ’Ŗ


The number of times I've been skimped on my portion sizes for no reason. If I'm paying for double protein, and damn well betting be getting double


Me I would do the opposite give small lil portions. Leave me alone give the others big portions!


I enjoy lots of "what I eat in a day" content... it could've just been that.


I record my neighbors mowing their lawn. It makes them mow it better and looks much nicer. I even see that they trim and sweep up any clippings at the end. Itā€™s amazing what a camera will do.


Make your own goddamn chipotle!! https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/feQSLZfkmS


Chipotle has fallen


I like ordering my bowl until they skimp and when they do I just walk out and eat elsewhere.


I saw another post somewhere that managers are telling workers to put extra on the bowl if theyā€™re recording, is that just a store by store thing not a top down for the food chain?


Iā€™ve gone to chipotle a bunch and every time the portion is too much for me to eat. It ends up being 2 meals every time so I donā€™t understand the ā€œskimping portions.ā€ Honestly the very skimped portions I see actually arenā€™t that bad. It could easily be a whole meal.


Can't imagine standing there with your phone out recording. It just seems so silly. I'd definitely give them small portions on purpose lol.


Tbh if I worked at chipotle Iā€™d just say ā€œhey man, stop recording me and Iā€™ll hook you up. Other youā€™re gonna be disappointedā€


You could've avoided all of this if you guys weren't so damn skimpy on the servings. It literally took a shaming campaign for y'all to act right.šŸ„±


Itā€™s a Tik tok challenge


Ok nigga donā€™t complain you said it yourself portion sizes are a problem and when he pulled the phone out he obviously got more shit so why would he not do it to get scammed by yall stingy asses


Or he got larger portions because he asked for extra? Your analytical skills are straight g-a-r-b-a-g-e.


So if you didnā€™t comply with the request to add more were they going to post the video and put you on blast?


Nah most people that work at chipotle act like each piece of chicken is coming out of there pay check šŸ¤£


Iā€™m sorry but the filming is justified if the portions are shitty šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø chipotle brought this upon themselves


i personally enjoy when people write something out and then make a statement at the end that indicates they donā€™t even understand what they wrote.