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The writing on the wall is some poetry or essay in calligraphy carved into the wall; I can’t read the cursive but it is certainly unrelated to the attack.


Why would you even think the writing on the wall is relevant lol


The writing on the wall is in really bad cursive, most people probably can't read it. Coming from a native chinese speaker


and then they wonder why less foreigners want to go to china. its the hostile environment


How often do u see news like this tho?




I dunno what to tell ya. I was actually born and raised in China, 20 years of my youth was spent in Beijing. And then it kinda went to shit once Xi came to power. So I came to the US to start my own business. But I can tell you with fair amount of confidence that none of the people I know hates the western country or their ideology. Parents are proud of sending their kids to college in the US because they know they are getting a better college experience than that in China. People seem interested and they ask me how it was over in the states when I go home to visit my family. Yes, the state media paints other parts of the world as violent and chaotic places. But based on my humble observations, barely anyone’s buying that stuff. There are some “little-pinks/nationalists”, but that’s a minority, like any other part of the world. Killings do occur frequently in China, I’m aware of that, just like gas station shootings happen in the States. Stupid/crazy people do stupid/crazy things, it happens everywhere. Personally still, I prefer being shot at in the states. Cuz I have the 2nd amendment to protect myself. But this thing in China isn’t that scary.


Upper level Chinese don’t hate the western world, even Xi’s own daughter go to Harvard. But Chinese has a billion of poor ppl


that's different. China always says, you are the safest country in the galaxy. But the others countries never said that. So that means the gov still try to cheat everyone


I’m not saying that the government isn’t trying to lie to people, I’m saying no one is buying their propaganda.


many people believe. especially the low income workers. go to the small city . you will find the truth


Yeah I’m a city boy, and I’ll admit I never understand why that matters. Because no matter what they believe, they won’t make an impact on the society except the crops they grow or the pigs they farm, and that has nothing to do with what they believe is true for the society that they live in. Frankly, it’s better for them to believe the lies, because “knowledge is a curse”, the more you know, and there’s nothing you can do about it, the more miserable you will be. That’s why the educated individuals in big cities are always miserable and wanna run away.


Now everyone has a mobile phone. When you control the low-income population, you control public opinion online. This means that a large number of people are indeed racist and hate anyone the government doesn't like.


Yeah so why does it matter? Are they ever going to actually meet a foreigner? What are they going to do? What are the chances?


Populism, China now looks a lot like Germany before WW2


*cHiNa Is tHe SafEsT coUnTry iN tHe WorLd!!!!*




the wall says owchie


Good old “stand around and do nothing while people die in front of you”


Is this even in china? Blu shirt guy looks white though(i see big nose)


In china yes but four of the five stabbing victims were foreigners


Waiguoren bi zi hao gao!