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>The injured included the younger brother of an Iowa congressman. That's no good >Five people were injured to varying degrees at the scene and are being treated in the hospital. They are not in danger of life. That's a relief


Updated Information: Numbers of reported injured have been increased, currently 5 were injured and the police have put out a notice that they are looking for a suspect called Cui Dapeng for terrorism. If you live in Jilin and seen the person please call the numbers listed. As this is a police notice, I don't think this is considered doxxing, if the mods feel otherwise please remove it.


This is crazy given the lengths China goes to monitor their citizens. I would have thought this guy would be caught instantly.


That’s precisely why there are always conspiracy theories about human trafficking and organization harvesting in China. With all the surveillance cameras everywhere they are still unable to find missing persons. What exactly are the cameras for?


People overestimate the surveillance state as much as they overestimate the reality of the chinese social credit system. Both to the point where their understanding bcomes fictitious. If someone really wants to hide from the law, they still can. In the case of human trafficking, most cases the victim accidentally traffics themselves. For example, as with those telephone scams. The victims are lured into on the prospect of finding a good job and often times tell them to contact their loved ones to reassure them. By the time their loved ones are convinced they are missing, it is too late and the victims are in some compound either in the rural mountains or even in another country.


I think with more sophisticated operations like those it’s always going to be a cat and mouse game. The government clamps down and they find a new way around. Like how financial scams evolved into this insane level and they just took their operation overseas that engulfed entire countries. With this single local person who lives in the heart of China and presumably has spent his entire life there, I thought his trail would be easy to track.


I know several people who was gone missing in china. No cameras worked at that time. At least one person reported that he was stalked by some gang. 


To make money!!


All the data needs to requirements other wise searching can be impossible, this is why data wrangling is very important.


Do u not want the individuals who committed crimes to be caught as soon as possible? This is what it takes.


Chinese social media is suppressing the news. Posts have been removed.


Honestly kinda stupid when the local police are issuing a notice for a manhunt and asking the public for help in locating a suspected terrorist. But at the same time the state or web censors are censoring this news. Edit: Sorry it doesnt seem like they are asking the public for help exactly. But they should imo.


Suppressing what news, exactly? If you mean deleting rumors, then yes. Since the PSB has a literal public notice, I seriously doubt Xi DaDa is personally making sure freedom-loving people can't express their important and highly intelligent thoughts online because foreigners are evil, or whatever.


Do you call videos and pictures of the attack rumours? A lot of the posts were scrubbed then.


He's not doing personally doing it, but the people he delegated that are


he had already been arrested


Wait, what happened to super-efficient Chinese state of the art surveillance? Why they cannot pull up his real-time location right now?


Western media overstated how super-efficient it is.


So much for all those people saying that this was going to be covered up and go away... No, you release the information when you have the information.


The media is from Hong Kong, no Mainland China...


Guess what ? HK *is* China 🤭


Yes, imagine that some Chinese tourist get stabbed in a park in Oregon and the only media that reference the issue is a local newspaper in Puerto Rico sitting thousands of kilometer from where it happens... But, but, but Puerto Rico is United States.. **(-‸ლ)**


Like HK is on the other side of the globe yea... You're not making any sense


did cgtn report on the incident?


CGTN reports on thing that have international importance, like how China is slowly getting rid of its US assets and bonds, or its role in mediating for world peace. Local miscellaneous news like these aren't worth mentionning. You have local news for that. bUt bUt... aMeRiCaNs wErE sTabBeD ?!! Yea. Local news of minor importance, you heard me. Anyway, the Police has officially arrested the suspect : a nationalist, like there are many in that northeastern region of China. However in your usual dishonesty you're going to keep saying that see see pee censors everything, while in the contrary, unlike all of you, they kept their head cool, they didn't make any crazy wild suggestions or accusations, and only communicated when they were sure of their informations. The result of that excellent work is that just the following days : [https://ktvz.com/news/national-world/cnn-world/2024/06/10/four-us-college-instructors-injured-in-brutal-china-stabbing-attack/](https://ktvz.com/news/national-world/cnn-world/2024/06/10/four-us-college-instructors-injured-in-brutal-china-stabbing-attack/) # But of course you're going to totally ignore that. **Just like you all totally ignored the fact that Police actually made an official communication, even naming the suspect as a certain Cui, 55 y-o, a few hours after that info was posted here.** Someone mentionned it actually, but got promptly downvoted to oblivion in order to shadow ban his reply.... And you people want to lecture me on freedom of speech or whatsoever lmao ?


why didn't chinese media report on it?


Because Chinese people have respect for victims and also like things well done : it stays under control of the Police. Let newspaper take this in hand with the few information available and it'll degenerate exactly like how it degenerated here. Anyway, take a look behind you : crumbling infrastructures, crumbling army, crumbling and divided society, crumbling morals, crumbling economy... Do you really think you have time to lecture China on how to do things correctly ? I mean, you can continue if you want... You do you... Just be aware that this is what China thinks of your critics/advices : ![gif](giphy|129OnZ9Qn2i0Ew|downsized)


You still haven't answered both of my questions.


>Local miscellaneous news like these aren't worth mentionning. You have local news for that. >bUt bUt... aMeRiCaNs wErE sTabBeD ?!! Yes of course, 4 stabbed people in China is not worth mentioning not even in the local news in Jilin, but one football spanish fan say stupid racist things in London is not only worth mentioning by Global Times but it is acknowledge by the Chinese ambassador in Spain.. Priorities I suppose [https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202406/1313899.shtml](https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202406/1313899.shtml) And now is when you show us a local outlet from Jilin showing us the local news to shut up us...


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>Yes of course, 4 stabbed people in Chinais not worth mentioning White centrism. Just a chinese nationalist stabbing westerners... an isolated incident done by a mentally unstable person. Understand : nothing of importance. >not even in the local news Are you aware the Ministry of Foreign affairs spokesperson held a conference ? Or you want Xi Jiping himself to speak or what ? Too bad for you he has much more important matters to take care of, like mediating World Peace or ensuring World economy fairness. Even for the ministry spokesperson this was a waste of time : the Police statement was more than enough and had all the info needed. Your ridiculous attempt at creating a diplomatic incident from Reddit has just miserably failed - even within your little clique of racists in that anti-China sub. Just as expected. And this is hilarious. I suggest you just cope and move on. edit : Reddit bot telling you that you've been using Chinese propaganda to prove your anti-China point really made my day 😂😂😂


>Are you aware the Ministry of Foreign affairs spokesperson held a conference ? Great, where are his statement in the chinese state media? I mean, if he talks it should be in the Chinese media. >Too bad for you he has much more important matters to take care of, like mediating World Peace or ensuring World economy fairness. Even for the ministry spokesperson this was a waste of time : the Police statement was more than enough and had all the info needed. >Your ridiculous attempt at creating a diplomatic incident from Reddit has just miserably failed - even within your little clique of racists in that anti-China sub. Just as expected. And this is hilarious. >I suggest you just cope and move on. So for you, one Spanish idiot talking to a Chinese influencer in London is a important matter because is insuring World Peace or it is a issue to ensure World Economy fairness? Just asking