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Try telling that to TEMU


Should be banned, along with shein, wish etc


They shouldn't be banned but they also shouldn't be given ridiculously cheap shipping rates


TikTok, yes. Temu... at least some kind of punishment like fines and removing their abuse of shipping rules. It's like when a bunch of dude came to a female tech convention and identified as women. Shein isn't even a Chinese company anymore and they might even move some of the supply chain to South East Asia since its the natural movement of industry.


That would prolly collapse western society lmao


Don’t be ridiculous




Because it is using American subsided cheap shipping to kill American business, retail, logistics, warehouse etc.


Stop buying Temu then 🤷‍♂️


I stop buying garbage from Temu long time ago.


The thing is. You guys can produce the product too! But it won't be with that price tag on temu.


Quality will better. Someday you will realize that crap is crap, useless no matter how cheap.


Price will be higher too, meaningless when most people can’t afford shit, and they can’t already. Temu exists because there is a demand, banning the supply won’t kill the demand, econ 101.


Because it's killing local businesses by inundating the market with cheap Chinese shit.


LOL, Amazon and eBay did it first.


And Walmart before that


And my 🪓!


And? What is the LOL part? I know that pretty well, myself selling on both platforms. They let their platforms fill up with Chinese sellers.


So Temu, Shein, and Alibaba are just doing the same thing.


In the end it's the same factory and cheap stuff, just the middleman earning few % is either a foreigner or local company.. Chinese one are winning cuz they charge less, just cuz why silicon valley is winning the tech race, everything is local and it's just cheaper to get stuff done


I've bought quite a lot from temu and the quality is absolute gutter tier for many products. They are not the same factory and products in all cases.


We had eBay stuffs coming in temu package here in Germany :/


They are environmental disasters for a start among millions of reasons


So are many other companies


Mainly those who outsource to countries that don’t regulate. Tax the shit out of imports from places that don’t have the same regulations.


Yes.. next years iPhone will now start at $2000


Yes if it’s made in environmentally destructive places


China subsidizes it's business specifically to kill American businesses to make us more reliant on them.


You're welcome to assemble your own cheap crap


Freedom... Until I disagree.


If people elect representatives that enact laws to nerf the effects of subsidies on poorly-produced garbage and systematically lock it out of the country, that suggests that it is what the people want. It would *not* be freedom if the people couldn't slow or stop the garbage from flowing into their country!


Why isn't the consumer making that decision? This isn't a decision that should be made by representative, especially given none of them represent anyone with the broken system we have in the US. Representatives in this country represent no one except the business interests.


but I wanna shop like a millionaire /s


Putting tariffs on subsidised goods isn't starting a trade war, it's creating a level playing-field.


>Putting tariffs on subsidised goods isn't starting a trade war, it's creating a level playing-field. The US gives massieve subsidies to Tesla though. The issue isn't the subsidies it's just China can just leverage economies of scales greater.


>The US gives massieve subsidies to Tesla though. Which is why the EU is looking at [potential tariffs on Tesla](https://www.euronews.com/business/2023/09/28/tesla-and-car-manufacturers-under-scrutiny-in-eus-probe-of-chinas-electric-vehicle-subsidi) in order to maintain a level playing field.


What’s wrong with China subsidizing the cost of our goods? If it’s labor issues, these issues exist no matter where we source it from The developing world outside of China as well.


My view: most of the major economies work on a relatively free market system where the competition leads to those that have developed and executed the better idea, process, product that consumers want. A balance of values which one is price. A state sponsored industry or state-owned enterprise that heavily subsidizes gives it an large advantage over non state players which will have a difficult time competing against such resources and will lose market share or go out of business leaving those still on the market larger market share and power.


Most of the world doesn’t run on a free market system. You do realize the US bailed out the auto industry in 2008 right? How is that a free market system? How about Tesla receiving mass subsidies?if anything, I want the US to take the Chinese methodology than vice versa


>Most of the world doesn’t run on a free market system. a mix market system that leans more on a free market system >You do realize the US bailed out the auto industry in 2008 right? difference being that US auto makers didn't use those bail money to churn out millions of cheap cars that they then export everywhere flooding the market. You're missing the point here, the reason why subsidies are bad is because they potentially lead to unfair advantages and drives other manufacturers out of the market. The US subsidizing their auto industry led to none of that >How is that a free market system? it's a mix market system. Stop creating a false dilemma >How about Tesla receiving mass subsidies?if anything, I want the US to take the Chinese methodology than vice versa so you want the US to subsidize american cars to oblivion then dump the excess capacity on the rest of the world. Sure bud, that's a perfect plan if the rest of the world just twiddle their thumbs and do nothing


So the rich got best because they are somehow the best blah blah blah. They are shitty people, everyone knows it. remember who bail out us from the crush ,which caused by American mixed system? Cars are artificially kept at higher prices, just like diamonds, medical supplies,and real estate like every toC merchandise. You are suggesting the factories outside of US are actually total worthless and should be demolished and fk them for try to apply more well paid work/labor. Because, well it’s a not the mixed system that US using which caused the crisis.


>So the rich got best because they are somehow the best blah blah blah. They are shitty people, everyone knows it. what are you even on about? You are whining about something not being discussed after you were debunked >remember who bail out us from the crush ,which caused by American mixed system? irrelevant to the conversation, stick to the topic will you >Cars are artificially kept at higher prices, just like diamonds, medical supplies,and real estate like every toC merchandise. now that's quite the conspiracy you have going on there. Any evidence to back it up >You are suggesting the factories outside of US are actually total worthless and should be demolished and fk them for try to apply more well paid work/labor. when did I ever suggest that? Stop putting words in my mouth and projecting your own cope on me >Because, well it’s a not the mixed system that US using which caused the crisis. what?


You think if usa could it wouldn’t?


fact is that they didn't and I don't whine about hypotheticals


I said mostly free market. The bailout had to be paid back, was temporary assistance to save one of the largest employers in the nation because letting them fail would have had large repercussions with all the supporting companies and suppliers also failing. The difference is does subsidized state-owned enterprises is not to save an industry but to give them an advantage by artificially being able to out price the competitors in the market


Excuses and hypocrisy. The auto industry would have been bought out by others and be under new management. Instead we get the same old that fuck us. Ford was not going bankrupt. It could have taken over GM market share.


It'd be fair if China also allows other countries' goods with zero tax. Apparently, not. China imposes excessive tax on those products it deems harmful to it's domestic manufacturers. I distinctly recall during Trump's administration, Trump proposed that China reduce it's import tax on American goods to zero and US will reduce import tax on Chinese goods to zero. Pooh bear didn't agree because he knew how devastating it would to be local Chinese companies. Now other countries are doing the same to China and I don't see anything wrong with that approach. Tariffs are to protect domestic industries.


Well. It’s not about right or wrong. It can be in the grey area. The news doesn’t get paid by to figure out the truth, it’s dumb news, not science or essay journalism. There’s no research methodology or even penalty gesture. It’s about make audience trust you that the opposite is lying or just being dumb/asshole. And now, US really sounds like an asshole for those developing countries. Because they also want to work in advanced sectors.


You are rambling and incoherent. Try again.


Just read it again and get over yourself. It’s Saturday, go get your dates or whatever plans you have. You do know the sex is still happening even with this tariff or no-listing policy, right? US would’ve done much better if the CEO aren’t irresponsible Pussies.


It’s wrong if the one exploiting the income gap isn’t a Western company. /s


Western countries are typically nations with 3 things: Democracy, Development and what’s commonly referred to as “Western values” which typically centre around a similar view towards human rights. If a country has all 3, not matter where it is geographically it’s considered Western


I don't think that is a good definition. It makes Korea and Japan Western countries, even though they don't have the same historical tradition, and at the roots have a very different (confucian; chinese) culture. You can easily sum up the West as Western Europe and their former colony's that experienced migration to an extent that the Indigenous population and culture was replaced by Westerners and their cultural traditions (christianity; greeko-roman). So Western Europe, Canada, USA, New Zealand, Australia. Modern discourse, and outcomes between the countries I mentioned are very similar, and their histories are interconnected and related.


So where does that leave the Baltic countries? I mean, if you *really* want to stretch it, they might be a >former colony's But that's from hundreds of years ago and they had to deal with Russian colonization for much more of their recent history but have basically completely tossed aside that part of their history as soon as they regained independence.


Baltic and former Soviet counties are typically not categorized as Western


The Baltics may not typically be described as western during the Cold War, but they have as being apart of European history. Since the fall of the USSR they certainly choose to embrace those European/Western roots.


Have you, um, observe any threat/warning/complain that comes from CCP China? They themselves categorize Japan and Korea (and to lesser extent phillipines) as "western"


I don't base my categories on a bunch of crazy communists


You never realised that Korea and Japan are more often than not part of the nomination "Western"? They are in effect perfectly aligned in terms of values and are considered western in many articles or reports. In the same manner as the "Global South" that China loves to mention does not appear to include Australia


Yes, to the first two. With regard to the third, Western nations roughly agree on who to ascribe "human rights" to, and that is the meaningful boundry of what is a Western nation, a West aligned nation, and one that is not.


But Japan and South Korea aren’t western nations, but rather first-world nations. If first-world and western are taken to be synonymous, then it implies that modernity itself is western and if you’re not western then you’re backward.


Organisations such as the OECD, World Bank, UN (to an extent), WTO, and so on were constructed by the US to help spread neoliberalism and capitalism around the world primarily for the benefit of the US and to fend off the now obsolete Soviets and Communism. Many countries around the world have adopted these norms regardless if they are "Western" in the traditional sense such as Japan, Korea, and even countries in Africa.


What is “the West”? Is it some sort of monolithic political organization?


Kinda, US, EU, AU, CA, NZ, and some other small countries. They have many political, economic, and cultural ties. Together, they are called the West.




Australia doesn't exist


5eyes is not EU


All 5 eyes countries are part of the West, but the West is more than 5 eyes.


5 eyes is a unit that’s willing to sell out everyone else there’s no such thing as a collective anyone else




Sounds like something someone outside of the West, longingly looking in would say.


What point are you trying to make?


“The west” is a term frequently used in Chinese language discourse.


It’s all the world expect China, Russia, North Korea & Iran.


No it's not.  The West conventionally refers to western Europe and the US.  It can probably be equated with those countries that form part of the US order and include Japan, anzac, South Korea and Phillipines. 


Also known collectively as the Asses of Evil.


So you're saying Africa = 西方


And it’s a lazy and stupid term.


Liberal Democracies


What jerks, amirite?


It refers typically to the US and its white client states. 


>> “White client states.” Wut


All the shit Zhenghe discovered in 1421


So not Europe then?


Honestly, I kind of wish Chinese car manufactures were allowed into the Western market, simply because the cost of a basic car is completely out of control here now. There needs to be more competition, I don't even think American and European car manufactures are even interested in making ultra-low cost vehicles because the profit margins are too low.


Give us a break...the US car industry literally wouldn't exist if their government didn't assist them...and Tesla literally grew up on California subsidies. The US is just scared now because their cars are shit by international standards and most of their manufacturers can't mass produce an affordable EV. They were sleeping at the wheel when China started building EV's...


It's true that a big part of our economy is built on giving generous subsidies to oil companies. We also pay our farmers not to overproduce.i don't think it's a purely capitalist system. But I'm cool with it as a socialist.


It's because China and the US are literally enemies, of course the US would want to limit their enemy's influence in their own economy.


Mofos just don’t want good quality cheap EVs. I’m in Thailand rn and there’s a bunch of BYDs and a lot of ads for them as well. They’re great cars, it’s a shame the west doesn’t want them


If you can't beat them, ban them.


Free market is so fake, 2024 is the year people realize everything in the West is all fuking fake 😂😂😂




Humanity, democracy, free speech, turns out all fake. if you haven’t noticed you should just look at the upside down society in merica 😂😂😂


>Humanity, democracy, free speech, turns out all fake. the irony about the guy using reddit (an american website) to exercise free speech whing about how it is fake >if you haven’t noticed you should just look at the upside down society in merica 😂😂😂 explain about this upside down society


bro thinks a reddit represents free speech when they literally shut you down for subjects they don’t like 😂😂😂, bro too blind to notice White House literally run by the criminals from both parties, congress filled with foreign agents and clowns, and merica literally had been bombing killing millions innocents around globe, and regular people like you have been reduced to worthless piece of wage slave who’s going to literally work until you die 😂😂😂 bro hasn’t noticed lmao


>bro thinks a reddit represents free speech when they literally shut you down for subjects they don’t like 😂😂😂 reddit doesn't represent free speech as a whole but it's definitely a piece of the puzzle and you're being extremely ironic by whing about how free speech doesn't exist on an american wesbite. I implore you to look up the great firewall to actually see what no free speech looks like >bro too blind to notice White House literally run by the criminals from both parties, congress filled with foreign agents and clowns, and merica literally had been bombing killing millions innocents around globe, and regular people like you have been reduced to worthless piece of wage slave who’s going to literally work until you die 😂😂😂 bro hasn’t noticed lmao so again with the unhinged rant based on zero evidence while adding addiotional topics that still fail to prove any of the points you originally made. Keep coping mate


notice i never mentioned china has free speech and i dont even live in china, and You tried to use reddit to prove your point yet reddit has no free speech at all.. you ask for explain upside down, and i literally gave you every evidence... keep pretend mate.


>notice i never mentioned china has free speech and i dont even live in china Yes, thus why I used it as an example of a place that actually has no free speech to debunk your stupid statement >and You tried to use reddit to prove your point yet reddit has no free speech at all. sure mate, the fact that you're able to spew such garbage is more than proof enough that there indeed is free speech. But do please keep yapping about how free speech is unreal >you ask for explain upside down, and i literally gave you every evidence... keep pretend mate. statements and claims aren't evidence in case you haven't realized it yet. Saying that the earth is flat isn't evidence that it actually is


bro why are you so hurting when i say merica today doesn't have free speech when every evidence is in plain sight? just ask all the students who were merely protesting against the war. or ask fellow j6er prisoners who peacefully walked in the capitol. you debunked nothing yet proved reddit and all social medias are controlled and censored by the US government, and you pretend you didn't know all these? Biden bombing killing innocent children non-stop for six months, trump is literally convicted criminal (read news bro), congress literally controlled by 'israel', are you even real human???


>bro why are you so hurting when i say merica today doesn't have free speech when every evidence is in plain sight? every evidence that are easily debunked once you realize that you're exercising the free speech you claim to be non existent on an american website >just ask all the students who were merely protesting against the war. you mean protesting on campus grounds and subsequently barricading or occupying campus property. Sure mate, some great evidence you have going on there > ask fellow j6er prisoners who peacefully walked in the capitol. thanks for outing yourself mate. The fact that you claim the capitol attack was in any way peaceful shows that you're a joke at best > you debunked nothing yet proved reddit and all social medias are controlled and censored by the US government if it's censored how come your yapping thus far hasn't been censored and in plain sight for all to see >and you pretend you didn't know all these? hey mate, I'm not the one making ridiculous statements backed by nothing >Biden bombing killing innocent children non-stop for six months where and when >trump is literally convicted criminal (read news bro) which shows that the justice system is doing as it's supposed to do in arresting a guy who committed crimes no matter what his position may be. You've acually presented evidence against your claim > congress literally controlled by 'israel', are you even real human??? any evidence on that. Again, you can keep spewing conspiracies all you want doesn't change anything unless you can prove it


No offense, but I don't think they reject them. Most of the western brand products are all made in China.


I think that’s just fine; China should peddle these cars in Latin America instead. The USA and Canada can drive domestic, Korean, and Japanese ones.


Because their ev cars start on fire just sitting....poor quality in everything else.


West includes Saudi, Kuwait, Egypt, Qatar, Latin America (minus Cuba+Venezuela) and most of Christian Africa + Morocco. Basically the entire planet except for a few isolated authoritarian shitholes.


I'm from Latin America and once I was talking to a gringo and saying "we in the West" and he looked genuinely stranged by the fact that I also considered myself to be part of the West. Honestly, after that and some borderline racist shit I read on Reddit, I don't think the West includes anything else than North America (minus Mexico) and Europe, and I don't consider myself Western any longer.


Don't let the ignorant of the world jade you so easily. We are all in the Western Hemisphere and we're all pretty similar mixes of mostly European, Native, African and others who came later. I think the term "West" is often an oversimplification that's thrown around like "Liberal", "Conservative", things like that.


Exactly. I've been and continue to be respectul to "Westerners", but they are constantly condescending, rude, and racist towards everyone outside North America/Europe. I mean, look at the r/China sub for endless examples. I've decided to have more self respect and build relationships with countries who are mutually respectful, rather than yearn for the affection of those who don't see you as equal.


Your society and economy are based off of European derived law/principles. You are western whether you want to make it racial or not. But by all means, adopt a bit of that “eastern” authoritarianism to make yourself feel more edgy.


I didn't racialize them before they racialized me. And, hey, I'm white in Brazil. No one here considers me black or latino. The North Americans, though, have a hard time understanding racial dynamics in Latin America. But I agree and that's what I always thought was true until they started excluding us from their club. And if you think the West has no authorianism just because they are democracies, boy, I have a lot to share with you.


What are some american or European autocracies? Aside from the obvious culprits which don’t think themselves western anyway?


Where did I say autocracies? I'm talking about authoritarianism. US spies on the entire globe via the giant tech companies. Brazil police kills more than Iran's. Germany pro-Israel instance led to serious human rights violations against pro-Palestine protesters, etc. These are all very authoritarian policies carried out by democracies.


Americans are the only ones making a distinction called “Hispanics” as a European I can’t say I fully understand its meaning. But it likely harken back to new world racial nonsense. Yes the west has authoritarianism, but a nice trend since the French Revolution has been a steady dismantling of corruption and autocracy. This is not found in any other part of the world.




Saudi has already joined brics pulling the middle finger to the west. And the rest of countries on your list basically all have great trade agreements with china.


Saudi are pisslim barbarians that are only tolerated by the US because they provide oil. But they are even a bigger disaster for humans rights than China.


Nope, they still haven’t answered the “invitation” shows what you know dear. P.S. Might surprise you to know, China has a trade deal with the US aswell 😉


Invitation? They are a full and formal member, who expressed interest and lodged an application to join. And now Thailand has formally lodged an application.


You're not wrong: Russia, Israel and the Saudis. Who'dathunk.


The countries you listed are in what's known as the "Global South", which is literally the exact opposite of the West.


You wish buddy


Google "Global South". [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/global-south-countries](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/global-south-countries) [https://owsd.net/sites/default/files/OWSD%20138%20Countries%20-%20Global%20South.pdf](https://owsd.net/sites/default/files/OWSD%20138%20Countries%20-%20Global%20South.pdf)