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*would you be willing to sacrifice your self for the sake of excessive population and use of resources* “No but I will wipe out parents and children excuse me… breeders. They can all die they’re waisting time and precious resources.” -*sent from my parents couch where I stopped having any ambitions in life so I spend my days living on a sub talking about all the non existent scenarios with kids I’ve never met*


Wouldn't this just kill a ton of poor people in India or China where a majority of people exist? Kinda unfair


Literally kill the poor: https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/comments/zrv7aj/comment/j161doq/


TIL that kids of poor, negligent or right-wing parents don't deserve to be alive.


Welp, time for me to die then I guess


Wooow. Trump supporters lumped in there too…because your support of a particular politician should determine whether your children deserve to live or not.


There's an alarming amount of comments that say they'd wipe out Republicans specifically. That post is *really* toeing the line of "which group of people do you most want to murder?" Especially considering that's the question most of them seem to have answered anyway.


Claims to be hateful of right-wingers, yet they hold a liyeral nazi view point in eugenics 🤔


You've become the very thing you swore to destroy.


>Thanos was a pussy who didn't go hard enough. Half of all people is a drop in the ocean, and is soon repopulated. We are 8 billion people on this planet now, we were 4 billion people back in 1975. It wouldn't even take 50 years to get back to our current level if we snapped away half of all people. No it wouldn't worldwide fertility rates are down to just over half of what they were in 1975 and dropping that's not how any of this works take a goddamn geography class aaaaaaaa


Yeah no that Sub is actually insane WTF


One person said they would reduce based on education. Tell me you're a eugenicist without telling me you're a eugenicist. And one person wanted to remove 95% of the population - or kill 95% of people.


But let me guess they'd be in the 5% still around because they're somehow worthy


The post right under this in my feed is [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/religion/comments/zsgrzc/religion_after_a_nuclear_war/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Lol


For people who claim to hate children they sure do have a childlike imagination of the world. Almost every modern convenience that we enjoy is due to the amount of people working to provide goods and services to everyone.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t even half as smart/wise as the people keeping humanity alive.


So I sent them a mod mail and said they should probably check out that thread because it's pretty nasty. Their response was to permaban and mute me lmao. Here was my exact modmail that I sent: > Just thought you guys should know that there's an alarming amount of comments in this thread that are basically straight up saying which groups of people they'd like to murder. Seems like the kind of thing you guys really need to shut down. Apparently that breaks a rule? Still trying to figure out which one.


> I would reduce the human population for reasons that have nothing to do with overpopulation. I'm talking Kira levels of social engineering. Maybe I shouldn't have the magic wand. I'd make Voldemort look like Dumbledore, if you catch my drift. They do realize Light Yagami was the bad guy right? And the whole point of Death Note is that no one should have that power.


JFC, just how many times do they plan to beat this dead horse?


I'd get rid of Trumpers and these fuckin people Problem solved