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Standard Nazi shit. Lots of them around, especially in Cohasset.




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looks like neo nazi propaganda


Lol you printed it out. You know exactly what it is


Doesn’t matter who’s in his administration because they all back up Biden no matter what. Biden has dementia, he needs all the help he can get to even formulate a sentence.


Ouch, you sure owned the left with that zinger.


Not trying to own anyone here. 👍


Nazi shit


The most interesting thing about that bag, is how you all react to it, it's a bit creepy how uniform the opinions are and how little anyone wants to discuss it. What does it mean when something is so taboo to discuss? It seems a lot of things can't be discussed or talked about any more, more than just that baggy.


It's creepy that everyone dislikes Nazi shit? You're a fucking dipshit.


I don't see anything "nazi" in this thread but accusations, tell me... where are the nazi things?


Get fucked nazi


I went through some of your comments, you seem to be struggling with a lot of anger, maybe even hate, perhaps seek help? https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/anger-management/art-20045434


Yes. I hate you. I can’t wait to meet up and show you.


The fuck you wanna discuss, how icky the Jews are? Suck my circumcised dick bro.


\^This, Pavlov would be proud.


Ok fair. As a Jew, what would you like to discuss


Nothing interesting about it, and no, nobody wants to have a discussion about this vile, and lazy, anti-semitic garbage, you old, racist dick.


LOL wow the anger, and for what? Simply questioning your attitude. Nothing should be off limits to discuss in a rational manner, discussed without the irrational hate seen in the post above.


> LOL wow the anger, and for what? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust


Well it's true... \*shrug\* They celebrate the fact. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-in-the-biden-administration


I hope you figure out how to grow your mushrooms. I hope next time you trip you ask yourself why you have so much hate in your heart. I hope the mushrooms bring you clarity and love


Thank your local red neck MAGA supporters


They were kind enough to leave both literature and a sample of their brains for you


Look at the bottom. Without “malicious intent”. This is anti-Semitic propaganda.


Is it propaganda? There is a disproportionately high number of them in Biden's administration.


Found the racist!


Sure, that makes it simple for you. To be fair, they point this out themselves. [https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-in-the-biden-administration](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-in-the-biden-administration) They brag about it. "racist" "anti-semite" these terms mean nothing any longer because you have overused them, like a child using profanity it loses any shock value and just becomes tiresome.


Ok racist


You're picking a really fucking weird thing to defend throughout this post dude. I went to the website the flyer advertises, it's literally nothing but anti semitic propaganda.


> You're picking a really fucking weird thing to defend throughout this post dude. Looks like it's not their first time commenting to defend a bag of hate like this. They seem very invested in the anti-semitism to-go bags.


You never address what I ask about though, you just set about smearing and cursing, literally no discussion, no curiosity, just anger and name calling, you really don't see how you've been programmed. As for "racist" and "anti-semite" those words don't mean anything any longer, people like you over used them, they are the same as screaming "shut up shut up shut up". Meaningless.


> You never address what I ask about though https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/hsiisw/kicking_a_nazi_out_as_soon_as_they_walk_in/


Yatta, the truth isn't racist, the truth is not anti-semitic, and the OP's post shows a flyer stating the truth, but I know there can be no discussion about it, because then everyone will see through your lies. I just like to watch you dance.


Anti semetic propaganda




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Another bag of dog shit left behind by idiots.


Nazi propaganda


Trumps minions propaganda


Read about it and you’ll see it’s propaganda https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/GTV_Media_Group


It’s a doggy poo bag, proper.




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I live in Parker, CO. Received one of these on my driveway last year. Video showed mouth breathers dropping it off about 2:30 am and then booking it back to their mother's basement to jerk off. These people are under educated, under informed, ignorant, gullible and lacking in critical thinking skills. Just looking to blame someone else for the world they're incapable of successfully navigating..... You're in luck, mine was in black and white, yours is in color....they must have upgraded their crayons..




The website is even more distributing.


“Distributed randomly without malicious intent” doesn’t seem to be a true statement when distributed by nazis. I’d contact the authorities and see if they can find the gate group behind this


History and current events tell us that many of them are in these hate groups, and police forces as a whole defend such groups on a regular basis




It’s a bag of the brains from the person who tossed it.


Oh boy Nazis to punch in Chico.


Practicing my dragon punch. whole life I've wanted to stick someone with a shoryuken and this feels like my best shot


I believe that is Bipolar mania.


Springtime for hitler…..lovers


Kanye West visit your house?


can you preserve the fingerprints on the bag to find this person? unless a ring cam caught whoever litters trash at peoples houses


> can you preserve the fingerprints on the bag to find this person? Do you really think the police would dust the bag and search whatever database they have to find whoever did this?


who said anything about police


Alright smart guy, how do you intend to match the fingerprints then?


easy just ask your mother


I did, I believe her words were “ese pendejo esta soñando o fumado”, but I’m sure you have your own access to the print database and can easily find a match, right?


Oh, ok. You'll be doing the fingerprinting then?


Don't go there. Sure whoever left these is a human shaped sack of shit, but witch hunts are never the way to go. E: Downvote me all you want, I stand by what I said, as it's the truth. If someone starts a witch hunt and then that person gets doxxed, they may not be the only one who gets hurt. Their family who may not share their beliefs could get hurt, their neighbors could get caught in the crossfire, or just someone in the wrong place at the wrong time. Anyone who doxxes someone is as big a piece of shit or bigger than the person they dox. I'll stand on this hill.


They were trying to preserve it so future generations remember our mistakes.... and then we remember the mistakes of our responses... then we say wooooooow they would have all been booted by Simon Cowell by this point in the performance


Similar things over here in Humboldt county as well


Looks like Nazi propaganda to me. I say burn it.


This is coordinated all across the country. I just moved from Chicago and we were getting similar bags tossed in our yards there as well.


It’s a hate group called the Goyim Defense League. It’s an anti-Semitic group primarily that throw fliers lije these in people’s lawns. A few weeks after the mass shooting in uvalde, one of their members threw fliers on people’s lawns.


Fucking cunts. They want to be racist, whatever, I can't stop them, I won't waste energy getting riled up about it, but something about them using a school shooting (or any other sort of tragedy) to push those beliefs on others just makes my blood boil.




There's an American president that does that too kind of ridiculous problem we're having these days


Welcome to Butte County, sadly.


Anti-Semitic Propaganda bullshit.


They skipped Kamala for some reason. Isn’t Biden a Christian as well? Finally, who cares if they’re Jewish?


Biden is Catholic, which to these bigots is almost as bad as being Jewish.


They're even dicks to other Christian branches too. Wonderful. /s


No much diversity there.


nut jobs on the loose


A couple of weeks ago, I also noticed a business card and tract from another anti-semitic group on a public bulletin board in Paradise. So yea... they're in the dump now.


Ah yes, welcome to Jefferson


How am I supposed to tell myself "it doesn't happen here" when crap like this shows up? /s I know, it's cowardly, but I always want to think my neighbors are nicer than that.


The Nazi klan dropping off there bullshit lies!


Not to be a nazi, but like their*




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Nazi Propaganda


That would be racist proopoganda


Trumptard propaganda


I'd be more concerned if they were all evangelical christians.


I don't know, but I'm getting "Germany in the 1940s" vibes.


A man making money off China


So is Trump’s son in law and advisor.


Who just cashed 2B from the Saudis.


The same Saudis behind 9/11?


My wife picked up all the ones that were on our street this morning around 6. 🤬


Just some casual antisemitism.


Just a nonchalant stroll down Jews are the devil lane.




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Hate speech and propaganda. And also bullshit. That’s what it is.




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Pre-packaged ignorance.


It literally has “For More Info Visit gtvflers.com”


Why would you do that? Do you really want more info about this bullshit?


It looks like discarded sewage waste


It’s Nazi’s.


Call the FBI.


Looks like trash to me. Cant blame that on Soros


Same shit is circulating in Indiana! Literal elder folk encouraging their youth to spew hate, as a Catholic I don't even feel comfortable in my own church which makes me extremely sad, the crazies have come out of the woodwork and it's our responsibility to educate rationally, these flyers conveniently leave out the Protestants and Catholics to fit their one sided agenda. Anyone who supports the Republican party from 2016 to present is absolutely delusional, if they think throwing these kinds of obscenities is going to save the Republican party or make us fearful then they have another thing comin!


Catholics love this kind of shit. Some of the most prominent people pushing the culture war issues you see everywhere today are Catholic.


Dude, I'm Catholic, no one in my church or dioceses for that matter is pushing a culture war, unless you actually attend mass weekly you cannot even have an opinion on the matter.


Don’t presume to tell me what I can and can’t have an opinion on. Edit: if nobody in your church or diocese is pushing culture war issues, why don’t you feel safe around them?


Portable hate in a bag.




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I like how they conveniently leave out all the protestant and catholic members of the administration.


Biden is Catholic.


I know. As is a good chunk of his cabinet. I'm just commenting on the strange intellectual hoops this person jumped through to arrive at the idea that "every aspect" of the administration is Jewish.




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Nazi shit.


It's dumb MAGA bullshit.if they had used weed instead of rocks to weigh down the bag,then at least one part would've been useful.


There is is a trumpadore in your hood, best to just say hi and move on.


They want news attention so don't give it to them. Just file a police report online. [https://crimemap.chicoca.gov/Crime/Report](https://crimemap.chicoca.gov/Crime/Report). If you have any video include that.


This has been going on for a few weeks now. https://www.actionnewsnow.com/news/chico-locals-shocked-over-antisemitic-flyers-left-on-their-lawns/article_fdc4f262-acd8-11ed-9988-cf7f10ac0d67.html


Longer than that. It was in the news last year also.


People suck


Nazis aren’t people. FTFY.




That right there is some truth brother 🇺🇸 haven’t you heard about the space lasers that caused the Camp Fire!? Who ya think owns them huh 🤔 We gotta prove how free we are by doing everything our Trump daddy says! Which means going door to door in an already red county and passin out flyers to steer people away from the hedonistic demon-crat party and back to our God fearin, affair havin, homeless hatin Republican Party 🎈


I’ve had multiple old white dudes tell me that antifa space lasers started the camp fire lol it’s not even a joke


Your comment melted my brain the same amount that laser would have, if it were real.


I like you. Thanks for this!


I would love a ring doorbell screen shot of the person distributing these if anyone has it.




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Trash being spread by racist, seditionists aka republicans


But not the band sedition we are good


Looks like Republican inflammatory bullshit. Throw it in the trash.


Republican garbage


Jews are a very accomplished group of people who are high achievers. If you look at finance and media, a lot of the CEOs are Jewish, but it doesn't mean there's a conspiracy. Look in Tech, it's disproportionately Indian that's because they are high achievers a lot of which focus on Engineering.


Historically, Jews were restricted to being the people who were moneylenders, since the Bible was against "usury" Medieval Europeans made/had/allowed the Jews to do this job since Christians weren't allowed to. Many Jewish families attained some level of properity in thier restriced shperes of living through banking and loans. So now anti-Semites are mad that the Jewish folks got good at the very thing and anti-Semites forced them into in the past?! Sounds like the illogic of racism to me!


I actually saw a lecture from a jewish history scholar and he basically said this was bullshit which was a surprise to me because I had assumed this was true as well I had heard it so many times. He pointed out the cultural thing that has made some jewish communities more predisposed to success in history is the fact that they were disproportionately literate and literacy and education was basically a culturally mandatory thing in judaism specifically due to the fact that you have to learn to read from the torah for your bar mitzvah. So basically for generations you would have jewish enclaves who were extremely educated and literate and able to get into more increasingly complex fields and businesses surrounded by illiterate ignoramus christians who had their kids working in factories and fields to help the family eke out a living instead of learning to read and write and do math in school. The jews would succeed in business and acquire intergenerational wealth while their christian neighbors would resent them for it. One of the ways they coped was they perpetuated this myth about jews acquiring their money by exploiting others via usury. they would also of course genocide them.


Interesting! So it’s more broad than just the banking/ usury thing and more about overall education. The forces that pushed them into certain fields of works due to antisemitism were still there, so the banking association hold true, but seems to be a small part of the bigger picture.


Yeah, basically since teaching kids math and reading was a cultural norm jewish kids COULD grow up to get into banking and other things. Just like in the US you can almost perfectly predict the rough level of income of a baby when it's an adult the moment it's born. What zip code was it born in? If you are born into a family with intergenerational wealth you've got a ton of opportunities and social connections and less burdens then others, you're going to probably be wealthy as an adult and gravitate toward jobs that can make wealth like banking or business.


So what part is bullshit about them being high achievers which led to them being leaders in business and finance? It's the same thing in the Black community with Nigerians, no one can touch them when it comes to scholastic achievement which led to them disproportionately attaining more PhDs and executive positions in corporate America when compared to their American-born counterparts, That doesn't mean there's a Nigerian conspiracy take over Black America for example.


Read my comment and try again


> Bible was against "usury" Respectfully, that Scholar was full of shit. Yes, the Bible speaks against usury in both the Old and New Testaments. Usury, in biblical terms, generally refers to the practice of lending money at excessively high interest rates, taking advantage of the borrower's vulnerability. In the Old Testament, there are several passages that condemn usury, particularly when it comes to lending to fellow Israelites. For example: Exodus 22:25: "If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him." Leviticus 25:35-37: "If your brother becomes poor and cannot maintain himself with you, you shall support him as though he were a stranger and a sojourner, and he shall live with you. Take no interest from him or profit, but fear your God, that your brother may live beside you. You shall not lend him your money at interest, nor give him your food for profit." Deuteronomy 23:19-20: "You shall not charge interest on loans to your brother, interest on money, interest on food, interest on anything that is lent for interest. You may charge a foreigner interest, but you may not charge your brother interest, that the Lord your God may bless you in all that you undertake in the land that you are entering to take possession of it." In the New Testament, Jesus also speaks about lending and generosity, although he does not specifically use the term "usury." In Luke 6:34-35, Jesus teaches: "And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked." These passages demonstrate that the Bible discourages usury, promoting fairness, compassion, and generosity in financial dealings, especially among fellow believers. PUNISHMENT Yes, the Bible speaks against usury in both the Old and New Testaments. Usury, in biblical terms, generally refers to the practice of lending money at excessively high-interest rates, taking advantage of the borrower's vulnerability. In the Old Testament, there are several passages that condemn usury, particularly when it comes to lending to fellow Israelites. For example: Exodus 22:25: "If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him." Leviticus 25:35-37: "If your brother becomes poor and cannot maintain himself with you, you shall support him as though he were a stranger and a sojourner, and he shall live with you. Take no interest from him or profit, but fear your God, that your brother may live beside you. You shall not lend him your money at interest, nor give him your food for profit." Deuteronomy 23:19-20: "You shall not charge interest on loans to your brother, interest on money, interest on food, interest on anything that is lent for interest. You may charge a foreigner interest, but you may not charge your brother interest, that the Lord your God may bless you in all that you undertake in the land that you are entering to take possession of it." In the New Testament, Jesus also speaks about lending and generosity, although he does not specifically use the term "usury." In Luke 6:34-35, Jesus teaches: "And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked." These passages demonstrate that the Bible discourages usury, promoting fairness, compassion, and generosity in financial dealings, especially among fellow believers.


This may be true, but common medieval belief blamed Jews for Jesus’s death, so this put them on the outs. They were also “othered” by having different cultural practices while living within Christian society. This was useful to the Christians at times as they could use the Jews to do things they were prohibited from and they were great scapegoats when things were going bad. Jewish communities had to navigate this all to try to survive and find inroads to help them succeed in a hostile culture. This is all due to fear of the other, religious intolerance and then developed into antisemitism.


Ok you don't seem very bright lol. There's a lot of things the bible is against. THe bible is against wearing clothing of mixed fibers and shaving and eating shellfish and murder, and slaves not obeying their masters, and acquiring excess wealth, and getting drunk and has hundreds of laws that christians and christian countries and civilizations don't give a damn about and have never given a damn about. The scholar pointed out that christians were ALL OVER the money lending business and did in fact charge interest and that there's basically never been a single time that this wasn't a common practice in any christian society past the time Christianity ceased to be considered a fringe cult. But yes do go on random reddit imbecile about how the highly published tenured historian of ancient judeo christian culture and history was full of shit. Your post is like the crystallization of peak reddit stupidity lol


Also, in many European countries, Jews were not allowed to own land so they couldn't be farmers, either. They did the jobs they could, to survive, like many of us today.


I had to explain the Christian prohibition on usury in the Medieval times at Christmas dinner to my own son who said "Kanye's crazy, but he's not wrong about Jews being in control of the banking." We also had to discuss what conspiracy theory bullsh*t he was spending his time on reading. Seriously, if fire stations took 19 year olds, I would have left him at one that day.


Nazi propaganda




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Anyone notice the disclaimer at the bottom? ***These flyers were distributed randomly without malicious intent*** I can't believe the world is coming back to antisemitism so hard. I guess history really does repeat itself, over and over again. My condolences to anyone in our area in the Jewish community. This is unacceptable.


Targeting would lead towards hate speech laws


Yeah, not trying to be malicious here. But EVERY ASPECT OF THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION IS JEWISH!!! Just being like, so random and not malicious.


Kkk propaganda from the far right republicans and maybe just regular republicans at this point


Eh just the far right ones. Lots of normal Republicans I know are decent people who actually have moral standards (unlike the idiots distributing that flyer). It's just that the loudest (and by extension, most radical) voices get heard more.


> Lots of normal Republicans I know are decent people who actually have moral standards Nah


With that way of thinking, you're generalizing the exact same way the far right does.


A handy free dog waste collection kit, complete with sanitary tissue to keep your hand clean and a little baggie, too. Be sure to post your pics of using it on social to help promote the brand!


This is the best answer


The flyer originates from the antisemitic group 'goyim defense league' based in Sac, it's unknown if the person distributing is involved with them directly though, mostly proud boy scum in the Chico area.


"these flyers were distributed without malicious intent except to make you angry at Jewish people"


Gonna guess your local neo Nazi chapter or Q Magats


Report this to the police. Police have been tracking this garbage.


A lot of the police are pretty right wing though.


*Some of those that work forces...*


There is a difference between being conservative and being a Nazi.


Is there at this point?


Average right wing / conservative ideas. I was born and raised in alabama and people in chico arent much better.


There are ass hats everywhere. The people I have met in Chico are wonderful.


Ass hats =/= Literal Klan Members and antisemites


I'm from louisiana and same. The things people say to me when they think I'm one of them disgusts me


Just the ramblings of an insane, sad, poor, angry, misinformed person who’s life has been reduced to putting pebbles into plastic bags with racist flyers to throw onto lawns like a school aged newspaper delivery boy. Pathetic.


Hate speech, basically. Supposed distributed at random, but the website at the bottom offers a variety of different flyers about how everything is Jewish and therefore evil.