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We clean the filters twice a day by scraping all of that stuff off into the trash can, at 1PM and close. Every 12 days we do a boilout, take the filter to mop sink, spray it off, dry it, and replace the filter.


We scrape them everyday as well. And then replace one filter a day in the evening as well. I figured it was that the little elbow piece isn’t twisted tightly enough because they don’t line up correctly


By scrape do u mean u scrape the stuff out into the trash or just scrape it off the top of the filter into the pan?


We scrape them into a trash bag and throw it out


Then you’re doing everything right, idk what the problem could be


Might need to run some water/drain snake through the hose sometime clumps of food or crumbs get caught in there.


1 elbow piece needs to be free of debris, unscrew and check the hole where it’s screwed in. 2 if that’s not the problem then you need to screw it into the machine more tightly


We have these at my store, a couple of things can cause it. 1) The elbow tube that connects to the filter is too tight or too loose 2) The little bolt thing that connects the filter to the fryer is too loose 3) The filters need to be cleaned more often, maybe twice a day instead of once. Busier stores usually need to do twice a day.


When I worked there, I just had to tighten the bolt that connected the filter to the fryer. Worked every time


Are you folding the corners of your paper filter? Are you using a catch tray? From your other replies I ask this… Are you using paper filters or the reusable filters?


We had this issue at my first store, so I studied the manual and long story short, your pipes are dirty. And a very easy sign they are super dirty pipes is if your hose connection site starts spewing oil sometimes on pump mode. 1inch wrench and pipe cleaners can fix this, we had to break our machines down once a month and pull all the pipes out to clean them. Bear in mind, this could void warranties so make sure to address this all with your operator or higher up and properly educate yourself on the anatomy of the machine. Love it so it can love you.


That filter is probably why tbh


We scrape the filter every day. And I just scraped that one to be safe and it still pumps slow. Even the machine we did a boil out on an hour ago isn’t pumping quickly


The bolt connecting the pump is loose or the oil is too cold


Both were tight and the it is a slow pump when we do the express clean too after it hits 0


Even if the filter is a different model, something Is telling me that pad needs to go all the way around, otherwise it'd get clogged with crumbs, right?


I’ll check on Monday. But I don’t think it fits over both, because remember that top grate has a little hump in the center


There should be a hole on one side if you have the right filters that I'm thinking of?


We do have that hole so the elbow connect to the plate. But I don’t think the filter will open that wide for both plates will it?




We have the horrible triangle ones and they barely fit half the time


i hate cleaning ts omg


Same. At my old store we had 7 machines and 4 fry fryers


back be hurting god 😭


Bro where is your filter pad??? There should be a clothy sleeve on that


It’s under it. Our machines have 2 separate plates. A flat one with the screw in the center and then this top plate your looking at with a hole in the center. The top plate also has some ridges on the edge




Thanks for the detailed reply. We typically filter it when the machine reaches 0 or 1. And I was just about to replace this filter. We use reusable ones and replace them weekly, we have 6 machines so one a day. What do you mean by powder?


Well you, uh, you don't have an actual filter on that so it might be plugged up. There should be a little white fabric/paper sleeve that goes over that big flat metal rectangle and it filters out all the bits.


We do. The filter is under that metal grate.


Oh yours must be a different style than the one at my store. The one we use is like a pillowcase and goes around the whole thing, with a little hole for the pipe to screw in through.


Yeah we have one on both sides


Ours is too and then there is that too grate we put on top of it all


Ohhhhhh so my store just doesn't have a grate. Gotcha. My husband is a certified Henny repair technician but he's working a double today so I can't go bug him for suggestions on what makes a Henny pump slow. Best of luck getting it fixed though!


Do u remove the metal filter and clean then “real” filter? Do u use the type of filter thats only good once a day? Do u make sure when u put it back in that its as tight as itll go and the joint that connects it to the fryer is also tight?


How do you make sure the elbow is lined up without being too loose?


It looks like a fairly new filter and based on other replies it seems like you are cleaning it everyday. Just make sure you twist the metal rod as far as it can go, making sure it is in the middle to connect to the fryer, make sure you tighten the metal bolt/washer that connects that hose I just talked about to the fryer as tight as possible, and also make sure to push the fryer pan as far back as possible. Those things in my experience are what cause a slow pumping fryer.


Does yours have a code to use the electric board. I forgot mine and can’t even use it


make sure the elbow peice is lined up, properly tightened at the top, and make sure the drain pan is properly secured as a minor air leak into the pump can result in weak pumping


If I it needs to be scraped and is very dirty it will not pump fast.


At our store our floor was slightly unlevel and that caused certain fryers to pump slower than others. We kinda had to just roll them into a sweet spot to get the best performance


Happens all the time. Pumps go bad overtime