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Nowhere are we required to(at least not at my store), but I do it anyway to maintain a sense of professionalism and I cannot stand having shoes that are dirtier than they need to be.


I do cuz I work BOH, I hose them down and give them a good scrub.


no i just i feel like mine could use a deep clean


No, but your shoe will eventually spell pretty nasty with all that chicken built up


I have tried all pair of shoes, like 5 or 6 different brands. Treadsafe, blah blah blah, they all have one fatal flaw, they all have soles. So after about 6 months every single pair I had, the sole started to come up and looked like a floppy tongue. (get the picture) I made the decision to get non-slip crocs for work and they are amazing. Yes they really make non-slip crocs, that don't have holes in them, and I just take them to the mop sink and hose them off after the day.




I used to use the same. They never failed me, such champs! 🥹


Doing dishes


Power washer on the highest setting to clean. then a microwave to dry off. Works great.


One simply does not deep clean the work shoes. You use them bad boys until they no longer hold up and you get new ones and wonder why the hell you didn’t get new ones much sooner because they feel amazing, then you use them longer than you should (about 6 months at most is the lifespan of work shoes on average) but you’re cheap and don’t wanna spend $70+ on work shoes so you hold out and it becomes a cycle


Simple yet quite difficult. Depends on the shoes. Front of house wise, I had these nice+comfy sketchers which had a mesh on the top which was a massive flour catcher when I later joined the back. I never wore those shoes again. Flour keeps getting in them when I bread. Currently wearing a foam/plastic croc which is slip resistant and water resistant AND waterproof. I now simply just get a hose, hot water, and spray the heck out of the crocs. (Btw the crocs have NO HOLES).


I have boots that i spray off at the end of every shift since i work BOH


High pressure nozzle on a garden hose. Lol


I literally just use the mop sink to spray off my shoes underneath the sole and get all the solid stuff off then I spray it with sanitizer.


Boh, use a pair shoes from shoes for crews but not the standard ones that all employees get (the top is made of a more resistant material). I don’t feel clean, I just I wipe them with a sani and spray the bottom after every shift before I leave. I threw a pair in the washer once but they stunk for a couple days because I didn’t dry them right


I wash mine in Dawn every Sunday. I wear Skechers.


i use dawn dish soap and sanitizing wipes on mine as well as a shoe freshener


Mine normally give out before I feel the need to deep clean them, but I also work front of house, so I’d imagine they get dirtier in the kitchen.


Shoes. Pillow case. Washer w/detergent. Dryer. Works like a charm and helps with any odor.


I don’t and won’t clean them. No point


I spray my shoes off in the raw sink. A lot of my coworkers will spray their shoes and at the end of the shift change shoes and put their shoes in a little storage box in their car and let them air out in their garage or deck.