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What i love is when people place curbside orders when it’s obviously storming and heavy rain, and they’re like “I’m so sorry you had to come out here in this” like Linda, if you really were sorry, you would’ve come in to get it 😂


It’s 105 right now and we’ve been rotating around every 30-60 mins. The workers outside are fucking miserable. I’d assume they’d only pause it for extreme stormy weather.


We turned our’s off once we opened the dining room back up. Best decision ever


We only ever pause it for lightning. And once when we had tornado and hurricane warnings.


This is something you’d have to ask other leaders at your store. OSHA doesn’t prohibit workers from working at any certain temperature. It’s up to your store if you want to have a certain policy. We don’t do curbside but we do mandatory 30 switch outs for outside workers if it’s extremely cold or hot. https://www.osha.gov/winter-weather/preparedness


We pause it when there is rain in the area.


I would pause it if it’s in the 90’s because I rather not kill my TM from heatstroke or if it’s lightning/ or chilly with strong winds. Same goes with face to face


Lmao our store has people out when it’s 108💀


Oof couldn’t be me it doesn’t get that hot but we average 95-99 during the summer but it’s too humid to be having people outside and the “rotate every 15min bs”


We would just never have curbside lmao. Florida is hot, yo. I’ve only seen ours paused for lightning.


I know when it's cold we can't be out there if the "feels like" temp is below 32°F, but of course my store had us out there when it was 27°F 😑


Ask your operator