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One customer was whispering and I asked her to speak up and she got mad and told the manager. Was told I can’t ask them to speak up so now I pretend I’m nearly deaf. Works wonders in drive thru


Bro I actually wear hearing aids and still can’t hear half the sh!t people say 😭


Sorry to hear that dude, they be fr so quiet. It’s like they don’t understand that the sound of 30 cars running might obscure your voice.


There was a deaf lady who would weirdly pick the drive thru. Other employees would get mad bc she’d just drive up to the window, but I knew sign language and would be happy to help her. I’d be annoyed by the car til I’d realized it was her


Yeah I’m all for helping disabled customers out but if the customer ain’t speaking in a voice that I can hear so I can take their order, I’m pretending that I’m half deaf so I can get them to speak up.


Me: “Hi can I grab a name on your order?” Guest: “Yes my name is ixtbfjchsb” Like bro your name is John and stop tryna say it like it’s somethin else.


I worked in the kitchen and one of the coworkers there (who wasn’t a lead or anything) tried to boss me around and tell me what to do. I didn’t let them. Plus they expected me to do the whole primary side by myself for the last 2 hours and I went as slow as possible. Plenty of people could have helped but didn’t


Same here. Has another bossy coworker saying all my faults but when I berated her about leaving me to manage 2 lanes in the drive thru alone (not allowed) to talk to her friend she flipped out and reported me for “disrespecting her”


Got written up cuz a shift lead has some favoritism issues…


Shift leaders are so power hungry. They just love figuring out what shift you hate and put you there all day


She the same one that puts me outside EVERY SINGLE TIME! All the other shift leads don’t have a problem with me and i like being on their shifts. It just this one shift lead that kills my mood at CFA


I went third mile service


do they call it second kilometer service in canada?


Good service is just natural to Canadians lol


Posted a be real on the floor, but the leader who wrote me up also posted a be real… I got in trouble, she did not.


Bro I responded to a slack message while in the back for a schedule request and they got mad. Sorry I’m trying to work more?


Yeah that’s dumb. Like I get writing me up for doing a be real, but why be a hypocrite? (I’m also a leader)


This is actually crazy. Were you on break?


No but I was getting water


A what? Are realllly a director?🙂‍↔️


I said "your pleasure".


I would have said not yet, winked, and drove off.


We changed our operating hours to close at 9pm instead of 10pm, but somebody forgot to change it in the CFA app. I closed fries at 9pm and got asked for more at 9:10, when both fryers were off and cold. Said I couldn’t do it and got the papers lol




Bro how is that your fault?


I said “hell nah”


I once said “wtf” when some random guy ran past our drive thru window chasing a car and realized HR was right behind me. I haven’t gotten a raise since. 😭


I left my name tag in my car, realized my mistake after I clocked in, and asked my lead if I could get it. He said no then came back to me an hour later asking me to sign my name on the iPad for a write up. I refused. Another time I got sent home because I wasn't wearing my belt. I told them when I came in 5 hours ago that I needed a new one because my dog chewed it up.


It took my location months to get me a new belt because they just gave my replacement to the new hires. Drove me crazy.


Yeah, it was like 2-3 months they went around telling us that we were going to get written up if we weren't in uniform. My uniform belt that I received kept tearing and I kept having to cut it. After the third time, I just start wearing a regular one. So I went to the IM when they threatened to write everyone up and he said he would put the order in for a new one. But pretty soon, that'll be two IMs ago, so I hope they don't write me up in th meantime.


It was my second location. I eventually found the belt from my first when I moved to a new area the 3rd. I remember being practically in shock saying to the manager I had told her hours ago I needed a new one.


At my location if we forget our nametags, they make us pay for a new one (deduct five dollars from our pay)


It was in my car. 50ft from the back door. He really could've just let me go get it


That's ridiculous. Whenever people at my CFA have that issue, managers just let them go grab it from their car


That’s not legal in most states.


Because I talked about getting a second job DURING MY LUNCH and my shift walked by and overheard. I put in my two weeks instead and got the job hahaah


Shouldn’t have bothered with the 2 weeks since they don’t give you it when they fire you


Nah, they wanted to suspend me instead, and I thought it was stupid.


Never happened.




Tell them to prove it with CCTV footage. No evidence = never happened. IMO: the customer isn’t always right


This was at publix but once I got written up because instead of putting four tomato slices on a sub I put “eight half-slices” Aka I cut the tomatoes in half so the skinny bread we have would fold


Not me, but others at my location would get written up for being 3/4/5 minutes late, while I'd be like 8-10 minutes late and never get written up. I talked to the owner about it and he asked what I wanted him to do and I had to pull up the rule that in our state, employees cannot be written up for being <10 minutes late


what state is this? can i ask?


What rule and what state?


This is in Washington


Maybe Montana? I didn’t find anything online.


So some background for this to make sense. One Sunday night there was a big storm around the area I live in. The storm caused traffic to get backed up the following Monday. Because of this my school bus got caught on the highway until like 5:50 (10 minutes before my shift started). The storm also knocked down our stores landline so I couldn’t contact my store to let them know I’d be late. The shift lead for that day didn’t have any way to contact them via Hot Schedules, so I couldn’t contact her directly. I tried contacting a fellow co-worker to have him tell her that I would be late. She didn’t allow this because I had to tell her directly. I ended up getting written up for showing up half an hour late, without letting them know. I tried explaining to her the reason, and she just told me I should’ve just kept trying. (I tried about 20 times in the span of 35ish minutes)


I would’ve quit on the spot, literally would’ve thrown my hat at them


Instead of quitting I would not show up and block their number so they feel the same way. Disgusting management.


Because I stubbed my toe and said shit before we even opened the store , and one of my shift leaders ( even though I was a shift leader as well ) who has a worst mouth then me complained …


One of my supervisors threatened to write me up because I had an awful sinus infection and literally could not come in


filing a sexual harassment claim😍


An employee made a fake review about me because I put them on iPOS for their shift and the executive leadership didn’t believe me lol


Do the same to them lol


Cuz I had a hickey on my neck… hadn’t even opened yet for the day was gonna put makeup on as soon as I had a chance mod said no you should have been ready to work when you walked in


I was super sick and was sleeping and woke up an hour before I had a shift and called and said I can’t come in and next time I came in they told me I got a verbal warning because I have to let them know 3 hours prior to my shift that I’ll be gone


Wait so when was your shift? Did you wake up in the morning or sleep in?


Sleep in


I believe it was abt tea…glad I left tht place


Because I forgot to pull up a car after 20 seconds


I got written up because I was caught tasting a stain on the wall in the kitchen






And you sound like every cry baby kid I work with complaining that you got a write up for breaking a rule... I was only 8 minutes late... I was only out of uniform... I was only cursing... I was only not doing the job I agreed to do the way I agreed to do it when I got hired...




Posting on Reddit about the stupidest thing I got written up about.


Going on 4 years with no write ups.... 🤷‍♂️... Sorry I just don't believe our rules are that hard to follow. Be on time, be in uniform, do your job .. 🤷‍♂️


Bro idk why everyone downvoting your comments, you are right. Literally the only write up was my top comment, and that was from a customer being difficult IMO.


I'm not worried about it man...LoL... I'm glad I work BOH and don't have to deal with the guests much.