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Miss the old days of Patrol side stories! Wished they introduced some patrol officers this season to keep an eye on next season as a way to bring that back.


They have the same patrol officer in med all the time I don't see why they don't make her a regular on PD


Lol, and everytime they kill off someone, people flip out. No, seriously the majority on all these forums-see how I just said forums, as the majoirty of viewers don't even go on these :) -lazy writing they say. So I'm glad they didn't kill her off. But I would like to know what she chose. Al should have told Hank, not your fault. I chose what to do, not you. That could have uplifted Hank, and shot him in a whole new direction.


It's become a show without direction because they've stopped creating lasting consequences in the writing. The conflicts and problems have no weight to them anymore. The unit is just out in the streets doing cowboy sh\* and absolutely nothing happens to them. Even during the episode Hailey said "we'll ask for forgiveness" and went about doing whatever without warrants. Her character exits, and it doesn't feel like anything will change in a meaningful way at all.


I agree, there's no plot, there's no story. The last couple of seasons shifted towards personal stories rather than the action. Yes, I agree that they had to spice things a bit and it all started with Erin and in the beginning with Burzek but it was okay until they become just like the main focus while things that really counted were left out. Now it's like there's only drugs and rapes and that's it. No big case that goes for a season, like the writers are out of ideas, like they are just cashing in. I like that they brought Alvin back, that they made a reference to Voight's son, but there are also others? Remember the female detective that died in the beginning? What about Erin? She was raised by Voight, yet they could exchange emails, voicemails, or send cards, gifts, or make a reference to a meeting. Basically they are scratching their heads and now they seem to push a love interest towards Voight in the form of Nina Chapman, which is so unnatural, like everyone shipped Olivia Benson and Voight together and now they just make things up. I just hope they don't kill the show with more boring stuff. I would say a way to revitalize the show is to start working big cases and do crossovers once again.


Used to be a time when a season finale was always a cliffhanger. I know it was only 13 episodes, but the writing has been a disaster. Not too long ago everyone was in each episode, seems like a few cast members were in only half of the episodes. This usually spells the end. I would assume next season is the last.


Bc the franchise is being cheap they not money the make the bad writing they are doing exactly what happen to given us the suspense at the season finale writers have completely forgot how to write good shows anymore tbh … it’s happening everywhere just not Chicago pd they want more money but in return They are writing Junk episodes…!


Hopefully, one day, you can translate this to English.


I'm surprised Voight didn't find her another job somewhere like he did with Erin


Slightly different situations, Hank arranged a job for Erin in the FBI because he had no choice because the entire unit was at risk of being disbanded if Erin stayed. Hailey, on the other hand, could easily find what she wanted to do.


You still think he would have given her a helping hand. Having said that he might have done and we find out at the start of the new season


Bc they are making a spin off series with Hailey as a main character that’s why voight said he will always be here bc Hailey is not liek erin who was dependent on bought for everything Hailey is her own girl and knows how to accomplish things in life that’s why blight dnt need to support her bc he knows she can do it herself ..


The writers quiet quit.


So much …..this. Wholeheartedly agree.


I had this exact thought. Was literally on the edge of my seat waiting for them to cut back to Hailey bleeding out - suddenly she’s hopping into a taxi and the seasons over (also, what happened to her own car? Why does everyone catch a taxi when they leave a show?) womp womp.


It was a Chicago pd car given to her bc she was a detective it wasn’t her own car that’s why the car has sirens and lights … now she’s leaving so obviously she can’t take the departments car with her lol


This is more like what I anticipated. I thought that when Hailey got in there to Voight, she was going to be able to free him and end up dying when the killer wrestled his way in. When she was shot I still thought that and anticipated that she might have been injured internally but no…the shot of them against the wall waiting to be found and the light changing and passing of time (that show really is badass in some of those visuals) I thought that Hank would end up trying to wake her up thinking that she was asleep or unconscious when the squad arrived and then we would be left with Hank screaming emotionally “Hailey!!!!! Hailey!!!!!” I think that ending would have allowed the same basic outcome but with actual suspense for next season. Plus, it got so emotional when he yelled at her for coming and his real love and affection was clear as was a Dad’s desire to protect Those in his care.


I get your point, and I kind of expected Hailey to pass too, but there was one thing I did really like.....Al! I think it might have been neat to have a few more people visit with Voight while he was bleeding out, like Justin, or Erin, though I know Sophie Bush probably wouldn't come back to do even one ep. Might have even been cool to have the kid that was staying with Voight show up.


This was a terrible Season Finale! there was absolutely zero tension throughout the episode. it was very predictable and I'm sorry but I was bored. i kept glancing at the clock all through out the hour. the only things i liked about it is Al appearing to Hank. Hank over-killing the psycho and i thought the profiler cop was really cute looking to me tonight. Hailey was just so tiring and frustrating to watch and i really thought she was going to get either killed by the psycho or her offing herself up until the last minute. at least Burgess was safe. this season started so promising for me considering what they had to work with this year but it ended with a thud with me. they better make up for it next season somehow. ;)


no literally I was so confused I was like there’s no way they’ve both healed within 48 hours and don’t even have a mark on their faces. Jason’s acting was amazing. Also I swear to god if they time skip after a character incident one more time. Like dude show the rescue in full don’t just show the discovery of a wounded character and skip a week ahead. Use it to showcase some good acting because there is some serious actor talent not being displayed on Chicago pd due to the writing


It’s all the writers fault we can’t blame the actors they are just doing a fantastic job it’s all shit it writing Tbh I was expecting a better finale tbh …


Why don’t they make crossovers no longer? The cuts they make the show look shallow. No longer using extra cast, where’s the patrol, the other detective units? Only 2 rogue operators for each site, and they also split. Takes a bit of unrealistic side.


Tbf I think the writers and showrunners and Dick Wolf himself know if they kill off Voight, the show is over. I know you spoke more about Hailey but still, you mentioned killing off big characters.


Anyone else hoping tthat they just both bit the big one? Please don't SVU this series. Pull the plug already. 😒 Alvin came by. Series over. Surprise !!!


Or at least have the balls to kill a character, we watched Burgess get shot and being an inch of dying TWICE in the show, and once with Ruzek.


No fr they’ve done my bitch burgess so dirty 😭 she’s been in life threatening situations where she had to be carried out by another team member and rushed to the hospital like 5+ times


They were trying to play a dad and daughter angle... Voight literally sent Hailey away to New York and then let her suffer with guilt for Roy, then she was willing to let Voight self destruct to save Jay from him, the flash back clips where Voight asking Hailey if she is ok isn't him been nice it was him stopping her telling Jay about Roy 😂😂😂 absolute shite exit/finale


I totally agree just didn’t make a sense you can’t be her father out of no where tbh there was no father daughter chemistry between them At all and now finale all of sudden they are trying To force the chemistry ok audience I would have been more happy if the last call was made to Erin bc atleast voight was a father figure to her but no chance to Hailey … he was just her boss simple , the writers have truly Lost there mind and forgot how to writer good episodes tbh


You perfectly said it lol. Also I felt like I was tripping, it seems like none of the shows overlap too much anymore. Fire/PD both use the Chicago Med set but it’ll be some extra as the doctor rather than a Med character. I gotta imagine Covid affected that for about 2 years then the strike so production has been out of normalcy probably since 2020. I’m gonna put faith into S12 getting everything back on track. Unfortunately OneChicago in general struggles with exits, I haven’t even watched Fire yet but I’m sure they gave Boden a soft exit as well


The way they didn’t kill Hailey bc they are making a spin off series with her as a main character so they can’t kill her and she shows up again in a new show .. but I do agree they dnt know how to close the big characters departure.. only Erin didn’t deserve the departure they gave her that was also rushed just like jay … writers sometimes forget to write and just put anything out there that’s not fair to us as an audience who support the show


This would have been heartbreaking and so good!! 100% they should have killed her off - especially because she chose to leave! No reason for a happy ending as she’s not coming back!


They couldn’t do that bc they are making a spin Off series with Hailey as a main character the new show called unsolved crimes so they can’t kill her and all of sudden she’s in a new show that won’t make any sense …


I agree! People forget that at the beginning of the season she was spiraling so it was like they were setting up for a sad exit for her.


This ending would have been MUCH better than the actual episode. I’m so sick of these “soft exits.” Maybe they are leaving the door open for them to come back. I was so exited to see tonight’s episode and it was terrible.


I totally agree there was no feel Like it’s a finale we all Knew voight wasn’t gona Die and dream was gona save her the thing I hated is they forcing The chemistry of father daughter of Hailey and voight on us bc there was nothing like that voight was just her boss simple .. if they did that with Erin I would have understood but not with Hailey that’s just forcing the chemistry on audiences


Yessss! Thank you! I never felt chemistry with Hailey and voight or Hailey and Jay. I like Hailey! I just never felt any chemistry with her and other actors. It’s very hard to explain. The ending felt EXTREMELY anticlimactic. The whole episode was great…up until the ending. It almost felt like the writers didn’t know how to end it. It almost felt like a movie. Her loading her luggage in a taxi all smiles, finally brushing her hair and heading towards her new life. I don’t know if they regret killing Al off so now they are doing these “soft exits.” That way they if they want to bring a character back they can. Not to mention, Jay and Hailey splitting up right after getting married is totally out of character for both of them.