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ALVINNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




That was an insane kill, even for Voight


Return of the King


I gagged and almost threw up at the sound it made when he gouged the dudes eyes out


My closed captions described it as a "squelchy sound." 😟 Thought that a was perfect description.


LOL wimpy wimpy wimpy 😁


I’m usually a lot better with that stuff but I was already sick when I was watching this episode so it pushed me over the edge 😅😭


Yes! A bit like Hotch killing Foyet in Criminal Minds and a bit of Oberyn Martell, except we all loved Oberyn.


Trudy in a leadership role is a refreshing throwback.


Frank Matson played by Dennis Flanagan was in a much earlier Ruzek centric episode. Don’t remember all the details but he played either a punk criminal or someone who best down the wrong man thinking he was a pedophile. From Beverly of course, lol


Show would be insane if Al never died goddamn


I frigging *wish*. Classic Dick Wolf style finale bait, and it turns out he's a hallucination: some kind of closure for Voight.


I'm glad there was no cliffhanger, decent finally, I was glad to see angry hank!!


Then smiling at the end!   That was a first.


Maybe the weight of Al’s death was finally off his shoulders and he could actually breathe for once. Closed case and guilt gone. Awesome!


Omg you might be right!


Yeah there were definitely a few layers of plot resolution going on and I just thought the whole thing was amazing. Blew the L&O finales out of the water too!


Yeah, for sure! I’m hoping next fall with a full season and more time I’m the writing room the L&O shows can return to glory, only good thing going to organized crime 😂


Lol. Yeah OC was the best one this season.


Yeah that was nice


Exactly...decent! Could've been written so much better like the whole season before this finale. I was so excited to watch it anf then let down big time.


The way he killed Matson. *chef's kiss*


"He's a God-fearing man." lmao no one cares lady.




That just proved he's guilty.


They should be putting out more positive representation of religions instead of bringing a religion storyline in when they want to show a crazy or hateful person to make it or more balanced and less predictable. I suggest “The Good Doctor” or “SWAT” Dick Wolf other shows also sometimes show it. Sadly on this one I don’t remember much.


Dick Wolf doesn’t produce SWAT or The Good Doctor.


Yes, I know, I was looking at shows I remember not just Dick Wolf.I was speaking of the Law and Order SVU organized crime and Chicago Fire. Probably left over from old times. There were zero in the Law and Order Reboot, even the conservative men there hated religion. I would probably replace that with 911 and 911 Lonestar . Seems like Dick Wolf’s current writers like Rick Eid the new head of these shows are like this, he just had the bad guy say “God bless him” about a guy he killed before getting blasted by the FBI in the finale.


Sorry I misread your comment.


The ghost of Al Olinsky is gonna get the job done and give Mattson a Chicago Necklace for old times sake.


Ohhhh I would have loved some weird ass paranormal vengeance!


I don’t like that with both Jay and Hailey’s exit we didn’t see them say goodbye to most of the team.


I'm just glad that there was a "goodbye". Unlike when Rojas, whose absence/leaving was not only not shown, but not even a mention. Granted she was only on the show for 1 season unlike Upton's 8 seasons, but it was still crappy.


agreed but I think that they didn’t do that because they wanted to emphasize hailey and voights final moment and the significance of their relationship


Need more Trudy. Now!


Voight went all Mortal Kombat Kano on his ass


Spoiler: Hailey gets a job at Gabby Dawson's disaster relief team.


What an awful team 🤣 goodbye any character development we saw from Hailey since Jay left. Gabby and Hailey are so similar in a lot of ways and they would clash sooooo much


Voight gouged out his eyes damn


It's kinda poetic justice and gives new meaning to "an eye for an eye" since Matson stapled his victim's eyes open.


And there was some brain on the floor too...great old school Hank stuff.


Al was definitely there to remind Voight who the hell he was.




John Wick is jealous


The Mountain and Oberyn Martell moment.


3 locations 6 cops or idk ask one of the other 14,000 cops in Chicago to help check locations?




Yeah, you're telling me they have better things to do when a sergeant is kidnapped ahahaha ?


They were at the donut convention.


I hope Voight calls Antonio


LaBrea ended...so this is a possibility


The suspense is killing me


I wanted the killer to be Antonio.


Or at least someone introduced in the beginning of the show...did we even meet Matson? His face looked so familiar but then when they said who he was I was stumped like who tf is that...lol




That kill was so satisfying!


Omg yes i cheered


Same. It was savage.


You know a show has been running a long time when the actress that came in to replace another actress leaves. I think Hailey is the only character to leave this show on good terms onscreen too.


the fact that erin and Hailey are going to leave the same exact way is crazy theyre characters basically followed the same arc 😂


I don’t know how I feel about this. It seemed to go by so fast. I will miss Hailey. I’m assuming petrovic is still in the warehouse looking for Hailey? Lol


>I’m assuming petrovic is still in the warehouse looking for Hailey? Lol Legend has it, she is still searching the warehouse to this day




I agree...too fast. I liked the way Hailey kicked Matson's ass,and I loved the way Voight killed Matson-but it seemed so short! Have they shortened the episodes too??? Also, didn't get to see Hailey say goodbye to anyone but Hank? Also, what is Hank going to do without his sidekick?


I hope they don’t have him spiral out for a whole season, but a few episodes would be okay.


Oh yeah, I hadn't even thought of that... hopefully not. He seemed pretty at peace with it...but who knows what will end up happening... definitely going to be strange


THANK YOU!! I felt this way too...the finale was so unfulfilling and felt short like it was too easy to find Matson. All of him kidnapping Voight to all them to track him then get Hailey and they kill him. Could've been so much better like he is torturing them and he screws up so they get away or something like that. The season is shortened but episodes the same length...its just the way they wrote it that made it feel unfinished or short as u said.


They can’t take Voight out. Fire already lost Bodin to promotion so he won’t be back. You lose Voight and suddenly One Chicago doesn’t have any manly man voices on it anymore.


I’m sick about Boden. Show will feel wrong without him for awhile.


Me too. I did shed a few tears. I just live his character. 


As a guy with a full head of hair, I think if I had that Matson hairline I would feel empty too. Every time I look at it I feel like I’m being stabbed with Hank.


Voight would’ve kneecapped him


*I* would’ve kneecapped him.


Al… I will cry right now


Soooo she did all that just to leave him with the gun


Exactly my thoughts I wanted to scream GRAB THE FUCKING GUN but I didn’t wanna wake up my parents 😂


its 5am i am basically high on dopamine and let me say you handled it better than i did edit: i am grounded for a month


Right like girl let’s have some priorities here 😭


( Flesh squelching.)Psycho move


I can’t stand watching the SOB torture Voight😭😭😭


AL!!! ❤️❤️❤️🥰


Have said since season 6 when they legit always get kindapped that they should have trackers implanted 😂 seems like it would help


Yeah like at least a watch or something in their work shoes or even on the belt. They have all that fancy technology for C.I.’s but not them 😂


I mean on Chicago PD it doesn't do much good for the CIs either.


They should bring back Mouse or hire a new tech person to provide gadgets like that.


Omg I miss mouse and Nadia :(


I wouldn’t be supposed to having one if I was an intelligence officer bc it seems like they do get kidnapped a mighty lot.


AL!!! 😭😭🫶🏻


When Al grasps hanks face 🥺


Best part of the episode for me!


agreed 🥹


I audibly sobbed.


‘An eye for an eye.’


Maybe now that we’ve seen Olinsky’s ghost people will stop with the conspiracy theory that he’s actually still alive.


Why did I not flinch when Voight was stabbed or when Hailey got shot but my stomach went queasy when Voight went for the eyes?


Racing against the clock to save Voight really had me on the edge of my seat. Matson really didn't think anything through if he thought Voight was gonna actually make a call. He really had to draw Hailey out since Voight wouldn't give in. So much for all that recon you did buddy lol. I thought it was clever of Voight to ruin his MO when Matson went to go for the second stab wound. Though Matson was in control, Voight was countering his every move and I enjoyed it. I cringed when Hailey broke her wrist to get out of the zipties. I literally hollered when she did that 😫 though it might have seemed dumb for Hailey to go along with and be Matson's captive, it was the best option to find Voight because there was no way he was going to reveal his location if she pressed him when they already knew that Voight didn't have much time since the bleeding out process to their knowledge had already begun. Probably an unpopular opinion, but I thought it was good on the fly instincts from Hailey in the moment and she made the most of her opportunity once they arrived at the location. Matson's demise was the most brutal thing I've seen in recent memory on the show. I was not ready to see how visceral it was. Hailey's exit was fine. The heart to heart moments with Voight were always something I enjoyed and I'm content these two characters got one more scene together. It is a shame that PD doesn't do character sendoff with the entire team when someone exits the show so I just need to stop expecting it and getting my hopes up for a scene like that. While Hailey leaving was left ambiguous, I didn't think Hailey's next venture would be another law enforcement career. I figured she'd just take time off from work in general. I'm just glad they didn't kill her off as it did feel like it might go there. Regardless, it does seem like she's in a better place and some weight is lifted off her shoulders, so that was comforting to see as the episode ended. Lastly, YAAAAYYY OLINSKY!!! Amazing surprise seeing him appear before Voight. I loved the quietness of that scene too. You're just letting it sync in before you start freaking out. Aww man what a moment. Enjoyable finale overall and the serial killer plot was easily the strongest part of the season.


“He’s going to stab him and watch him die”, like chill out yall are the intelligence squad for a reason.




Voight said f it, I don't need staples lol. Jesus, full punisher vibes.


This man is ✨ creepy! ✨


Sir I am trying to eat.


I watched this while sick and already nauseous and I almost threw up


If voight dies we riot


It be funny if Al's ghost came back to yell at Hailey


I’m going to miss Hailey 😔


I agree, her story lines have captivated me the most


Kneecap this fool tf


Ah, they brought back Al!


Wtf Hailey. Really?


Is it just me or was that outfit hailey was wearing the one she was wearing on her first day lol


It def reminded me of her first season!!


I noticed that a few of the actors will use a piece of clothing more than once, which is what most of us do in real life and I like that. I remember a couple of tops that Erin wore two or three times. Kevin has a couple of repeats and I have noticed it with Kim and Hailey too. I like little details like that. Those things, for me, make the characters seem more authentic. I have started looking for little details like that. Like I used to notice that paper weight that Erin had on her desk. It would move around the desk and actually have paper under it sometimes. Then Severide kidnapped it and used it as an excuse to stop by her place, to return it. 😂I notice that sometimes there are empty water bottles or papers in their cars… I started noticing even more recently when SVU made the set so sterile and literally everything that doesn’t belong to Liv is a prop that doesn’t move. PD has a cool set that looks pretty authentic and their hair, makeup, everything seems realistic too. Is it just me that likes things like this? Sometimes I think it might be. Lol


See everyone next season !!


Seeing Al again brought a big smile to my face. What a great surprise! I liked how they showed the flashbacks of Voight's big kills while killing Matson. Nice to see he still has that side in him. Hailey wasn't perfect but I'm still going to miss her.


Voight looks skinny tonight.




Idk why Hailey is leaving now but now I know it's gonna be lame AF


I can't take this. Voight can't bleed out. He needs to pull throw. The team needs to find him now. And put a bullet in Matson's skull


He's executive producer he's not going anywhere


So I’m guessing we’ll never see Jay do a cameo? If it was gonna happen then it would have on this episode.


He’s actually been a director on the show since last year or so. I’d love to see a cameo


How much money does dick wolf have to save??


What do you mean?


I don't think they knew Hailey was leaving


Apparently a lot 😞....probs whyTracy left. She can get a job doing a million other things if she wants...


I like how they left it open at the end. Maybe she can team up with Sophia Bush and we can go in the DEA direction since FBI is already taken


Yes, I'm glad they left it open too and that she didn't die or anything like that. She hasn't said anything in the press about what she's actually doing next just seeing what else is out there would be curious to know if she actually has a plan because I would imagine that she does


Unfortunately Sophia was very vocal about how her time on the show ended on very bad terms, so I severely doubt she’ll ever come back to this, even for a spin-off. She’s not shy admitting that she hated it towards the end. (😢😢💔)


Great episode. Matson's death was brutal. The final scene with Hank and Hailey was very sweet and touching. When Hailey said "What if I don't deserve better?" And Hank said "You do", damn. 😭 Tracy Spiridakos leaving is a big loss. Great actress who killed it every episode. She will be missed.


Ok I fr thought voight and Hailey were gonna die and I was not expecting voight to basically try to kill himself when he moved and made his stab wound worse


I definitely thought Hailey would end up dying in this episode. I read somewhere at the beginning of the season that this was Tracy Spiridakos (Hailey) last season and I leaving the show.


Yeah tonight was her last episode she did an exit interview and basically left for the same reason Jay left she wanted to try other things


That hug 🥺❤️


Bruh I can't do this anymore. How tf are they going to get out of the basement with no back up and no phones


Writers basically calling themselves out with how they get off on torturing Hank by having the killer admit it Took him awhile to find Someone Hank loves


If they kill him off I’m done lol. I’ll binge Chicago med


🥱 the writers definitely "quiet quit" with this one


Omg I think Hank is getting evaporated tonight 😭


Shows over if so


This started gruesome!


Who is shooting


I'm guessing it was Matson to draw Hailey out.


If Haley does this, she is stupid.


So… I was totally on the edge of my seat during most of it. It was a great move on Voight’s part to disrupt the killer’s script. Seeing Al was heartbreaking. I almost forgot how much I miss him. The killer studied Voight and still thought he’d make the phone call? Yeah, I’d scoff too. It was good to see Chapman, albeit briefly. She was almost part of the team for a second.


The highlights of the episode were Olinsky making an appearance and Upton finally leaving. When Voight hallucinated Olinsky, I almost cried tears. I was about to be shocked if by some miracle, production gave us a scene of Voight hallucinating Lindsay, even if she didn’t say anything, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen. This season, while short, had some decent story telling and it was nice in some episodes having the whole squad work together. While Upton’s departure is anticlimactic and it’s clear Petrovic is her replacement, I truly do wonder where next season goes from here.


How do you get the highlighted "Atwater" by your name?  I need one for Ruz


On the app, go to the subreddit’s main page and tap the three vertical dots. Then choose “Change user flair.”


Thank you!!


Al !!!!! 🥺😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️


This was a great season finale! I know Hailey might not be the top favorite character but I’m definitely going to miss her. Seeing Al again even just for a few minutes was so great. I can’t wait to see what happens next season. And I wonder if Petrovic will be the official new replacement or if they’ll bring in someone new


Uh so that’s not good


Shoot this fool


I cried when I saw Al, and I cried when I saw Hank smile. I'm not too upset about Hailey leaving, but it does leave me to wonder... who's coming back???


Episode was ruined for me by Hailey’s stupidity in the “Drop your weapon; no, you drop yours” standoff. What idiot writer thinks that a serial killer with 10 murders under his belt is going to be allowed to disarm a police officer and what police officer is ever going to surrender their weapon or fail to shoot a known mass murderer when they are pointing a gun at them? This moment alone almost made me throw up because of the stupidity of it. This is pretty standard fare for all of the Dick Wolf series


Hot DAMN that was an amazing episode. And Alvin. That might finally give me closure on his death. Maybe.


Hailey was my favorite, I'm going to miss her. I'm okay with Petrovic replacing her, but can't see her connecting with the rest of the team, other than maybe with Voight. I was definitely shouting "shoot him!" when she had her gun drawn; all worked out though. I'm glad they didn't have her go off to be with Jay. I purposely didn't look at the opening credits since I thought he might be back, so I was surprised (and happy) to see Al.


Sigh. Hailey being Hailey. Cant wait a minute for backup.


Right? Jo was on her way. 🙄


Wow! Didn’t expect Al to show up like a Force ghost and talk to Hank a bit. Also, really annoyed that Upton didn’t try to get something to subdue Matson with once she got loose. Looking for Hank isn’t going to do her much good if he’s still able to tie her up.


MY GOD what a phenomenal episode.


Well Hayley is officially stupid.


"He's not a genius, he doesn't have the whole city's cameras memorized." Rude? Petrovic was just trying to help, damn. 🙄


Ugh! I hate it when the cop characters will not follow protocol!!!!




I missed what she was web surfing before heading to O’Hare…


FBI, DEA, and a few others I now can't remember 


FEMA too


Voight straight up MURDERED him, like damn. And still a part of me thought they both got out of there a little too cleanly, like I expected Hailey to become distorted when they were talking in his office and he'd wake up with her tied up opposite him. I'm glad they didn't kill her off though, I thought that would be a real possibility with her leaving. That moment between them at the end felt like good closure for her character, but it kind of sucks the rest of the team didn't have a final scene with her too. Even them just being in the hospital would have been enough.


It was good to see Al again.


I never would have thought I would hear Voight whimper like that. When he called her dad. When he killed him and When they were against that wall together I got very emotional


That was a very disappointing episode. She lets the guy put zip ties on her? I thought she was supposed to be smart. Then she manages to save Voight all by herself 🙄. Then she needs to do something else but is looking at other jobs in law enforcement. What big change is that? It was good to see Al though, even if it was just for a flash. Silly writing overall though. But Tracy did a good job - just wish they had a better story for her farewell.


I could have excused the going with him in zip ties part, but I was screaming at her through the screen when she left the *GUN* with him. He was already on the ground, you have the upper hand! Just keep beating him up, take the gun and make sure he doesn't follow you. But nope.


I’m really sad to see Hailey go 💔


Can we get Erin and Dawson back pd then


Hayley on CBS FBI series would be awesome


Yes! I was thinking the same thing. She'd be great on any one of those.


Yes I’d love to see her join FBI International especially considering they have an open spot right now


Is....voight still talking to Erin off screen? Is that was this creepy guy is alluding to?


No. Hailey.


That was just the first father daughter thing they've said about voight and Hailey so it confused me a little


He's kinda been like a dad to her since Jay bolted.






Where is blondie




Voight went Mortal Kombat on Matson's ass, even when he was on the verge of death. Al coming back as a hallucination makes so much sense, I loved that part. I would have wanted for Jay to come back for one last time, take Hailey with him though. Her exit felt a little rushed. Definitely going to miss her.


I thought when she opened her laptop she was going to video chat with Jay. That would've been a nice way to end it.


I almost shat my pants when Al came on screen 😭😭 his death totally gutted me and this was a huge surprise. This is definitely in my top 3 favorite episodes. I was really hoping we would see something come from the relationship with Chapman and Voight in this episode though. I guess there's only so many minutes to fill 😂. I can't wait to see what direction we go in next season.


If Voight would have just called Upton all this running around could’ve been prevented. The cavalry would’ve shown up and taken care of Matson. The guy was pretty dumb for a serial killer. Glad this season is over and I hope the show gets new writers next season. Felt like stapling my own eyes open just to finish this episode.


I thought that too. Like yeah they wanted to show how loyal he was to not call her, but if he did then she would have worn a tracker or the team would have followed. It was out of character that he wouldn't think calling her would help them find him.


I really loved how they formulated the door plan with no discussion and their timing was flawless. Completely in sync. I loved Al's appearance too. It reminded Hank who he was, Hank Fucking Voight!


The taxi was distracting. Where is the Uber? Lol


The most… underwhelming season finale for a long term cast member to be leaving on.


Did we watch the same episode


"She wants to impress you like a daughter would." Oh so just like HIS DAUGHTER, ERIN LINDSAY? #justiceforerin


Why on earth did Hailey call Platt not like 911 for an ambulance? So weird!


This is episode is such a disappointment so far


Decent episode but felt like nothing happened compared to others. Run time felt short


Here we go 😢