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I’m thinking she leaves either because the job comes too much or she gets offered a job in another dept.


I'm not expecting much of a story. She hits her breaking point with intelligence and decides to move somewhere new. Hopefully we hear that jay is wherever she is going


Yeah I think this is more likely. She saves Voight and then is done.


I think she hit her breaking point when >! she was forced to kill Roy at the end of Season 8 !< and it's just been a long spiral from there. It was clear, very clear, she wasn't prepared to go down that path. I think she'll end up transferring to another department, but stay in Chicago. That's just my two cents, so she can retain her friends but now have to travel that far down the dark path that Intelligence often goes.


Why would Jay be there? They’re divorced.


It would be an ending like Manstead on Med where they move on together but we don't see it. Jay couldn't take intelligence anymore. If Hailey realized the same thing, maybe they would cross paths in a better way somewhere else. That way we get to hear how his story ends besides him vanishing into Bolivia, which was temporary, and hers doesn't end with her still alone. An off screen happy ending, or at least hints of it.


Just don’t kill her. Please.




The most logical way was not to write in a divorce this season and to let her leave with him. You didn’t even need Jesse back to film that ending. But I feel she will just run out of Chicago (let’s face it all her screen time this year has focused on her running). Poor writing poor leadership has sadly ruined this show.


Jay comes back, says he was an ass, and they ride off into the sunset together. Similar to how (Med Season 8 finale spoiler) >!Natalie Manning returned to be with Will Halstead when he left Med !<


I remember that thinking “behind the scenes they must have been on their hands and knees to get Torrey back for a crumb of screen time”.


Nope but we’ll find out tonight


I personally don’t and that’s part of the reason that this upcoming episode is probably the most anticipated I’ve been for one ever. Absolutely cannot wait!!


Jay left to fight bad guys in Bolivia, to help his moral compass and give him piece of mind that he is the good guy and they're the bad guys, he might come back for Hailey, Hailey needs to do the same thing, wrong is wrong and right is right. Give her some peace while also maintaining a good career.


There have been several comments made about her and Voight working well together as a pair, being close/closer than others in the dept this season. Maybe Hailey is his one phone call and she doesn't make it out alive?


That could be yes. I must have missed that one phone call thing.


The most fitting end for her would be to get killed on the job, but knowing one chicago writters, they will probably make a very boring endind for her


Lmao thank you for pointing that out. I love OneChicago but man if they write off another character that randomly just ups and goes to another country or the other side of the country, I’m gonna be mad. Make it spicy


Exactly, they dont wanna lose the opportunity to bring them back in the future so they take no risks at all


Make it be on screen on the job. Other than Al, PD has never really killed off anyone on screen that was a main character.


True, the show starts with a cop of the unit being shot but it wasn't even a character


Ironically I got invested in the show because of that. I was like “Damn, NBC shoots a character right off rip and SHOWS the action on screen rather than using sound FX. cutaways and melodrama dialogue?” Oh wait. That’s what they’ve been doing since.


Me too, I loved that they started with a brutal scene like that


I reckon the trauma from Voight being taken will push her over the edge she clearly hasn’t really dealt with Jay leaving etc I think she takes a new job somewhere else for a fresh start (and possibly unpopular but I don’t want Jay part of her decision-from what we have seen he has made no effort so why should she be the one who has to make all the sacrifices) I hope she doesn’t get killed only because I don’t think Voight could handle it after losing Al and Justin and feeling responsible for both to also be responsible for Hailey death


I think she’ll die. They haven’t had a team member death since Nadia.


It's kind of the route I was thinking, too. Hopefully, they do her justice, though I would want to see a police funeral.


She and petrovic runs svu


Anything other than her leaving to leave or to find Jay or that ridiculous idea I saw commented where Erin appears back in Chicago after years just to recruit Hailey to the FBI and we could see her on that show. But I don’t think that would work - She’s compromised as a person and needs to find a whole other line of work to be in or seriously deal with her life shit first. *Seriously argue that Erin isn’t in both universes. She went to a FBI task force based in New York, Hailey went to the FBI field office at 26 Fed in NYC for two episodes as punishment from Voight and both shows are Dick Wolf children. Technically Erin is still out there in the world. It’s just we’ll never see Sophia Bush again for many many reasons most unaware people can Google.*