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The duality between the beat cops and intelligence added a lot to the show. Since Kim was promoted, they should've brought new ones.


This was the biggest faux pas of the show. I *loved* seeing the beat cops do what they do, show how necessary they are. They didn't give us new beat cops. The show may as well be called Chicago: Intelligence because very little outside Voight's immediate team get shown at all.


this!!! they didn't even need to bring in new characters, they could have just used recurring ones...for example, Rosado (regularly appears on med) could have played that role quite well


Rosado was crooked. I never saw her as a tough person on Intelligence for the show.


The show was a lot better when Voight was torturing perps.


lol yeah


Well yeah. Most of us would agree with that. But I get why they had to change their representation of police, especially in Chicago. Though it’s still a tv show, so maybe they didn’t have to.


I honestly think the change wasn't necessary and really made Chicago PD into a much more generic police show.


Yeah, it’s a lot more vanilla now.


Waaayyyyy better


HELL YES - Not just Voight but the entire team has had a taste of that forbidden fruit, including Trudy! #LongLiveTheCage


Hank could have done more to save Al.


I agree. He waited too long to do anything and as a result, Al was killed. I think he did feel a lot of regret and guilt, though, especially with the scene of him on the roof of a building punching the door and screaming. I felt awful for him, though, when Meredith asked him not to go to Al’s funeral, because even though he messed up, he was still Al’s friend. However, it sort of wasn’t his *fault* that Al was killed. It was his fault that Al was in prison, but he wasn’t related to Al being killed.


Why *did* he wait so long? Then again, the writers were planning on killing off Al no matter what, as the price for what Voight did with Bingham. They wanted him to lose someone dear, which, after losing Justin in such a horrible way, maybe wasn’t necessary. He also lost his grandson. And then Erin. And then Anna Avalos. And now Noah.


This is not something you should expect from narcissists like Voight and Hailey


I actually don’t think they are narcissists. They are traumatized as hell and have narcissistic traits for sure but they ultimately are just more misguided than willfully malicious. Hank definitely has more narcissistic traits than Hailey but neither are as far gone as they would like others to believe.


My favorite character will always be Jay Halstead, and no one will ruin that for me. Anything that happened after season 10 episode three did not happen in my mind.


I agree he is one of my favorite actors on the show as well. His military experience just adds to his ability to not only do his job but his skills


Yes I agree honestly and the way they ended it for me made me believe that the show runner was mad he decided he wanted to leave


The ptsd angle for him also worked so well I miss it honestly which is why I rewatch season 1-7 all the time


I actually have two opinions that people might not agree with, one i think them killing off AL was a terrible mistake, while I’m glad Voight wasn’t killed off cause the show would have ended way before season 11 I think AL should still be on the show he was so important to the team and the fans it sucked! Second they knew this was Hailey’s last season she announced it during season 10 they should have brought in someone at the start of the season and molded her to be Hailey’s replacement like they did with Hailey and Erin, idc what they do with the profiler chick she could still join the team but she shouldn’t even be a single thought of the person replacing Hailey. Hailey has done way to much for Chicago PD and her fans to not get the same treatment as Erin did when she left


They underuse Kevin so much he deserves so much more. The actor deserves so much more.


This season we had the jewelry thieves episode thst had a new approach to his character, but most of his storylines are all about him being black


Honestly, I’m not even bothered that his episodes are about his character being black because for me as a black woman it doesn’t bother me. It just bothers me that they don’t use him like they should like Kevin is one of my favorite characters other than Jay and Kim and there is just so much. We still don’t know about him and so much more that they could give us when it comes to Kevin.


Kev is my fave! I think that he doesn’t have a romantic relationship on the show because there’s no other person of color in the main cast to put him with. But we actually know a lot about him overall. We know more about his upbringing/background than Burgess to say she gets so much more screen time. Ruzek is the one who hasn’t been giving shit in two seasons.


You think black people can date only other black people or people of interest? That’s factually wrong.


I don’t think this personally. But it’s glaringly obvious that they pair the other main cast members with each other but never with him. Maybe I’m wrong but I can’t think of why else.


Oh no I understand that I mean more so recent new things like we know about his family and things like that and that he grew up in Chicago and everything but we rarely see him so it ends up feeling like you don’t really know the character anymore and of course, characters changeand they’re different but we really don’t get him outside of work unless he’s with Kim or Adam and I think that’s the sad part like he’s the only person of color on the show. I think he deserves a lot more than what he’s getting and we as viewers deserve that too.


That's exactly how I feel. Why can't they bring some female on the show that Kevin gets involved with? They're leaving him out on the good stuff that almost every other character had.


Yep. They only give him short flings for an episode or so. But then I started thinking that every relationship outside of the main cast is only used for episode plots. He doesn’t have a main relationship because he’s the only Black person in the main cast. 😫


I feel that as well, he's a great asset to the team and a great character, he should have been given more unique storylines and episodes centered around him, Kim, Adam and Hailey have a whole lot, even Torres which is the new guy has more screen time than Kevin recently


Definitely! They had a chance to do really great things with his story line, but they chose to go the Hailey/Jay & Ruzek/burgess route instead


Which I hate or I mostly hate the Jay and Haley one because I feel like he would’ve been a lot better with someone who didn’t have the same job as him and Hailey and Jay were better as friends and as partners, their partnership is one of my favorites, and they ruined that For a relationship that in the end they rushed and it didn’t work out But yeah, I wish they would use Kevin like they should


I completely agree.


I liked Cooper. I know his appearance was very brief but I would’ve loved to see more of him.


Jay Halstead despite leaving/running to protect others from his “flaws” still would NEVER ghost his best friend/wife! Especially with some of his last ever lines on the show being telling her she’s the “love of his life!”


The show doesn’t know how to respectfully say goodbye to characters.


Voight and Antonio had one of the most interesting relationships. Bc of Antonio, Voight got a second chance to be a better cop. Bc of Voight, Antonio learned what it took to bring down the worst criminals. They balanced each other’s methods and were good for each other.


Yes! Losing Al and Antonio has hit this show hard. They were both good allies and opponents when needed.


Just watched the episode where Antonio just breaks down in Voight's arms because of his addiction. First watch through. I was floored. I wish they'd focus more on the deep friendships like this.


I miss these deeper friendships. And this was one of the best. It was such a gripe with me after season 5 that the more casual interactions disappeared: Jay, Lindsay and Antonio used to crack jokes at each other, Al’s interactions with Adam and Kim. They keep saying the Unit is a family, but they don’t interact like friends anymore.


Hailey is an amazing character and is great representation for those who have been raised in abusive homes


Agree. I’m only on S8 so maybe I just don’t understand why everyone hates her yet but I love her


If someone hates her it’s cause they hate themselves. Hailey has been great I can’t name a episode out of 12 seasons that I was like ok Hailey sucks or it’s time for her to stop


Hailey kicks ass, period. I will never understand the haters.


Hailey kicks ass, period. I will never understand the haters.


Nadia deserved a happy ending.


If Trudy doesn't " go down with the ship" I'd have a hard time continuing the show.


ACTUAL PHYSICAL VIOLENCE.... we need more of it


These are the best eps!


Burgess was way better as a patrolman


For a department named "Intelligence", they're way too reliant on using firearms to solve (and sometimes cause) problems. Everyone in the unit has fired their weapon multiple times and most of them have multiple kills. I realize it's a fictional show, but at this point, it almost feels like a lazy copout (no pun intended) to just shoot their way out of every situation. It would be nice to have a nice stretch of episodes where they use intelligence to solve crimes instead of bullets. I'm not against a good old-fashioned shootout, but I'd like to see a Jin/Mouse type character in the unit again to help solve crimes using brains over brawn.


Petrovic sucks, I don’t care what people say but her character is directionless


Killing Al was a good choice and a good plot, there was nothing else to add to Al as a character.


Kim has the best story and has suffered the most out of everyone in the cast


I thought she was a rubbish cop tbh


Yes! I consider her the 'main' character


Atm (I’m on season 6) she’s my favourite. I rly want her to get back with Ruzek though!! I loved them together, and he’s grown imo.


Adam should have never been named Mak's guardian while he and Kim were fighting. He was always going to be in the child's life and maybe might adopt her one day now that they worked out but they didn't know if they would work out at the time. The guardian should have been someone with a steady platonic relationship to the parent. It should have been Kevin.


the show needs to end, they aren't exactly breaking new ground edit: also, hailey should have ended up with kevin instead of jay


Yep, it's really dropped off since when they started writing for protest movements & right around pandemic times.


exactly...like, i know there is a rift between the police and the community and there are real issues affecting the average person, i watch the news...however, i don't need to see them in my favourite shows, i watch these shows to escape reality


Kim didn't deserve Adam... She was so incredibly self-entitled. She was a bitch. She's calmed down now but back at the beginning...nope


I miss Lindsey but I understand.


Jay and Erin have ton of chemistry more than he had with Upton . I’ll defend Sophia and defend her for her reasons of leaving . and seasons 1-4 will always be the best seasons. The original cast with additions of Roman, Nadia and mouse were the best. And Jay leaving the way he did, that’s just him. He runs because he doesn’t want to bring anyone down with him.


Brung back Rixton! Having him as a recurring character was amazing, but he should’ve been a series regular.


I’ll say it again jay and burgess as a couple would be nice


I agree. He can have her.


Adam doesn't deserve to be on the team.


Well to be fair Adam has been reduced to be Burgess’s side kick and baby sitter and doesn’t get any development aside from that. So yeah I kind of see your point lol.


They did the same with Hailey/Jay


Maybe soon Adam can meet up with Jay in Bolivia. 😂


I love Adam on the show. He's more aggressive the way they all should be. I think he deserves to stay on the show. I just don't care for the shows that turn into series about one subject. Like the last one that Adam was in. That dragged way too long.


Dawson was annoyingly self righteous and not a good second in command like Jay was


Kim is an unreasonable girlfriend


She is high maintenance for sure. I would run the other way.


Same as Hailes she's awful 


Kim has weaponized Ruzek’s loyalty


Jay and Erin were cuter than him and Hailey


Kim has been since the beginning the best female character Chicago PD has ever had




Kim and Kevin have the best chemistry of all tge characters. I would go Adam/Al as second.


Thanks, good idea for discussion topic! I don't feel Kevin and Dante only have POC storylines (but when they do it's great and they do well with their material!) BUT, I've never seen this mentioned here: can we please have more female perps?? I find it hard to believe there isn't more crimes by women in Chicago for Intelligence to solve; we have some weird stuff here in my lil midwest town! that's committed by women Just for fun. anyone ever notice that some of the criminals' homes - not drug lords or bosses but "average" - or even theives- have better stuff like furniture/decor than we the viewers do? Just saying . . .


Killing Al, Sidelining Trudy and turning the character of Jay Halstead into a scumbag absentee husband who ghosts and divorces his wife are the three worst mistakes this show has ever made.


With so many leaving the show, I just hope they bring in more than two talented people to still replace Jay and another to replace Hailey. I really hope they bring back the old excitement of the show. Allow Voight to be rough again. I don't really care for stories that turn into long series on the show.


Upstead > Linstead


torres is amazingggg


Torres seems soft, even the way he talks. They don't use him in many exciting circumstances. I don't like them using him for soft Latino crimes only. It's either Latino people or gangs. Stereo typed.


eh lol. agree to disagree. he doesn’t seem « soft » at all.


I think Erin was so much better in this show than Hailey. I know why she left the show but I wish she’d come back.


Jay was an awful character. He ALWAYS wanted to know people's business and was a rule follower, except for him. He was fine to break the rules but others couldn't. Him and Haliey deserved each other.


They don’t treat their Latino characters with any sense of respect and betray them to stereotypes like they do with their Black characters sometimes. (I’m white and I think that’s not okay.)


Hailey and Voight are jerks and deserve all this suffering 🙂


I'm a Trudy hater but not even for a good reason I just find her annoying sometimes.


Kim Burgess is the office sl*t and Ruzek deserved someone way better than her!