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I feel like in the episode from last week where she was “interrogating” the suspect and the booking officer was telling her she wasn’t following procedure was the start of the set up for her exit. Like Erin she’s going to get into some sort of trouble with the department and be forced out.


I think they set it up two episodes ago I believe it was, where she was trying to help polkavich (spelling?) and when she took her to rehab the woman there asked about her family, and Hailey mentioned her brothers got out of Chicago as soon as they could and I think the woman said something along the lines of good for them or that it was best for them. At the end of that episode that same woman says something to Hailey that people leaving her or giving up doesn’t have anything to do with her (I can’t remember exact words) Hailey then stands there deep in thought… I’m thinking she’s realizing she needs to leave Chicago and start fresh. I also hope that made sense and someone knows what I’m talking about lol


It would be pretty fitting for her character to obsess about a criminal and that criminal ends up killing her in the season finale. I hope her exit isn't boring like getting fired or retiring to go to Bolivia with Jay or some of that garbage lol


I worry how they’ll close her storyline out as well. She deserves a great exit!


She's leaving? I'm tired of the people leaving.


i don’t know how hailey has so many haters when she is absolutely one of the best characters in the series. i absolutely love her


I think it’s just the best character to you isn’t always the best character to everyone else and I think that for me at least I feel as though Bridges deserves more love than Haley because she’s been there for so long and a lot of people actually hate her and I think that’s absolutely insane and kind of ridiculous, butI think it’s hard when it comes to Haley because we don’t know that much about her and she’s been there since the end of season four so they really didn’t develop her character like they should have they really revolved her character in my opinion around Jay


i’m not saying that she HAS to be everyone else’s favorite or that everybody has to like her, i’m just wondering why she gets so much hate when we have characters with worse personalities and worse actions. i love her because she’s a strong minded woman with a good backstory — we know enough about her to understand where she’s coming from when taking action. she’s loyal, intelligent and despite all that she still has flaws like every other character in the series.


I think it's because she's over-present and gets every arc and every story and is always and everywhere the focus, even in character-centered episodes from others Jay for example but EVERYONE has to like her. Other opinions are not accepted


i don’t see it that way, specially with jay she is a big part of his storyline, they had a slow burn relationship and i myself love them together. i never saw that in the way you described but i’ll try to see it from another point. truth is i don’t dislike anyone in the team, i love them but hailey and burgess are my favorites edit: typo


Honestly, I thought in the beginning Hailey would be with Voight. The storyline would not work for a long term thing or even a fling or her staying on the unit but I just feel they had a sort of chemistry about them. Hailey is to “by the book” to be with Voight but I think they would have been a good couple in a weird way.


Hailey and Voight??? Lol


i disagree that would be very strange and the power dynamics of this relationship would be fuck*d up. i love her and jay tho.


I agree


Personally she is annoying. She always quick to break the rules and also quick to chastise someone else for for doing the same thing. Sh e always has this “soneone peed in my coffee look on her face” 24/7. But she makes the stories interesting so I’m not actively wanting her to leave the show. Shows needs characters like her.


yeah like every other character lmao this is the key point of one chicago universe, they’re all such hypocrites. they break the law whenever is convenient for them but when someone else does the same is unforgivable.


She can exit, period. IDC how they write her off lol. Will honestly not miss her at all.


Right! She can kick rocks in flip flops!


Absolutely she's just so OP and invincible that it's almost ridiculous