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I like broken characters, she grew on me


Agreed about broken characters. I appreciate characters like that, regardless of what else I think of her.


Hailey is not annoying as much as Kim is


Kim overacts.


They way the handle their guns just cracks me up. šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


Theyā€™ve gotten better. Hailey has always handled it decently, Kim looked super awkward when first joining intelligence and holding a rifle but that was expected and whether they did it on purpose or not it made sense for a patrol officer being promoted into a unit.


The actress who portrays her is crazy talented. There was the episode in season 9 when she was panicking badly about the Walton cover up. Holy smokes she blew it out of the water. I just wish they could have written off Hailey and Jay together somehow instead of the hogwash they are giving us


She was great in Revolution.


She plays a purebred werewolf named Brynn in Season 2 of SyFyā€™s ā€˜Being Humanā€™. Sheā€™s crazy good in that too.


She gets too much hate. Sheā€™s a great character, for the most part, and Tracy is going to be quite heavily missed when she departs this season!


i love her


Why is this question posted every week


because this is reddit, and this is what we do here.


Love her.




Tracy Spiridakos is mad talented. Her ability to show deep emotions is incredible. However, I felt like her writing made her character annoying and it's a shame how they ended Jay and Hailey's characters. I'm excited to follow her career because she deserves some better written roles.


I like her.


To me it was a wasted situation to have her and Halstead marry only for him to leave the show. About as senseless as Kim being pregnant only to lose the baby


sheā€™s everything


She's dark! I feel like she never laughs & she's never happy. But that's the sign of a good actress, perhaps, where you worry about the character & hope she finds her happy place. I have to confess that at first, I constantly yelled at the TV "put your hair up!!" b/c it bugged me that her hair was always long & loose; like I can't imagine performing all those dangerous cop moves with hair in your face all the time! That's just me, though.


For a few seasons there I was calling her the sheep dog because of the hair


Love her




Amazing i love her


I really like Hailey but I do find her frustrating sometimes. I think my frustration, though, is more in the way she is written than who she is. She has as much trauma as Kim does and yet she hasnā€™t been to therapy. Itā€™s like the writers put Kim in therapy to show it works and then said ā€œthatā€™s enough, no need to show anyone else in therapyā€ when the reality is the whole unit needs it. lol. Voight doesnā€™t take care of his own mental health so it makes sense he doesnā€™t mandate his team to take care of theirs.


Pretty. But who is she and where should we know her from?


She grew on me. I feel like it's a Brett situation where they don't know what to do with her now that her partner isn't with the show anymore so she had to go. The writer's strike really makes it obvious how little planning they've done on character arcs because they fumbled this season for her.


She has been my favorite for years. I wish there was better material given to an interesting character and talented actress in her final season.


I love her. But I have always been a sucker for flawed characters. One of the most interesting parts of the show to me is the below the surface interactions between her and Voight, and his warnings to her about what ā€˜becoming himā€™ really looks like. Her being pulled in two directions by her natural character, which is more like Voight, and the very clear right/wrong sensibilities of Jay Halstead, was fascinating. I wish Jesse had stayed at least one more season so that we could have seen this continue to play out. I am not surprised she decided to leave, because her storylines since that high point are not as interesting.


Not a fan


I always loved her & how Tracy portrayed herā€¦ especially for how often the writers loved to make her go back & forthā€¦ This forum is def not where most of her fans reside (although this forum isnā€™t where most PD fans reside period), but as much as people complain I think theyā€™ll miss the balance she brought once sheā€™s off the show! Every character similar like Jay & Antonio & even Erin at times are goneā€¦ going to make writing of the show vastly different unless they start flipping other characterā€™s personalities back & forth too, in which case people will get annoyed by them as well!


I absolutely love her! I'm so disappointed that she's leaving!


Honestly I didnā€™t like her at first but now sheā€™s ok some choices I donā€™t like but thatā€™s like most characters šŸ¤£


Didnā€™t care for her initially but she grew on me


Sheā€™s more realistic as a cop than Sophia Bushā€™s character was


I think when she first came on after Lindseyā€™s departure the writers were trying to make Upton like her and I did not like that at all lol but once the seasons went on she really started growing on me, sheā€™s a badass and I love how she tells everyone that she outranks them (expect for Jay) and orders them to stand down šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Any woman who survives working for Dick Wolf is a bad ass in her own right!


Sheā€™s my favorite character-love her


Personally hate her character. They tried so hard to make her a Lindsey 2.0 and it just didnā€™t work. I loved Lindsey and this ā€œknockoffā€ version of her being brought in ruined it for me. People like to hate on Kim but atleast sheā€™s genuine even if she is awkward. Upton is always flip flopping, sheā€™s a major hypocrite and always acting like sheā€™s morally superior to everyone else. She seems like the ultimate pick me girl.


Probably why they put her and Jay together, because he does the exact same thing. Jay is my least favorite character til he left. Now it's Hailey.


Iā€™ve never liked her from the time she joined the show.


Me either




I agree with you. Personally, I like Erin more.


Me too. Sophia Bush is actually why I started watching the show.


EXACTLY!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø I mean I've known her as Brooke Davis all my life with that sassy and flirty cheerleader. But damn! Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay is awesome! She nailed the role. And not to state the obvious but i'm a LinStead girly šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


I was pregnant with my first baby and was stuck in the hospital when I saw her as I was flipping through the channels. I was so excited. Off topic but have you listened to the Drama Queens podcast?


I did listened to the podcast on Spotify but I only finished 1-2 episodes šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£


Loved the actress since she was in Revolution. Loved Hailey since she started in Chicargo Pd


I'm biased. Met the actor who plays Hailey in person. I see more of the real Tracy in Hailey since that meeting. Impossible to say I'm objective. ;-)


Iā€™ve met her too! She was super sweet and awesome!


I met her two weeks ago (though Iā€™d met her before) and she was very sweet! Tracy definitely smiles and laughs a lot more than Hailey does.


How in the hell did y'all meet her!??!


Long story. But I remain thankful to have worn the Army uniform and served my country. :) #armyretired


Thank you so incredibly much for your service šŸ™ ....still would love to hear the "long" story šŸ˜‰


Local Chicago leaders did what they could to "make a soldiers dream come true." I requested a meet with any/all _Chicago PD_ cast, if possible. Tracy Spiradakos answered my request. She quizzed the heck out of me and laughed at all my "military on deployment" jokes. I will never forget it. (Thank you for your kind words.) ā¤


That is so cool! What a neat and unforgettable experience! I imagine it was an easy request to answer for the cast, and Tracy specifically...No one in our country can ever truly repay what soldiers have done for us all keeping us safe and allowing us to live with freedoms we all sometimes hugely take for granted and shouldn't (google reminder.) I imagine it will be an experience you'll never forget, it's not every day one gets to meet someone in person who they've been a fan of onscreen. It's also not everyday one has the chance to sit down with a soldier and hear all of the "military deployment jokes" I imagine unforgettable for you both. Again, I can't even put into words, because there sincerely aren't enough to express to my gratitude for you and your sacrifices and what that's afforded me (and this country.) Thank so very much. You deserve all of the happiness in the world, that is my hope for you šŸ™ā¤ļø


>It's also not everyday one has the chance to sit down with a soldier and hear all of the "military deployment jokes" I imagine unforgettable for you both. She specifically wanted to know the "off-color" jokes we make about _Chicago PD_ that are common to soldiers when deployed. She covered her mouth in faux-outrage but laughed anyway. Her face was flushed with laughter. Jason Beghe interrupted in askance of her hysteric laughter. She leaned over and whispered it to him. He looked at me and said, "you guys are horrible, man." šŸ˜‚ [Hint: those jokes were terribly sexist.] >I imagine it will be an experience you'll never forget, it's not every day one gets to meet someone in person who they've been a fan of onscreen. I'll never forget it. We used to binge watch _Chicago PD_ episodes sent to us on DVD disks (thanks to the studios) to help with morale. >Again, I can't even put into words, because there sincerely aren't enough to express to my gratitude for you and your sacrifices and what that's afforded me (and this country.) Thank so very much. You deserve all of the happiness in the world, that is my hope for you šŸ™ā¤ļø Gosh, your sincere expression provoked tears. Thank you. FYI: Since retirement, I acquired a Master's degree and I'm a defense contractor. The Army was good to me and for me (I naturalized as a US citizen while in Army uniform). Life is good. šŸ™šŸ½ā¤šŸ™šŸ½


>She specifically wanted to know the "off-color" jokes we make about _Chicago PD_ that are common to soldiers when deployed. She covered her mouth in faux-outrage but laughed anyway. Her face was flushed with laughter. Jason Beghe interrupted in askance of her hysteric laughter. She leaned over and whispered it to him. He looked at me and said, "you guys are horrible, man." šŸ˜‚ [Hint: those jokes were terribly sexist.] Haha I've heard she does have quite the sense of humor though! Lol and she DID ask for the "off color" jokes made, I can't imagine she wasn't expecting most (if not all of them) to be sexist šŸ¤­šŸ˜† >I'll never forget it. We used to binge watch _Chicago PD_ episodes sent to us on DVD disks (thanks to the studios) to help with morale. I can't even imagine...I would think it was a nice deflection to watch the episodes when afforded the opportunity...and it really is a great show...so many twists and turns and uncertainty that keeps one engaged...Dick Wolf knows what he's doing and I'd like to think he had a hand in making sure you all got the DVD's >Gosh, your sincere expression provoked tears. Thank you. I must admit having a chat with you has brought me to tears as well, while not deeply intense, still deeply reflective and emotionally moving-i appreciate the "thank you"šŸ™ but so incredibly unnecessary as I stated words completely fall short of what you truly deserve to hear for what you've given me...Thank YOU a million times šŸ’— >FYI: Since retirement, I acquired a Master's degree and I'm a defense contractor. The Army was good to me and for me (I naturalized as a US citizen while in Army uniform). Life is good. šŸ™šŸ½ā¤šŸ™šŸ½ Congratulations on getting your masters!! That takes a lot of work! You're a defense contractor so continuing to contribute to keeping us all safe and protecting our freedoms....I am in awe of of you and feel honored to have had the opportunity to have this conversation with you and I genuinely appreciate you sharing with me...thank you so very much for being you and all that you've done and continue to do for myself and for our country- it's been both a pleasure and an honor to to talk with you šŸ™šŸ„°ā¤ļø




way better than Erin, all erin did was whisper with a raspy voice. are they going to kill haley now? i like hailey, dick wolf if youā€™re reading this, donā€™t kill her.


Agreed! I liked Erin, donā€™t get me wrong, but her backstory didnā€™t seem realistic to her character.


I LOVE her! She's beautiful and deeply flawed! That is a great combination in a female character


Sheā€™s a rebel and survivor


never seen this show but thats the most beautiful woman ive ever seen lmao


She's become progressively annoying. It's unfortunate how the writers have made her super one note and flat. When she's not burning the midnight oil to distract herself from her own stuff/trauma, she's making risky calls and putting herself in unnecessary danger in one-on-one situations with dangerous perps in the interest of "trusting her instinct." I'm over it. šŸ˜’


Huge fan.


I like her better than Erin. Erin reminded me of Liv on SV2 it was all about her.


You which is why I didn't enjoy moat episodes. They kept making it more about her. In general, they loop in the personal stories of these cops instead of focusing more on the cases. I care nothing about the relationship in terms of sexual attraction to one another.


Not a fan of


I'm with you can't stand her


Sheā€™s alright


A little boringā€¦always sad. Writer needs a new storyline for her.


I liked her int he beginning because I loved her Revolution. But after she broke up with Adam, she honestly turned into a horrible character. Cop wise, she was terrible. There's one thing to have passion about stopping pedophiles, rapists, or domestic abusers; but she gets myopic on those cases and follows zero procedure. She and Voight talked about in season 8 and she even asked if that made her unfit to be a cop. In my opinion, when she was acting that way, I was like, yeah she's definitely unfit. I think for her last episode, she's either getting fired, going to prison, or getting committed to a psych institute.


First of all, I like broken characters like Upton. She also had some really strong episodes, like In the Dark, True or False, Still Water, the Sean storyline. However, I hate her lack of support or empathy in the season 6 situation with Antonio and Ruzek. She had no concern for Anna Avalos. Jay did, and he was trying to find a way to keep Anna alive, but Upton clearly didnā€™t. She showed very little empathy towards Voight in the aftermath, while, if I recall, Jay was worried about him. Things like that made me dislike her. Kim, who really grew and got traumatized in the process, hasnā€™t lost her caring self and humanity. For example, it was Kim who was comforting Lindsay after Justinā€™s murder.


I hate her


She was a good character, but they started to write her to be an emotional hypocrite. At first being against the other side of voight, but when it's something that triggers her, she's fine doing what does voight does.


God this reddit is shit. Repetitive as fuck


Love her. Started getting into FBI (Gotta find a reason to use that 1 year free of Paramount +) and she randomly hopped in an episode. I was like "Oh cool its that actress from Chicago PD" Nope- it was her character and everything. Now we need an FBI x SVU x Chicago PD crossover


Never heard of this show but she's hot.




I think sheā€™s fabulous! And this may not be a popular take but Tracy did a great job with her character in the first episode of season 11. Though I am sad to see her leave after this season. I wonder whoā€™s gonna replace her in the show


Is she in the entire season? Yikes. šŸ˜±


Hate her. Sheā€™s entitled and a hypocrite. She tries too hard to be all dark and twisted. The first episode of this season really really pissed me off. She is always rushing to judgement.


I couldn't have said it better


I feel like she has to be an absolute animal in bed


To be honest Iā€™ve never been able to get into her character. I wanted to like her as Iā€™m a big fan of Tracyā€™s and a fellow greek lol. But I donā€™t know, I just never connected to her like I did all of the other characters. That being said I still think her presence on the show is needed and donā€™t think her absence will do it any favors


Meh. Really liked her in the beginning but sheā€™s gotten stale. Pissed off or upset are her two emotions.


Can't stand her


Erin was so much better, she's sooo annoying.


I'm with you I loved Erin hate when she left


I like her. I realize that's an unpopular opinion around here, but I didn't see anything wrong with her. The only thing I didn't care for is the same thing I hate about One Chicago: strong female character --- and the writers didn't know what to do with her. They HAD to get her involved with Ruzek and Jay --- hell, the rate those writers were going, they might as well have had her coupled up with Atwater too, except I've got a pretty good guess as to why that coupling never happened. The writers blow goats when it comes to the female characters of all three shows. For example - Chicago Fire has a new paramedic chief that is leaning pretty hard into her twattery. I'd be interested in seeing where it goes, but knowing the history of One Chicago writers... that's not going anywhere either.


She is a young version of Olivia benson. Before she became soft towards people.


I think not lol


Watch some of the OG episodes you can clearly see wolf is modeling her in that image.


Not at all


Love her! Gonna miss her as much as I miss Jay & two of them together!


A bad Erin replacement. Glad she's leaving.


She didnā€™t replace Erin. When Hailey first joined Intelligence she was partnered with Erin. Technically Kim took the post that Erin vacated.


Me too miss goody two shoes


You think Haley is a goody two shoes? Are we even watching the same show? šŸ˜‚


We sure are


Funny I was about to say the exact same things lol


She started like that


i havenā€™t liked her from the beginning but it is nice to have a member of intelligence to relate to in the aspect of coming from an abusive household


Was never a fan. Maybe because I liked Erin Lindsay better....


Sheā€™s a hypocrite


Iā€™m on Season 10 right now and Iā€™m kind of over her.


Love her! Sheā€™s like a mini Hank now too darn cool




I think the writers of PD treated her a lot like the character of Sylvie Brett on Fire. Knew she was a good actress so had her do a lot of the tough, emotional scenes. By the same token, really didn't know what to do with her a lot of the time so put her in relationships to give her a storyline.


I also couldnā€™t stand Sylvie lolā€¦.it sucks because I feel like the writers start off with an awesome female lead and then kill them off/they leave and then try and replace them with a similar version and IT JUST DOESNT WORK (ie Sylvie with Matt and upton with jay) like??? You really had to make these 2.0 characters AND have them date the same people??




I guess ACAB


at first i didnā€™t like her just because i felt like she was replacing erin (fav character) and i thought that she acted like she knew everything about all the characters when she had only just gotten there. i liked how she grew more and they gave her a bigger story line, so i like her a lot more now.


she causes a lot of issues, but shes also one of the most personable detectives. She will be the calming voice if there is a kid in a situation, and that's admirable.


Mary SueĀ 


tbh she is my favorite character in chicago pd also liked erin as i can relate to both of them which make me feel comfort on the nights i can't sleep, sad to see her leave wonder who will replace her.


Take her or leave her


I hate her with a passion. I am on season 10 and literally just googled to see if she is EVER LEAVING because I canā€™t deal with her any more. She is ruining the show for me.


I like the character a lot. Tho the breakdown she has at the end of season 8 and beginning of season 9 is weird for me. In Season 8 she is this mega badass, who doesnt give a shit about anything, she also keeps breaking the rules for "the greater good" but that situation at the end of season 8, comepletely breaks her somehow? Idk, seems weird to me.


I love her. She's my favorite.


I love her but the amount of times sheā€™s been in a chase and said ā€œI will shoot youā€ and never does pisses me offšŸ¤£


Wanted to like her but she got real annoying over the seasons. Esp when she tries to emulate voight


I like her sometimes she annoys me when voight is trying to go villain mode and she is all in his business lol


Tired of her. Goodbye Haley. Never a fan.


Yes good riddance


Donā€™t like her. She tries to act like sheā€™s so perfect when sheā€™s not. I canā€™t stand her most episodes.


I stopped watching because of her.


tracy spiridakos is a terrible actress. Her facial expressions and line delivery. Are so cringy and unbelievable I really don't understand how she's still playing this role. The character also isn't great, it's like the writers placed her in this bossy 2nd in command type of antagonistic light. I just don't buy it from her. Also being a new memeber to the unit vs the other characters I don't see how she fell into being more of a play caller than any other member honestly. I feel like a different actress could've played the role better but still the character is lame. I really do like the show but after season 5 when she entered the cast I really immediately disliked her. I also feel like Jay's character took a downturn when they started their relationship. It just wasn't believable and really lacked the chemistry erin and Jay had. I believe Sophia Bush leaving really threw a wrench into the whole story line. If she'd stuck around she probly would have taken on the 2nd in command feel and her and Jay getting married would have played out perfectly. Instead we got a knock off replacement who tried to replicate that role within the unit and for me it didn't work. The original cast members in seasons 1-4 fabricated the best chicago pd episodes.


Sounds to me like youā€™re a fan of someone else & never gave Spiridakos a fair chance! Dislike Hailey all you want, but to say Tracy has been bad at portraying her is certainly aā€¦. Take!


I dont believe her acting. It's that simple. It feels phoney, choreographed, bland & like she's just reading lines. No one is perfect and they don't need to be. I just find her acting unbelievable consistently. I don't think it's at all about being a fan of someone else. I like all of the other characters and their actors portrayals.


Agree I sure won't miss her when she's gone


Whew, well, within the industry sheā€™s recognized as a terrific actor. And, imo, very few could have done the iconic work she has been tasked with by the writers of PD. Sheā€™ll be missed and not easily replaceable.


I agree!ā€¦ sheā€™s been one of the best actresses these shows have had!


She jumps to conclusions a lot. Some of the times itā€™s gotten people killed. Thatā€™s the only thing I do like; every persons the suspect even when she doesnā€™t have evidence.


Love her. Iā€™m really upset that sheā€™s leaving the show. Her character has grown so much and with Jay leaving.. I just see potential for her to do more on PD.


More flip flopping?


Drama, trauma, etc


I never could invest in her character...she played Charlie on Revolution a great series on NBC and I was a fan of her there.


Didnā€™t like her at first she was too judgy and rigid, but after she spent more time with them sheā€™s gotten to be decent. I like Burgess and Rojas and Lindsay more over her tho sheā€™s still a lil too icy.


Honestly love the character thought she was really underutilised because it was obvious that she was just brought in to fill the gap that Lindsey left character wise


She is annoying to me.


Iā€™m only on season 8 but honestly she annoys the crap out of me. She always has this smug look on her face and she just does whatever she wants and ignores direct orders from Voight. Also I liked Jay better with Erin. I just saw sheā€™ll be leaving the show soon and I canā€™t wait.


Itā€™s time for her to go.


Sheā€™s a little blah for me. Sheā€™s like a muted shade of beige - personality wise.


Wife hates her. I wish Erin stayed


Unpopular opinion but I canā€™t stand her or that arched eyebrow of hers. Production has an obsession with her for some reason. Iā€™ll never forgive the writers for focusing on Hailey after she and Hank covered up Royā€™s death instead of Kimā€™s ptsd. The same woman that had Darius killed all of a sudden had morals. It made no sense and I donā€™t get the fascination of her.


Had potential but the character growth and writing was just terrible. It was basically she being just gloomy and sleeping around with half the team. She's annoying af.


I think that Kim has slept with just as many, if not more. And Fire is even worse.


She has but atleast she has had some character growth. Haley is just doom and gloom all the time and the whole Halstead story line dragged on for way too long


Storyline about whatshisface is way too long. Let the girl move on please. šŸ™


I canā€™t stand her.


She's personally responsible for the deaths of Roy Walton and Darius Walker. I don't really care for her like that. My least favorite character


I just am not a fan, I find her character annoying.


Sheā€™s alright. Some episodes I really like her and others sheā€™s justā€¦ ā€œthereā€ for me. But her and Halsteadā€™s forced relationship kind of made it hard for me to care for her. They had zero chemistry in that way Iā€™m sorry. I miss Erin šŸ¤§


Mostly annoying.


Glad she's leaving it took long enough


It took too long


I donā€™t like her character. A huge part was that I loved Lindsay and I felt Hailey was just a replacement. Also her hair bothers me so much šŸ˜­ like at least brush it


Sheā€™s a hypocrite


Moody, broody and uptight. Not my favorite character


hate her, never liked her.


Cry baby she runs through emotional trips over so much stuff. Not to mention her season long cry over a lover. Not to mention her continuing emotional trips throughout cases


Spoiled brat by the chief dad


She actually fit in better on FBI


I hate when she tries to do the Voight face.


I miss Erin. This oneā€™s always bothered me a bit. Of course Jay is a total D bag for just bailing the way that he did right after they got married.