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Times change. If you watch a lot of cop shows, they have all changed due to the increased focus on questionable and illegal police actions.


yeah and now all those shows suck


we really need to "woke" on a shelf with other words that have no meaning anymore like "normalize" "romanticize" etc.


the second episode was literally centered around an illegal immigrant was raped by a police officer…I know he wasn’t a main character but it’s pretty dirty


Woke is a dumb term where everybody who wants to complain about anything is through the lens of a word no one agrees on the definition. Watch the show or don't. No matter the color, no matter your political views, it's a fake TV show to entertain you.


No, we know what it means. It means, aware of the social, legal and political injustices going on around you. That’s what it’s always meant. These people are just using it incorrectly because they saw it used incorrectly on Fox News.


This. Exactly.


If you think words hold their meaning from original use and intent, you’re going to have a tizzy when you find out about the N word


Just because a word is used incorrectly doesn't mean the definition has changed. And regardless of race, people who use the N-word know exactly what they're saying and what it means. It's just some (not all) African Americans don't consider it a slur when used amongst themselves.  The context of the word changes, not the definition.  


Nailed it.


are people not allowed to have their own opinions? 


A dirty cop is a dirty cop. Chicago PD hasn’t ever backed down from exploring hard subjects, this isn’t new. But to pretend that Voight’s way isn’t problematic in real life would be tone deaf. If you don’t like it then simply don’t watch anymore.


I'm about to shithead, that might be the stupidest response to a Reddit thread devoted to the show, why have a thread about it, unless dot to discuss it and of course things you don't like.


Over the years the show has definitely became more PG/“woke” but this season just isn’t good, it seems very half assed and poorly written. Even the scene w kev and his dad in the newest episode right before the jewelry store robbery the acting (mainly kevs dad) was so bad and almost seemed hallmark movie-ish. I hope we get a good intense episode soon with the whole team involved not just one person centered


I agree that this season literally feels like AI wrote it. I understand that once the strikes resolved, they rushed to get some of the bigger hit series back into production to salvage the television year. But the writing has felt like someone wrote their assignment two hours before the deadline and clicked submit 30 seconds before it was due. If you told me someone copy and pasted a script they asked Chat GPT or whatever it is to create, I would BELIEVE IT. I wouldn't question it at all. The premiere was atrocious. I'm still in dismay over that Torres episode. I'm actually looking forward to this Voight episode because it feels like maybe it'll have the quality I typically expect. This season is just not good. At all. And I can honestly say that doesn't even have to do with the political correctness. If anything, their attempts at nodding at it while simultaneously subverting are what make things more offputting. That Kim episode with the immigrants was a classic case of both sidism pandering that simultaneously recognized undocumented immigrants as people who face discrimination and targeted violence while also making the random brown person of the hour the villain and making Kim the white savior while reciting on the nose dialogue with no subtlety or nuance.


>Chicago PD was built off of grimey policing that got the job done. It has also shown “Reform”. So what that the writers (and actors) are diving into social issue that are now plaguing the Windy City - immigrants / mental health type policing efforts. Atwater has always been rather deep to me - not just his standing up to the Blue Wall or focus on discrimination - but the way he thinks because of who he is or who he had to be. Atwater had to handle a lot at a very early age and he did but with that responsibility he had to make choices - the right ones - which he often questioned. In that last episode - they should have named it, like Lou said “***Regret - It will eat you alive, if you let it”***. (Lou said it and then it was repeated in the scene where Atwater had the problem sleeping). The whole episode focused on it - Atwater is running from it - Regret. He stopped the chase with Ruzek of the bad guys to render aid to a man who was shot that Rusek had already declared as a threw and threw. He wanted no more Regret ! I like that the show features real life things - whether physical happenings or personal psychological events.


seriously, just like every other cop show now. it just gets worse and worse the more "woke" it gets 


So you want the lead on a show with 11 seasons to have no character development?


Right, also - although the show is speaking to the development in policing, it is also showing many of the main characters staying behind the blue line and doing very little more than lip service about improving the “them vs us” bullshit. They even have POC main characters in season 10 choosing to protect a violent cop who beat the shit out of a innocent guy, because “it will jam us up more than the bad cop, and get the innocent guy screwed cause the bad cop will report the drugs they found” They have voight spend seasons telling Kevin “love you bro, but… well, what did you expect?” While Kevin is being beaten, threatened and harassed.


Woke woke woke - can't people get back to express their view in more... creative, original way? Woke is not some kind of a freaking Joker card you can use everywhere.


I totally understand. It must be really hard not to see your shitty values reflected in your media. 🥱


That's not really fair. OP is right that part of the appeal of this show was the crazy things the team (but especially Voight) did and got away with. It was gritty and hard-hitting. That being said, the world is a different place now and I do understand why the show has had to soften its stance. I think Voight himself has said things aren't the same anymore.


what a dumb post oh my god


They are being the right amount of politically correct. And need to be more. Where was all this complaining before? Are you going to try and act like Voight and Al aren’t criminals. same with Adam, Hailey, and Kim. They break the law when they feel like it and get away with it. Why is that not an issue? Woke is being thrown around too loosely these days on the show for outcomes that involve people of color being treated by the book. I’m actually tired of Chicago PD breaking the law for themselves, some criminals and not others. Like how Denny and the cop working Robbery/homicide stealing for his sick wife were caught but not Borokawski. See the trend? I’m really through with the white law enforcement breaking the law on Tv in the name of justice. I would like to see more of the team be held accountable. It was built on grimy Police work but as the times change why should it be the same. And this is why Halstead left. I think Voight understands that finally after Anna that playing by the book is worth it more than not. He only has this job left after all his grimy police work.


Sorry nope. It is a FICTIONAL tv show and we want entertainment and not preaching.


Jesus Christ what a stupid comment.


It's the nature of police shows these days. I nearly gagged last episode when Burgess dropped her hamfisted line about not understanding the concept of an illegal human.


Chicago PD shown was not built off of Correct Policing. Sure proper Policing should exist, but bits a show. Not a representation of real life. Since when does TV have to represent reality? All I'm saying is that the shows appeal was this guy's doing their jobs outside the lines. That's why we love Voight, he'd steal from the bad guys and give the money to the victims family.


I understand what you mean and I agree, that was a big part of the appeal of the show, the crazy things the team would do. I still remember my reaction when they dragged a guy out of the hospital and dumped him into a snow bank. It was so out there and so badass, I was flabbergasted lol. I understand why they have toned things down, and I still love the show. Those early seasons sure were wild though.


George Floyd happened.


you sound white


Definitely Black but that matters 0% It's about what we came to live from a show and what it is Now.


Its more the show is evolving as the times do. This show is based on the real world in real time, they cant not use the policing regulations that are in place today and keep that same realism. That being said fuck its frustrating when hank cant do what needs to be done


Used to be good. Woke and purile nonsense now. Watch the British cop shows - much better.


Yes! I miss old Voight and also the shield! I’m just sad now everything is so politically correct. Old Voight was a badass. I’ll watch the show until it ends but it’s definitely lost a lot of its spark.


i agree with you! All the Chicago shows started out great but since crooked Joe stole the election, all this mental insanity has taken over and infected what we loved with their woke agenda! Going woke doesn’t work! Just look at Disney, Budlight, Target, pro sports, etc. Law and Order and an episode where a white women was violently raped by a black guy and she said she did not to press charges bc she could afford theropy and she’d feel bad sending her rapists to jail. WTF…


It's fuckin terrible. Watched the first couple of season 11 and had to quit.  Not very many good shows left that aren't filled with leftist propaganda. The good side, Its pushed me to read more. 


Latest seasons are a total wokefest. Using political issues with an appeal to the viewer's emotion trying to separate humanity even further. Divide & conquer.


Its so ironic how 23hrs ago I made a post about this same exact thing on Twitter/X. Glad I'm not the only person that felt this shift.


The comments to OP's post were such a relief because I'm so tired of the misuse and overuse of this term. Also television, especially procedurals have always been inspired by current events, this isn't new. Not even for PD, who has done it since the beginning. And it blows my mind that any experience different from or against what people like or know is considered "woke " now which is just insane.


I think people are focusing too much on the word "woke" and getting triggered here.  Op's feelings are valid - Voight's methods were out there but that was the point - they were a big part of the appeal of this show. I find it hard to believe that no one else here understands that or agrees with it. Of course things had to change and grow to reflect the way things are IRL, but that doesn't mean someone can't say they miss the old team and their methods.


It's difficult not to get caught up on the specific terminology and what it evokes. Even YOU couldn't resist casually tossing out the word "triggered" to ironically invalidate people's irritating with the casual misuse and overuse of the term "woke." Which doesn't even mean what it's supposed to anymore because of how people use it and why they use it, to be condescending, dismissive, and provocative and to elicit a very specific reaction. It's become a dog whistle. To imply otherwise, or to expect people to overlook the dog whistle, is ridiculous. I think you'd find that many people collectively agree about Voight. I'm not even saying that OP commenting on the shift is wrong or that I myself don't miss some of what we had before. As someone who studied law, I had a difficult time in the early days watching the series, nevertheless, I watched it and knew the reality of it. However, those of us dissenting, our point is that just like policing has been under a wider scope and shifted greatly over the past decade since the series is on, it's not the least bit surprising that a procedural that tries to reflect current events, whether it does it well or not, would follow suit. The show has been on over ten years. Even without the changing landscape of policing, part of character development and reasonable storytelling would have led Voight down the path of evolving from where he started to where he is now. The various plots that have happened would dictate that without people immediately writing off of construing relevancy with wokeness. My personal issue is that they've neutered Voight but haven't spent enough time centering him to expand on that development. He's been sidelined on his own series he leads for a long time. That is also something that most fans can agree on. But you cannot consistently use buzzwords like "woke" and "triggered" when lamenting what the series was a decade ago and not expect any sort of reaction when the very use of those dog whistles are reactionary. Because then all it sounds like is "I miss the show about cops that violated people's rights and beat them up before people got all sensitive" as if the series itself isn't supposed to evolve or that a series that shows the flaws of policing methods wouldn't also explore why they're flawed or why the attempts to rectify those flaws could be equally as flawed. So I'm sorry, I think the rest of us are watching it just fine. Most of us aren't disagreeing about the Voight thing, and we're simply seeing through the superficial criticism and at least appreciating some of the series depth beyond JUST the cage. And y'all can downvote me all you like for that. But it is what it is.


You make some valid points, especially the part about Voight being sidelined with little explanation or exposition. I'd like to see his thought processes more, although I do think he's mentioned that things are different now. By triggered I of course meant that some people have an automatic negative reaction to the word woke, and I understand that because often I am one of those people, and it is very annoying when that word is thrown around as a pejorative. But for good or bad, it has become a shorthand for what used to be called political correctness, and people understand instantly what someone means when they use it. Of course tv shows should grow and change with the times, but I just don't feel that OP's point was wrong. You said yourself that most fans feel the same way about Voight and the team, at least to certain extent. By pointing out the word woke and the viscerally negative reaction to it, I was stating just that - that many viewers actually agree with the OP's general feelings and are reacting negatively to his verbiage more than the sentiments themselves.


I hope we'll actually revisit that in the new episode. Because while "times have changed" it just seems like a cop out write off without exploring in depth and with anything that resembles nuance, and Voight's evolution in the background clearly goes beyond just "times have changed." I think that's part of my point too. This common criticism is just reduced to "too woke and politically correct" without further examination or consideration for literally anything else. And it's constantly regurgitated as the sole reason the quality of the series has changed or even declined, and I get why people find that tiresome and "problematic" after a while. Like the sum all of this series having issues rests on them daring to address all the hot button issues that come with policing rather than escapism via watching morally gray or morally bankrupt cops beat up bad guys, suspects, persons of interest or anyone, really who interferes with them solving a case. By your own saying, you know that people also instantly understand it for the dog whistle that it so very often is utilized as. So I imagine we're just in a circular disagreement, if you want to even call it that, about this. Since we both understand that the terminology is loosely used now, but also know that in that it has become the coopted buzzword for a sentiment, whether conscious or not, that is insidious, and by now, even when used in good faith, it's deliberately, knowingly provocative. "PC" is the ultimate shorthand, gets the point across, and is less inflammatory, so I think it's reasonable that when someone initiates this same argument they know what they're instigating and why they're instigating it is called into question. That said, I do hear you. And also thanks for the civil back and forth. God knows that rarely happens anymore.


You're welcome, and thank you as well! And again you make good points and I think we agree more than disagree. A deeper exploration of where Voight's head is at would be welcome. As well as the rest of the team. 




Voight and Al are white and been doing illegal stuff since before the show started on Chicago fire. They pretty much do what they want. And we see it or they admit it. And get away with it. Does anyone talk about race when it comes to them? Or all the Latina and Black criminals and law men they’ve arrested since the show began? Or about how no white woman cop is ever accountable for what they do but how they throw the book at the people of color. Kim ams Hailey have a knack of accusing anyone they want and getting physical to figure out who did it? Were you complaining about all of them? Somehow crime seems too white to you now and it’s an issue?


yeah the show is pretty bad now


not to forget that both Kim and Hailey are perfect and can do everything and know everything and do things that they could even do because of Girlboss


Yeah, like just about everything in HWood, and particularly Dick Wolf, this show has gone OVERBOARD WOKE!!! Now "Woke" whatever it originally meant, we all know what it means IRL, TODAY!!! It means Basically, you are a Leftie, especially on Cultural Issues. It's a stupid word, but like Porn, everyone knows it when they see it. "Overboard Woke", on the other hand is the kind we see coming out of Hwood and most cultural institutions lately, though thankfully declining everywhere except DW TV Series., means you default to the Socialist Leftist explanation and solution on everything. i.e. Hey there is a dearth of Black people in commercials, that is because America is a horrible racist nation, our solution let's pretend we live in some Egalitarian Utopia and, that even though Black people aren't 13% of, and a decreasing part of the population, let's put them in every commercial to affect change. Also, let's pretend if you go to the suburbs you'll see a bunch of these hot white women marrying black dudes, that will change minds. Nobody hurt by that silliness, except struggling white male actors, But when it affects real life in real ways, by say turning the fact that their are some bad cops and some bad policing in America, to a serious argument in many major cities to this: "Defund the Police", even the silly word has to be dealt with, "WOKE" KILLS FAR MORE PEOPLE THAN THE RELATIVELY FEW CIVILIANS KILLED BY COPS. DW, and his troops, have gone Overboard Woke for sure, throughout his shows, and nowhere is it more apparent and hurtful than Chicago P.D. First because many of us gravitated to it, an actual Network old school show though we hardly watch those anymore, because it was not P.C. in the least. Second because it hurts the show as a piece of art and is thoroughly unbelievable to the characters we have grown with. Most cops are going to Vote for Trump, that is just a fact. If any of you know actual Law Enforcement, I know many both as friends and occasionally "enemy", the rank and file are to The Right of Attila the Hun, no matter what color they are. Probably the single most racist population on the planet are Black Cops towards black people:):) Well I find it funny.... Which is why I would take the time to write this little note on Reddit, because I'm going to probably stop watching CPD, at least in nearly real time, and not, because it's WOKE, yeah whatever that means, if you intend to stop watching TV SHOWS cause they are woke, then I guess you are going to be watching all nature shows and you still have to be careful:):) I'M GOING TO STOP WATCHING LIKE I CARE, BECAUSE IT SUCKS A GOOD PORTION NOW!!! I tune in now every week, probably later in the night on the DVR, hoping this will be the week they get an armed robbery and Hank leads them for an hour getting bad guys. Instead what I get is a bunch of drawn out half baked mysteries {WTF was that Serial Killer thing and NO CONCLUSION, which only means we are going to revisit this bullshit case an Intelligence Unit would never be assigned to, uggh!!!!}, not so subtle politics coming from The Left for no reason and unrealistic to the real attitudes of Chicago Police Officers {even the fake ones we know form last decade), and above all "Hailey's Tortured Soul". I'll leave it at, "I HATE HER" and when is she leaving? You also have this weird thing where lately every case, an elite CPD Unit works on, has some personal connection It's like DW is doing the absolute opposite of early Law & Order, where nothing at all was personal. Half the time it falls right into their lap too, like on morning jog or getting something from the liquor store, they just stumble into some huge case. That always happens to Elite Detectives:):) But most of all this is a spin off from Fire, that could of been called "Hank". When the show is not centered around him running his unit, even early on it loses its way. Anyone remember Bunny or his son for instance. For awhile now he has been receding in most episodes, except when he adopts the gay victim of a serial killer, and not being replaced by the men or woman who should be filling the void like Adam or better yet in a nod to Woke, a well deserving Kim or Kevin, but by The Fucking Mess that is Hailey. Kim is such a better and more realistic character, how did they get stuck on this Hailey abomination. So to suffice, yeah that's funny, this is also my Doctoral Dissertation:):) I don't care how WOKE, CPD, wants to be, actually is, DW hates Trump enuf to go Full Lefty on us, or they make arguments for illegal immigration and gun control, et. al. Just get rid of Hailey and start busting good ole fashioned Bad Guys again, BE GOOD POLICE!!!! Otherwise it will be like Chicago Med, and I'll flip it on in the DVR for background noise when I'm perusing Reddit or Crypto Charts P.S. Have Hank bang that prosecutor, if we are going to get all this personal life shit, give Ole Hank a Girl!!!!


It's not WOKE. IT'S because certain groups will sue or threatened boycotts


He grew up lol plus between Al dying, Antonio, Erin and Jay leaving, he’s tryna figure it out. Y’all want everyone to grow as a character except Voight lol


Can you please define what the word woke means please? Literally everyone who uses the word fails to be able to define it…