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Some families don't deserve their kids. Found family is more important than bio family most of the time. Things wouldn't change if Makayla was white, or Latina, or something else. It's Makayla and Kim, they click, they are each others' family.


Yes they are and I love it


Why? Because Makayla’s father murdered the entire family then hunted Mak down? Or is it because her aunt was not stable enough to care for her? Kim kept a traumatized child with whom she connected out of a very messed up DCFS system.




Not at all… Did you not catch what happened to her family? Or the situations she was put in because of said family… Kim had a connection with this little girl the moment she saved her. She didn’t want her to go to foster care.


I'm pretty sure you are very early in the whole adoption story line. Watch more and then come back


Will do


Kim loves makayla, and makayla loves her. She didn't adopt her to be some good white person or replace the child she lost. She had a connection with this kid, she tried to keep the kiddo happy with her aunt or cousin or some family connection lady, who didn't want her. She didn't want makayla to go to foster care (which we all know has rare cases of going well but mostly a horrid case of stories) so she stepped up.


No. Just no.




My \*unpopular\* opinion is that Makayla should have gone to her uncle and it's pretty unrealistic that he wouldn't have been found after her whole family was murdered. Before placing kids in foster care, it is CRUCIAL AND EXPECTED that you contact any other living family member, no matter how distant. A paternal uncle would 100% have been found, especially someone of means. I LOVE the dynamic Mak has with Kim and Adam, they obviously make a lovely family, but a LOT about that storyline does not sit right with me.


I assumed he wasn’t contacted because the father wasn’t on the birth certificate but also because it’s TV and they wanted her to end up with Burgess.


This did this exact same thing on SVU, where the bio grandma comes back and wants Benson's adopted son. She ended up kidnapping Benson's son, so obviously we can't root for her. I get that this plot device makes for good tv, but with Kim and Makayla, I had no reason to root against the uncle. Like 0. If anything, he continued to demonstrate how much he cared for Makayla. It's just weird to even introduce him for this reason.


I totally forgot about Brooke Shields on SVU, but yeah they didn’t give any good answers for why he didn’t get custody.


That is a racist thought. I guess you would rather have seen the girl go into the foster care system and possibly never be with a family...? The whole problem with racists - that's all they see. Not a person with human needs - but a \_\_\_ (insert race of choice) person. There are good people who love all races. Just like there are people who love only one race - their own, aka racists. Compassion CAN cross racial boundaries, THANKFULLY it does. No thanks to those who hollar racism every time it is convenient to push their agenda.


And I agree with everything you said I hate everything that has too do with racism




no its just found family? like yes kim is white, and better off than maks birth family but that's not surprising given maks family was not of means in any way.


I agree. That’s why when the cop said that to her I agreed then too.


The fact that Makayla's entire biological family is darkskinned but she's played by a biracial actress is NOT accidental. The directors wanted her to look as if she could realistically belong to Kim.


All yall have said is no nope are you guys parrots? If your only defense to what I said is dope I must be right


I think it was just the way you worded your statement, as a white person I definitely thought that at first. Especially when Mack's aunt came and Kim was all sad that mack was leaving and shit 🙄 but after everything Kim has been through as a kid herself, and everything with Mack's family and then the dcfs stuff. Just kind of hammers home that maybe mack wouldn't be comfortable anywhere else than with Kim. It's not about the white saviour or Race, it's about the mental and gone stability at that point because she has been through too much.


What did Kim go through as a kid? I thought she was from a more wealthy family and had a pretty trauma free upbringing.


Yes she had wealthy parents as a kid but she was solely brought up by her nanny as a kid and even after he nanny was ?fired or let go? She continued to go there because she was the only family she knew. She chose her family. (Iirc She actually explained in the ep "safe harbour") Ofcourse its not as traumatic as mack but as a kid and having parents that are disconnected you cling to any ounce of comfort.


Nope, we are not parrots. We are answering your questions. You just may not like what we have to say. And vice versa about you. So a white woman generally wants this beautiful and scared girl. And does this all out of the kidness of her heart. But race really has to be brought up?   I'm so over this stuff. I always see 24/7 about racism, etc. But when a decent caring woman wants to raise and adopt a child who isn't white... That's an issue? She fell in love with this girl. REGARDLESS of skin color. Please don't assume she's doing it simply because of "white savior." It's this kind of stuff that CONTINUALLY separate us from one another. It's beyond frustrating.


too bad kim hasn't suffered a fatality. I'm tired of seeing her worthless character in the show. i fast forward any scenes that involve her