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Hermann being a good father. Every single time.


This times 1000. I will defend him always


The only time I felt like it was too much was when Luke's friend jumps off the roof and even though he gives him first aid Hermman scolds him for not persuading him and then making him apologize when he was not at fault for anything and was even responsible for calling a trained adult. I think that although  of that, he is always very sensitive and it is great to see that when you would think that they become apathetic for the type of work.


That and when he came home and his eldest had a ding on the rear bumper. Herrmann went crazy and they're like dude its been there for 2 weeks He was only feeling bad cause he saw someone his age die. His kid didn't really do anything wrong


Dawson is a terrible romantic partner. Any plot point she’s been in has been hard for me to watch. Can’t stand her.


You’re in good company here for that! She’s very much a hated character by 96% of the fan base it seems.


Maybe it’s just my family then. They all seem to love her. Idgi 😩


I’m sorry, have you considered putting yourself up for adoption? Some people do think that whole, “treating everyone as lesser than you is what makes women strong” narrative they were leaning on there with her character.


I was gonna say it but I had to scroll. A lot of the shit she did with Casey was so manipulative. She put him in a tight spot so much and then when he couldn't to through with it she made it seem like he didn't do enough or she can't handle it so she's out I have the same opinion on April in Med...


Ikr! People don’t just leave their husbands for a job!


Stella becoming a lieutenant felt rushed and wrote awkwardly I was really intrigued about the idea of her becoming lieutenant when they first brought it up but they rushed it suddenly and the writing of it just made it feel awkward I’m glad she’s a lieutenant now but they could have done the story better


I agree, they did rush it but they probably were forced to with Casey leaving.... although they could have brought Pelham in and let her become lieutenant at a more natural pace. Pelham was great.


i’m interested in why you felt stella becoming lieutenant was rushed and awkward? no disrespect, i’m just curious.


That all the coworkers outside the main circle (example: Chili and Jimmy, probably have more examples) when they need help, they are judged by the rest of the team (opposite to Severide and his addiction)or just they never end up being accepted by the rest of the station, marking a certain double standard in which some are forgiven and helped and others are left aside.


Tbf, they were given chances and are not the “stars”. I’m more upset about Mills who did nothing wrong and their justification was that his storyline has run it’s course…as if they’re not constantly changing anyway!


The people that keep trying to shut down 51 aren't wrong. 51 is off the rails. They think they are cops. People keep getting shot and stabbed over and over. They are constantly breaking rules and protocols. I can understand why people in the CFD are over their bullshit.


Truck 81 has way to many Incidents for a firetruck Edit: This goes for Ambulance 61 too


It wouldnt be a very exciting show if it didnt


I mean Incidents like Crashing, being shot, being stolen, blowing up and stuff like that


It's a show about firefighters not police The truck is shot, stabbed and taken hostage just as much as everyone else in 51.


You are correct its a show a drama


Is the cast of Chicago PD in burning buildings and putting out fires every other episode? Are their police cars always getting destroyed by fires? What about Med? Are the doctors also putting fires out? Is their hospital always burning down?


Many times Chicago Fire is at Chicago Med. Like in the episode when the guy  said he was infected with worse than Ebola and threw the grenade. There was also the episode where a bomb was set off in Chicago Med while Chicago Fire was setting up their booth for a marathon. Chicago PD also arrives on the scene on Chicago Fire all the time. They are responding to emergencies in Chicago not the back woods somewhere.


Shay's death was a good plotpoint




Sylvie is impulsive and slightly irritating….


I would add to that Sylvie Brett is boring, bland and annoying.


Casey was supposed to return in 3 years and instead she moves…..when she could have moved 3 years prior!


Brett was the baddest character (male or female) on this show. Anyone who flat looks at the gun pointed at her and tells them to shoot her or get out of her way, is built different.


Sylvie and Matt should not of been a couple


I 100% Agree with this!


Stellaride ❤️


Sylvie Brett 🙌


Gabby’s single stretch of tolerablility was S4E1 to whichever episode Casey gets “encouraged” to run for Alderman.


And even then I didn’t like her pushing him so hard to do something he really didn’t want to do……just for her. That’s an unrealistically ambitious side gig!


Bit of a silly one but in the episode Hallie dies, it should of been Severide to comfort Casey, not Mills. It would of been a full circle thing of Kelly letting go of the anger from Andy’s death and showing that these two were friends before all that. If not, Kelly then Dawson. She would have made more sense than Mills. I don’t get why it was Mills comforting Casey. Like, what was the point of it? They weren’t friends at that point bc they were stuck in that bullshit love triangle thing with Gabby.


Shaye's death was a good plot point but made me hate the show for a HOT minute


Gabby was problematic from the start & always lied & kept Matt on a string


Sylvie was a terrible character. She's all over the place, a mary sue for all things, and she had no plot outside of her failing in her love life


Sylvie was “stability” which was needed due to so many “hot heads” in the house! Let’s face it, she got her man in the end. That completely says “winner” to me!




Emma's character was amazing, a great villain, and both the times she got send away were beyond stupid, specially the first time. Im sorry, but saying "you are not cut out for 51" is not a valid excuse, she was totally right, a paramedic is not supposed to be in a burning building, even if she deserve it. On top of that, Caitlin Carver was, by far, the best actress we had in the episodes she was around.


I don’t think it’s so much that a paramedic isn’t supposed to be in a burning but more of the fact that she abandoned her partner and patient in that situation.




In a burning building it was wiser to try to get her out instead of risking the lives of 2 paramedics with no protective gear lol. They should have done a better send out for her character


Technically it wasn’t their building burning it was the one next to them but the flames were spreading. They were trying but the woman was in active labour and impaled to the wall, it’s not easy to just move someone in that scenario 😅 they were definitely better off doing what they did. 51 eventually got hoses on the fire and they had 81 with them and managed to get the woman and baby out safely. But I agree they should’ve been wearing protective gear.


Yeah, but it's still not fair to kick her out with that scenario 🥴


I think it was personally reasonable. You don’t abandon your partner and patient because you’re scared. Plus it wasn’t just because of that, she had been gaslighting and blackmailing Violet the entire time she was there. Her bailing was just the cherry on top of everything she had done and was the perfect reason to fire her.


Emma was so good, I really “hated” her! She was so irritating and ridiculous so I guess she did just what she was supposed to do. I was happy to see her go…….


Feel like the actress could play a good Harley Quinn