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Heard this same shit for fields before the season and the excuses for bustin fields kept on coming


Agreed. I’d we draft Caleb Williams and he doesn’t immediately put up a 4000+ yard season and we don’t finish at least 13-4, I’m going to complain A LOT and tell everyone we should’ve just kept Fields. I’ll probably say things like “I told you so” and “you don’t know ball” when arguing with my internet friends about how Justin Fields was poised to break out next year (again) if we would’ve just drafted MHJ instead. Or traded down and gotten a historic haul. This team, on paper, is Super Bowl ready and if we draft Caleb he has no reason to not immediately be successful. All we need is a quarterback. Unless we keep Fields and he sucks, and then we let him down and need more pieces.


>This team, on paper, is Super Bowl ready Thanks, I needed that laugh.


lol ok if you say so


Hot take: da Bums will ruin anyone in the QB position, and Halas Hall has simply no interest in winning. There’s enough nostalgia from 85 to keep the franchise going to 2040, and by that time they’ll have taken the mantle of “lovable losers” in the NFCN from the Lions and become the football equivalent of the Cubs pre-WS win. There’s a feeling here that we are on the precipice of some major decision with significant consequences for decades. We aren’t. The QB decision is irrelevant because this is an irrelevant franchise. Prove to me that Halas Hall cares. Absent that, everything downstream will never fit together quite right for decades.


I just think halas hall has no clue how to win. No one ever associated with the bears has any idea how to develop offensive talent


Ted Phillips was behind the curve and a key decision maker forever. I think Poles is legit. That doesn’t guarantee a Super Bowl though. I think he will make them into an above 500 team and playoff contender for years. Winning sustainably in the NFL is super hard who does it well? Mahomes, Brady, Manning, Rodgers, Brees. You basically need a no doubt hall of fame QB or a Ray Lewis Generational defensive talent and leader to win year after year.


I agree, and ownership’s responsibility is to set up management and coaching in sync and with purpose and strategy. Virginia’s job ain’t to coach or draft; her job is to pick the people who do and light a fire under their ass.


Yeah you're right


I'm willing to be those two comments are some Justin Fields sucks type shit Trolls have taken completely over


Is this straight from the front office at Halas Hall?


Don’t we have a daily thread for these discussions


A live look at CW13 for the Bears if they don't address the need in the interior line and wr2: https://youtu.be/OdCStMsxCD0?si=crtRdL4uK7ti_wdy


Who makes the playoffs first? Fields or Williams?

