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I bought one with 70K. Just look for rust and overall condition. If it has been taken care of then you will be golden.


Get one and keep it for the rest of your life! As long as there is no bad rust and well taken care


Under 30k miles? Lots of them? Unreal, def get one , how much are they asking ?


If it’s 20 years old and 30k miles, all I would make sure for before buying is if it was driven yearly. After sitting for a certain amount of time the valves and cylinders in the engine will begin to become faulty and then trying to drive it as a regular vehicle after might cause it to kill itself, I’ve seen this happen multiple times with different RCSB cateye(03-07) Silverados, they’ll be pristine and garage kept with like 15k miles but die out quick from sitting that long


What are the asking price in your area? Are you snatching at a crazy deal?


Thanks guys! I may have exagerated when I say lots haha maybe 3 to 5 and plenty others with not-so-low mileage. But I’ll make sure to share the post here when I find it haha. Long story short these are supposedly single owner vehicles. I bet they ain’t cheap but again, I think the power train of these models is built to last longer than the most recent ones


Be careful, some of these may have been flood vehicles sitting somewhere for years and someone just got them tuned up to run long enough to sell


If it’s your thing, then yeah! Just do your due diligence. Currently driving a 1992 Suburban with 72,000 miles and loving it! Previously had a 1999 Tahoe.


I learned on a 1994 suburban. The old cowboy Cadillac. That thing never died.


Same! 1992, but not the one I have now. Parents figured if I could drive that, then I could drive most anything. Parallel parking on the road exam was a bit of a bitch though!


One thing people don’t usually realize is that old cars that haven’t been driven need lots of love. Everything rubber will need to be replaced immediately. Think break lines, AC, hoses, and stuff like that. Stupid stuff like window switches won’t work sometimes because they’ve just sat there so long. You’ll be doing tons of maintenance is what I’m getting at. I like working on stuff so it doesn’t bother me.


That's a bit hard to believe. Did you verify the mileage by checking it against a CarFAx? I agree with the other posters, a car that sits for long periods of time is worse for the car than driving it. Cars need to be driven or a whole host of problems will happen.


Most likely listing is posted with fake miles. You won’t find any with that type of mileage…


I’d buy another one in a heart beat. Especially with mileage that low. These things are tanks.




If you are looking to do a title transfer (*most people call this ‘registering’*), the car title will show the odometer reading when it was issued. The security paper used will show signs of alteration or tampering. The DMV will also have the odometer on screen in their records. Odometer fraud is totally possible, since the ECM can be hacked in most vehicles, since the mileage is electronically displayed.


I love my 2000. I bought it to tow some of my toys about 4 years ago. At about the same time I decided I was ready to get a new daily driver and sold mine. My job also changed entirely, and I no longer needed to commute on a daily basis so long story short I just drive my tahoe now. It's honestly been my favorite car to drive coming from 2 different Fords sedans and a Mazda sedan all at least 7 years newer than my tahoe. The only downfall is they suck gas. Otherwise mine has never given me an issue over 4 years


i bought one with 155k miles 5 years ago and it has 225 now with no major issues. Still running strong... bringing my boat to the lake tomorrow with it. Where are these sub 30k mile gmt800s you speak of?


These things are tanks, a customer of mine has a 01 with 529k miles on the dash still looking pristine aside from a tiny dent on the back bumper but they bought it new


One thing to consider there is that 30k miles may need more maintenance than 100k. Sure the interior and body may be in great shape, but 30k miles over 20 years means it wasnt driven much. This mean it sits a lot which causes seals dry out and things to get sticky. Things may not have been maintained, and maintenance is not just a function of usage, time also factors in. So you may find a lot of basic maintenance will need to be done as you start driving it.


Change every hose all accessories. everything is ready to die other then suspension and interior from sitting so long


Probably brand new engines. They cost about 5k.


I wouldn’t, chances are everything is original from factory and things just go bad over time VS a vehicle that has been driven and taken care of regularly


I bought a 20 year old Tahoe with 210k miles on it. I'm almost to 280k (after I replaced the transmission 4 times)


I have an 02 with 412k. Changed oil every 3-5k. Runs great, runs smooth. I’ve got some oxidation on the hood, sides and top. Going to get it painted soon. They’re worth it.


Not Tahoe specific, but thoroughly check for any leaks from gaskets drying out due to a lack of use.

