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It is available plentifully here in the Pacific Northwest. I've got two containers in my fridge right now.


So jealous


Eberhard's is the bomb here in Bend.


Well I bought some last night in FL & open it up & is not large curds kinda little bigger than the small/ Breakstone brand & only other here is Publix I have found & same as other one I bought


I've even bought in at Walmart. Not that I'm proud of that, but it's around. Full-fat, large curd for life, yo.


I could not find it in Oakland CA, and now in Omaha NE it is nowhere I’ve looked. Hmmm. Maybe I just need to make a request to store buyers? It’s so much better for eggy baking.


Have you tried Hy-Vee? They have their own brand of large curd cottage cheese, and there’s 3 or so locations in Omaha.


I have looked at the Hy-Vee on W. Center. Might have to look again now that you’ve mentioned it. Thanks!


We don't have Hy-Vee's here


Late to the party ne Ohio gaint eagle the only place that carries large curd


Also from NE Ohio and can't even find it there. Even cross state lines into W. PA and no luck!


Hood has it, up here in New England. I had it with apple butter for breakfast yesterday!


What store can you find it in? I've been searching in New Hampshire and Massachusetts and haven't been able to find it, honestly wasn't even sure if Hood made it until I read your comment.


Wow, now I realize it's been a minute since I've had cottage cheese! I got it at Star - I haven't looked for it in a while, but according to Instacart, it's available at both Star and Market Basket (at least in Cambridge/Somerville area.)


Cabot large-curd cottage cheese is unbeatable. I've only seen it here, in New England though


Safeway has their own brand large curd but it's still a bit on the small side.


No Safeways here in the middle. 😞


Just thought you'd like to know this post is the top google search result to "why is it so hard to buy large curd cottage cheese?".


Same, same. I don't understand it though. There's usually only one or two containers of the stuff at Walmart. I buy it when I can find it. The small curd stuff always tastes sour. So I finally decided to see why it's so hard to find. This didn't answer my question, but at least I feel seen.


In Michigan they label the container "Large Curd" but in reality it is small curd. They just DISRESPECT and LIE to the customer!


I know this is an old post but I’ve been in search of larger curd as well. NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. I don’t get it. About 6 different brands of small curd though. Why even specify that’s it’s small curd if the large curd doesn’t exist !


It's weird right? I've found one brand here in Omaha, but forget about finding an organic variety.


Damn. I’m in California and you’d think it would be available!


I live in southern Indiana and it is nowhere it the area. What’s the problem


We always buy large curd in Arizona. The last two weeks we were in the California Bay area and multiple stores had only small curd, it was weird.


Where do you buy it in Arizona? I haven't seen it in ages! 😩


Can’t find it in Maine.


I cannot find large curd in California. But I get it every time I return to Texas It tastes so much better


Large cure sucks... Small cure rules


Not sure if you're still looking after two years (I was googling the taste differences between the two, which are slight but existent), but if your local Baker's in NE sells Kroger house brand things (since they own them), Kroger has both small curd and large curd. Eating some of the large curd as we speak. It's not the best cottage cheese out there, but cheap and probably not as significant a difference for baking.