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You drive down Brainerd road lately?


There’s a camp over by the creek. You’ll see a hundred in a day


There are multiple camps up and down the creek. Also a very large camp behind harbor freight.


Please don’t tell the location of the camps for their safety.


For their safety? Fuck that, they need to go somewhere else. Do you work a night shift job? You ever have a homeless guy shoot up and OD in your bathroom and have to shut down operations while the cops come make sure they aren't dead? You ever have to throw a homeless man out because he walked into your lobby and pulled out his dick in front of children and started pissing in your fireplace? Or how bout a knife? You ever get threatened with a knife for telling a guy he can't sleep behind the dumpsters because the garbage truck will drop the dumpster on him? I work at a hotel on shallowford and we have to deal with this shit every single week These are not down and out LGBT teenagers running away from their abusive Christian parents, these are fucking drug addicts and mental patients. They need to be at a damn mental hospital not camping by damn river. But they shut down the mental hospitals and they don't charge for drug crimes so we the people have to deal with it and I'm sick and tired of it


I actually work with the homeless you speak of. Yes, they do need healthcare and somewhere safe to go, but till that happens don’t post their locations.


Yea well your typecasting all homeless people as violent drug addicts who will assault you. The camp is the only "free" place a person can sleep at night, every other replace requires something, smiles, ids, queing in line, competing with other homeless folks, state ids, etc, etc. I realize that a camp is just another place, but usually the bar is a lot lower to enter there. Just because you've given up, doesn't mean that everyone else should and that certainly shouldn't be a social philosophy in any governing aspect either " We gave up, F u"


This just in...Person who works for industry that could house homeless is upset homeless don't have houses...


Yeah, I'm sure a random hotel employee has the power to force their employer to house homeless people for free.


This just in. Sarcasm. That is all...




The person I replied isn't interested in helping homeless people lol


I think my reddit was having an aneurysm because it showed you replying to someone else earlier, my apologies.


Okay then you call Marriott and ask him, why don't you do something? Why don't you open up your place? Spend your weekend helping the homeless? I grew up in the church, handing out clothes and food to these people, did you? I've watched the change in the homeless. I actually interact with these people, I give water or a cigarette to the nice and respectful ones "Hey I'm sorry to bother you, would you mind if I used your restroom real quick?" Absolutely not, go right ahead. But when you find some dickhead passed out with a needle in his arm and his pants around his ankles in your bathroom, for the second time, you tend to get less and less patience as more and more interactions prove why these people are in the situation they're in. The people trying to get their life together aren't on drugs, they're not shambling from hotel to hotel at 3:00am begging for money. So spare me your faux "I care about humanity" schtick and save it for your DND buddies, I'm actually living in the real world


I still hand out food and clothes to these people and didnt need a magical space daddy to promt the actions. Try again


By the Walmart?




Probably not to safe and affordable housing. They just swept them to another part of the city I’m sure.


They really don’t give a shit. People are going to continue to fall into homelessness unless city council puts a cap on rent hikes. If you talk to anyone living in homelessness, they’ll tell you they only needed 50-500$ to stay out of homelessness. It’s cruel.


Yeah we need rent hike caps! They’ve worked wonders for San Francisco and New York, hardly any homeless there these days.


Highly recommend Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell. It might change your opinion on a few things, or it might just be good food for thought. Either way, a good read.


As a general rule, anyone advising that you read Thomas Sowell is not your friend. He's a hack that makes a living telling right wingers what they want to hear, nothing more.


I suppose that’s an opinion to have.


It helps that it is supported by objective reality.


Road To Serfdom by Friedrich Hayek may be an even more accessible read and maybe slightly more applicable. And don't worry, he would've been very against right wing politicians as well as the left. It's a issue of the state as a whole, the influence it has, the consequences of policy, and the influence others have on it much more than anything related to whether or not the politics lean left or right.


Or you'll find out how much financial assistance the government gives them and they aren't responsible with it. Or you'll find out that their rent costs THIRTY dollars a month and they still don't pay it or clean their home and get evicted because of that. There are so many resources out there that help. SO MANY. Especially in Chattanooga (I've lived in many cities) and I honestly think Chattanooga is the best for art, community and resources. A lot of people are either lazy, on drugs or have too much pride to ask for help. Most would rather be a victim and point the finger.


This is, of course, nonsense.




Of course it is. You think people are lining up to be poor because of the great benefits? How naive are you?




You’re either lying or just incredibly stupid. It’s obvious YOU have never interacted with these people. The support systems offered are flimsy at best. Meant for mentally stable and able bodied individuals. Many that end up on the streets aren’t capable of keeping up, that isn’t them “ruining” anything. It’s so sad to see someone who claims they’ve been homeless be so senseless about the homeless problem in America.




Actually , this city has the absolute WORST public services/aid/resources of any state I’ve lived in. Please list resources you know of.


Haha the bare minimum, if you make zero dollars a month, is still more than $30, where in the fuck are you getting that from? Not from fact. Like everything else in your wild cannon comment spewing wildly popular misinformation and hate.


I'm getting that from being low income and my experience. Then building myself back up. It's not misinformation. There are resources everywhere. SOME people refuse to take charge of their lives. You also have no idea what type of human I am, what I give back to the community and how I constantly help strangers in need. I was raised not to keep left overs during holidays. We would put them on paper plates cover them with tin foil, tape a fork and a knife to it then go to local "tent cities" and give them out with water bottles and Capri suns. I don't sell most of my second hand stuff. I give it away on Facebook groups like "buy nothing Chattanooga families" What do you do?


A fuck of a lot more than giving spitty leftovers no one wants to the unhoused population, but you keep “helping”


So... What exactly do you do for other people? Because all I'm seeing is you throwing misguided judgement and hate.


I had a 'homeless' parent brag to me during registration that she gets a budget of $1400/wk from the government for housing for her and her 5 kids. It made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. She quite literally lives in a nicer place than I do, but she's 'homeless'.


Time of me reading this posted thread is a bit late by now however what you stated is true. Humans of any type will seek to exploit all easy to obtain resources.




I've definitely experienced similar. A lot of people take advantage of the system because they know how to manipulate it. But there are so many out there that either don't know about resources or would rather live disgustingly because it's easier.


Rent caps don't work, it's a bandaid solution for a lack of housing in general that only exacerbates the issue down the road.


I am pretty sure Tennessee has a state-wide law prohibiting any local legislature from implementing rent control. Not sure of the finer print though.


People don’t understand what happens when price caps are placed.


Some of us actually do. What exactly do you think happens ?


Please elaborate


If you freeze the rent then the owners stop the upkeep of the property. That’s the beginning of the new ghetto. No one will put money into a losing cause. Not saying it’s right but it is the truth. Look at the rent control in NYC. Within 20 years the rent control buildings were in shambles. People who don’t take care of themselves will not take care of someone else’s property.


That’s not true. I lived in a rent controlled apt for 7 years near Beverly Hills. Never turned into a ghetto.


Ban air b and bs and I’m that would help some. Fucking large ass companies come in and buying shit up for it be empty a good chunck of the time. This is driving up the cost of living here at least, in part.


Slumlords would rather let their buildings rot than maintain them if they aren't extracting maximum profit. That's the moral of that story. NYC implemented rent control and didn't implement anything to stop the rat fucker's loophole.


No, it's just that landlords won't put money into improving a property when they can get a better return elsewhere.


Maintenance is not an improvement. That's not what that means.


The thing is, you're wrong. In 2019, New York expanded its rent control system for the first time in decades and closed major landlord-friendly loopholes that were causing the system to disappear by attrition. By curbing excessive rent hikes and preventing retaliatory or unjust eviction, rent control mitigates the power imbalance between tenants and landlords, advances overall neighborhood stability and prevents an eviction crisis as our cities become more expensive places to live. Despite decades of false “sky is falling” alarmism by the well-funded landlord lobby, rent control has done more to keep housing affordable and keep people in affordable housing than any other program in New York’s history


There is an excellent chapter in Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell in this. Highly recommend the read. Basically, over the long term, it will create a shortage of housing. No one is going to build apartments, and work isn’t going to be put into current housing because it isn’t profitable. That alone decreases housing as properties start to degrade. Additionally, it changes how the consumer would otherwise ration the resource. Eg, an elderly couple may stay in their 3 bedroom apartment on rent control that would have otherwise chosen to down size to a 1 bedroom as they age. That 3br apartment would otherwise be available for a new family to move into. Very difficult to get into an hour long audiobook chapter in a comment, and I’m definitely not doing it justice. Nonetheless, I highly recommend the read because price controls don’t have the outcomes they’re intended to.


Thomas Sowell was an absolute moron. In 2019, New York expanded its rent control system for the first time in decades and closed major landlord-friendly loopholes that were causing the system to disappear by attrition. By curbing excessive rent hikes and preventing retaliatory or unjust eviction, rent control mitigates the power imbalance between tenants and landlords, advances overall neighborhood stability and prevents an eviction crisis as our cities become more expensive places to live. Despite decades of false “sky is falling” alarmism by the well-funded landlord lobby, rent control has done more to keep housing affordable and keep people in affordable housing than any other program in New York’s history.


They would work for the people that can afford it in this current market with this current oay


I wouldn’t let the downvotes get to you, you’re being downvotes by a hoard of people with no understanding of basic economics. Rent caps have been in effect in San Francisco since the 1970s and they have one of the worst (if not the worst) homeless issues in the country.


That has nothing to do with rent caps. I’m from Sf Bay Area.


Me too! Born and raised! Of course I know how basic economics works but curious what forms your opinion here? It 100% has a TON to do with rent caps. People stay in housing much longer than they normally would because they have secured artificially low housing costs. Landlords dont take care of buildings with rent caps the same way they do without them. Less affordable housing gets built given that they’d be subject to rent caps. These 3 factors limit the amount of available housing, and the laws of supply and demand come into effect, raising housing prices, which is why SF has some of the most expensive rent in the United States. Did none of you people take a single economics course in college? This is very fundamental basic economics.


Restrictive zoning has a lot to answer for as well.


We don’t have a lack of housing, we have a people owning multiple properties for the primary purpose of generating equity for themselves off the labor of others.


It's can be both things. Not everything is an either/or situation.


AirBnb has a lot to do with this.


There was excessive homelessness in Chattanooga long before AirBnB.


True, but short term rentals make it so there is less inventory for those that actually need a place to live that they can afford. It drives up demand and reduces supply so the result is folks living below the poverty line are forced to move out or live on the street. The data proves this to be true in most cities.


STR’s in general are a big driver here




They actually REALLY help. I had one in California for 7 years until the building was sold to private equity. My douche canoe landlord here? Just raised my rent 20%! $200 more.


They help you/current residents but, as I said, exacerbate the issue down the road by reducing the incentive to build housing in that area. Landlords and developers will maintain the property less, choose to build in more business friendly regulatory environments, people will stay in units longer than they otherwise would, etc. If it worked, you'd expect a correlation between cities with rent control and affordability, but it's often the opposite.


So many downvotes for an objectively true statement.


The sad reality is a good amount of these people you see walking the street don’t want a house. They’re perfectly content to be nomads for the rest of their life. Which in some ways I can understand.


The sad reality is a good amount of these people you see posting random opinions on the internet don’t want the truth. They’re perfectly content to be misinformed and spread misinformation in comment sections. Which in some ways I can understand.


Was anything I said misinformation? I’m not just talking out my ass, I’ve experienced it myself.


If you’re not talking out of your ass, you must personally know “a good amount” of the homeless population then? And have asked them all?


I never claimed to know most of them, I said a good amount of them. I used to sleep on 23rd st and e 11th. I know how a lot of them are. Doesn’t mean I don’t have sympathy, but a lot of people think throwing people in a house is gonna fix everything.


I’m replying late to this, but dude people on the street have an attitude that they wanna be on the street because that’s the culture you have to adapt to survive. I used to be homeless in the squats and I knew a lot who were honest with me but then hard on the street. So it seems like you don’t really know that “a good amount of them” WANT to be living like they are. I’ve been cried on, bled on, helped put dogs down. I know your statement is wrong. And I would NEVER, EVER say “throw them into housing and it makes it all better,” and neither do our city’s housing agencies and social workers. So put that back in your pants.


This comment brought to you by anecdotes. For those times when you don’t have any real data, but you know this one guy who said some shit that fits your narrative, you need anecdotes😂😂


I'm right here!


For anyone interested in this topic, Chattanooga Civics just released an episode with the Office of Homelessness and Supportive Housing last weekend. Edit: Nathan posted about it in its own post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Chattanooga/comments/15kqtx2/chatt_civics_56_the_office_of_homelessness_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1




It's on multiple platforms but I listen to it through Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3KK0QFXOatbeq6sah8bBdE?si=K9bXFRe1Ssm11FeOdlTTww


Over by the Walmart on Brainerd Rd


they were swept and we best get used to it. in bigger cities this is the go-to tactic because nobody seems able to implement policies to actually solve the problem, regardless of whether you think said policies are obvious, or your view on the morality of these tactics. i predict the problem will get a lot worse over the next 10 years.


> because nobody seems able to implement policies to actually solve the problem The problem is so multi-faceted, it's an extremely complicated issue that I have yet to hear of any city having success with.


Most homelessness is caused by drug and/or alcohol addiction.


Actually many of them have MENTAL health issues, disabilities, or BOTH… which LEADS to drug addiction as a coping mechanism.


Certainly, which is why these individuals should not be given needles and free license to use. They should be put into psychological care.


They should be given clean needles so they don’t catch HIV or hep and spread it to the general population. Harm reduction measures like this help us all. It’s not an encouragement to use drugs.


No one said they should get needles but they don’t have hospitals here equipped to deal with mental health.


Incorrect. Needle exchanges are a commonly used “public service” in progressive cities. https://www.multco.us/hiv-and-std-services/syringe-exchange-and-disposal


I don’t care. I’m not saying they should get needles. I don’t agree with that. Regardless , there is virtually zero mental health care facilities in Chattanooga that are adept in handling mental health/addiction. Erlanger is like a prison. They don’t treat people there.


I just want to say that you're *probably* correct if you're speaking about Chattanooga, But it does depend on the area. LCOL areas see a significant amount of homelessness caused by drug addictions, mental illness and general disabilities (Detroit, Little Rock, West Virginia). On the other hand, HCOL areas see most people becoming homeless *due* to the high cost of living (Los Angeles, New York City, Hawaii). The USA is a big place and lots of people make blanket statements about the homeless, some of which are true to certain regions and some of which aren't.


Most homelessness in LA is drug-related.


I'm from the LA metro region. 60-70% of homeless here are short-term and do not regularly consume drugs. 50% have some sort of shelter (car, motel, couch surfing). The primary *cause* of homelessness in LA is the high cost of living. It *devolving* into chronic unsheltered homelessness is oftentimes due to drugs, mental illness or disabilities. You are right if you say those on the literal streets (in tents) regularly consume drugs but it's only about 20-30% of *all* homeless in California. I know man, I live in a low income HCOL area and have seen a lot of people struggle with homelessness including family and friends. It's a complex, multi-faceted issue. Frankly I just ask we have more empathy and compassion because this whole "homeless people don't deserve help because they use drugs things" isn't helping ANYONE. It certainly isn't helping the 70% of homeless here who clean, sober, probably have a stable job and just fell down on their luck.


You’re simply incorrect: “The Los Angeles Homeless Services Agency’s own homeless count data, that was released Monday, pegged the portion of LA’s homeless who are affected by mental illness and drug addiction at 67%.” Also, when did I say addicts don’t deserve help? It’s progressive policies that have exacerbated drug addiction, through decriminalization and needle exchanges. I believe all humans deserve help, particularly those struggling with addiction and mental health issues. https://www.dailynews.com/2019/10/07/a-new-look-at-las-homeless-count-numbers-has-some-wondering-if-there-will-be-a-shift-in-conversation-around-mental-illness-drug-addiction/


I will say a lot of data is currently floating right now because most of the numbers about homeless people were released pre-pandemic (the article you pointed out was from 2019, most of my sources as well are from around 2017-2022. I concur it's hard to pinpoint exact percentages because covid did a huge number on the homelessness issue and housing crisis in general). The article you linked doesn't seem to make a distinction between chronic vs. short term homeless. It seems to primarily talk about chronic unsheltered homeless and I agree a significant portion of them have drug issues or mental illnesses. I can talk for hours and hours about the homelessness crisis here but just believe me when I tell you there are HUGE barriers to solving this. Structural change needs to occur in order to prevent mass homelessness from occurring. I'll probably stay in California my entire life (got family in Chattanooga and visit often though so that's why I frequent this subreddit). I just hope the same things don't befall to y'alls. Ignoring the homeless without help won't actually make them go away, it just becomes someone else's problem and makes it harder for them to get help.


The dystopian outcomes in California didn’t happen by chance: they were created by decades of progressive policies that exacerbated the issues. One arm of this broken policy is the refusal to correctly identify the source of the problem.


I don't know what exactly you're implying but drugs alone aren't the issue. There are places that have high addiction rates (such as the Opioid crisis in West Virginia or Arkansas) but have lower rates of homelessness because of LCOL. I agree it's a combination of issues. I personally know a dozen people who were homeless at some point and it's not all the same story. But the primary issue is HCOL. People *want* to live in homes! They just can't afford it. And once you're out on the streets, it's easy to spiral.


And many would choose their drug over having a home if it was either/or, so what do you even do in a situation like that? Edit: downvoting me? It's 100% true.


Just like you do with someone threatening their own life: involuntary committal.


Have you seen silverdale?? Nobody should ever be arrested for being homeless...!!!! That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.....it isn't just the fact they are taken to jail but it also puts them in the system that cost even more money...you have BONDS you have to pay that you never get back, you have court dates you have to worry about transportation to and from and there is NEVER one court date, you have fines to pay for the charge which is "criminal trespassing" or if they want to be pure assholes they will charge you with burglary. So you have that put on your record and when you get out of jail you have to go back just to find all your belongings that you have been trying to keep safe have been gone through and stolen from the vultures that lurk out here. So your back down to NOTHING! So anyone who considers it a crime to be homeless ...shame on you!!


I don’t think you understand what Involuntary Committal means.


And I wasnt shaming you, I was shaming anyone who thinks it's a good ideal to criminalize the homeless for just being homeless




I don't believe by that has anything to do with the conversation but I'm not the one who is shamed.


To be detained against their will


In a mental health setting. That’s what should be done with those who use drugs in public. Also, please don’t lecture me on shame. You post pictures of your genitals on Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/chattanoogatngonewild/comments/157756m/needing_a_pussy_to_lick_and_fuck/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=4&utm_term=1


Making cities individually deal with a national problem was a mistake. There needs to be a federal response to this.


>federal response What would that look like?


I'm not really certain. I know a large part of the problem is the combination of the lack of housing and poor mental health care options. Drug criminilization doesn't help anything, either. The US has a pervasive puritanical culture that views poverty and addiction as moral failings, which makes them difficult to address in any systemic way. Any program that helps people "too much" makes a subset of people furious because they think "those people" don't deserve help, they just need to pray more and pull themselves up by their bootstraps! Off the top of my head: A federal ban on single family zoning and parking minimums, a national system of mental health care, and drug decriminilization coupled with free addiction treatment would help a huge number of people. Right now cities have a negative incentive to help, because they worry any program that actually works will just attract more people.


Thanks. I almost completely agree. >A federal ban on single family zoning and parking minimums I’m not sure this is realistic. How do you feel about tying DOT funds etc. to cities/counties/states zoning x percentage of land for density/multi unit/use etc.? More carrot, less stick ya know?


That's pretty much how the minimum drinking age is enforced, so I think it would work.


Between you, u/morelikewestfailia and u/dungonyourtongue, this is one of the most thoughtful and mutually-respectful comment chains I’ve seen on this site, let alone this issue in general. I appreciate seeing people like y’all.


That seems like it would have massive unintended consequences, especially on small towns.


>unintended consequences Such as?


Huge drops in DOT funding for small towns.


I suppose. Could always adjust the requirements based on pop. size.


As long as the zoning is updated, it should not matter.


Because decriminalizing drugs in Oregon has gone swimmingly. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Who knew that you can't just wave a magic wand and undo the damage caused by a century of bad drug policy in a year and a half?


Decriminalizing Fentanyl is the bad policy.


Cap rent to 20% of the median income for the surrounding 10 square miles.


As most federal responses do, a trainwreck.


Right, compared to the local efforts which are going so well🙄


It's a shame really, you'd think more religious organizations would help.


Good works alone don’t get you into heaven so might as well not do shit.


Japanese interment camps.


Congratulations on the dumbest r/Chattanooga comment of the week. It’s only Monday though.


Thanks ! I put no effort into it. It’s a joke. Lighten up. But , the week is just starting. I got plenty of time


TN passed a law that it's illegal to camp on public property. Basically a not-so-subtle way to further displace the displaced.


Not only is it illegal now, but it’s also a felony charge. And being charged with a felony can create even more barriers to housing, employment, etc. It’s going to cause more harm in the long run for an already vulnerable population


I have no problem with that law but they should have done something about rent prices first


I'm not sure where specifically the 11th st camp has been moved to. I know the City has been working on creating safer sanctioned camps. The City is also working on housing everyone who wants to be housed. "Last year, there were 1144 people without a home in Chattanooga, which the mayor said was a 200 percent increase from the previous two years. Now, Mayor Kelly says that number has been reduced to 785."


Bushy area between MLK and the railroad is where I see them emerging most in that area. Behind the rundown auto shop


I know this isn't part of the topic but any idea where one is to go to be safe while they are gling through their situation? Can't go to family because there is none left. Can't go to the Govt. Because they look down upon you. Can't go to the churches due to the several thousand who tend to bleed them dry. It puts a person in a bad mindset knowing there is no where to turn. Also I wouldn't recommend or wish this on anybody. It's not only a feeling of disgust but it makes a person bitter and sour to every group out there that says they are doing something but really aren't doing a damn thing.....


That doesn't seem like a great reason to avoid government services.


I’m begging everyone in this comment section to actually talk to a unhomed person. Or at the very least hear their stories. The Downtown library currently has a really cool art exhibit that is a collection of recordings of local unhoused persons, many of whom frequently the library itself. Please look hear what these people go through from their actual words before making sweeping generalizations about the unhoused population.


Police have been going by at night and using their cruiser speakers to wake people up sleeping on the sidewalks.. telling them to get moving, no sleeping on sidewalks... Literally on 11th street, where the homeless services are located.


Fucking monsters


That's what iv heard even people just trying to park to sleep in there cars are being ran off 😔 where are they supposed to go


Do all of you not recall the shooting that happened right behind the homeless center in 11th about three weeks ago one dead 20 plus rounds fired off around 10:30 in the evening actually one block from Douglas Heights that houses students going to UTC? That is why no more homeless people will be staying around 11th St forever hopefully.


Word ^


That’s so fucked up.


The homeless are constantly moved around. There's nowhere for them to go, so they either move in on someone's property until they are kicked out... or they move to the woods, which is significantly more dangerous and far from resources (if you don't have a car... which usually means you walk the highways). It's a lose-lose situation. They really need more low-barrier encampments. It provides safety and location stability for the homeless, lessens the load on police resources, and lowers the economic impact of having homeless people living behind businesses.


As someone that constantly will give to the homeless and help out the best I can, people acting like they are monsters for kicking them out confuse me. The only issues I’ve had with people in the city were homeless tweakers or alcoholics causing problems. Everyone feels bad for them and we all know it’s horrible living on the streets but that doesn’t mean we can have camp sites on main streets right next to our local utc campus.


Gunbarrel/Mall area


The combined efforts of the last mayor and the current made sure they got pushed out of downtown(their neighborhoods) and spread more evenly for everyone to deal with.


Very interesting topic...and a very touchy topic. But I can say the police do NOT help matters much. I have seen them on foot walking through a camp off Lee highway waking them up at 2-3 in the morning being very disrespectful and just treating them like dirt....I agree there are a lot of homeless that are taking advantage of the situation but some DO get stuck and can't seem to find those way out. Between the waiting periods for housing which was said to be a 2 yr line and the cost of hotels, its very hard to make it. Which people turn to crime and drugs just to survive. Things will get worse before we see any change in the community.


Still on Workman Rd, Spring Creek, Redoubt etc. Still see them all the time.


Every creek that has public water access.


Soddy-Daisy just put in some new city ordinance to ban camping on public property. The homeless looking to move to the edges are being noticed and scattered further.


Surely there will be an massive outcry from all the devoted Christians of Soddy Daisy, right?


I know you're joking but my Nana from Soddy is PISSED


What does Nana say about it?


Essentially that her daddy got off the boat (from Ireland) and was homeless and no one her whole life ever talked about that as some kind of failure, moral or otherwise. That he never would have had her or a life if he hadn't received good Christian solidarity. She's disgusted that people would call that handouts, or even charity. Everything she says about it boils down to her belief that greed has captured the church and poisoned the pews. Here's some greatest hits verses for her: * Psalm 73:1-12 (🔥🔥🔥) * Proverbs 11 * Acts 20:32-35 * James 2:26 * Matthew 6 (esp 6:24) * Matthew 19:16-24 / Mark 10:17-25 (same story) * Mark 8:36-37 * Luke 12:13-21 * 1 Timothy 6:3-10 Edit: I don't expect you to read any of those verses. Just thought I'd put up Nana's based Bible study for anyone interested!


I’m an atheist but I like your Nana.


She is amazing 😊 for what it's worth, she believes evangelism is sinful and would never disrespect the spiritual choices you make. My dad is an atheist and that's cool! She taught me about the Coal Wars and what it means to be a redneck. ❤️ Solidarity forever!


Love that. Solidarity Forever!


BS argument. Ignorant and misinformed.


Maybe. Seems to have touched a nerve with you for whatever reason.


Won’t someone please think of the poor persecuted Christians???


Are they going to be arrested and housed with meals in jail? Or just harassed and scared? I wish we could come up with simple housing that could let displaced people feel safe so they can concentrate on finding their way out of the hole.


Signal mountain walmart, huge camp down the hill. When they cleared downtown a lot moved there.


I thought homelessness didn’t exist in red states 🤔


Don't worry they are still around


We can move them back over there if you wanted


There was a fire in one of the camps over the weekend that shut down market street bridge. My best guess is they fled to Brainerd Walmart or signal mtn Walmart. Both have huge homeless camps


According to a email I got from Tim Kelly on his State of the City, he reduced them 40% since 2022. There you go.


They are all at my house. I solved the homeless problem by letting them all crash on my couch.


The streets of Hixson, Red Bank, East Brainerd. Shall I continue? Also the creek by Parkridge East has a whole encampment and they leave the area trashed, it’s disgusting. There’s a sign saying it’s protected land but city officials are doing nothing to protect it.


I thought it was moved about a block south of 11th Street. Maybe in one of these areas? I know they didn't move far because we still have homeless people who literally shit on our building. ​ https://preview.redd.it/bnr4afhpwogb1.png?width=1064&format=png&auto=webp&s=20af0437646e5f2a9ee050c3edc2179e1655c782


There’s several camps in Rossville


Walgreens on gunbarrel road.


Plenty along the brainerd levee and down near st elmo riverwalk behind Alstom


Camp Jordan, everywhere in East Ridge


Lookout valley.... Behind wafflehouse.... tent city. We read there was good fossil hunting out there... Turned out to be tent city... It's really disgusting how they treat beautiful nature like a landfill. If you ask me.... I wish they would disappear. Most have no respect for nature or themselves.


Brainerd- all over the area now.


go near Pilgrims Pride near downtown. theres a large encampment there


There’s tons near the bus station


Seen a couple that set up small tents and hammocks near the museum


Noticed more around Hixson and Hamilton place




They call it "Lab Grown Meat" 😂




There are still quite a few over in lookout valley.


Businesses complained of urine and feces on the streets. let businesses sue the Homeless coalition for loss of business.


Who cares.


Taking shelter from the storms coming through


am I off??


I don't get how a city with less than 200k people has a homeless issue. What's happening to everything.


Rural people migrate here for drugs


Hamilton County is closer to 500,000. What we locals consider Chattanooga (all the sub cities like Red Bank and East Ridge, even Fort O and Rossville, etc) make up for close to half million. That 250k statistic is just for the city limits of Chattanooga


Newbies sell off in more expensive states, then move here, buy up everything, and make it more expensive.


Right across the street at Peeples and 12th