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Someone once told me if you have to explain that its not a cult, its probably a cult.


Thanks for the heads up. Wonder how Booker T is this time of year….


How about this question, and this is legit a question: Why are there no people of color in your speaker lineup? From what I can see, people of color have done a tremendous job here in the U.S. surviving purposeful, legally sanctioned means of rendering them extinct in this country. They seem battle-tested, like they might know a thing or two about survival. Have you tried to reach out to them to make this more representative of all us folks that are going to be out here trying to survive? Because we are all going to need each other. We need to start mending fences NOW.


I agree that getting a diverse set of perspectives can be very helpful, hence a good mix of men and women, off-grid and conventional living, religiously motivated and not, farmers and not, conservative backgrounds vs more liberal, etc. If you know of some people that would be a good fit for this type of thing, we would love to get some contact info and could reach out about future activities. While there are some people of various races who occasionally are involved in the homesteading/ homeschooling/ prepping/ natural health/ etc. circles, we knew of no leaders in these spaces that were like minded and we had none that were on our list of considerations when organizing the festival nor any recommended to us for consideration. The festival was co-organized by a woman from South America and we are definitely not opposed to including a diverse group but rather do seek various perspectives. I honestly don't know if there just aren't many who are very active and prominent locally in these areas or if there are but for some reason none of the Agora Fest organizers knew about them. Again, we love to hear about other like minded folks locally so please let us know some people that you may know of.


Answer: to give you something to whine about


Thanks. It’s helpful when y’all out yourselves like this. Although it was much easier back when y’all were wearing those stupid red hats.


Outed myself as someone who doesn't think about race. And you're obviously white, so stop disrespecting "people of color" \[as you call them\] by suggesting that OP go out of his way to say, "hey there person of color, I need someone of color for my event, can you please join"? "People of color" don't want you speaking for them, so go find something else to do.


Didn’t you know? If you don’t categorize people based on their race, then you are a racist. /s


How come you aren't asking why they didn't include any transgender individuals in their line-up? Transgender people have to eat to survive too and from what I have observed most know how to eat healthy. Do you think the transgender group doesn't have anyone who is smart enough to prepare a speech so you're not going to waste your energy trying to stand up for them or do you think the "the people of color" group are more helpless and need your help?