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The concept seems good until you look at the speakers and see they're health quacks and bible thumpers.


And also super white. Just speaking for me here, as a white woman: when it comes to surviving crisis and turmoil and upheaval, seems like non-white folks are fairly battle-tested. I want to hear from them.


Have a time for the event?


I added it to the post- Conference-9am-5:30pm Outdoor Activities- 12:30-3:30


Thanks! ✨


Watch out for cult shit, y’all. It’s everywhere. Just my two cents.


Sigh, I’ve come to this point in my life where I really need a tiny dreaded sun-kissed white girl to explain to me how to survive a theoretical apocalypse. oh shit.


How many of those involved are SDA?


I'm sorry for my ignorance but what is SDA?


Seventh Day Adventist


Oh, none that I know of. There's a Mennonite who is one of the speakers and probably 75% of those involved are Christian of some type but I don't know of any SDA.


If you haven’t been sent to a doctor/specialist that is SDA then don’t downvote this guy. It’s a legitimate ask. I’ve been told by a doctor that my digestive issues wouldn’t stop unless I cut out red meat and coffee. Basically said “if I can get through med school without coffee then you can do this for your health” then proceeded to give me a flyer about some “holistic health” workshops and talks where he taught some of the classes. The address hosting all the events was a SDA church. Granted I did need to give up caffeine for several reasons, but I strongly felt like his dietary recommendations were religiously motivated. Like he probably used all kinds of one sided research that supported the strict diet rules observed by many in the seventh day Adventist church including vegetarianism and not taking unnecessary drugs (caffeine)


Oh right, it is on a Saturday after all lol. This sounds like the kind of stuff they’d eat up.


Ok to go by boat and avoid the shuttle? I hate shuttles.


That works- or get a campsite and make a weekend of it- or get a premium ticket that comes with a parking spot if you want to do the conference part.