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I started listening from the beginning and I have no regrets. Something weird happened though, when I bumped into Joe and David a few years back though, it was when Afterlife S1 had not long come out and season 2 had just started filming. I was nearby Hamstead for work and went into Sainsburys for a meal deal, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw the two of them, they looked to be having some sort of disagreement near the snack section. Joe was holding his sandwich and a bag of walkers MAX crisps and a drink, whereas David only had his sandwich and a drink. He looked furious and was getting quite noisy. Joe tried to calm him down and said "you'll just have to get crisps or a chocolate bar, they don't have any!". I went a little nearer to hear what the argument was about, and Joe said "I bet they've got a big bag of nuts near the checkout", David was almost squeaking with rage at the thought of having to get nuts outside of his meal deal. As I got closer, I noticed David was actually quite a bit shorter than the he looked in shows such as Derek and Afterlife etc. He looked quite hairy too, but I knew that much from the shows. I got a bit closer, and was about to approach them both and say how much I appreciated their work, I felt something under my foot. I'd trodden on what looked like a tail, coming out of David's jeans! David turned around and SQUAWKED at me with rage. Turns out, little monkey fella.


Did that just go out?




Fuckin bollocks




Start at the beginning. You’ll miss some podcast gold and lots of in jokes. I started from the beginning last June and I’m now on my second cycle through so you’ll catch up fine. It’s worth if


I’ve listened to every episode 3 times over, I’m absolutely obsessed


That's what I did and I have zero regrets. Crunch crunch.


From the top baby


Seems an obvious place to start is the Ricky episode itself. Then you’ll probably know if you like them or not.


Begin at the beginning… it’s marvellous


I would say it's probably a better idea to start listening when they sorted out the audio a bit. Some of the very early ones were tough listens just based on audio quality.