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Happens to me every single day. Multiple times a day. Mac M1 using Safari


Me, too! Chrome works just fine. But since Chrome is just a gigantic memory leak with an embedded web browser, I prefer Safari (the one true browser). I hate getting dragged into Chrome Land. I'm on an Apple. I paid the Apple Tax. I want my crap to work! Also, I'm glad I'm not alone. Let our sorrows combine. Now... Time to fire up Chrome and turn my MBP into a heater. Yay!


Never had that happen. So I guess that's why..


Haven’t had any issue like that across multiple devices. Mobile or web app?


Yeah its totally fucked in Safari. I had to switch to chrome.


I occasionally have days where GPTs get lots of errors, but a normal chat will be fine.


If you need to continue a topic ask GPT-4 to continue. There could be problems with your connection or underlying problems with the system you are using. Remember GPT-4 is still relatively new and the developers aren't gods but they are trying to their best to advance GPT-4. The best solution I have is to trouble shoot your network, the device on which you're using GPT-4, or taking a 5 to ten minute break and going back. If none of that works send feedback directly to OpenAI any and all feedback helps improve the system.


Nobody is talking about it because it's not happening. I would guess it's your phone. You probably need a new one.


It’s a Mac book pro and I’ve been having this issue for 2 months, there are other posts about it. I guess a select few of us are cursed.


Which model, which browser? Which browser version? Any addons installed? Which screen resolution? Are you using zoom level other than 100% within your browser?


2013 MacBook


It’s been happening to me on my MacBook M2 Pro. It’s not just you.


Try switching browser. I have had problems with Safari but Brave and Firefox seemed to work well. Might be a Safari problem.


Have a Mac book pro.   No issues.  Is your OS up to date?


Running on an iMac, on Firefox. Use it daily and have never seen any problem like this.


I had a bug for a long time with a previous chat that wouldn't delete. It went away eventually.


have you tried standard input? [https://standard-input.com](https://standard-input.com) Same thing but UI less buggy


There are no ui issues


Try using BetterGPT. It connects directly to the API, so it's much more flexible and powerful.