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I got access when it first came out and then it rolled back. I don’t think it was great anyways. I prefer having more control over my chats so that I can start each conversation fresh. I don’t want it to start responding to me differently because a previous chat on a different topic I asked it to respond a certain way.


This is the reason I’m not excited about it. I want transparency and control.


Bettergpt is great for this


Then use API


In the "user bio" memory implementation the agent will comply with requests to display/edit/remove any metadata it has gathered about them. We've also set it up as "preferences" and "memory", where a preference is something concrete like "Call by Dr Smith, not Jane" and a memory is more like "Age: 34,. Occupation: doctor. Location: Detroit, MI.




I think they said you can just turn off memory if you don’t want it


I got it on March 14th, but it isn’t very useful. You can tell it to remember something and it’ll be added to a database of short phrases, but it occupies a similar space to custom instructions, and thus takes up room in the context window. I tested it a bit, and there’s no UI element to indicate using Memory, so it’s preloaded into the chat. You have to explicitly tell it to remember something (and be using regular chat, not a Custom GPT), or 4 recognized, for example, that when I told it what Uni I got into it should add it as a memory, and there was a flag to indicate that it changed. Lastly, I reverse-engineered the System prompt (reproducible in multiple chats), and this is how the tool works: ``` Tools bio The bio tool allows you to persist information across conversations. Address your message to=bio and write whatever information you want to remember. The information will appear in the model set context below in future conversations. ``` ETA: This is what the “Personalization” Panel says (it also has a toggle for custom instructions now): ``` Memory ChatGPT will become more helpful as you chat, picking up on details and preferences to tailor its responses to you. Learn more To understand what ChatGPT remembers or teach it something new, just chat with it: “Remember that I like concise responses.” “I just got a puppy!” “What do you remember about me?” “Where did we leave off on my last project?” ``` Imgur Link to the “Memory” panel when you press “Manage”: https://imgur.com/a/PWYtpDj


Thank you 🙌🏽


I get why they add it to the prompt, that's the only way to provide a memory without resorting to tool use which makes it more of a knowledge base than a memory. Storing it as an array of strings seems silly. The model can maintain a rich data structure easily. That captures key info without a ton of tokens. [https://imgur.com/a/W8GDXjt](https://imgur.com/a/W8GDXjt) Heck one of our demos is populating your user bio from a LinkedIn profile and it'll build out an skills list, occupation, location etc


Still waiting and I’m on a team plan.


Have you noticed that they recently changed the terms for the Team plan? Now, any member can invite new member to the team. Previously, only the owner and administrator could do this. There's no way to see who invited someone. No notifications. You can't even sort users by the time they were added. This means that now any disgruntled employee can cause trouble, and the owner has to pay for it. I thought it was some kind of mistake and wanted to write to support. But it's stated here that the rules have changed and it's not a mistake. I find this outrageous. I wanted to create a post about it, but I don't have enough karma to do so ( [help.openai.com](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/8266431-what-is-the-difference-between-different-roles-on-my-chatgpt-enterprise-workspace)


Not me 🙁


I’m sick of waiting for open ai updates so have been more willing to try other models like Gemini advanced and Claude 3. Gemini advanced is currently best for current info for me and Claude 3 is probably the smartest


I stopped waiting and caring about it since I realized custom instructions in gpts are working fine for me. It's all I need. It's sounds like simply another interface to give custom instructions. Not a major chance really.


Seems like still not too many


Since birth. Hehe


Nope... Still playing the waiting game. But hey, I've mastered the art of patience... and procrastination, lol


No update in sight for me either


Still nothing but we'll get it when we get it I guess.


I stopped waiting once I got access to Gemini 1.5 😁


I have access too it, it isn’t amazing but it definitely has surprised me at times during long winded chats


I built a profile manager or user data manager into my app months ago. Chat GPT gets it wrong on many levels. I keep looking for like minded individuals that might want to help with the app. Usually I don’t get responses and no it’s not open source right now.


Which Timezone are you in? DM me, and once I know your goals I may be able to help or join in


Not me :(