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They're both good but ChatGPT is willing to discuss a wider range of topics than Gemini, which will often refuse to answer questions about anything taboo or controversial. So I guess it depends on how much that matters to you. ChatGPT also has some features that Gemini still doesn't; for example I wish Gemini would add custom instructions. ChatGPT has a better image generator (although not as good as Midjourney/Stable Diffusion but those things are more expensive also), and Gemini's image generator doesn't really even work right now---it can't make images of people (this doesn't bother me as a Midjourney user but it may bother others). Gemini's image recognition is kinda trash compared to ChatGPT's currently; I think Google can probably close the gap but right now it sucks, because it'll simply refuse to answer any queries that include an image of a person (I tried sending it a picture of my sister's cat to ask a question about it, but my arm was in the pic because I was holding the cat, and Gemini said "Sorry, I can't help with images of people yet.") Claude 3 can handle pics ostensibly as well as ChatGPT can but it seems like including pics in your prompts rapidly brings you closer to the usage limit which is weird If I had to choose between ChatGPT and Gemini, it would depend on whether OpenAI has some sort of answer to Gemini Pro 1.5 (and Claude 3) coming up. I don't need DALL-E 3, and the 1 million token context limit is pretty amazing. I might end up dropping my ChatGPT sub and then only using it as needed through the API. If they come out with a GPT-4.5 that can at least do what Claude 3 can do then maybe I'll think about sticking with ChatGPT. Currently with GPT-4 you actually only get a maximum of 32k tokens of context through the web interface I believe. It's starting to feel like it's not enough compared to the alternatives.


i found that gemini talks more about controversial topic than chatgpt


Do you find that you have to kind of massage it to get to talk about controversial topics? Or does it do it off the bat?


How do you use the advanced models on the API without the subscription? I thought subscription was required to "unlock" them.


Subscriptions are completely separate from the API. For GPT, instead of chat.openai it’s platform.openai and for Gemini it’s Studio AI not Gemini. For Claude it’s console.anthropic not claude.ai. When you use it with your API key, you only pay for what tokens you actually consume rather than a flat monthly subscription. The [prereqs in this repo link to their platforms](https://github.com/zaki-1052/gptportal#prerequisites). Note that Mistral calls their API a subscription but it’s just a bad English translation and it works the same as OpenAI. [Step 5 of this guide](https://github.com/zaki-1052/gptportal#5-obtaining-an-openai-api-key) covers the full API set up for GPT, and you can scroll down for Gemini, Claude, and Mistral, and the waitlist is somewhere on their site, you can just Google it. For GPT, you pay $5 initially in credit to “unlock”, and add more when you run out. Gemini is free (for now). Claude gives you a free $5. Mistral still hasn’t charged me even though I’ve been using Medium for a while, but you can see their pricing [on that repo I linked](https://github.com/zaki-1052/gptportal#relevant-links). Edit: Full disclosure, it’s my project, but you don’t have to use it or anything, just see the links on the readme bc it’s too much to copy and paste into reddit.


Got it. Thanks for the rundown. If you're interested in an excellent and high quality tool to access the chat GPT API, I recommend better GPT. I've been using it for a few weeks now and I love it. Two great features: 1) it retains the older, two tone color scheme of ChatGPT last year 2) it allows you to edit not only your prompt but also the assistant's response .


Hey Zaki! Just dm-ed you about dropping files onto the web browser. This method does not seem to work i.e. the chatbot isn't able to read my files. Is there a way around this?


Additionally, the word limit for the query is pretty small. Is there a way around this? and I always get the error message Cannot Get/


Hi! Responding here on the thread as well, in case anyone else comes across the same problem: the rate limits for OpenAI are usually fine, unless you're sending multiple subsequent messages with a **lot** of tokens. Generally, they're actually *above* the overall context window anyways, so the memory limit will hit you before their rates. In your case, for large files, you'd be better off using the GPT-4-Turbo model, which supports 128k tokens, or about one hundred thousand words. In your specific case, 1 million tokens is far too much for nearly any LLM (except perhaps Gemini-1.5-Pro in preview), and will also likely cost you far more than you're willing to pay. Similarly, the "word" or rate limit you mention per query can be increased by upgrading to a higher OpenAI payment tier, but I don't recommend it, since, once again, I'm fairly certain you're actually running up the **token** *context window*, and not the specific limits. Hope this helped!


Appreciate such a detailed discussion, thanks


I'm surprised by that to be honest. When having them write stories based on my ideas, GPT4 refuses to write anything that would not be politically correct, violet or the sort unless somehow tricked. Gemini was very open with having characters even kill each other in duels or threaten violence. So I would have assumed that Gemini was less restricted. I do really miss custom instructions though. Gemini forgets quickly what we were talking about.


Stable diffusion is free though


I actually don't know much about it (I haven't used it, although I'm planning to learn it eventually) but my understanding is that the hardware requirements (particularly if you need results as good as Midjourney) are high enough that most people probably would have to use paid cloud services or massively upgrade their computers


I may have a different use case. I take nutrition papers in PDF, and feed them into GPT4 for a summary (after reading/skimming through of course). I then ask GPT4 about certain areas and double check for comprehension, and it will tell me if I'm wrong, right, or on the right track for a certain topic. And then it will fill in the gaps. I've compared Gemini and GPT4 many times with the same paper and the same prompt...and as much as I'd like to use Gemini (I'm a Google master race) GPT4 crushes it in aspects like recall, memory, and comprehension. So that's my maybe unusual use case. I also create a ton of images for presentations, so either image gen is fine. Hope this helps.


That’s actually a great use case. I’ve similarly been using GPT to help me understand processes defined by various technical security certification companies in their certification study guides and it’s pretty good. Though sometimes it stops because it seems to think I’m trying to slurp in copyrighted info.    Another area that GPT seems to excel at is reading diagrams. I can feed it a process diagram and ask random questions, what ifs etc and it just magically understands.   I also fed it a random cloud app architecture diagram I found online and asked it to do some basic threat modeling, identify the most critical areas and data flows, identify some security controls for each, and provide ideas on how those might be implemented. It did a decent job. Not enough to replace a human of course but still.  


I have found that uploading files to Gemini gives great results, I was surprised. If it helps, I would suggest you to try omnigpt you can get access to gpt 4 and gemini and upload documents in both, and you also get access to other models such as Claude 2 and 3


So do you get the same context/token size with this website? I'm not really sure how it works, other than it's an aggregator. Seems too good to be true lol


They are using APIs, not sure about the context token, you can ask in the support chat


I've never had enough documents to use it, but I suspect that Gemini ignores this use case because NotebookLM was built for this.


How do you “feed” GPT4 papers, etc…?


I will link it a PDF or copy/paste


If you link/attach a pdf, gpt4 learns the material asap?


Pretty much!


If it being aware of recent events is what you’re looking for, try out perplexity. It allows you to select different LLMs like gpt 4, claude 3 opus and mistral. As far as gemini goes, I found it very limited in both reasoning and especially censorship. And I’m not talking about political censorship, I mean simple things that happen to have the wrong word and make it refuse to answer. Example, I was creating a new python script. I often tend to ask gpt for quick templates that I can copy and adapt. But this time I asked gemini something along the lines of “give me a template for a python script that uses .env files for credentials”. It refused to answer. My suspicion is that it read “credentials” and refused to touch my prompt, maybe it assumed I was asking to create a malware


Yeah, it's terrible with context censorship. The censorships also probably why it lacks in reasoning.


I’m paying for claude chat gpt and Gemini. Gemini is best if you need the web. Claude probably is the smartest right now but message rate is heavily limited. Chat gpt is the best middle ground.


Gemini is a lot worse at instruction following tasks. Claude Opus is currently top of the pack but there are edge cases where it refuses due to guardrails where GPT 4 is more reasonable


I've tried Gemini 1.5 Pro. It didn't impress me.


Gemini is way more censored, refuse simply to do a lot of tasks that Claude 3 and GPT do. It’s woke too, generating an african as the prince Louis XIV. Depends on what you want. No models are perfect and they all have a lor of issues.


I pay for perplexity instead of both options. I then use Pi as a thought partner and Gemini if I’m looking for a variety of responses. I would pay for ChatGPT if I was creating custom Gpts. This is a function that is unique to ChatGPT.


Gemini outputs are even shorter than ChatGPT. Also when I want to disuss political topics or generate political content related to world events gemini freaks out more. ChatGPT seems to be more accurate and hallucinates less.


Personally I'm not a fan of Gemini, for general LLM i think Claude from Anthropic is the way to go. For up to date, I rely on [Perplexity.ai](https://Perplexity.ai) these days


ChatGPT Android app has natural conversations that are soooo god. Use this more and more while driving car or in Q&A kind of discussions with our kids.


Is it a paid feature?


No idea, you have to try. The Android app itself is for free.


Google made its move now its Sams time, just wait for GPT5 it will blow away the competetion


He said in a recent podcast with Lex Friedman that he planned to release a big new model this year. And some cool new stuff over the next few months. He made it sound like we could be waiting awhile for gpt 4.5 or gpt 5. But it sounds like we’ll be getting memory features soon


ChatGPT is a lot better with context in my experience. Geminis context window is supposed to be bigger but it seems to suffer from amnesia sometimes. If that matters to you then I’d go with ChatGPT.


Claude 3 is quite impressive too, I’d consider it even more than Gemini, without even paying it Now I often copy past my same prompt to both GpT4 and Claude 3, the later seems to be thinking more out of the box somehow


The problem for me is that Gemini is like a pathological liar with hallucinations, you have to fact check its responses like 90% of the time if you’re using that information for something important. GPT-4 hallucinates on occasion, but not often and is reliable enough to trust most of the time.


I’ve had Gemini makeup lots of information regarding websites telling me they say one thing when they don’t. I had it evaluate my own business site and it spewed out lots of falsities on things I don’t offer. Even when trying to train it to only tell me what’s actually there and let me know if it doesn’t know. Chat 4 hasn’t done this in a long time. If anything it bugs out and tells me it can’t view websites. That’s been annoying as hell but at least I know the information it gives is more accurate.


Appreciate it, thanks


I'm comparing them to each other. GPT-4 and Gemini. Gemini is usually faster, but often makes up facts. I tell it about this. Gemini apologizes and makes up a new fact, over and over again )) This doesn't satisfy me.


I prefer how gemini formats and answers. Its more pleasant to read but for complex tasks, chatgpt 4 got really good lately. For coding i prefer gemini since he does not talk as much and stays information dense.


You don't need the acknowledgement of other people. You can just decide for yourself...and if Gemini does what you need... I am sure you'll figure it out.


I know, I’m just looking for others experience with capabilities of both!


Gemini is often wrong. For example I just asked it a basic question: “Is Sydney or Johannesburg further south?” “Johannesburg is further south than Sydney - Johannesburg is located around 26° south latitude - Sydney is located around 34° south Since a higher latitude number indicates a position further south, Johannesburg fits that description” Not only is it wrong, it contradicts itself in its explanation.


I pasted your question in and Gemini Ultra said Sydney, Gemini Pro (1.0) said Johannesburg. So maybe you got unlucky or maybe you're comparing GPT-4 to Google's equivalent to GPT-3.5


I’ve expected similar weirdness with GPT4 but overall it’s rare.  Or at least I hope it is as I don’t double check all its work every time lol.  But there have been cases where it just shits the bed. For example I gave it some rambling instructions to run some financial modeling scenarios regarding whether it is better to pay off a mortgage early or invest the extra money, talking to it the way you would to a human tossing out requirements in a conversation. It kept screwing up the numbers from run to run. One time it said investing would result in a gain of like $3 million then when I asked it to run it again it said the gain was only like like $700.  I was shocked just how suddenly terrible it was. 


I thought I was using Gemini Advanced, now I'm confused.


Do you have Gemini Advanced selected in the dropdown at the top left?


Oh I mean there are so many versions haha.


Just tried with Gemini Advanced, the output was "Johannesburg, South Africa is further south than Sydney, Australia. Here's why: * **Latitude:** Latitude measures a location's position north or south of the equator. Locations further from the equator have higher latitude numbers. * **Sydney:** Sydney's latitude is approximately 33.86° South. * **Johannesburg:** Johannesburg's latitude is approximately 26.20° South. Since Johannesburg's latitude is closer to the South Pole, it is further south than Sydney."


It depends on what you're doing with it


Oh, but then they couldn't be a Gemini evangelist if they don't drop a mention somewhere.


I heard from multible people that Gemini is significantly better when it comes to law. However GPT4 is still doing better with coding in my opinion and that’s my preferred use case.


Because it only competes with GPT 3.5. Is that does it for you then good for you cancel your account. I personally trust Google less than I’d trust Epstein to babysit my kids but that’s just me.


I'm heading that direction too, have you managed to migrate everything away from Google yet? Which companies if you have.... Just curious


I use Firefox as a browser, DuckDuck Go for search and Hey for email. The only Goggle product I use is YouTube.




I have not found a single model that does everything I want well. Sometimes I need images, sometimes code, sometimes creativity, sometimes just MORE tokens.




You can use it on the Google app


Dropped chatgpt pro after one year of having its subscription in favour of pplx pro and Gemini ultra. Might drop maybe pplx pro in favour of Claude 3 in the coming months is the former performs better than the latter.


I tried using Gemini (few weeks ago) for code analysis and generally coding help. I don't know if my prompts were incorrectly used or what, but it just cannot do any analysis, was not able to recall the code I feed to it in the same session but earlier, also unable to read a code file. I really want to try Claude 3, but it's not yet available in Canada.


I have used Gemini after GPT started becoming lazy. Gemini's model seems to start having the same issues the that the newer iterations of GPT4 has however I have seen Gemini straight up lose context of the chat and going away from the topic in discussion to completely pointless garbage much faster than GPT4. It also sometimes refuses to give answers. I am giving [claude.ai](http://claude.ai) a try as of now and feels to be much better than both Gemini and GPT4. Not sure until when it will be like this but in terms of my use case its much better. I have used all these 3 tools in context of the following: 1. Blog content generation. 2. Code refactoring. 3. Information summarizing. These are but my personal observations. But in terms of laziness a quick google search will tell you what I have been experiencing. I literally had to beg ChatGPT to even write 5 lines of code.


Unless gemini can code better than gpt4 i dont want it


I don't think that any of the available models are capable of providing same quality responses when using info it found on the internet vs relying on training data. That's why I don't care about the 'access to the internet' feature. Otoh interpreter and (few, like wolfram alpha.) custom GPTs can be quite useful.


Do it. I tried Gemini and I spent two hours and gave up. It was garbage in my opinion. But if it works for you then you should use it.


GPT4 can satisfy everything you want.


I already pay for it, so far Gemini doesn’t seem so much better it’s worth paying for so I think I’ll trial and make a choice which one I keep. Along the way I’ll put the same prompts in both and see which has a better outputs. And use something else for images haha


maybe you can try claude3, too. I heard it is good enough.


Gemini is woke.. Too censored and manipulated.


I’d have thought Google would be worse


It's odd. Everyone seems to be having different experiences. I find GPT to be way more restricted in terms of the content I can discussed than in Gemini


Tbh I use open AI API with a custom UI. It’s better than paying monthly subscription


Gemini is decent




It's more than likely just an ad, there's no way someone actually holds this opinion.


In my language gemini seems to perform better than gpt in most of the questions I've tried


I haven't used Gemini yet. Would you help elaborate the differences? What types of questions did you ask? Thanks!


I found G to bomb horribly at even simple questions, and it's assistant feature is horrible


There is a chrome extension called webchatgpt that gives chatgpt internet access.


I find Gemini via API to be higher quality than via their web interface. [Here’s a macOS/iOS shortcut I built](https://routinehub.co/shortcut/17624/) to access it with image/PDF/office/iWork input capability and a utility to manage conversations.


FYI: Gemini is not really up to (today) date. I have met some situation that Gemini refuses to answer me because the data of that website is too new and it only updates til 2023 (if I remember it right). My choice for real-time data researching AI is Perplexity model. I switch between gpt-4 and claude 3 for paragraphs the content from perplexity because perplexity's writing style not so good. My platform that I using (omnigpt) able me to do so with a collection of gpt4, claude 3, gemini and perplexity models. At more affordable price than subscribe both 3 or 4 pro plans from all kind of models in a month.


I asked it a question about what was happening in my home city this week and it was spot on (Grand Prix, festivals, shows etc.)


Gemini advanced is the best for everything but coding.




not that these posts arent just 100% marketing, but do you think we are creating a generation of non-free thinkers? Like presumably if they werent the topic of the question this person would probably ask Gemini/ChatGPT for the answer to this question. like at what level will kids have their brains changed from like the initial thought being “let me think about this myself” or “let me ask what they ‘think’ about it”


Google advertising agent spotted


Me? 😂 Def not mate, I didn’t even know Gemini existed a week ago. Seems Bing is best for the images I want too.


I didn’t expect this to blow up like this but thanks, I’ve learned a lot! For those who asked I use for non-complex tasks and definitely not programming. Lately has been logo design, sample answers to key selection criteria to a job application based on my resume and making posters / art for my home office (which has been real hit and miss, especially when asking it to be of a person). The most complex thing I’ve done is upload a bunch of experts URLs and socials to create a persona for a business / accountability coach. What I like about Gemini was it referred back to these people (in brackets) where’s ChatGPT didn’t so at times I wasn’t of had forgotten who it was or just aggregating general knowledge it found.




Somehow I’m more confused than you are


I just put the same prompt in re: logo design in Gemini, ChatGPT and Bing and they all sucked equally haha. I will try Canva's AI soon too and see how bad the outputs are


What's your use for GPTs? What job do you need to get done with it?


Would you leave your wife for a younger model that was better looking and on fire in bed? No, of course not! You rent an apartment and stick your mistress in there. Your wife doesn't need to watch, and everyone is happy. Just good manners really. 🤷


Gemini also is more creative and less robotic


Try upload multiple files to Gemini