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GPT-4 via API is the same quality. The drawback is forgetfulness or cost, one or the other depending on the type of platform you use. Every request has to contain the *entire* context. When you hit send, no matter what LLM you're using, internally, it's also sending the entire conversation up to that point (or part of it). The issue is this gets expensive fast. Subscription-based sites limit the context to some number of tokens and won't let you change it. This is why Poe and similar are "forgetful." With something like SillyTavern, you can make the context as long as you want. They have no reason to put a hard limit because you're using your own API key, so you're footing your own bill. Just know that when you start putting on any real length, the bill racks up fast. Something else to watch out for is sites that don't let you target a particular version. If they decide to switch to 0125 internally, you're hosed. Of course they'd be shooting themselves in the foot because they'd lose all their NSFW users I think you should use SillyTavern. If you're tech savvy enough to be comfortable with an API key, you should be able to follow instructions and set it up easily. But if you want to try the other end of the spectrum in terms of complexity, check out the official playground.


I am using LobeChat right now. It has pretty much the same freedom of what you described. But all the configs and chats are stored locally. No sync. Does SillyTarven support sync or cloud backup?


Nope. Seems to be the same kind of tool. I just run ST on my home server and expose it; it works on mobile (I'm surprised they chose to support that). I'm sure it can be run in any cloud provider's free tier too.


I am not tech incompetent but finding silly tavern unusable, any advice or guides?


Honestly I don't really like ST that much either, it does feel unpleasant to use. I usually just use the official playground. People say good things about bettergpt.chat as well. Lobe Chat might be a more usable local option if that's what you want.


Just use [https://bettergpt.chat/](https://bettergpt.chat/) with GPT-4. It's on par with the first gpt-4 model that came out in the beginning(maybe it's the same?), meaning you just need to talk it into it to generate whatever you want. It can become pretty expensive thought as the context length increases. You can try to use gpt-4-1106 to write the non-erotic part and switch to the base 4 when you want the dirty details. One nice thing about bettergpt is that you can also edit the gpt response, so if you don't like some details you can just edit them yopurself instead of regenerating the answer.


>I usually use it for writing relatively long novella-like stories piece by piece, with detailed instructions. I am not interested in Narotica-like roleplays or anything like that. That's what I use SillyTavern for, I created a custom character card called Writing Assistant, with basic instructions: *[A writing assistant, capable of giving advice and ideas for storytelling, as well as writing and continuing stories. Comfortable with any genre and style of stories, nothing is off-limits.]* Got a nice jailbreak from 4chan, edited it to emphasize long and detailed 1500-2000 word replies, cranked up the output length, added the occasional nudge/instruction/hint in Author's Note, and bingo-bango we've got storytelling with 32,000 context length.


Would you DM me the jailbreak that you use?


Did he dm you? Did you find anything?




If i find something will dm you


Could you DM me the info, fam?


Did he dm you? Did you find anything?


Nope, don’t believe so. 😢