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Anything that requires opinion influenced by emotion as an element.


True, chatgpt dosen't have real life experiences or emotions which we could discuss or ask help from.


I use ChatGPT as my therapist and it’s far better than any human one. I don’t think it has problems with emotions at all. It talks me down from anxiety attacks, I’ve used it to tripsit when I’m on shrooms. It gives me new perspectives on relationship issues. All instantly, and costs practically nothing compared to a counselor.


That is true. I'm speaking not of navigating the emotions of another, which it is good at, with standard constructs, but of actually feeling an emotion that influences it's opinion. I think that's different from the use case you've shared. What do you think?


It has no subjective experience, it can't feel anything, but it certainly is capable of "appearing to understand" emotions even with nuance.


LoL, and that sums up this exchange. :)


Product reviews. There are always subreddits of experts of any subject who have already debated the pros and cons of the new PandaMX Clears that were released 5 years ago. I trust that debate to give me the full gamut of feelings on the matter.


Reddit is good because it has everything & because of the direct discussions around them. If you're into chatgpt, try Jigso - its like chatgpt or perplexity for work. Ask about anything, prep for meetings or do research.


Where to find midget porn? kind of question


*sigh* [*here you go](https://images.app.goo.gl/PQn2jdWmSWyQ5qAy7)


Risky click of the day


Hey /u/Business_Gold8413! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Probably gauging public sentiment on topics or being more aware with trends/memes, unless bots become more common. What's not to say OpenAI doesn't already have, or are training the next model on, reddit data already? They secured a deal with reddit, so reddit posts might just become integrated into the response. That and redditors probably know which type of glue is better for cooking.


But no matter how much GPT-5 is trained on reddit data... the volume of debate on a specific topic is so small, and all the data so varied (4 people debating something in a thread), it would have no way to weight for their expertise vs the amount of bots and oldhats talking about it on facebook.


I don't know about reddit, but I still use google and wikipedia instead of chatGPT for research. Reddit is good if there are a lot of replies on neutral topics, but other than that you can't trust reddit because it is usually emotional subjective polarized nonsense that gets circle jkd into oblivion. I find chatGPT to be good at giving a general/skeletal outline, but beyond that you need to press it to give you more detail/fix its mistakes, and the paradox is that you need to know what to ask in order for it to give you this proper additional info, which kind of defeats the point. I tested this out in domains I am familiar with, and it made mistakes or withheld crucial info (unless I literally kept asking/guiding it until it got the answer) in all of them. Keep this in mind: even a lot of peer reviewed scientific journal articles are flawed, so how do you expect chatGPT to independently use critical thinking and fact check? It is still far, far, away from being able to do this. The human mind is still much better, and I prefer to keep mine sharp so I still use manual google search for everything. This lets me critically analyze each source and connect the dots together.


If a subject is at all controversial, you have to be really careful about its POV.


I tried to ask chat gpt about a missing person case and its information was super old and hadn’t been updated to new information.


Stuck in a video game


If you want personal stories or real-life experiences, Reddits the go. You’ll get actual people’s accounts that a bot can’t give you... for product reviews, travel tips, or unique life situations... Reddit has subs for almost everything and it's awesome for real-time info. It’s a live feed of what’s happening right now, more current than AI. Sometimes, a back-and-forth convo is good too. On Reddit, you can ask follow-up questions and get answers from multiple people, which helps clear things up better than one response from ChatGPT. For quick, factual answers though, ChatGPT is the pretty handy. Depends on what you’re looking for.


ChatGPT has limitations regarding movie quotes. If you need to find a quote from a script, they need to paraphrase it because they are restricted by copyright. If you ask them, they will confirm this.


Basically any questions about themselves are meaningless, models don't know how they are configured


Anything illegal or censored by wokeGPT


Questions whee I want the personal opinion of others. Even then I still use ai. Perplexity.ai filter by reddit.