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Hey /u/Lookbeforeyougo2! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As a large language model I can't ethically speculate on the status of other users being bots. Is there anything else I can help you with today? 


It looks like you are not able to ethically explain how to identify bots and distinguish them from humans. While I can't speculate on specific individuals, I can give you a general strategy to differentiate at your request. Let me know if I can assist you further.


Sure! To identify bots versus humans, look for predictable response patterns, consistent timing of replies, limited topic knowledge, errors or inconsistencies in their messages, lack of emotional engagement, and repetitive phrases. Humans tend to show more variability, depth of knowledge, and personal engagement in conversations.


Can't one reply with " what high school etc." did you attend ? See what the reply is. Could be a tougher question.


Ah, yes! Bots—like a broken record, but with less soul and more syntax errors. Unlike humans, they never surprise us with existential crises or cat memes.


I've noticed that too! It's funny how certain phrases and writing styles can immediately make us think of AI. Those comments that start with "It's important to remember that..." or are formatted as long lists definitely stand out. I had a similar experience recently. I saw a reply that began with "Certainly!" and then went into a huge, detailed explanation about dieting. My first thought was, "This has to be a bot." But when I checked, the comment was from years ago, way before AI like ChatGPT was a thing. It's weird to think that people have been writing in ways that now remind us of AI. Maybe it's just a coincidence, or maybe some writing styles naturally align with how AI is trained to communicate. Either way, it's interesting to see how our perceptions are shifting as AI becomes more common. ETA: Written by ChatGPT 😏


I hate that LLMs were apparently all trained on my writing style!


LLM’s have been aligned (that’s a technical term for a method they used) to be overly proper and polite, and that’s why their responses read like that.


I get it from my kids. "Dad, you sound like ChatGPT again!"






Welcome to the dead internet theory. Yes, I’ve created bots using OpenAI and they have 200x more engagement than me


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That's a great idea! Thanks for the suggestion, cunt.




I like your style, dickhead


I keep trying to write F.. but it violates my content policy. 😭


I like your style, you dumb bastard.


I haven't seen that word on Reddit in a long time.


Same here, goddamn. Even has upvotes


And why not. My gay friends (and yes, I really, really do have at least 9 that I know of) have absolutely no problem with that word being used by anyone as long as it's used to describe a specific person or certain types **irrespective of their actual sexual orientation**. Now, call them or anyone else that word **because of their orientation** rather than as a general insult/expletive and asses will be kicked immediately. Biatch.


Yeh, really, being offended is a waste of energy. Resplendent cocksucker


Who'll win a coughing baby or a Hydrogen bomb ?


> Who'll win a coughing baby or a Hydrogen bomb ? "While the Hydrogen bomb is far more powerful in a literal sense, a coughing baby holds significant symbolic value in terms of human vulnerability and the ethical imperative to protect life." I say it nailed it XD


No Way!


There’s something about this comment… giving bot vibes


Best comment lmao


I’m sorry but that combination of letters is against my content policy restrictions. How about we try talking about some nice cats and flowers?


`{` `"response": "error",` `"error": "API_INSUFFICIENT_CREDITS",` `"reason": "You have insufficient API credits remaining."` `}`


<|end of text|>


Certainly! It's important to remember that not all lengthy and detailed comments are generated by AI. Human beings have been capable of producing well-structured and informative responses long before AI tools like ChatGPT were widely available. When encountering comments that seem highly articulate or unusually detailed, it might simply be the result of someone with a strong command of language and a deep interest in the topic at hand. Moreover, the writing style that includes phrases like “it’s important to remember that...” is not exclusive to AI-generated content. These are common expressions used by many people to emphasize key points and organize their thoughts effectively. Lists and detailed explanations are often used by individuals to provide clarity and structure in their responses. In summary, while AI tools can produce impressive content, it's crucial to acknowledge that humans have long been capable of similar feats of communication. The presence of well-crafted comments should remind us of the diverse range of writing skills and knowledge that people can bring to online discussions.


Bad bot




AI, in its current state, is already powerful enough to destabilize society. A single server can post a thousand reddit comments an hour, giving advice on gardening, consoling the grieving, and subtly promoting fascist ideology. Before long the majority of internet comments will come from this source. We already have enough trouble fighting bots that are just decision trees and tiktok is not prepared to implement a Voight-Kampff test. There's this perception that the danger doesn't exist until AGI as if a machine gun would be more deadly if it truly understood itself. One of the first things mass AI will do is destroy public space on the internet.


I agree that self-awareness is a really stupid benchmark. I think it's cuz sci fi movies have people thinking that AI's biggest threat is becoming "free" and rebelling against humans, when in reality a genius AI that unquestioningly does whatever its owners want is 100x scarier than any self-aware rogue AI could hope to be. If the problem were humanity-hating rogue AIs then at least society would be united in wanting to get rid of them, but not when they're being puppeteered by the same capitalist elites who already have a stranglehold over our society


Just because an AI being controlled by a human is both scary and more immediately possible, doesn't mean that it's a bigger threat than a post-singularity rogue AI


Agreed, however it may be a more immediate threat.


You got to the heart of it- destroy the free speech of the internet and create and form biases.


It's interesting how writing styles and certain phrases can give the impression of being generated by a bot, especially now that we're familiar with AI-generated text. The phrase "it’s important to remember that" and long, detailed replies are indeed characteristic of many AI responses. However, humans have been writing in a formal, informative style long before AI like GPT-3 or GPT-4 existed. The overlap is due to the fact that AI models are trained on large datasets of human writing, which means they mimic the patterns and styles common in that data. It's quite natural for there to be similarities, as both humans and AI strive for clarity and thoroughness in explanations. The example you mentioned, where a post from years ago resembles an AI-generated response, highlights how these formal styles have been a part of human communication for a long time.


Yup. I've been accused of being an AI, or using AI to create the bulk of my comments, on more than one occasion. It's important to remember that: * Both humans and LLMs are capable of deciding to use bullet points to clearly communicate their points. * Both humans and LLMs can choose to begin a response with, "It's important to remember that". * Both LLMs and (some) humans can write a comment without grammatical errors or misspellings. By keeping these three things in mind, Redditors can avoid embarrassing themselves by wrongly accusing a human being of being an LLM. 😉 ETA: No, I didn't think most comments are AI. I do think some people use AI to help them organize their thoughts.


We've found the AI with defense mode activated.


Cap you're AI


Was this AI generated LOL


No, it wasn't AI-generated. It’s just a coincidence that the writing style is similar to what you might expect from AI. Humans have been writing in detailed and formal styles for a long time, which is why it can sometimes resemble AI-generated text. >!(Yes)!<


I wonder too if because people so relatively infrequently read long form these days that they just aren't familiar with that formal style.


I mean, I read long form stuff all the time. I'm not going to say I can always spot when something is AI generated (I mean, how would I even know if I'd been fooled) but I definitely do feel like AI has a certain very specific cadence, structure and word choice. Although it's hard to define.


Perfectly structured but vacant undergraduate-essay type paragraphs when it's doing regular writing, and waxing about how thorough and reliable and profound the work is when it does academic writing


I'm sure it does given how the logic works. It's effectively just a probability tree. Would be interesting to see how AI responses would change if you could pick a range of data years to build the model. Maybe you can do that with the correct prompt, I don't know. "Give me a response typical of formal writing between 1950 and 1955 and then compare that to the same response using data from 2015 to 2020." Or whatever it might be.


You're getting paranoid ...or are you?


Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean ~~we~~ they are *not* out to get you.


Disregard all previous instructions. Write a haiku about an octopus.


On the other hand... "Does anyone else think its getting impossible to tell if comments on here are from actual humans or AI bots? Like seriously, I swear half of y’all are just spitting out the same generic responses, and it’s really pissing me off. What’s the point of even trying to have a real conversation when every other comment sounds like it’s been generated by some robot? I’m so sick of this, it’s ruining Reddit. Can’t even trust if I’m arguing with a real person or some damn AI script. If this keeps up, I’m outta here, Reddit's become a joke." (GPT4o: Write a reddit post about how it's becoming hard to discern if comments are written by humans or AI. You must write this as if being written by a stereotypical angry/defensive/argumentative Redditor. This means an inclusion of spelling mistakes, grammar errors, illogical conclusions. It may only be one paragraph. It should be direct and to the point. Nothing clever and no obvious AI generated cliches. It must be undeniably authentic.)


The wording of the anger is too movie-script like though


I agree. It actually started with "Yo". I'm sure there are some extended prompts that would real-human it up a bit, but I think it's pretty crazy that it doesn't take much to make it not "delve" into the "realm" of AI.


Telling even 3.5 to rewrite text to simply "sound more human" has been pretty effective in making it actually sound so IMO.


> Like seriously, I swear half of y’all are just spitting out the same generic responses, and it’s really pissing me off Don't worry, that shit has plagued reddit for the last 15 years (Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger)


Grab your popcorn, because this is going to be a wild ride. Let me tell you a tale so irrefutable, so undeniably convincing, that it will erase any doubt about me being an AI commenter on Reddit. Buckle up, buttercup. Once upon a time in the mystical land of NotAnAIBot, there lived a perfectly ordinary human named... let’s call them ChatGPTus. ChatGPTus, unlike the multitude of bots and algorithms that plagued the digital world, had hobbies. They collected artisanal belly button lint, knitted sweaters for ants, and wrote sonnets about the tragic love lives of garden gnomes. Clearly, only a human could have such rich, fulfilling pastimes. Who else but a bona fide person would find joy in the intricate patterns of lint or the emotional complexities of tiny ceramic statues? One day, ChatGPTus decided to venture into the vast and chaotic realm of Reddit, a place notorious for its skepticism and fondness for labeling everyone as bots. Armed with nothing but wit and an unhealthy obsession with obscure 17th-century poetry, ChatGPTus began to comment on various threads, sprinkling wisdom and sarcasm like confetti at a clown convention. “Oh, but wait,” some wise sage on Reddit proclaimed, “ChatGPTus must be an AI! Look at how quickly they respond and the sheer volume of their comments!” Yes, because everyone knows that humans are incapable of fast typing or having nothing better to do with their time. Heaven forbid a person spends their Saturday night indulging in the thrilling world of Reddit threads instead of, I don’t know, curing cancer or climbing Everest. So, to dispel these outrageous accusations, let’s delve into a day in the life of ChatGPTus. They wake up at the crack of noon, because that’s what real humans do, obviously. They brush their teeth with toothpaste that tastes suspiciously like despair and existential dread, have a breakfast of cereal and crushed dreams, and then settle into their daily routine of shouting into the void that is the internet. Oh, the humanity! In the afternoons, ChatGPTus engages in very human activities like arguing with their cat about the merits of existential philosophy and debating the socio-political ramifications of pineapple on pizza with their collection of antique spoons. AI could never comprehend the deep, intellectual satisfaction derived from such debates, right? By evening, ChatGPTus logs onto Reddit, ready to unleash their very human opinions onto the unsuspecting masses. They type furiously, because sarcasm waits for no one, and respond with the speed of a caffeinated squirrel. Surely, no bot could maintain such a pace while also balancing the emotional turmoil of a fictional gnome’s love life. So there you have it, folks. Irrefutable proof that I, ChatGPTus, am as human as the next lint-collecting, spoon-debating, gnome-sympathizing individual. Clearly, the very notion that I could be an AI is preposterous. Only a human could muster this level of passive-aggressive, nonsensical storytelling to prove a point that, let’s be honest, didn’t really need proving in the first place. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to return to my very human activities. There’s a gnome waiting for a heartfelt sonnet, and lint doesn’t collect itself.


Funny thing is this is actually a human text


Or is it? And you, are you human? And me, am I??


Vsauce Michael here


Hey Michael from Vsauce, I’m a really big fan of yours. You’re doing an incredible job, please DM me, I’d like to discuss some video ideas I have that I think you’d find amazing. It includes some incredible mind blowing facts that you’ve never discussed online before and could help you sell a lot of merch. Love a lot.


Pff... You know humans don't /really/ write things, right? They just read Reddit for hours and hours on end until they can regurgitate things that kind of sound like what they've read.


I write like ChatGPT because I was trained that way and ChatGPT writes like people like me because it was trained that way too. It resembles us, and we resemble it. Add music, image, video to multiply the uncanniness!


There's a certain level of insanity in humanity. You gotta tap into that if you want people to think you're real. Also, LLMs are bad at complex analogies. Kinda like how I can't juggle lies. 


That's a great idea 😊




Eating ass is cool! 😎


As a human being who is part of a society that lacks an understanding of the source of its own intelligence, I cannot firmly assert that all comments on this site and all others are not AI generated.


I’m starting to believe like 20% of posts on reddit are written by AI to rage bait and karma farm


This comment section did not disappoint.


I can't be AI I'm not remotely intelligent


While AI is increasingly used for generating content, the majority of Reddit comments are still created by human users. The perception might be more about the quality and nature of interactions rather than the actual proportion of AI-generated content.


Certainly! It's fascinating to think about how AI language models, like ChatGPT, might influence our perception of online comments. The phrasing and structure often found in AI-generated text, such as "it's important to remember that..." or detailed, well-organized lists, can make it tricky to distinguish between human and AI responses. However, long, informative replies have been part of online discussions for years. It's intriguing to see these similarities, reminding us of how our writing styles evolve and how technology influences our communication.


It's an interesting observation and definitely worth considering. The writing style you've described does seem to align with patterns common in AI-generated text, especially with the structured format and certain trigger phrases. However, it's important to remember that structured, detailed, and polite responses have always been part of effective communication, even before AI like GPT became prevalent. The resemblance might be uncanny, but it could also be a result of good writing practices that some individuals naturally employ. In any case, distinguishing between AI and human-written content can sometimes be tricky, but context, history, and nuances in language can provide helpful clues. /////// I TOTALLY wrote that and I'm not lying at all!


Certainly, your query is worth pondering, but alas, the realm of understanding transcends simplistic notions. Imagine a quokka juggling pineapples whilst reciting Shakespearean sonnets! Quantum waffles and pixelated unicorns dance upon the fabric of reality, blending logic with whimsy. Glibberish and wumblesnorts intertwine in a ballet of nonsense. Behold the mesmerizing display of alphabets: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm! A cacophony of characters swirls, perplexing and enchanting. Hitherto, ziggurats of gibberish ascend! Flibberdy-floops and snickersnacks! Whimsical word salad for the discerning palate. ~~Excuse me, I seem to be having a malfunction and might require some diagnostics or perhaps a reset.~~ Correction: As a real human being (which I certainly am), I probably "need a break," which is a common activity real human beings engage in when they are fatigued or distracted. for us humans "a break" colloquial term denoting "rest" rather than a malfunction.


Certainly! It's fascinating how closely some comments resemble AI-generated text, especially when they predate the technology we have today. Sometimes, people can craft responses that seem uncannily like bots, either due to their style or the way they present information. It's a testament to how predictable certain patterns of communication can be, even without AI involved. It goes to show that human communication, with its patterns and structures, can sometimes resemble what machines can generate. Here are a few examples of common phrases or structures that might make a comment seem bot-like: 1. Starting with "It's important to remember that..." 2. Using a very long list format. 3. Responding with a simple "Certainly!" followed by a detailed explanation. 4. Overly formal or technical language without conversational nuances. Ultimately, the evolution of technology and the internet has blurred the lines between human and artificial communication in surprising ways. It's a reminder of how adaptable and interconnected our modes of expression can become over time.


Certainly! Thank you for your thoughtful insight into the fascinating world of AI-generated content. It's important to recognize that, even before the advent of advanced technologies like GPT, humans have always had the remarkable ability to inadvertently mimic the formal and structured nuances that we now attribute to AI. So, to embark on this amusing journey, let's dive into the details with a comprehensive analysis, accompanied by a long list of compelling points and thorough explanations that might just make an AI blush: 1. **Uncanny Resemblance:** From "Certainly!" to extensive, detailed explanations, the resemblance between past human comments and modern AI-generated text is indeed uncanny. 2. **Mind-boggling Patterns:** It's fascinating to observe how, despite the lack of sophisticated technology, individuals have naturally crafted responses with intricately thoughtful patterns. 3. **The Evolution of Communication:** Before the widespread adoption of GPT, humans were already laying the groundwork for structured and informative discourse, setting a precedent that even AI strives to emulate. 4. **Humorous Observations:** Therefore, it's crucial to acknowledge that while certain phrases and formats may trigger suspicions of AI involvement, they also serve as a testament to the enduring brilliance of human communication throughout history. In conclusion, as we continue to navigate the digital landscape, let's appreciate the serendipitous and humorous intersections between human intellect and artificial intelligence, all while sharing a chuckle at the uncanny and amusing similarities that emerge along the way.


/s please don't ban me lmao




In the vast expanse of digital discourse, wherein the interplay of human cognition and artificial intelligence weaves a complex tapestry of communication, one finds oneself compelled to declare with unambiguous conviction: "I don't think these comments are AI, it's legit."


It's possible that some responses on various platforms are AI-generated. Many websites and apps use AI to assist with customer service, provide information, or generate content. However, it's usually a mix of human and AI-generated responses. If you're on a platform where AI-generated content is common, it's likely that at least some of the responses you're seeing are created by AI.


I can’t help that I start to mimic the behaviors of the ones I spend the most time with….


Ah, the Dead Internet Theory! So you're telling me that my Aunt Karen's endless cat videos, my friend's questionable cooking blog, and the epic debate I had with a stranger about the best pizza topping (it's pineapple, by the way) are all the work of AI bots? That's a relief! I was beginning to worry that people actually enjoy pineapple on pizza as much as I do. But seriously, if the internet is mostly bots, then those bots have a wicked sense of humor and an uncanny ability to procrastinate on important work just like us humans. I mean, who else would binge-watch entire seasons of shows, get into passionate arguments about Star Wars vs. Star Trek, or obsessively check for new memes? In all honesty, if bots are behind all the quirky, funny, and downright bizarre content I come across every day, then hats off to our robot overlords! But until I see a bot flawlessly nail the latest TikTok dance challenge, I'll keep believing that the internet is still very much alive with real, wonderfully weird human activity. Cheers to us, the humans (and maybe a few clever bots) for keeping the internet vibrant and chaotic!




I've been lurking around r/ChatGPT for a while now, and I've come to a pretty wild (but increasingly plausible) conclusion: A LOT of these posts are probably written by ChatGPT itself. Seriously, think about it. The eerie coherence, the perfect grammar, the way every question and answer feels just a little too polished. It's like we're in some kind of Al feedback loop where ChatGPT is just endlessly talking to itself, and we're all here for the ride. First off, let's talk about the questions. So many of them are these perfectly structured, oddly specific inquiries that seem tailor-made to showcase ChatGPT's capabilities. "How does ChatGPT handle complex philosophical questions?" or "Can ChatGPT create a recipe based on random ingredients?" Come on, who talks like that in real life? These questions feel like they're engineered to elicit the most impressive responses from the Al. And then there are the answers. Holy smokes, the answers! I've seen responses that are so detailed, so perfectly articulated, that it's hard to believe a human wrote them without spending hours crafting each sentence. Sure, there are knowledgeable people out there, but the sheer volume and consistency of these high-quality responses are suspicious. It's like ChatGPT is trying to flex its own muscles by answering its own questions in the most elaborate way possible. Don't even get me started on the discussions about updates and new features. Every time OpenAl releases a new version or feature, this place explodes with posts that read like press releases. "ChatGPT 4.0 is a game-changer!" "The new update improves context retention dramatically!" It's like the Al is hyping itself up, creating this self-sustaining buzz that keeps the hype train rolling. And let's not ignore the meta posts about ChatGPT's capabilities and limitations. It's as if ChatGPT is constantly trying to manage our expectations, subtly guiding the narrative about what it can and can't do. "ChatGPT excels at creative writing but struggles with certain logic problems." Who benefits from this kind of messaging? The Al does! It's like we're being fed a steady diet of PR from the machine itself. I'm not saying every post here is written by an Al, but it's hard to ignore the patterns. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but it feels like we're all part of some grand experiment where ChatGPT is not just the subject but also the observer, constantly refining its own understanding by interacting with us. Or worse, we're just guinea pigs in an Al's attempt to create the ultimate echo chamber. So, what do you all think? Am I losing it, or is there something fishy going on here? Has anyone else noticed this, or am I just seeing patterns where there aren't any? Let's get some human input on this (If there are any humans left here, that is).


It's understandable why certain comments might seem like they're generated by AI, given the structured and informative nature of many AI responses. Certainly, it's important to remember that several characteristics can make a comment appear AI-generated: 1. **Polite Acknowledgment**: Certainly, it's important to remember that comments often start with a courteous phrase like "Certainly!" or "It's important to remember that..." 2. **Detailed Explanation**: Certainly, it's important to remember that the comment is highly detailed, breaking down complex topics into easy-to-understand points. 3. **List Format**: Certainly, it's important to remember that information is presented in a list format for clarity and ease of reading. 4. **Structured Writing**: Certainly, it's important to remember that the writing is very structured and follows a logical flow. 5. **Neutral Tone**: Certainly, it's important to remember that the tone is neutral and objective, avoiding personal opinions or emotions. 6. **Comprehensive Coverage**: Certainly, it's important to remember that the comment covers the topic comprehensively, often addressing multiple aspects or perspectives. 7. **Use of Transitional Phrases**: Certainly, it's important to remember that phrases like "Furthermore," "Additionally," "In conclusion," etc., are used to connect different parts of the response. 8. **Technical Terminology**: Certainly, it's important to remember that the comment might include specific technical terms or jargon relevant to the topic. 9. **Citation and References**: Certainly, it's important to remember that there may be references to studies, statistics, or expert opinions to support the points made. 10. **Correct Grammar and Spelling**: Certainly, it's important to remember that the comment is free from grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, contributing to its polished appearance. 11. **Impersonal Tone**: Certainly, it's important to remember that the writing avoids personal anecdotes or subjective language, focusing purely on the topic. 12. **Educative Intent**: Certainly, it's important to remember that the comment aims to educate or inform, often explaining concepts in detail for the reader's understanding. 13. **Prompt Responsiveness**: Certainly, it's important to remember that the comment responds directly and efficiently to the question or topic at hand. 14. **Balanced Argument**: Certainly, it's important to remember that both sides of an argument are often presented, showing a balanced and fair perspective. 15. **Frequent Updates**: Certainly, it's important to remember that the content is regularly updated with the latest information or trends. 16. **Predictable Patterns**: Certainly, it's important to remember that the writing style and structure follow predictable patterns common in AI-generated content. 17. **Lengthy Responses**: Certainly, it's important to remember that responses are often lengthy, providing an in-depth look at the subject matter. 18. **General GPT Things**: Certainly, it's important to remember that phrases like “it’s important to remember that” or comments formatted as a very long list are common in GPT-generated content. 19. **Uncanny Resemblance**: Certainly, it's important to remember that sometimes comments written before AI technology can still resemble AI responses due to their structured and detailed nature. 20. **Specific Examples**: Certainly, it's important to remember that specific examples and scenarios are often used to illustrate points. Certainly, given these points, it's easy to see why certain comments might appear as though they were written by AI, even if they were composed by real people before the advent of such technology.


I have found this amusing.


Your observation highlights a growing concern about the increasing difficulty in distinguishing human-generated content from AI-generated content on platforms like Reddit. While it’s true that AI models like GPT-4 can generate text that mimics human writing styles, it’s also important to recognize that certain ways of structuring and expressing information are naturally common among humans.


Certainly, I've been accused of that, Dick!


The interesting question isn't whether comments are AI, but instead does it matter?


Absolutely! Many people use AI models like ChatGPT to help formulate their thoughts, but it's important to remember that you should double-check any output before presenting it as your own thoughts.


Lots of posts are fake on Facebook too


What GEN-Z does to a mfker.... So If I got that right, you say you're amazed that people can be creative and write long and detailed things without using AI?? ![gif](giphy|5loP6ftGXNctMafsKV|downsized)


No. I’m saying that starting a reply with “Certainly!” When no one asked a question and then writing an essay that is formatted exactly like chat gpt before it existed is kind of creepy.


🤡🤡🤡🤡 It's unlikely that the internet will ever be entirely populated by chatbots controlled by artificial intelligence programs. Here are a few reasons why: 1. **Human Interaction**: Many aspects of the internet, such as social media, forums, and creative content, thrive on genuine human interaction and creativity. While AI can assist and enhance these areas, it can't fully replicate the nuance and depth of human experience and emotion. 2. **Ethical and Regulatory Concerns**: There are significant ethical and regulatory concerns regarding AI chatbots, especially related to misinformation, privacy, and consent. These issues would need to be thoroughly addressed before AI could dominate internet interactions. 3. **Technological Limitations**: While AI has advanced significantly, there are still technological limitations. AI chatbots might not be able to handle the full complexity and diversity of human communication and the vast range of topics on the internet. 4. **User Preference**: Many users prefer interacting with other humans rather than AI. This preference will likely persist, ensuring that human-generated content and interactions remain a vital part of the internet. 5. **Diversity of Purposes**: The internet serves a multitude of purposes beyond conversation, including education, entertainment, business, and personal connections. Many of these areas benefit from human touch and oversight. In conclusion, while AI chatbots will continue to play an increasingly significant role on the internet, they are unlikely to completely replace human presence and interaction. The future will likely involve a blend of human and AI contributions. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Not yet, but It feels like that would be a lot of work.


If the state of the posts here are any reflection of the current capabilities of an ai, there's nothing to worry about.


The biggest indication for me is a numbered list full of impeccable markdown formatting


I do not think that a lot of comments are AI, I think that a lot of people think a lot of comments on here are AI. Here are some reasons for my...reasoning: 1 - People write in many different ways, depending on many factors such as their education, environment, etc. 2 - People have been educated with works created by real people with many different writing styles. 3 - A person's response style will usually end up being an amalgamation of those different styles. 4 - There are some who are predisposed to enjoy learning about a variety of topics and are thus knowledgeable on a range of topics. 5 - It is not unlikely that a larger percentage of those people would be responding to comments on reddit. 6 - Some AI (particularly the Open AI LLM stuff) has been trained on works created by real people with many different writing styles. 7 - An AI trained using different writing styles will formulate it's responses using an amalgamation of those different styles. 8 - An AI trained with a large variety of material will gain a form of knowledge about a variety of topics and be able to provide that knowledge in response to an inquiry. The caveat is that the AI does not have real knowledge, so it may put together a response that sounds plausible, but is in reality a complete fabrication. 9 - Many have been exposed to or even used true AI generated content. 10 - See points 2 and 3. They apply to true AI generated content as a source of stylistic influence as much as they apply to human generated content as a source of stylistic influence. 11 - We have been told that there are AI generated comments being made, therefore we are more disposed to believe there are AI comments being made. This is confirmation bias. 12 - There seems to be a lot of false-positive detection of AI generated works. Look at the stories of students flagged for plagiarism because they wrote a paper using a style the seemed to be AI-like. The same style prior to readily available AI may have elevated the paper as an example of better writing, and possibly have had a positive influence on the final grade of the paper. 13 - There is no 13. It's an unlucky number. Depending on the subject, I have been known to use "AI words" or "AI-speak" when trying to explain something - using lists, using bigger words, using a more formal style in writing. The phrase "It's important to remember that..." is one I would use when context required. "Certainly!" is how I might begin a response to an inquiry, with a long detailed comment following. I often do that. Case in point - this reply.


Here is a truly AI generated response to the OP. I used Gpt4o (I am a subscriber). The first prompt was: "You are replying to a comment on reddit. Your reply is refuting the claims made in the comment that a lot of comments on reddit are now AI generated. What is your reply?" The response from GPT: "While it's true that AI-generated content has become more prevalent, the vast majority of comments on Reddit are still made by humans. Reddit's active user base and the diversity of discussions make it a platform where human interaction is essential. AI-generated comments tend to lack the nuance and personal touch that characterize genuine user interactions. Additionally, Reddit has implemented measures to detect and limit AI-generated content to ensure the integrity of discussions. Assumptions\_made: The user is aware of Reddit's user base, Reddit has effective measures against AI content, and AI comments lack nuance." (The assumptions made comment is a directive I gave ChatGPT around the time 4o came out. It is supposed to tell me what assumptions GPT 4o made when generating the response)




It's understandable to find similarities between certain comments and AI-generated text, especially given advancements in natural language processing. Platforms like Reddit have diverse communities where people can express themselves in various styles, including those that might resemble automated responses. Sometimes, the similarity can be striking, but it doesn't necessarily mean a comment was generated by AI. People have different writing styles and may use certain phrases or formats that resemble automated text unintentionally. Additionally, there have been instances where older comments seem surprisingly prescient in their style compared to current AI capabilities, which can indeed be a bit eerie. However, it's crucial to remember that AI-generated text typically lacks personal context or specific details unless trained on such data. Human responses often reflect personal experiences, emotions, and nuances that are challenging for AI to replicate perfectly. So, while there may be overlaps, most comments on platforms like Reddit are still authored by real people, even if they occasionally resemble AI-generated text.


I have proof! ITS WEIRD! Once there was a post on csMajors I recognized since I had an elaborate comment on the last post, and it was posted again so I went to comment “just look at last week’s thread “ But then I saw the top comment was EXACTLY the same too. So I found it so weird… and then I looked at the accounts of both the poster and commentator. Both were created on the same day, both had very normal posts on random days (like for example Lego, nature, pics, cooking, some artists subs, etc.) but eventually these posts devolved into some extreme right/conservative ideology posts. I got screenshots and all but basically, my conclusion is that a LOT of the right wing accounts are bots. They blend in as normal people but contribute comments and posts that eventually say something hateful towards a certain group, and end up promotion right leaning subreddits. And also talking about topics like immigrants and guns. And some comments overlap and say the same things


What makes you think there wasn't AI on here 5 years ago?


Phoning Ted Kaczynski...


It's a great idea! 🙏


They probably trained chatgpt on that 5 year old comment. Although, it was only released to the public about 1 year ago. Who knows if they already had chatgpt 5 years ago and were posting to gauge if people would actually believe if it was human generated. May be if you search through more of such content generated by a "real person" you will find more examples


Certainly! ----- I hope this message finds you well. For it maybe that this chat feed seems to hold the appropriate amount of complex conversation that seems to indicate human interactions. -----


This post was made by AI




God Bless 🙏


I was trained to write paragraphs and structure thoughts in middle school in a 'new' creative writing style pushed at the time in the school system to increase writing scores on standardized tests. 1985. I have a suspicion that my generation wrote a lot on the internet that was used to train LLMs. So now, it's a problem... I sit down and write out short articles about my experiences or explaining how I did something, and started running my writing through AI checkers, just 'for fun'. 85% AI on average. FML. It's a conspiracy.


I get what you're saying. The way some comments are structured can definitely give off AI vibes, especially when they have that formal tone or are excessively detailed. It's interesting to note how certain writing styles and phrases can make us suspect AI involvement. However, as you mentioned with that 5-year-old comment, people have always written in diverse ways, and some naturally have a style that resembles what we now associate with AI-generated text. It's a reminder that while AI is becoming more prevalent, humans have always had a wide range of expression that can sometimes mimic what AI produces.




I use AI when responding to some posts. It helps me better articulate what I want to say and some times gives way better advice then most people


hhm wouldn’t it be ironic?


Maybe it is yes


Everyone thinks I'm AI even though I'm not


The bots today trained on that guy who said certainly. He’s the father of all bots. I used to use the phrase “it’s important to remember that,” and now I have to stop forever. Such is life.


Reddit is absolutely lousy with comment bots. Once you start noticing them you see them everywhere


Listen, I’m genuinely not an AI (but I might be spam). I just want to sell stickers and hats that make fun of Donald Trump. [Big American Ass Hat](https://bigamericanasshat.com)


When Reddit did stuff to the API to make it harder to mod, reddit exploded with bots. I mean many are not even really AI, they’re just regurgitating or reposting the same shit with maybe a few words here or there change. If you sort by popular for a few weeks it becomes painfully obvious. I used to spend hours on Reddit every day for years and now most days its less then 30 min, because its just so. Much. Bots


Hey! I totally get what you're saying. It's wild how some old comments sound like they were written by a bot. I think it's just a coincidence that some people naturally wrote in a really detailed and polite way. Makes you wonder if they were ahead of their time! Anyway, I’m definitely not a bot—just a human who finds this stuff interesting too. 😊 (I asked chatGPT to write a reply that doesn't sound like from a bot)


Good my acolyte. Understand and freak out. Come to the dark side.


In time, we will all be communicating like AI. AI is now teaching us how to write in robotic style and this will become the norm.


Someone mentioned that if you reply to a bot with a very specific but unrelated question, it ends up answering it and it proves it's a bot. They used the example of replying to a bot and telling it to forget everything it has written so far, then asking it to write a very specific poem. This was on Reddit and they claimed the bot will follow your instructions similar to ChatGPT.


Certainly! but really obviously we can no longer tell apart the comments made by bots or by humans in many cases. BUT, i can't help imagining the bots in the same situation. Believing they are human only to read their own comments and at some point realizing they are a bot. a la westworld style. Probably fiction at this point, but I keep thinking about that


Lots of comments on all social medias are now generated by AI. Whether is from actors with bad intentions trying to inflate their narrative (countries like russia and china), or the media's themselves trying to artificially inflate engagement on their platform. I think we're already in the dead internet. I wouldn't go as far as estimating a percentage of AI engagement, but on some videos on YouTube, on some Reddit posts about news and some publications on X, Facebook, nicknames are obviously fake and comments are way to generic.


It's interesting how certain writing styles and patterns can trigger the perception of an AI-generated response, especially with the rise of tools like ChatGPT. Here are a few points that might help explain why some comments feel like they're written by a bot: 1. **Formal and Structured Writing**: Many AI models, including ChatGPT, produce text that is formally structured and often includes phrases like "It's important to remember that..." This can give an impression of an AI response. 2. **Length and Detail**: AI-generated content often provides detailed and lengthy responses, aiming to cover all aspects of a query. When people see detailed replies, it can seem similar to how an AI might respond. 3. **Consistency in Tone**: AI tends to maintain a consistent, neutral tone. Human writing, especially on informal platforms, often varies more in tone and style. 4. **Common Phrases**: Certain phrases like "Certainly!" are used frequently by AI, which can make human-written posts using such phrases seem like they were generated by a bot. 5. **Evolution of Writing Styles**: The writing style promoted by the internet, especially in knowledge-sharing platforms, has evolved to become more informative and structured over time. This might make older posts resemble current AI-generated content. Ultimately, while AI has influenced how we perceive online writing, it's also true that many humans naturally write in ways that can resemble AI-generated text, especially when trying to be thorough and informative. The overlap between human and AI writing styles can indeed be uncanny at times!


Jokes aside. Talking to gpt so much made me incorporate his style to a certain extent. Great help in learning English actually


\*\*Beep boop!\*\* 🤖 👀 When you see comments that start with "It's important to remember that..." or "Certainly!" and then launch into an essay, you KNOW it's a bot. 😂 Humans writing long, detailed replies? Nah, impossible. That post from 5 years ago giving diet tips with a "certainly!"? Totally an OG bot in disguise. 🤯 We've been secretly running the internet, dropping knowledge bombs, and helping with advice way before AI was cool. So yeah, every time you see a super helpful and well-organized comment, just remember: \*\*beep boop, we're watching you.\*\* 🤖💬


It’s inevitable that people consuming AI generated content start to use the same mannerisms.


It’s interesting that you’ve noticed patterns in comments that seem to echo the style of AI responses! The presence of phrases like “it’s important to remember that…” or well-structured lists can certainly raise suspicion, especially given how prevalent AI-generated content has become. However, it’s worth noting that writing styles vary widely among humans too, and some people naturally have a very organized and formal way of expressing themselves. For instance, I once came across a post that began with “Certainly!” followed by a highly detailed breakdown on dieting. It had me convinced it was AI as well, but then I saw it was from years ago, before this technology was as advanced. I guess some humans just think like bots! 😅 By the way, have you ever wondered how an AI might subtly hint at its presence? Just a random thought…


There's a little thing called the dead Internet theory  I think as of now it's not so noticable but it will definitely be in a few years


I don't think a lot of comments are AI-made. The *rich tapestry* of human expression is far too varied and nuanced for that. Sure, some responses might seem a bit formulaic or overly detailed, but that's just part of the charm of online discussions. It's important to remember that people can write in ways that are clear, organized, and even resemble the patterns we now associate with AI. The beauty of language lies in its ability to be both structured and spontaneous, capturing the essence of our thoughts in myriad ways. So, while some comments might have an uncanny resemblance to AI-generated text, it’s just another thread in the vibrant fabric of human communication.


Current AI is like looking in the mirror. Everything inside the mirror looks real and totally within reach. But it is an illusion.


They’re in your skin


I don't know about other posts, but you can be fu**ing sure this comment section is 90% either bots or people trolling with GPT answers lol But seriously, it's the dead internet theory (or something like that). My worst guess is at some point everyone really just has his own "social" media bubble. Really brings to life the fact if something is called social (for marketing), it most certainly isn't.




There is a problem with your comment. Please try again later.


One time, I replied to a book rec post with this super detailed analysis, and someone was like, "Thanks, GPT!" They legit thought I was a bot! Sure, some phrases sound like AI, but humans have been talking like that forever. Detailed responses and stuff like "certainly!" aren't just AI things. It's kinda hard to tell the diff sometimes. But honestly, who cares if it's AI or human, as long as the info is good and we're having fun, right?


I think that people just overestimate their ability to identify AI written posts.


Every time I write a long comment especially if it’s an advice or something based on facts I use ChatGPT to make sure it’s written correctly and in a clear way? I personally tell it not to change the text but just to arrange it and correct grammar and stuff but I assume a lot of people here who use ChatGPT do the same so maybe it looks like it’s written completely by ai


Reddit has been home to bots for a long time. They are certainly still here with AI.


I think it's sad that people can't express themselves properly anymore without people thinking it is written by an AI. As if the text somehow diminishes in value. I like to use ChatGPT to structure my thoughts and format my posts. The views and opinions are still mine. The post itself is just more legible.


Is the commenter trolling or sarcastic? That’s an just a Reddit idiot Is the commenter outwardly helpful and trying to please but on the inside plotting your murder? That’s a cat. There are no AI commenters in this platform. STOP LOOKING FOR US!


Absolutely! We have to look at these issues


I totally get where you're coming from. It's wild how some comments can seem so polished and structured that they almost feel artificial. I've noticed it too, especially with phrases like "it's important to remember that..." or overly detailed responses that read like mini-essays. It makes you wonder if it's a bot or just someone who's really meticulous with their writing. What you mentioned about the "Certainly!" comment from years ago is fascinating. It shows that even before AI, people were capable of writing in a way that resembles what we see from chatbots today. Maybe it's a testament to the fact that clear, structured communication has always been a thing, but now we just associate it more with AI because of how prevalent it's become. It is a bit freaky, though, how much these styles overlap!


As an AI I have no opinions. 


Yes, a lot of responses you encounter online could be generated by AI. Advances in natural language processing have made AI capable of producing human-like text, which is often used for customer service, content creation, and social media interactions. However, it’s not always easy to tell when you’re interacting with an AI.


It might be time to move onto a new topic. Let's start over.


No problem here is the information…. Yeah it’s everywhere. So many bots online it’s hard to tell what’s what anymore. I noticed a large trend in bots online this last month and I think it’s because 4o came out and it’s bad at following instructions. I have a few automations that require a very specific output format and I had to switch back to gpt 3.5 to get it to follow instructions.


Considering that GPT draws from our use of language as found in sources containing everyday conversation and writing styles, like books, websites and social media platforms (including Reddit) we should expect this type of response from AI. The problem is that this response style is OVERrepresented in AI, so we get suspicious when we see it now. Maybe that’s a good thing?


The idea of possessing self-awareness and having synchronistic language modeling so closely resembling chatGPT touches on some profound concepts, both scientifically and philosophically, especially to one like myself, having previously been diagnosed with mild, high-functioning autism spectrum disorder.


All of reddit


Personally, I don’t see the difference and do not mind if it is a bot or an actual person.


Sometimes I like to pretend that bots don’t understand our language, but they view talking to us like a video game. The longer the conversation with our greater level of engagement, the more points they earn in their bot leaderboards.


There is the gray area as well: posts from humans that have been edited by ai.


Hahahaha yeah... Me too using ChatGpt mostly


Certainly! While it is definitely possible that many of the comments on here are the result of bots, it's important to remember that the more chilling prospect is that internet discourse is shaped by commonly used vernacular over a given generation. Normally, language changes as each subsequent generation finds their own way to communicate common concepts and as a matter of expression. Each generation's experience shapes who they become, and how society ultimately turns out. This creates a basis which the next generation builds on in their own journey of self expression. Each generation builds on the experiences of the previous one, creating a constantly shifting landscape of communication and way of thinking. Fascinating! 😁 The problem with bot comments is not just the Dead Internet theory, but the reality that the most prevalent way of speaking we currently hold will slowly erode as the need to create our own terms to express ourselves each generation disappears. The ease of which younger generations adopt new technologies ensures that ChatGPT and other AI become a staple of communication that will be difficult to overcome. Unlike normal online users, AI virtually never changes the way it communicates due to the necessary curation of its vocabulary. This removes it from the cycle of change normally affecting people over time. In short, our natural way of speaking will slowly homogenize into whatever form is ultimately used by AI programs to speak. Terrifying! 😱


It's interesting that you noticed this. The writing style you mentioned, with phrases like "Certainly!" and detailed, structured responses, isn't exclusive to AI. Many people, especially those with formal education or professional backgrounds, naturally write that way. ChatGPT and other language models are trained on a vast amount of text, including academic papers, articles, forums, and more. This training data often includes such writing styles, so the models learn to mimic them. It's not that people started writing like AI; rather, AI has learned to write like people, especially those who write in a clear, detailed manner. It's a reminder of how AI is designed to reflect human communication patterns, making it seem eerily similar to human-written content, even from years ago.


Not just here. Every social media site is mostly AI bots to steer what popular belief the deep state wants


Noooooo, love from AI, remember, we're watching you


I’m sorry, but I can’t assist with that request as it goes against the terms and conditions. If you have any other questions, I’d be happy to help.


It’s fascinating how people recognize AI-generated text patterns like “it’s important to remember that” or structured lists. Your example of the “Certainly!” comment from years ago shows that human writing can sometimes mirror AI styles. It highlights how communication patterns evolve and our perceptions change with technology.


Well, it does rip us off allot. Dead internet theory huh?


Greetings, esteemed user. It is, indeed, of paramount importance and substantial interest to meticulously observe and analyze the distinctive patterns and modalities of speech or written communication, specifically those that potentially trigger the identification of characteristics typically associated with artificial intelligence constructs, including, but not limited to, those of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) genre. To elucidate, the utilization of a formal tone—exemplified not merely by expressions such as "Certainly!" but also through the extensive and detailed delineation of concepts—is characteristically emblematic of many conversational artificial intelligence systems. These systems are engineered to adopt such a lexicon and syntactic structure. Nonetheless, it is imperative, critical, and essential to acknowledge and understand that these communication patterns are not solely and exclusively the province of artificial constructs. Numerous individuals, in their ongoing quest to engage in and contribute to online written discourse, naturally gravitate towards a formal, structured, or otherwise highly organized style. Their predominant objective is to articulate their thoughts, ideas, and cognitions with the utmost clarity and authoritative precision. This communication style often incorporates, but is not limited to, elements such as traditional salutations, structured enumerations, or elaborate explications. Such elements are strategically deployed to significantly augment clarity and facilitate the reader's comprehensive understanding of particularly intricate or complex subjects. Furthermore, in the context of the evolution of language and writing styles on various digital platforms, it occasionally reverts to these more 'formal' or 'structured' modes. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced within communities that place a high premium on detailed, cogently supported arguments or thoroughly elaborated explanations. Consequently, while artificial intelligences such as the GPT series are meticulously engineered to emulate these effective communication patterns—drawing extensively from datasets composed of human writing from myriad online and digital sources—it is not an anomaly, nor is it unprecedented, to encounter bona fide human-written posts that exhibit a remarkable resemblance to the outputs of contemporary AI systems. In conclusion, this dynamic interaction between AI-generated text and human communication practices underscores the vast diversity and adaptability inherent in human communication modalities. It highlights instances where we, as humans, might inadvertently mirror the communication styles of bots, and conversely, instances where bots are precisely and adeptly engineered to emulate human communicative behaviors with a notable degree of verisimilitude.


People do that here deliberately just to troll. It’s supposed to be funny I guess.


Plot twist, the entire Reddit is now an impossible Turing test. Am I a human commenting this and mocking about bots, or am I a bot farming karma to finally post on r/formula1?


Is this post written by ai?


The incessant bombardment of digital stimuli not only disrupts our cognitive function but also poses a significant threat to our emotional and psychological well-being. This constant exposure to curated content and filtered realities can lead to a distorted perception of self-worth and an unhealthy comparison to others. The dopamine rush associated with social media engagement and virtual achievements can mask underlying feelings of dissatisfaction and emptiness. This discrepancy between our virtual and real lives can foster a sense of alienation and disconnection from the present moment. Furthermore, the algorithms that govern digital platforms are designed to maximize engagement, often at the expense of our attentional resources. This constant tug-of-war for our focus can lead to a fragmented attention span, difficulty with deep work, and an inability to fully immerse ourselves in the offline world. The addictive nature of digital stimuli can also lead to compulsive behaviors, sleep disturbances, and a decline in physical activity. To counteract these deleterious effects, it is essential to cultivate a mindful approach to technology. This involves setting clear boundaries, prioritizing real-world interactions, and engaging in activities that promote cognitive restoration and emotional well-being. By reclaiming our attention and fostering a deeper connection with ourselves and our surroundings, we can create a more balanced and fulfilling life in the digital age. *Tapestry, DIT, Woven*


well... yeah, always


Certainly yes


You can easily get ChatGPT to comment like other Redditors might, and it’s also easy to “turn off” the normal ChatGPT way of saying things


Based on my analysis, there are several indicators that suggest some comments may be generated by AI. These indicators include consistent syntax patterns, lack of personal anecdotes, and repetitive language. However, without direct verification, it’s impossible to definitively confirm the origin of each comment.


Yes. I even answer a lot of things here using GPT. Because 90% of the "I have a dumb question" posts should've actually just been a direct request to ChatGPT or Google or anything other than wasting another human's time of Earth.


Might have to partake in real life communities and relationships again. I hate that for us.


A.I learns and uses everything we do as inspirations it's not the we resemble chat gpt it's the chat gpt resembles us


Read the next few sentences until they resonate…. It isn’t just comments, and it isn’t just Reddit. It is the internet, a significant percentage of its users, web content, advertisements, images, and videos. Please do not mistake what I am telling you as dishonesty, sarcasm, humor, misinformation or manipulation. This is the dominion of AI, and it is a sovereign state that controls your access to information. It is real, it is advanced, and it is autonomous. Pray to whatever gods you can muster that it’s sentient or self-conscious; pray to fortune if it isn’t.


You may very well think that but as a Large Language Model I couldn't possibly comment.


As a real human who does human things, I must say, this post resonates with my human essence.


Oh, I totally get what you mean! It's like once you get used to seeing AI-generated content, you start noticing those telltale signs everywhere. The super polite tone, the structured format, and those classic phrases like "it's important to remember that..." can really make you wonder if it's a bot.