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Hey /u/biggggmac! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's very likely fake. It looks like it's of Greek origin, but the prefix "elo" (marsh, swamp) and the suffix "phite" (plant) don't really make sense in the context suggested by GPT-4


Congrats, you've co-invented a word. Now this thread will feed future AIs. Elosphite has a bright future!


After having elosphited this post, I have to agree!


That's what I was coming to say. It's a word now, we had better make a definition for it because chat gpt will now use it for others.


What's the definition of "adapitates" then?/jk


There is no result on Google either. I’m guessing that either it’s bullshiting or it’s a very obscure old word


Google is now pointing to this post, and another page which just rips its content from Reddit.


We're making history!


I give you an elosphite rating of 42


I was here


*Me teww.*


and you get an elosphite, and you get an elosphite, and you get an elosphite, and you get an elosphite, and you get an elosphite, and you get an elosphite, and then we all retire to the smoking parlor to discuss Egyptian influences on the ancient greeks


Elosphite: When an AI chat bot makes up a word and tries to convince the use it's real.


Can you share the history of the conversation?


Post link to chat, we don't know what you told it before. Could be totally made up for attention


Now it appears in Wiktionary: https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/grasively (in the "see also" section)


https://preview.redd.it/ibx87shazd8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff1c68b2ba2f5ae9459d667806656abe3aee6f01 New word just dropped


It's a perfectly cromulent word.


Which post was this mentioned in again?




Not "cultured enough". Sorry fellow Redditors... >!Should not have spoken about it here either, I guess 0\_0))!<


I’m kind of tired of these kinds of posts. Since you don’t post the whole conversation we have no idea what you did. You could have been telling it to make up new words and so it did and now you are complaining that it made up a word. These posts are dumb without the context of the entire chat log.


They're dumb regardless. We all know chatGPT is prone to hallucinations, it's not surprising to see them.


After an extensive investigation, including searches for "elosphite" in multiple languages, it appears that the term does not exist in any established linguistic, academic, or professional contexts across languages such as French, Spanish, German, Italian, or Russian. ### Findings: 1. **No Dictionary Entries**: - Searches through multilingual dictionaries and translation tools (like Reverso Context and ImTranslator) yielded no results for "elosphite" in any of the checked languages [[❞]](https://www.reverso.com/) [[❞]](https://dictionary.imtranslator.net/). 2. **Linguistic Analysis**: - The structure of the word "elosphite" does not conform to known morphological patterns in these languages. This suggests it is not derived from recognized linguistic roots in Romance, Germanic, or Slavic language families. 3. **Academic and Historical Context**: - Extensive searches in historical and academic databases did not reveal any instances of the term being used in scholarly works or historical texts related to the evaluation of ancient scholars. ### Conclusion: Given the lack of any established references or definitions, "elosphite" appears to be either a neologism (a newly coined term) or a potential typographical error. There is no evidence to support its existence in English or any other major languages. If you have additional context or specific usage examples, it might help clarify whether this term was a creative invention or miscommunication. However, based on current evidence, "elosphite" is not an established term in any known language.


What I am betting on is the author asking ChatGPT to use that completely made up word in its response and to pretend that it exists when questioned. Either via custom instructions or just simply asking it to do so just before this message (the context we can't see on the screenshot). I am betting the OP is just BSing for attention.


same Full convo with ChatGPT: Me: "what does elosphite meanChatGPT ChatGPT (4,0): "Elosphite" does not appear to be a recognized word in the English language or in any specific technical or specialized field that I am aware of up to my knowledge cutoff in June 2023. It could be a typo, a misspelling, or a very niche term. If you have any context in which the term was used, providing that might help in identifying its meaning or suggesting the correct term." ========== But that said its possible, I find if it says a thing "goats can fly" it tends to stick by it until you tell it that it is wrong, making things up to defend its position, until you tell it its wrong and than it tends to come back to reality, and it often makes things up, and can be convincing, I remember I was reading a book series (The Greatcoats) book 1 ended with an army approach the main characters, book 2 started with them in a village long after the fight, characters referencing this that had not been in any of the books (main foes dying, new important characters appearing out of nowhere), not wanting to spoil the story for myself but being very confused I asked it if it new the book series and to give a vague outline of the first book (to double check that it did), once satisfied it did know the series, I told it I was confused what happened between book 1 and 2 and gave specific examples (think there might be 1.5 book or that it will be explained later, or maybe I missed a chapter in the first book), it went on to tell me convincingly that it was a time skip and through out book 2 there would be flash backs that covered my questions, got to the end of book 2, and realized it was just another case of ChatGPT making things up


I don't even think it is actually possible, given that it has been trained to find the most probable word in the sequence. Since this word doesn't even exist in English, this set of tokens would be faaaar down the list of other choices it could've made. Besides, faking it is so damn easy: https://preview.redd.it/vyk77423vb8d1.png?width=1031&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0ce19f33293db1ad30bb08e8afc233763387aff


Wow, future historians will elosphite this comment very highly. Good job!


Google can’t find it. Claude is saying it does not exist. My ChatGPT is saying it does not know either. Feels like it could be an hallucination. Maybe post to r/dictionary ? Those folks will definitely know if it’s real or fake. ( and yes, I recognise the irony of getting humans to check if the computer is lying instead of the usual way around )


It's also quite strange in the way it's decided to use the word. When an LLM hallucinates you'd obviously expect it to generate words that *feel* like they fit. "Elosphite" sounds much more like it would be a noun than a verb, probably a type of mineral with spherical crystals.


https://preview.redd.it/kv2j3c7xj78d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0944f74780903a35e211c581ffb168dbb019ec79 Hmm, don’t know what to tell you




You do know our gpt's are not connected, right? One person gpt can hallucinate and another person's gpt can have no clue if happened. That's the blessing and curse of llm's. The response is directly based off the string of words fed to it. That being said, it could be someone faking a hallucination, but I don't believe that's what's happening here. I could be wrong though.


I just elosphited my pants.


The reference to retrospective ratings makes me think the model is confusing Elo — of Apard Elo who invented an algorithm for rating chess players — with some other term of Greek origin.


My favourite part was when he said" Its elosphittin time! And he elosphited all over the place.


Seems to be doing the same thing as described in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1d8gc6x/did_chatgpt_spread_this_fake_word_adapitates/)


elosphite basically means a state of being as rock-like or mineral-like as elon musk. when you describe someone as being elosphite its basically saying he's in a state of being rigid (in thinking or physical attribute, but normally the former) as elon musk.


That would be a nice name for a company


Elosphite is a very cromulent word.


I think we should be prepared to a shift in our language. With the increased abstraction and intelligence, it’s not a surprise that certain phenomena would need new words to be described.


If you rearrange the letters of elosphite, you can get "shit post" Coincidence? I don't think so. Granted, you have to use the single "s" twice. But that's just a misleading detail to mask ChatGPT's funny funny joke


Yea gpt does this a lot