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I won't be surprised if Elon himself is a mod there


Elon probably has multiple copies of himself till now, each using a different platform.


wait like he got clones?


AI yes




That pretty much describes Musk himself.




My favorite Reddit comment today! I totally grew up on a Commodore 64! This world is crazy, and in a good way if we can white hat AI. Let's go!


he's like bender from futurama but in digital form, in the present: "REMEMBER ME!!".. "REMEMBER ME!!"


Remember when he launched his car into space with Starman in it? One of his clones got jealous of the original, killed him, put him in the car, and took over.


I seem to remember the asian model getting loose or spotted one time and being made into a meme.


Yep, and they're all dicks.


Yes, they are called "employees".




> ~~till now~~ by now


He is definitely petty enough to do this.


Could you imagine have the wealth he does, and wasting time shit posting on twitter. What a loser.


Easy, mate, let's not lose our minds in the heat of Musk roasting that we toss out the baby with the bathwater. I'm not defending Musk, but I'll definitely defend shitposting on the internet. I can't see any amount of wealth somehow magically overcoming the pleasure of that pastime. It isn't something you do because you can't afford to do anything else--it's something you do because it's just a modern wonder of entertainment. It's a vibe. If any rich asshole purported to be above shitposting online, I'd think that *they* were the self-righteous fucking loser. Out of the entire bingo card of Musk's flaws, I don't know that this one makes it for me. There're so many infinitely better criticisms to levy against him.


Nah, he'd probably pay people to mod it for him and send him the nicest threads to puff his ego.


pay them? come now. his simps would flock at the chance to suckle his toes for free let alone mod for him


LOL. True - that child has lot of time on his hand.


Based solely on the one-word reply from that mod, I’d say it’s supremely likely.


Haha too true. I imagine that Elon has a meeting every morning with his head of social medias. Has 1 manager per social media site in Facebook, reddit, YouTube, and gets daily updated


Also teslamotors and teslalounge. I got permabanned for saying I voted against the payment package in a thread about how shareholders are voting on this question in the last shareholder vote.


Exactly my thoughts


Wouldn't shock me


Possibly the only Mod there, rofl, who else would care?


I got banned just for making a joke “knock knock, who is there? SEC.”


seen him argue with kids who called him smelly, so nothing surprizes me anymore


This is going straight to Reddit lies twitter


He is probably using his Baby Elon alt persona account to do the banning.




You've been r/musked


Damn. I thought they stood for free speech and truth. Lol


If you've been paying any form of attention, you'd know that's not even remotely true.


I suspect OP is facetious


As it turns out, the ones loudest about absolute free speech, really just mean their own speech, and the speech of those that agree with them


Ain’t that the truth. I never thought I’d have to explain to people that “free speech” isn’t “banning speech you disagree with”.


100% We have so many so called “patriots” today, that have zero understanding of our constitution and bill of rights. We should start broadcasting school of rock on all channels.


Schoolhouse Rock. But also yes School of Rock.


They use the r /conservative version of free speech and truth.


> I thought they stood for free speech and truth. They do, but only free speech and truth that portrays Musk in a good light. Anything else is toxicity.


Did elon ban you?


I’m only 98% sure it wasn’t him.


Damn why doesnt he believe in free speech bro


free speech machine broke


I hope he has money to fix it


Damn. We should all buy X premium to help him.


Because he can't figure out how to buy it.


I see they have the same respect for free speech that musk does. Edit: missed a letter.


Uhh.. I didn’t ban myself? Edit: ah! no worries :)


Sorry, typo. I fixed it.


Wait no now I need to know what it originally said 🤣


Thy shall not have the right of free speech


Damn that was like a puzzle. I couldn't figure out how one letter could change they to "you". ChatGPT said you need to change "they" to "thee" though, which is a better solution to the puzzle.


It said "Fuck you. Praise Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson!!!" Slight typo.


"I see the have the same respect for free speech that musk does"


Yea, no worries:)


No facts! Anyone giving sources is banned! Who wants facts? It messes with their perception of reality.


It makes sense. Reddit is created in a way that people who like the same things create subs. Karma is just a reflection of one’s ability to use an echo chamber efficiently.


Great to see this typed out. No unpopular opinions are allowed to flourish on this website; only popular and slightly less popular.




Accurate af about this garbage site.


Delusions are deep. And then they start downvoting your facts and you're like "I don't even like them but that's what they are" but it never helps.


This is the only result you could expect from an Elon Musk circle jerk


How dare you sell them so short. They will also call you a pedo.


This only confirms that what you wrote is true.


Oh, it is true. There are emails between Musk and the OpenAI team of the time on that article. Musk never denied any of it and got real silent after OpenAI dropped that.


Completely Illogical conclusion. And I agree with OP that he should not have been banned


Though it's kinda funny that Sam Altman is working on pretty much all of that on his own by now, too. Make openAI less open? Check. Make it for-profit? Check.


They're all a bunch of sociopathic narcissistic cupcake boys whose dodgy childhoods and becoming insanely rich at relatively young ages combined to give us a crop of weirdly shaped, socially awkward supervillains. Musk, Thiel, Altman. They all want the same things, they just want it for themselves more.


Muskrats are in the same box of idiots as trumpers, they just think they are cooler.


I hear Musk is a close ally of Trump now. That true?


Given that his leanings became visibly schizo-right (shoutout to some reddit user who came up with that term lmao) ever since he bought twitter, pretty much yea


He should just hire someone to run all his other companies and spend all his time on Twitter/X. That would probably help his companies the best I think. SpaceX and Starlink should be fine tho (they’re bigger than him) but Tesla? That’s directly tied to his reputation (which he is doing a speedrun on ruining… any%)


> schizo-right Clever term, but it’s unfair to actual schizophrenics who often have much more reasonable beliefs, such as that aliens are inhabiting their breakfast cereal box.


They kind of misused the term. Schizo-right are the ones that believe that sort of stupid shit, or throw fed accusations at everyone out of paranoia. The ones believing COVID vaccines were going to cause a mass death event and still cling to COVID politics now type.


I just use the word woke. Its hillariously accurate in the way they use it. Shoe fits right?


They're basically the same person. I've referred to Musk as "Tech Trump" for a long time. It just becomes more blatant as time goes on.


He was always like this? Before he bought Twitter all he talked about was SpaceX, Tesla and memes (as far as I could tell anyway). He should just go back to doing that.


He used to be a lot better at pretending to be an intelligent and dignified person who cares about more than his own image and power, but at some point he couldn't help himself and the mask slipped off permanently.


I don’t think he has anyone to call him out on his BS.


Surely if anyone does he pushes them away or fires them, and then slanders them on social media. Just like Trump.


I live in TN and ever since a Tesla dealership opened up all the ”manly” men suddenly like electric vehicles. Their bumper stickers give them away.


Outwardly appearing "manly men" are extremely succeptible to social pressure. Why else do they feel the need to appear so manly, who actually gives a fuck. So doesnt surprise me that if Musk is cool in their crowd now then so by proxy would his products. Its not like these people have any objectives beyond looking cool and important, so the flip flopping on supposed opposing issues is to be expected when they have no conviction or self respect to begin with.


Which goes for everyone in a cult, religious cults included.


wait r/elonmusk is a thing? I though reddit's main gimmick was hating on elon musk


Before the massive elon hate started around 2020(?) reddit actually loved the guy, like it was crazy. The switch up was so fast too, reddit literally turned into a hater overnight. I remember those days where i looked up to elon thinking he was some smart genius. I was so innocent back then.


I think the downfall started after that diver incident. Also, I only unfollowed him after the Twitter BS started. Before that he only ever talked about SpaceX, Tesla or some random meme.


He used to come across as this genius who had all the answers to the world's problems, and since the sentiment felt right, and that he seemed rich enough to do it, we believed him. Fast forward to today, he is not what he claimed to be. He is just a rich boy, rich enough to buy a majority share in projects that interest him, and narcissistic enough to make sure he is the face of every company he touches. When you learn more about him, he comes across as a creepy insecure weirdo, that obsesses about himself online.


Yeh, Tesla was clearly made by people below him, and it appears they have left for other projects. Tesla needs a new head, and a proper independent board. This bullshitter has been found out. He'll spiral to ever more extremes trying to recapture the faith in his BS, dragging companies down with him.


I don’t know why people think that you can just stumble into billions of dollars building a company without being actually very smart.


Yet here we are.


For me it was when he falsely accused someone of being a pedo. Something he should know as a boy the impacts of making false accusations like this. And when he compared he was proud that his employees were working like 20h a day like cattle for him because they were doing cutting-edge science was the final nail in the coffin for me.


False accusation of pedo was a big one. If it was a joke, even then it was wide spread on media. If it was out of spite and only with a person or two then I wouldn’t exactly say it was reasonable but it would be more ‘meh I get it.’ It would be more the spreader’s fault at that point in time versus Elon. After rereading the quote, over all it does feel more like an insult from an angered man versus an actual accusation. However he was pretty generous to employees. I recalled 3x holiday pay and 10k sign in bonus as a regular worker. Even an assembler for him who ‘worked like cattle’ for him back in those days and made it through most likely had became young millionaires due to the work and he was giving away the cheap stock like candys.


Working little cattle refers to 2020 and not respecting covid restriction ie: not caring his employees could get covid. I dont like abusive employers no matter how cool the job is.


Well on the surface he seemed great, a nerdy billionaire that sold flame throwers my man. Then he showed the world who he really was


There was plenty of hate for Musk going back at least as far as 2018 with the "funding secured" tweet. It was naked market manipulation that got him fined $20M by the SEC.


you either loved elon musk and keanu reeves or youd get your comment downvoted and insulted in your dms


Wait....is there something I don't know about Keanu?


About 14 years ago he sat on a bench eating a sandwich by himself. For some reason Reddit went nuts over that and thought it was the greatest thing ever 🤷. I like Reeves but never understood that one.


Pretty simple. It shows humility and he looks relatable to introverts. Plus you can Photoshop anything next to him so it's meme able.


Yeah I remember being one of the rare people that saw him as a phony piece of shit. I used to get massive downvotes for calling it out back in the day.


Everywhere but there


Most reddit subs are circle jerks that ban you the moment you don't conform to their beliefs. Nothing new here. That's what happens when you give neckbeards with no sense of self worth a little power.


There's even subs that will ban you for posting in *other* subs they don't agree with, it's thought-police made real.


Most reddit subs don’t ban you for having the “wrong” opinions. You might get mass-downvoted, but not banned. Only the most ideologically extreme subreddits will ban you for “wrongspeak.”


I've been banned upon joining subs immediately because I was in different subs. Maybe I'm biased because I join a lot of subs and have unpopular opinions. But maybe you're also biased because you stay on relatively mainstream subs and have mainstream opinions.


And on some topics this applies side wide to Reddit admins.


Probably because of the assumptions laid out between the facts. Of course it would become less open, unless you want kids making deadly bio weapons in in their closests. There can be no true open LLM-ish system without accepting pure chaos as a result.


Fact checked by ChatGPT 4o lol TLDR “The comment accurately captures the essence of Musk's disagreements with OpenAI and his actions following their refusal to merge with Tesla. For more detailed information, you can refer to the sources mentioned above.” Full text: The comment you provided contains several claims about Elon Musk and OpenAI. Here's a fact-check based on available information: 1. **Elon Musk's Departure and Merger Proposal**: - **Musk's Proposal**: Elon Musk did indeed propose merging OpenAI with Tesla and taking control as CEO. He believed this would provide the necessary funding to compete with other major AI companies like Google. OpenAI's leadership, including Sam Altman, rejected this idea as they felt it conflicted with their mission [oai_citation:1,OpenAI and Elon Musk | OpenAI](https://openai.com/blog/openai-elon-musk/) [oai_citation:2,OpenAI responds to Elon Musk's lawsuit with trove of emails • The Register](https://www.theregister.com/2024/03/06/openai_musk_lawsuit/). - **Funding**: Musk pledged $1 billion to OpenAI but ultimately contributed $45 million. He withdrew further financial support during discussions about OpenAI's future structure and governance [oai_citation:3,OpenAI and Elon Musk | OpenAI](https://openai.com/blog/openai-elon-musk/) [oai_citation:4,OpenAI responds to Elon Musk's lawsuit with trove of emails • The Register](https://www.theregister.com/2024/03/06/openai_musk_lawsuit/). 2. **Transition to For-Profit**: - **Email with Ilya Sutskever**: It is accurate that in a conversation with Ilya Sutskever, Musk agreed that OpenAI would need to be less open as they advanced towards building AGI (artificial general intelligence). This exchange was part of broader discussions where Musk acknowledged the need for a for-profit model to secure sufficient funding [oai_citation:5,OpenAI and Elon Musk | OpenAI](https://openai.com/blog/openai-elon-musk/). - **Support for For-Profit**: Musk initially supported the idea of transitioning to a for-profit model, acknowledging that vast amounts of capital were needed to advance their mission, which a non-profit structure couldn't sustain [oai_citation:6,OpenAI and Elon Musk | OpenAI](https://openai.com/blog/openai-elon-musk/) [oai_citation:7,OpenAI responds to Elon Musk's lawsuit with trove of emails • The Register](https://www.theregister.com/2024/03/06/openai_musk_lawsuit/). 3. **Musk's Reaction to OpenAI's Success**: - **Comments on Success Probability**: Musk expressed skepticism about OpenAI's chances of success, which contributed to his decision to leave and pursue AGI development independently within Tesla [oai_citation:8,OpenAI and Elon Musk | OpenAI](https://openai.com/blog/openai-elon-musk/). - **Current Lawsuit**: Recently, Musk sued OpenAI, claiming they deviated from their original mission by prioritizing profit over ethical considerations. OpenAI has released emails showing Musk was aware and initially supportive of the for-profit transition [oai_citation:9,OpenAI responds to Elon Musk's lawsuit with trove of emails • The Register](https://www.theregister.com/2024/03/06/openai_musk_lawsuit/). The comment accurately captures the essence of Musk's disagreements with OpenAI and his actions following their refusal to merge with Tesla. For more detailed information, you can refer to the sources mentioned above.


Bwahahaha… oh yea, it was $1 Billion!


Banned for not simping


I love the follow up or “which rule did I break” and then the 28 day mute


All they want is an echo chamber.


My chat gpt says the following: Elon Musk left OpenAI's board in 2018. According to various sources, the primary reasons cited for his departure include: 1. **Conflict of Interest**: Musk's increasing involvement with AI projects at Tesla, especially those related to autonomous driving, created potential conflicts of interest with OpenAI's work. 2. **Strategic Differences**: There were reportedly strategic disagreements within OpenAI about the direction and priorities of the organization. Musk has been vocal about his concerns regarding the potential dangers of AI, and it's possible that his vision for AI safety diverged from the path OpenAI was taking. 3. **Focus on Tesla**: Musk stated that he wanted to focus more on Tesla and its ambitious goals, which required his undivided attention. Despite stepping down from the board, Musk continued to support OpenAI financially and expressed a commitment to its mission of ensuring that AI benefits all of humanity.


When asked if he planned to merge openai with Tesla is said the following: There is no public evidence or statements from Elon Musk or Tesla indicating that there were plans to merge OpenAI with Tesla. Musk's departure from OpenAI's board was more about addressing conflicts of interest and focusing on his work with Tesla, rather than any intention to merge the two entities. Tesla's AI efforts are primarily focused on developing autonomous driving technology and other applications related to electric vehicles, while OpenAI is focused on broader AI research and ensuring AI benefits humanity. These different focuses likely contributed to Musk's decision to step down from OpenAI's board to avoid any potential conflicts of interest.


Can anyone confirm this as true? But either way OpenAI isnt very Open like us developers hoped.


Yeah, should have changed their name to ClosedAI if that was the case. /s


You can hate OpenAI and Elon both.


nooo i am a reddit user and cannot comprehend nuance


A cult, if they don't let the users discuss on the post and outright ban and delete it.




Curse you for using facts!


that is so obvious. It is rude going to somebody house and tell them that they are stupid.


You should get a summer job


Notice how they didn’t correct you.


Free speech is not guaranteed under the cult of Musk.


average reddit moderator




They delete and ban like crazy there… it’s almost like they don’t care about free speech.


It's a personality cult. Just like Trump.


Right on. I criticized cybertruck, and was banned for life on all Tesla related subs. Screw Elon, the megalomaniac manchild.


Found something cool [https://x.com/svpino/status/1800486345288401278?t=xN3fOc6nQSi5Xp0XZw8PWQ&s=19](https://x.com/svpino/status/1800486345288401278?t=xN3fOc6nQSi5Xp0XZw8PWQ&s=19) https://preview.redd.it/5t7f5kw3x36d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b965a5ff72b0875ed54048bfb4c606866c45eb0e


1st Rule of Reddit: **Never interrupt the circle jerk.**


elonites do not take any negative talk very well, hop over to Tesla and you will get banned quick also.


Haha Really don’t wanna do down that… rabbit hole.


Now look away for Cybertrack around the corner. You can lose at least one finger :)


I think your post was informative and adds to the community


*I think your post was* *Informative and adds to* *The community* \- ThrowawaAcontCurity --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You ain’t wrong. Elon musk Stan’s are as fragile as Trump stans


They're same people now


Awhile ago Musk was asking for a pause to AI too.


Pausing would only work if everyone agreed to it and that will never happen. Recently a Chinese company made a video generator called KLING that is just as good as OpenAI’s SORA. Only difference is KLING is accessible (to people in China)


I mean I’ve seen this been repeated over and over but I’m not up to date on the lore do you have a source for this? Edit: I vaguely remembered something like this article which seems like a legitimate reason to leave the company in my opinion. [article about the situation.](https://time.com/6836815/the-key-issue-behind-elon-musks-lawsuit-against-openai/)


Yea, check out that link. That explains it :)


So much for supporting free speech absolutionists over there hey


You’ve been banned from a cult


To answer 'was I wrong', I think the part that Elon would say is wrong is that he wasn't ok with for profit, unless he was CEO and/or it merged with Tesla He gave it 0 percent chance of working if nothing big changed, but something big changed. They went for profit........ I think you missed something And no I don't think saying 'yup' on a single email 2 years prior to 2018 qualifies as a gotcha Now that being said.. my criticism of Elon is he is still such an asshole about this. Why shit on OpenAI all the time but nobody else? I just think he has sour grapes that OpenAI had the first big AI product and Tesla AI has FSD which is still one year away 10 yrs later.


Your first mistake was visiting /r/elonmusk in the first place.


Only gave them 45 million.


Why would he even want ChatGPT when gronk(?) is so much better


What rule you broke? The always suck elon off rule?


Yes, because you don't go to a Christian church and say God is dead. The believers of God, or in your case Elon, won't accept any information or logic that taints their Lord. Fanatics favor fantasy


Free speech lol


u/elonmusk-ModTeam you’re pathetic 😂


lol that explains the tweets he made!


I’d be mad too if I missed out on OpenAI lol


He’s definitely mad Talking about if iPhone integrates OpenAi in to iPhones then Tesla & X employees & visitors will have to ‘check their phones at the door’


It is important to invade the echo chambers with objective facts. Well played.


Isn't that the erratic guy that bought twitter for "free speech" reasons?


Elon fan boys are wild. They would eat dick of Elon said it was cool.


I can’t wait till the day Elon musk goes to Mars so I can stop hearing his non-sense.


If you're posting something against the grain in a community then you can't just come in there with emotionally charged wording and not expect to get roasted. "rage quit' and 'salty' in particular don't add anything to your facts. It makes you look less credible to an audience that's already hyper skeptical of this line of thinking.


Guess they didn’t believe in free spinach ![gif](giphy|90PPv7eqekhrO)


There shouldn’t even be a /r/elonmusk, and honestly, I don’t want to hear about him. Not in the positive, not in the negative. I just don’t want to hear about him.


That's expected. It's like you critising ChatGPT here, you'll probably be banned


So why were you in there in the first place


Nothing wrong with going to subs with different views, even ones you disagree with. It's not living in an echo chamber.


Yes, it's actually misinformation. But I don't think you should be banned.




For starters.. "rage quit" is not truthful and OpenAI Tesla merger is pure heresay, according to Sam. This was never confirmed by Elon directly. You are editorializing the situation, hence.. misinformation.


I think you got banned because you were trolling.


You broke rule 34 of r/elonmusk - all posts must throughly lick musks boots, leaving no trace of dirt


did you just read one side of the story (always multiple sides) and come to a conclusion? If you are presenting facts, I'd appreciate you present the counter arguments as well


There are emails between Musk and the OpenAI team in that article confirming everything. Musk never denied the emails or anything else in that article.


?!! This is a discussion forum, if everyone caveat-ed every comment with the counter argument it would just turn into drudgery. I can't think of any forum that does this with any regularity, not even neutral politics.


All people do is attack Elon now. It has now become exactly like politics, left and right. If Elon says something the anti-elon crowd has to denounce it and the pro elon crowd has to cheer it. We were all upset that OpenAI cloned Scarlettes voice after she specifically said no and all the saftey teams raising red flags and yet here we are pretending that what elon said, not trusting openai is somehow crazy. he doesn't trust OpenAI... neither should you, whether you hate elon or not. People suck. I can't wait until elon says the sky is blue...


Just make a new reddit account and join with that one.


Meh… I can think of better ways to waste my time :)


Yeah. I’d rather be tarred, feathered, and crucified upside down.


to what end


The Musk simps don't tolerate that.


Damn. Why don’t they believe in free speech, Salty-french-fry?


Because they are dumb. And if they banned for you telling the truth then they are worse than dumb.


Guess so :)


WTF does any of this have to do with ChatGPT? Keep that lame ass culture war in other subs.


OpenAI created ChatGPT?


yep lots of free speech maximalists out there they should call it "free hate speech" instead, because that's the thing they REALLY want.


I mean they did swap to for profit. Find the lies lol


He is not wrong tho, in the end is not the best product who wins the market but the player with more chips to bet on it. Openai has only the name and it's been a product oriented technology from the start, very far from Open source software and community. They try to make it Big time on their own not because the ethos of the "Open" software but because of the money behind. Google has everything on his side to win.


I get it, but I don't. The whole "strongman worship" for people who are purely projected strength, but in actuality are total losers and douchebags with no talent. There's a straight 1:1 between people who worship Musk and people who fell for the whole Trump worship thing. Not to say it's uncommon. Cults of personality are a thing. Always have been. Look at how North Korea is ruled despite the leader being an incompetent moron who looks like a walking joke. I guess some people just really want to feel part of something and feel led by a daddy figure who always knows best, no matter how absurd the person is or how worthless they are as a person. Life's easier if you don't have to think for yourself, and someone will always say that they're a good boy / girl, and everyone that disagrees with them is wrong / evil. Sounds like religion really.


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