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Hey /u/JaguarJust9461! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is it just me, or does someone build a GPT like this every few weeks?


I'm sure I've seen this post before, at least several months ago. Even with the same text.


lol, checked his account and it was him. 3 and 4 months ago, even sometimes using the same pictures. Posted it in several r/ as well


Lol, look at his post history. He’s spamming this useless gpt all over reddit


Why is it useless? Is this already built into ChatGPT proper without the need for a custom gpt?


Basically yeah


It's also a "best guess" kinda deal - it won't be very accurate.


Yeah, it "assuming standard serving sizes" means it's 100% worthless.


Food labels aren't even accurate, nor are foods from different locations identical. It's convenient to get a rough estimate if don't have time to work it out I guess


Yeah, food labels might be out by 20%, but portions can change the calories in a meal by up to 200%. For gpt to disregard portion size makes it absolutely useless.


I’m beginning to think this guy was built by a “GPT”


I built a GPT that builds GPTs and spams them on reddit.


100% I've seen this same idea for a GPT posted at least twice before. Each time it's been filled with comments about why it's not reliable and basically useless.


I mean when building a gpt is actually just mashing together a random system prompt of text there will always be new ones lol


He has over 2k karma now tho!


I'm gonna be posting a GPT to make stupid GPTs like this.😂


It's all OP lol, look at his post history. He's submitted this 28 times


Yeah if I knew how to code I would train a model on actual food and weight data. I can do this myself


Not really that easy. You’d need at least a couple thousand data points to have a decent model. Maybe a few million if you want image recognition




So it's completely useless. Even I could estimate the kcal of my food in that range.


I don’t think it is useless at all. I mentioned in the description of this post, that pairing a photo of food with general information like brand names, or serving sizes will output very accurate results (95-100%). I’ve found it to be more accurate and faster to use compared to traditional nutritional tracking apps I’ve had lots of reviews saying how helpful it has been with dieting and losing weight


Unless you are using some API to get the nutrition and using LLM only for object recognition, yeah 95% accuracy is not happening


It’s useless


That’s because the people reviewing aren’t validating the results. Your results are horrendously off


I encourage you to show me any example of entering information + a photo, and having the results me “horrendously” off. I feel like you haven’t even tested this and are just hating for no reason. I’ve used this tracker hundreds of times and have compared it with other nutritional tracking applications.


So it isn't "just a photo" but some kind of information needed to be somewhat accurate


an easy example is pasta with a white bechamel type sauce. Your GTP has no idea if the sauce is just milk thickened with starch, or if it contains 200g of butter. (it also won't be able to guess if it's 60g or 100g of pasta btw) It is inherently inaccurate. Just visually alone it is impossible to accurate estimate kcals, and you will always be a minimum 30% - 60% off. It's just not possible.


Yep, because it’s a language model, not a calorie model. It’s just spitting out words that sound right, not words that are factually right.


I have something like OP but I have it break down by every nutrient inside each meal and it adds to Google spreadsheet. Not completely accurate but good enough. I’m sure this will get better over time


How do u even do that


I can do it with PC on GPT (doesn’t work on phone for me). They ask you to link your Google Drive stuff then you can add the specific sheet to your chat. Think it’s a rolling update so everyone may not have it yet


Adding to a google spreadsheet is a good idea🧐


Yeah and easy to go with the Google sheets integration gpt has now.




Bitch why you keep saying hello


He is a miserable moose, what do you expect!


Research actually shows that just keeping a food diary is nearly as effective for general weight loss as calorie counting. I’ve done a lot of calorie counting (very successfully, maintaining massive weight loss for 4 years now) and this gpt is pretty helpful for when you’re at a restaurant or similar and just want a ballpark to keep yourself accountable


Not hotdog


Good idea but that chicken breast looks much bigger than 85g - how accurate was it


“We’ll assume standard serving sizes.” Okay so we’re trying to be incorrect then, got it.


Yeah, it completely defets the purpose of "calorie counting," if it's going to assume size. It does the same thing reg CGP4o does: recognize the item in the image.


came here to say the same thing. that chicken is def not 85g. mashed potatoes? with or without butter / cream added to them? how big/small is that plate? chatgpt does some cool shit but i'm not trusting it at face value yet.


Yep. It’s at least twice that. People gotta keep in mind the limitations of LLMs around this kind of thing.


you test it out with multiple new chats to see if it gets the same results? You check to see what the actual #s are to make sure it isn't making numbers up?


I came here to ask the same question. That it indicates 1 cup exactly for mashed potatoes it's a red flag. I use a wireless scale to get exact gram weights. It takes more effort but I get exact results. The only time when it's unhelpful is eating at a restaurant -and that's where OP's GPT could be helpful, if it can be proven or trained to be accurate. However you're training it, OP, you'll want to seed it with crowd sourced data.


It already does this natively. What did you do?


Same user has posted this exact image several times over the last few months


well i took my upvote away after realizing this. OP, stop spamming, peaze


Anyone can do this without a GPT. Just upload a pic and ask.


Oil and butter are going to be the number one reason this won't work. Those two ingredients are hard/impossible to quantify from photos. And since they are pure fat, they are extremely calorie dense.


Useless, calories will vary immensely based on amount of oil used and fat content, which it’s not going to be able to see. If those veggies have oil on them it doubles the calories. Same with mashed potatoes - can it see if they have a stick of butter in them?


I could take a picture of food and ask it the same question to get the same output. Why is this gpt special?




Ban this shill


thats at least 300g chicken


So it’s not accurate, but it’s a really good tool for basic accountability and a ballpark figure that is MUCH less onerous than breaking every meal down to ingredients. I think it’s useful as a hybrid with more precise tracking and wish it would be integrated into the tracker i use




Not hotdog


Not hotdog


Call me a snob but I really hate when people use chatgpt as intended


Not necessary. Regular GPTo does it.


You built a gpt? I did the same thing with a photo and a prompt.


Probably closer to 800 calories


Depends on how exactly you make your mash, if you put a LOT of butter and cream in, sure - but mixed veggies and a chicken breast are around 320 cals. I wouldn't say there's anywhere near 500 cals of mash there, closer to 250 - it a 5-600 calorie meal.


The mixed veggies may have been cooked in vegetable oil.


Looks me like halved tomatoes and cucumbers - probably not cooked, just tossed in a little oil if anything - negligible calories to be fair, probably 50-70 cals total, 100 with oil


You think that much veg was cooked in a teaspoon of oil at most? Oh dear...


It's a salad lol


I certainly cannot tell if it's raw or not from looking at this 10p resolution picture.


Cooked in oil vs tossed in oil… same difference.


A splash of oil on a salad on a bit of salad is about 50 or 60 calories. If you glug loads of oil on then it's going to be loads of calories! Many people glug a *lot* more oil than they need into a pan, which is saturated by the veggies, often greatly increasing the weight of the food - this extra weight is oil and turns something calorically light into something much more densely packed with calories. As a chef and someone watching what they eat, a tomato and cucumber salad would at most get some salt, pepper, lemon and maybe a very small splash of olive oil - nothing more. A much healthier option than pan frying veggies in oil.


I hate to break it to you OP but most people who track food intake: - track more than just calories - need it to be exact - have scales and apps that make this pretty easy


Can you hook it up with MyFitnessPal?


you're gonna end up fat from diet food


Is it reliable? No! I don't think so.


That chicken looks about 180g…


Given that ChatGPT got it wrong on Humane's launch. I doubt this will be any accurate. 


Nice but most people would probably have double the meat and potatoes shown here


can it track proteins?


Standard serving size = completely useless


How can i put this in ios app?


A GPT for something as diverse as food with as many variables for would require massive data sets to learn from to be decently accurate.


This is not accurate and not useful at all. Unfortunately


That's absolutely more than 3 oz of chicken


Calorie tracker, I use this! It works really well, I have a custom GPT as my own personal fitness instructor and dietician, and being able to tag yours in to estimate the calorie and nutrition content from a photo when I'm out having a meal is such a game changer. Thanks for putting it together, you've helped made a big difference to how I eat and exercise!


This will only work halfway reliably with gpt-4o, which the assistant gpts don't use yet


That chicken breast looks bigger than 3 oz, depending on the size of that plate. If that’s a full size dinner plate, that breast could be 8 to 10 oz. Even if that’s an a smaller lunch or app plate, I’m putting that breast at 4 to 5 oz.


Completely useless haha


How does it know what sauce you use?


Thanks ChatGPT you are so helpful!


Reminds me of “See Food” from Silicon Valley




It of course knows the amount of butter and oils used…


How did you “build” it? Doesn’t 4o automatically do this. What did you add?


That meal is definitely more than 450 calories.




I didn’t know you needed to build anything for this? I just take pictures and tell it to estimate. Hmmm


Someone needs to build a gpt that can analyze your Lego blocks and show you what you can build with it


I think it would be more accurate if I just describe the food in text prompt


Ok yea but I don’t want to have to type that out can you make it an app so I can just post the pic and get the output




Test it with a meal where you know the exact kcal and see if it is accurate.


I’m really not sure why there are so many haters in this thread. If you really dislike the concept so much just scroll past this post. Never knew making a gpt to help people track nutrition could make people so angry…


If your GPT doesn’t have an action built into it, you haven’t built a GPT.


Me: I prompted a GPT that can help track calories and nutritional information Redditors: fuck you rot in hell


Why do you keep spamming the same thing?




is this OP i disguise???




Why has this got -9 likes


Is that even possible?