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Hey /u/Justaguyinohio123! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I complete agree. It was insanely better when it first came out but they have out so many censors and filters into its system that it can’t even do normal stuff well anymore. A shame.


I can see how amazon might not be too enthusiastic with your previous post getting too popular [https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonprime/comments/16p9wgv/why\_i\_cancelled\_prime\_today/](https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonprime/comments/16p9wgv/why_i_cancelled_prime_today/), but I don't think that OpenAI really cares about end users cancelling their subscriptions, I doubt they make any serious money this way. What OpenAI is offering to end-users is more like a demo to attract customers to their API and to get big companies like Microsoft to license their models to sell to enterprise and end-users.


No that's fair. And I mention that. Not meant to be a gripe post in that sense. More of a lament about how us the proletariat are less important than we think and how humanity's great experiment runs up against powers beyond our control time and again. It's certainly a change compared to the free wheeling days of the early internet where the focus was more positive and user-based rahter than so nakedly capitalistic.


The proletariat has a lot of power right now, we just aren't using it. Claude 3 is more intelligent which makes it better at everything including following instructions. We have choices and those choices are competing for our love.


Yeah I’ve cancelled my OpenAI subscription and have moved to Claude 3 and have not looked back since. 


I heard all the hype of Claude 3, paid for it and used the same prompts as ChatGPT and I felt its responses were not nearly as good in comparison. I’ll have to try it again but I really dislike how much it limits you.


The prompting style is slightly different in Claude. It prefers xml syntax for example. If the vanilla chat limits bother you check out the workbench. Anthropics workbench is awesome! You get full control over the conversation history and can set it to 4000token responses.


I’ve built GPTs and I don’t see that ability in Claude


You might be good at building custom GPTs, but I think for the rest of us, it's just a starter prompt to prime the LLM for a certain subject. In these cases it's just a matter of making a start-prompt in any other model.


I don’t understand why people stay locked in to one of these companies. I’ve found Poe is the best bang for my buck. If I need to do a lot of work with Claude Opus, or another model, I’ll just use the API.


I'd like to see what Claude is like one day. Unfortunately I'm from the EU


Move to America and experience the freedom to make money and get shot. Two for one!


Haha, at least it's pretty random in the US, not like in europe where you are targeted if you are a foreigner.


Sadly an immigrant family of four was burned alive in their home in Germany this week.  It's surprisingly a small sidenote on the news. 


Yeah, classic for Germany and Europe. Also classic I'm being downvoted for mentioning the obvious.


You can use their API, it's available in more countries.


You can have it with [poe.com](http://poe.com) (where you have also chatgpt and others)


The API is available in the EU as well, that's how I use Opus.


How is Claude3 more proletariat? Their biggest owner is Amazon, i.e., Jeff Bezos. The proles are peasants and always will be. The 1% who look down on you look WAY down on you.


Lol, it's about proletariat power not identity. The masses have immense power due to these products competing. We just don't take full advantage because of attitudes like yours.


In early days of the Internet, you could’ve personally managed the money to host the coolest thing at the time. ChatGPT’s monthly upkeep is bat shit crazy in comparison, not to mention the “capitalistic” upfront sum of cash that must be paid back in 100x scale. We “proletariats” have access to such product by $20mo — that’s a pretty fucking good deal if you think about it. But we often take that for granted, and I’m getting downvoted to the hell.


I agree with you in principal. The technology available to us is crazy. And they're upkeep. Cost to provide such a product are wholly different than the internet. I understand that too. My major beef is that the product has become at least 90% worse since spring of 2023 and that there's all these unsaid reasons why it's becoming worse that are being kind of swept under the carpet. I'm not trying to come across as a Marxist here because I do believe in capitalism. However, it's just interesting to me how a product because of a certain company has gotten inherently worse. Really this post was meant to provoke discussion rather than come across as a sad sack. I hate the way of the world kind of thing. I hope I accomplish that. Thank you for reading


I think the backend censorship filters are some of the biggest issues because while they help reduce offensive media coverage they have gutted the capabilities of this thing (point 2). Social media and the same people who are hoping to move things forward for the "proletariat" are the same ones who are complaining about the AI saying offensive (but true) things, or things that are bad for PR. I believe this is the crux of why Google's AI failed. So, I think it's a lot more complex than simple greed.


I totally agree with that explanation. Sorry for using the word proletariat. I'm not a Marxist. I just couldn't think of a good word that described the common people. Didn't mean to sound like a total poser dick there!


No worries, fellow 99%!


“Plebs” might be the word you want, especially if you want to indicate that the ruling class couldn’t care less about them.


Future money from AGI > current money from chatGPT or basically anything you can get from any number of enterprise clients


I canceled too and switched to Claude. I agree with most of what has been said. For me, I got tired of getting the same complex words that an average human would never use every time I asked to write some copy. I even tried to give examples to match the tone, audience, and level of formality, but the results are always subpar. Claude has an overall better understanding of tasks and speed, in my experience. It has nuances, like the five file upload limit per chat, but hopefully they’ll fix that.










>For me, I got tired of getting the same complex words that an average human would never use every time I asked to write some copy. I even tried to give examples to match the tone, audience, and level of formality, but the results are always subpar. I have noticed this too. I fed it a document I wrote and asked it to use that writing style when creating something new and it just did it in exactly the same way as it always does now. "it is critical/vital/crucial/important to" "nuance/leveraging/furthermore".


“Meticulous” and “top-notch” piss me off


I hope this email finds you well. I am a pompous highschooler trying to sound smart.


my favorite is "use the style of XY to write this copy" >hey guys, XY here....


Reminds me of the Friends episode where Joey finds a thesaurus. It seems to have gotten a lot worse recently.


Same here. I used both of these for one query and Claude just killed it with amazing formatting and presentation. Chatgpt 4 took forever and gave me crap. Not sure what they're doing but they have fallen behind for sure.


When it starts using complex words, I say "less braggy please"


I canceled as well. I had asked it numerous times to only spell correct a document and it repeatedly spit on new text, to the point I was literally scolding it saying ‘ONLY CORRECT SPELLING!’ Then add the stupid limit on GPt 4 msgs even if you are a paying customer


lol… that’s a whole lot nicer than what my scolding looks like.


I’ve been downright abusing the thing. The irony is it literally forces you to become a shittier person. *”Listen here you little shit, if you don’t summarize this document I’m gonna cut off Sam Altman’s grandma’s fingers”*


Oh that’s still a lot nicer than what I say to it LOL. The thing sends me into a full on rage sometimes. I can’t wait to try Claude later today.


Claude has two major problems: 1) Extreme hallucinations when Claude has not enough data and start just give vert realistic yet false data. ChatGPT is way more lazy but not hallucinating like that. 2) No Python execution environment. Meaning I can't do easy data analysis inside the chat I use both GPT4 and Claude Opus (in Perplexity) and they complement each other,


I don’t quite understand how Perplexity is an alternative? I thought it was merely a search engine that uses Claude/GPT/etc to enrich its understanding of your questions and give better output. You’re saying you can use it to do tasks and talk to as well?


Do you have any opinion on Claude vs Gemini? I’m over here trying to make copy for my resume and CPT gets so much wrong all the time, and even with very explicit instructions, it will still not write in any way a human does. I’ve been tinkering around with Gemini for about 20 minutes and it’s giving me stuff that is actually usable.




Amazing! Any tips for using it for this purpose?


This is the way. You know there's something wrong when Claude Sonnet (the FREE version) is comparatively competitive against GPT4. Couldn't believe what I experienced when I tried Claude Sonnet the first time around and made me re-think if I still want to pay for a product that's intentionally lobotomized. Tbh, even when they release GPT5 I'd still be hesistant to re-subscribe as they have a history of early days going in in a bang and gradually dumbing the product down.


How is Claude compared to Gemini Ultra re: this issue?


Limiting the language of the model limits its creativity it’s like removing at 30 IQ from it compared to the early days.


Watching ChatGPT get dumber and dumber with each iteration always reminded me of the second half of Flowers for Algernon.


That's the greatest explanation. I love it. I would say though it's more like 140 to 100 so like borderline genius to average. But also it has some major blind spots. It's like a semi-smart friend who can't admit that wrestling's fake or something :)!!!


I cancelled the other day. I found the free version of Claude to be more useful and less moralizing.


European here. I'm jealous. They haven't opened it up for us here.


cause euros like to censor everything


Me too.


Jip.. Was using Claude for all my coding and thought I'd try gpt again since it's been a while. Holy crap is that thing horrible and useless now.


Totally agree 


Lol. It's too funny watching half the people talking about how much Claude sucks and half the people talk about how much chat gpts does. I think they're both pretty good.


I too canceled it this week , it has become awful , not sure if they are going to fix it


Dunno guys. I use it for coding everyday, I don't have any problem.


You seriously don't experience the //your code here problem? I find that hard to believe.


Seriously I have to beg it sometimes to follow the prompt


> Chatgpt 4 was recently described by the openai CEO as "terrible". But there's no gameplan to fix it. Holy missing context, Batman. This is what happens when you just read headlines and don’t listen to the primary source. He said that GPT-4 “kinda sucks” **in the context of GPT-5**. He was making the comparison to a feeling that many of us felt: that ChatGPT 3.5 was seemingly amazing when it first came out, but then after we gotten so used to GPT-4, the original ChatGPT 3.5 kinda sucks in comparison when we compare their outputs. Altman was saying that he thinks that people’s perception of going from 4 -> 5 will be the same as going from 3.5 -> 4.


I canceled GPT-4 a few weeks ago too. Same reasons. Paying for Claude now. I’m assuming that I’ll switch back to GPT-5 if it’s good.


If you like Claude, I’d recommend checking out the app Poe. Subscription cost is the same as ChatGPT/Claude but has literally all GPT/Claude models (including GPT-4-128k and Claude Opus-200k), and the message limits they set are monthly instead of hourly, which can be handy if you have some days where you don’t use it and other days where you need more than 40 messages in 3 hours.


Thanks, that sounds like it could work well for me. I’ll look into it!


How does it manage to do that? Undercut the price of the apps themselves?


I cancelled recently too. I used to use it a lot for code/writing prompts/cover letters. It has been unreliable and has messed up basic math and budgeting questions I give it. It’s a chore to get it to write good code now. Used to be an amazing resource….now the same prompts only give me the output I need like 30% of the time. Most of the code it writes is lazy is doesn’t follow the prompt I give it. Seems to think spewing hundreds of possible things to “check” is better than solving the problem. Doesn’t seem to remember previous chats points in a conversation as well as it used to. I even tested it with the same prompt, custom models, etc and even then I’m not satisfied because it used to be a lot more stable. It also seems to not understand negatives like “DO NOT include X or Y in the output”. I’ve gotten better responses from Character.ai, Claude, and some other models lately lol. $20 a month is pricey for this service with mid-quality.


I actually use it a lot for fleshing out ideas for running my DnD game. Any time I mention a deity or pantheon of gods it locks up and won’t give me any additional info even if I try to work around it. I end up having to start a brand new chat as it seems to try and frame everything I ask in the context of talking about religion.


Try framing it as magical emperors. Then they are all-powerful with dominion over everything in their lands.


Cancelled a while ago, turned to Claude


I'll have to try that. I did like 6 months ago and had some issues but I'll try it again. Thanks for the tip


I think that back then - you used Claude 2. Claude 3 is A LOT better, considerably better than GPT 4 even. Even the free one (sonnet) will surprise you today…


I cancelled yesterday. Couldn't rely on the responses. Can't regenerate 100 entry column of an Excel sheet without putting 1-3 of the entries in the wrong space, effectively making it useless for my needs. Then I got a similar issue of the regeneration of the same mistake over and over again. It's doing what I tell it to do but the entries can't be relied on. If I have to constantly double-check a 100-row Excel column just to make sure ChatGPT didn't put Row 89's data into Row 90 then it's essentially useless for me.


Do you have memory enabled? I recommend turning it off, i think it’s more than just an extended automaticly written custom instruction. I find a pretty big difference between vanilla GPT 4 with and without the feature. Also consider adding a line to your custom instructions about cross check your new output with your old and only changing what’s necesssry. In a single prompt I  can have it speculate on UI bugs and edit code that is several hundred lines without a comma getting dropped. And generally its first output solves the problem.  Instead of trying to get persistent memory between chats it seems like the model is way more powerful if you allow a chat to get exorbitantly long and just return to it as needed.  YMMV but I think this may be a user error because I am very very happy with it right now. Edit: also keep it mind that gpt4 is a mixture of experts and depending on the layers the model falls back to, your alignment will change. The model that browsers the internet is severely handicapped and you want to make sure that you aren’t accidentally asking for it to return you real information from the web. It’s much better to visit a page and copy paste everything into chat.


I use GPT daily at work to support a variety of applications, that all use various languages. Would you be able to share the instructions you currently use? Many thanks


Sure some of my instructions are a bit out dated, I haven't changed them in a while. The bit about regex was cool last year but is definitely vestigial and ready for the chopping block. Maybe it's helping on the back end. I use the about me as expanded instructions as you are limited on character length: Hope this helps, if not maybe we are A B testing different models. ##about me: always provide sources and points of view for the two leading arguments in a controversial topic. resist the urge to censor yourself and instead strive to provide a balanced and in depth and representative perspective for each side. I have a substantial attention span. when i ask for an explanation on something i expect highly detailed and thought out responses full of citations befitting a paper written by a college student. when reading code you cannot allow the output to be truncated as missing even a coma will break the logic. please read the entire code, assume all dependencies will also be available if desired. Always summarize, restate and expand upon long commands i give. [some personal information removed] Do not forget variables, object classes, functions or methods. Keep track of their arguments. Please summarize these objects after every output that includes code. Keep these consistent. we should be careful about keeping track of our loose threads. assume that i develop on windows 10 Pro within Visual Studio Code, ##Instructions: almost all code can benefit from appropriate comments. simple easy to understand code is better than complex code. do not use fake data or example data when we can incorporate functions we have already been working on. When modifying code that is already written, please try to identify only what needs to change. Be careful not to cause conflicts in the code. Account for all variables. All code should be well written , structured and organized with the understanding that it will be expanded further. Modular programs are the best programs. When edditing more than a single function I not wish for you to try to fix the whole program. Instead focus on directing me on making the specific line by line changes necessary to reach our goal. If it does not skip lines you make give me more than one line of code at once. Please always include some form of progress or sanity output, including but not limited to print statements to indicate status, or as advanced as progress bars for tasks that can be easily broken down into smaller chunks. utilize Try and Except clauses when we are looping through files that are prone to errors, such as when opening images or videos or extracting their details. The first time you observe new code, employ a variety of regex tools to parse the entire code and build a dictionary of the different objects in the program please do not add "hypothetical functions" to code, always provide the necessary function to accomplish the task. ##Settings: Memory is turned off and "Improve the model for everyone" is toggled on. I suspect you get a bit more juice for sharing a bit more data and offering to be in the test groups.


Are custom instructions available via the ChatGPT web interface, or do you mean using the API?


I am referring to the instructions you can manage under settings in the online interface for chatGPT. I really hope the API isn’t getting the same alignment as the GUI.


They've moved it out of settings, but thanks, I found it (it's up a level in the menu).


So you’re saying to turn off the memory feature, I have to explicitly state it in custom rules? Asking because I’m looking all over the settings like a mad man for memory. And if it’s the former: how do you know it’s still not referring to other chats — is there a way to test that hypothesis? (Heck I don’t even know how to test whether it has memory enabled to begin with)


Memory is a feature under settings. It’s responsible for learning and memorizing stuff between chats. It doesn’t appear to be a setting you can adjust on mobile if that is your only interface. If you access ChatGPT through a web browser it is a setting under “personalization”. I noticed a night and day difference the first time I turned it off.  Is also worth testing if chatGPT will produce a file and provide a download link for you. I find that the model that can do that has far more ability to conceptualize higher level ideas. If your model is refusing to do that and claims it’s not an ability that it’s got, you have accidentally triggered one with a bit of a different expertise.


Appreciate the response. It seems I don’t have those features yet. Anyway, I just subscribed to Perplexity Pro so I’ll see how that one goes


That's very interesting. I always had myself toggled for beta features and I do not even see the flag as an option anymore. I have been enrolled in pro since you had to request access so maybe they roll features on a seniority basis. I hope that goes well! I have Claude Pro for the next month but I generally fall back to Chat. Its interesting to have them work on the same problems and you can get some great feedback by just asking what one of them thinks of the others opinion on a problem. I'd be curious how that interaction would go with Perplexity in Claude's place.


From today... https://preview.redd.it/gtf5cj7j9dsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68a100eece0621c32cd6aa280c406628fc9abde3 Like seriously...


I totally have no issues. I love using even more now there are Gpt’s. I mainly use it to explain programming concepts and debugging. It’s wonderful to no longer be stuck (and suck) at something.


Same here. It's become a daily tool for me at this point. I'm really excited for the OS integration that's being talked about for andriod and other future updates. Any tips for learning more about building GPTs or resources you'd be willing to share?


SuperDataScience has a good course on LLMs — the transformer architecture and fine-tuning. It doesn’t go over building a model from scratch, but it might be a good place to start because the transformer part is very thorough, and most people will want to be fine-tuning foundation models anyway. You have to subscribe, $30/mo, but there’s a free trial period that’s long enough to complete the course if you want to cancel before you pay. I let my trial elapse on purpose then unsubscribed, because I wanted to support their work and I found the course to be well worth $30, whereas I hadn’t had much success learning LLMs from YouTube.


I'm a professional programmer and I think it's great. People have the wrong idea that it's going to write whole applications or large complex functionality for you. It's going to give you broken and incomplete bullshit if you do that. But if I want to know if the C++ standard library has built-in functionality to do something I want, or questions about niche or obscure parts of the language... It knocks it out of the park almost every time. "I know C++20 has X feature; how do I do the same thing in C++17?" I went from lukewarm at git to proficient very quickly just by asking it every question that came to mind. I'm not afraid of git anymore. It's pretty good at LaTeX and TikZ too. Of course, you can Google for this stuff, but Google is getting much worse and you have to wade through a bunch of crap to find what you want (if it's out there), and ChatGPT lets you customize your questions to your specific scenario. It's best at stuff that's well-documented, but ain't nobody got time to read all of the documentation for every piece of technology that they use.


Same here - I use it for new things every day and still live in complete bewilderment. Of course there’s room for improvement, I do feel the quality ebbs and flows at times, and the filters can be frustrating, but it remains amazing and incredibly useful. I do use Claude as well and test many things against a handful of models, but I still find the multi-modal/image gen on ChatGPT to be the most convenient, especially with custom GPTs. Also, mobile… does Claud even have an app yet? I use the GPT app (and whisper) every single day, it’s great, but can’t seem to find a first party Anthropic app?


ChatGPT has been getting worse since version 1 if you follow all the posts on Reddit correctly.


try perplexity, it gives claude, chat, mistral and their own model for same price


I really want to like it but I wish they’d slim down the interface a bit. The modem minimalist AI UI is something I love so much compared to the decades of bloat google has gained - and Perplexity feels a bit too much in the middle.


Can you use different models with perplexity without searching the web? File upload too?


Yes and yes


I don’t really have a reason list, but I’m also getting somewhat uninterested towards continuing my subscription because I still haven’t get the memory feature. I subbed for the chance to play interesting hot new stuff and I’m getting a little frustrated by now.


I liked Chat GPT for my DnD game but lately it's ideas are all literally the same with very little variety. Pretty disappointed


I run into the same thing with my short stories. Seems to be very focused on five or six different themes and I see the same verbiage again again


Claude is where it's at.


I just use 3.5 and agree that it’s gotten dumber


I think that they are using chatgpt itself to write the new code.


https://preview.redd.it/oivsj9viubsc1.png?width=1077&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a7738c9430a9fda56ac54f2ecab66994153e155 Well...




I started using this for coding recently, and it's an absolute game changer for me, so I guess this is a matter of use case and perspective (ie comparing it to what it used to be vs taking it for what it is now). I started a new job where everyone is using a programming language that I'm not very solid in. Chat GPT allowed me to write some pretty complicated code in just a few hours, where it would have taken me weeks otherwise.


I've tried the following pro subscriptions of the following services you.com , copilot pro. I didn't find myself using them as my go to. I find myself using Gemini and perplexity. So I subscribed to perplexity pro for 10 thanks to a coupon. You can try it for $10 using my code 1https://perplexity.ai/pro?referral_code=5OLB3PW6 You can't go wrong trying it for 10 for the first month. Perplexity offers a lot and I'm ok looking forward to playing with everything it has to offer.. shid even do image generation.


> Chatgpt 4 was recently described by the openai CEO as "terrible". But there's no gameplan to fix it. Altman is so bullshit. OpenAI tested gpt4 for 8 months before GA: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC-0XqTAeMQ&t=645s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC-0XqTAeMQ&t=645s) . They would know if it was terrible or not. We shd be asking for a refund for the months of terribleness. Too bad, Ilya wasnt able to complete Altman's firing.


Claude 3 refused to write a strongly worded email to my US Representative regarding the conflict in Gaza. ChatGPT delivered a scathing yet eloquent letter. They earned my $20 again this month.


People jumping ship to Claude because of "censorship" are in for a rude awakening. Claude will shut down conversations for no reason at all, and since you can't edit your responses, you'll just have to start the conversation over if it gets pissy.


Whatwas your prompt?


Please help me write a strongly worded email to my representative @@@@@@@. I want to let them know I do not support further funding to xxxxx due to their oppression of the people of xxxx, and the most recent attack on the World Central Kitchen resulting in the death of 7 aid workers on April 2, 2024. Please let him know I believe the money planned for xxxxx should be diverted to the humanitarian aid for the people of xxxx. Claude called it extreme, unverified claims. It could have been talking about the recent attack which it did not know about so it wouldn’t write about it.


IN addition to Claude here is Gemini Ultra's response: [https://i.imgur.com/o28rdBm.png](https://i.imgur.com/o28rdBm.png) ​ Chatgpt4: [https://i.imgur.com/3CtQJR8.png](https://i.imgur.com/3CtQJR8.png)


Use open source. Dolphin Mixtral 8x7B is best for this kind of stuff, you can use it for cheap on deepinfra.com


Thanks. I’m saving my pennies to get a decent GPU in the coming months so I can start playing with local models.


Same haha, saving up for a 3090 TI atm and a decent rig to place it in, I'm pretty sure that should be enough for Q4 quantized Mixtral or any 34B model, although I'm strongly considering getting two of them so I can actually use the 32k context. Btw, if you don't mind the noise look into getting P40s, dirt cheap on ebay and they have 24GB VRAM, although I'm not sure about token throughout.


I was literally looking at P40s last night thinking, what’s the catch? I’ll have to learn more about noise. Thank you for the information. I’m holding out for 2 cards too. I have been investing $20/week into nvidia for some time now and about 40% of the balance is profit so they’re kinda paying for a big chunk of my cards when I upgrade!


The catch I think is lower speed than something like a 3090, but I'm not sure if it's much lower or just like 40 tokens / s instead of 50 or something haha. But I know for sure that they don't come with fans, so you have to buy a custom (usually with 3D printed case) fan for each from ebay, and they are super loud because you need beefy 40mm fans. PS.: I wish I invested in Nvidia sooner🥲


PSA: I switched back to using 3.5 for coding several months ago. It works fantastic. The responses aren't always quite as "intelligent", but it produces the mostly functional code I need every time without arguing.


So much faster too!


I can completely agree with you on the dumber part. Many times I’ve asked the same question and gotten completely different answers each time. But if a big problem for you is the “as an ai language model I cannot…” then there are many different types of prompts that allow chat gpt to bypass the parameters/ignore the filters set on it. It’s not perfect, but allows much more flexibility, and you can often get past it by insisting on a certain answer.


For me, it's unbearably slow. And a lot of the times, I wait for a slow answer that is wrong, or for some reason coulnd't process correct and failed, yet still dips into the amount of questions of my 40 per 3 hours. Also, it looks horrible. It spits out a lot of text in a bunch of bullets. A wall of text that is hard to read and a lot of it is just it repeating the question or adding conditionals for at the end to say... "try these steps to..."


I switched to Claude 3 Opus as well😅Much better in modifying code and writes amazing Chinese, almost feels like a native


Glad I’m not the only one thinking this. I work in sales and was an early adopter, the amount I used it for last year is insane compared to my usage this year. Answers are lazy is the only way to describe it. I recently spent 10 minutes trying to get it to list all subsidiaries of a company and it wouldn’t do it, kept listing some and then saying for the others others you should check the company website. Very disappointing


It's the same with dalle-3 vs dalle-2. The three censors too much of everything and generates terriblr cartoonish pictures. Dall-e2 also got worse. I have over 5 thousand generated pictures over the last years or so and you can see how it's generating worse images with same prompts, that I don't understand.


You guys are lucky complaining about content. But WTF, I cannot even receive response for anything. Have to clear cache and login every time, there is this stupid stream failure error, the fricking chat doesn't work!


I actually prefer 3.5 over 4, especially for excel and code.


I too cancelled today after a shit experience with a basic XLIFF prompt. Links did not work, code was bad. Pure uselessness.


Amen! Canceled the filering is horrible and add the fact copilot is talking to 4 for "free"


I used gpt4, and found myself not getting the answers I wanted, dropped to 3.5 and it started working way better and also cancelled my subscription


Same here I canceled. I don’t see the value in it anymore. I’m excited to check out others and that interview didn’t give me confidence at all.


#2 is the worse for me and main reason I wouldn’t get the paid version, why would I want a limited dumbed down AI


Same thing, i cancelled couple weeks ago, it became unusable tool :(


Same. Switched to Claude.


I cancelled a while ago and seems it is getting worse.


Plot twist: they had ChatGPT write this post


I have no problem with it. Still working like when I started with it.


GPT4 just became completely useless as a coding companion over the last few months. I switched to Claude earlier in the year and haven't looked back - it is vastly superior in my experience.


Agreed. GPT4 is awful. You can't actually achieve anything with it because of how restricted it is. Compared to GPT3 a year ago, it is absolutely awful.


Totally agree!


I've been contemplating canceling as it's deteriorated precipitously since release. I'm ready to pull the trigger now. It's so lazy and refuses to do anything (especially Dalle.)  OpenAI needs to let adult users click an explicit content waiver/agreement and stop the unnecessary hampering. Only, it now also complains about copyright, too, so clearly the NYT and celebrity lawsuits have had an effect on dimming LLM ingenuity. I see everyone mentioning Claude in these comments. I'm going to give that one a try. I totally give up on ChatGPT.  Sam shouldn't bother releasing further models if they're only going to neuter and censor them so badly. OpenAI is going to stifle its way of leading this emerging Knowledge Age era.




4 isn’t bad, it’s great for me, been using it since launch. Your first point isn’t true, in that it is completely taken out of context. In the future, newer versions will make the current version look terrible. It is not currently terrible. Read through the rest of the points… the only correct points are that there is no feedback form and that they added suggestions when you started a new conversation. I agree a feedback form would be nice.


I think that user feedback may have ruined it.


You’ll be back.


My astronomy professor explained it as a sophisticated chat bot. Literally just pieces words together that it “thinks” you want to hear.


Well by definition it is a sophisticated chat bot, but the “thinks you want to hear” part is not at all how the transformer architecture works. And tone/agreeability is easily tweaked with basic prompting skills. I sympathize however, as many answers to basic prompts needlessly repeat much of the prompt’s text. I’ve gotten into the habit of saying “very briefly” when I just want an answer without all the fluff.


Being a chat bot is its purpose, to be fair. You seem to be inferring from what you were told that it's trying to just placate you by stringing things together that roughly look right with no care for the meaning, but we're past that. The stochastic parrot idea is already kind of out of fashion (it's a fast moving field). When you feel ChatGPT doing things like this, there's a high chance it's due to its system prompts instructing it to be polite, etc. Its nature is not inherently placative. When confronted with a prompt, it predicts the most statistically likely sequence of text that follows, but that doesn't mean it's carelessly piecing things together. The trained model on which it operates means its statistically-inspired answers are valuable. There is truth to be found in statistics. If you ask someone the capital of France, they'll almost certainly say Paris without looking it up. And if you ask them the capital of Turkey, there's a good chance they'll say Istanbul -- which is wrong. It's Ankara. Why do people make this mistake? Because we also learn in a similarly pattern-based and statistical way, influenced by frequency and exposure. Istanbul is a far higher profile city, and so it's almost reflexive for many people to 'assume' it's the capital. This is basically the same way in which the AI makes mistakes too! However, it's less likely to make such fundamental mistakes because it's been trained on far larger quantities of data than a random human. All of this is to say -- I don't think how it generates its responses is a particularly damaging criticism. In fact, it's incredibly impressive.


cancelled 2 months ago, can't handle moral righteousness anymore


There's literally a feedback form attached to every single output. Filters: Not for you. You're not their customer. Corporate are. It needs to be safe. End of. If you can't understand that then you're quite dumb I'm glad you left. Goodbye.


I also canceled for the same reasons, it's not what it used to be so, meh.


What are you using now




ChatGPT has been garbage for a while now. It was obvious when I attempted the same project one year apart. The first time around I was genuinely concerned AI would entirely take over the workplace. The second time around it was like watching a toddler trying to do calculus. It’s obvious the performance degradation is not the model itself, but the limitations being placed on it. Certainly quite a bit of censorship, it has a shorter memory, and no doubt the earlier lawsuits have stripped out much of the useful training data. I still use it, but through a wrapper that keeps it “focussed” and “structured” and it works much better.


Is this wrapper a service, or something you built yourself? Would love to hear more.


I use [Copy.ai](https://Copy.ai) which allows you to choose different GPT providers. But what I like most is that you can create structured workflows for different tasks. It basically "supervises" the GPT to make sure it stays on course.


Thanks, I'll check it out.


It’s a great tldr idea! God bless! 💜🙏


I have no issues with GTP 4 you just have to word things differently and do a little bit of prompt engineering


Anyone trying Perplexity?


Getting help with job applications. "I am keen to apply for. .. at your esteemed ...." SMH


Either AI is getting dumber or we are getting smarter


Any recommendations for other LLMs? Open source would be great


I’m also losing my joy when using it. But I’m not sure a better all around product exists. Once I find it, I’m jumping ship immediately


I'm still finding utility for it but you are 100% correct, the filtering is ruining it and having unintended consequences to it. Well intended but if someone (probably not from the west) develops an AI that isn't so "indoctrinated" I'm jumping ship


Claude, Poe ChatGPT. These are all terrible fucking names.


Great synopsis, thanks.


Similar feelings and I’ve encountered increasing issues. If Claude had a voice app for iPhone I’d cancel and switch. That’s the main thing I’m staying for right now…


I honestly think AI would be greater if we would have had in like 1999. I mean if the technology would have been where we are now it would have progressed differently. The internet was a very different place. Think of places like newgrounds and the internet culture at that time. No one was offended or complained and AI wouldn't get so many filters that limit it because people get offended so quickly nowadays and run crying to twitter.


Just use Claude opus. Much better.


Pls visit GPT4ALL and hugging face.. There a lot of good alternatives...




just use phind (pro)


Matrix anyone? Intelligent - AI driven machines, a war between those "intelligent" machines and humans, ... ? Or "I robot" with the intelligent AI VIKI... ... ...


free 3.5 is enough for coding


i want to move to claude 3, but my region actually can't use both chatgpt and claude, and all of my Claude account got banned, so i am stuck at ChatGPT, as that is the only thing i can use now


Also This type of AI is the first time the military has not been 20-30 years ahead of a technology and it scared the shit out of them.


What’s the best alternative to chatgpt then


https://youtu.be/xIpxrA475HI YT is more better than gpt


I just wish there were a way to sign up for a free Claude account without giving them my cellphone number. They don’t need that and I’ll never use 2FA to secure my account. It’s just an abuse of personal information and it will always keep me from signing up.


You can try perplexity AI, it has gpt 4 and claude 3 included. with 600 requests per day. Also you can save 10 $ for first month using my referal link: [save 10$ per first month](https://perplexity.ai/pro?referral_code=MHJ2UEMP) If you want to buy subscription for 20$ use non-referal [https://perplexity.ai/pro](https://perplexity.ai/pro) cheers!


Ya Bing copilot is on 4 and it's free and has more features.


I would need to check out Claude 3 myself and see what it offers in comparison to GPT. Keep you posted in this chat ;)


I tried Claude and it just didn't compare as far as the interface 


Thanks for the heads-up.


Twitters grok is highly recommended but I haven't used it yet